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<br /> „ rtot to Cxcs�d ths mexkrn,�m esnount e 1^nd�r far n tad^rall� mtnted n�ortaago (osn msy requao (ar BonoH�n e�crow accoun! und.w the ^ �-.—:
<br /> t�d�rat Ft��l Eet3t��citEe,�c�t Rrocedurea llr.t ot 1374 es n.r;;ndcd tram fE�ra to t4s�a, 12 US.C. 2"v01 CS EtCq. (`ReS?A°),unfas�anot�cr Ua ; � .:�}. .�
<br /> thcl r.�p!:�� ro lii� Fen�a cc:� n I�a°cr cr�zoum. If oo, l.cntt:.r nay, n4 cny ttz��, cofact cnd hotd Fund� In en cniounf nol to c:�c�c0 tha � +'�'
<br /> l�aocr cmounl. Lcnd�r f�t�y Csf��t�i� t1� cmount al Mnd� duo on Ih� b�:�13 of currcn! d�t� r.nd re��onebi� cstini�tc� oP r�:�d:tura ol j "' � `
<br /> tuture E¢Crow Itoms of otharwt.e In aceordanco wHh epgl;ccbie Ivw, � .
<br /> ° Th�Funds ehaY bs hotd in an hatRutbn whoa�dipA�k�Rra Ontur�d by�fadKal tQa�oy, hetrumentaGiy,or snlRy(Inobdhp LenQar,B � --
<br /> �.onde► ly auoh an instR+.+tbn)or In eny Fndusi Home Lotn menk. Urtd�r ahaM a�py th�Fund� to pa/ tho Eecrow I¢ema. Lender may oo► Wf�
<br /> ch�rpo Bprroww fot hoidinp and nppryhp lh�Funds, onnualy 1u»�exh0 lho osCrow ncCOUnt, or vwiryinp tho Escrow Ilems,unless lender I ����
<br /> paye �ortoww Ytterest on tt, Fund� and appl�tbis bw pamNt Lendw to mck� ouah �chuQs. Howavw,Lendo�may r�quln Borrower to t. . �
<br /> �� , pey a on►tYns charry�lor u�� �Gap�dzni r:zl c:tata t�;+r:;pori:��G:.N'w'0 u::i3 by LCii6.:7 L7 CURiI�,^,iton ritlh Ihla �oar:. un��:,n epp!:��ba �lv � "�'"-
<br /> . l `� � _�
<br /> provfde� oth�rwfs�. Unte« an eprNmw�t Ie ma� or �ppiio4bN kw raquin� Int�rost to b� prb, Lond�r ahoN not b� roquirod to p�y I
<br /> Oortower tny Interost or eaminQa on th�Fund�.Oortaw�r and L�nd�r may a�i�i wrNhp,however,th�t bterest ahall be p�(U on tha Funde. �-
<br /> LantlYr ahtN plve to Borrower, wNhou!ch�,4��nnual Rcaauntinp of th�Funds. 61towY►p crodKa�nd debRs to ihe Fund� and th�purpose � �
<br /> for whtah enoh debR to th�Funds waa m�d�. Th�Fund�u�plad�d n�sdditbnal sacurityr tor�II sums Fecurod by this Socurity Instrument. (
<br /> If th� Funds h�id by L9nd� acead th� unounts pertnkled to b� hetd by eppl�CSble yw, Lendor shab account to BoROwsr for the I �;
<br /> excesa Funds in accerdrnco��i3h tho reqalrarn:nts o}eppt�a0b �ia. If lha cmouat of th�Funds h.!�by Lcnd�at nny ttn9 u not suffcf°nl f ' °-
<br /> to pay tA� Escrow ItKn� wh�n du:, LonndK rtuy so notky BortowM In wrRhp,tnd, h such caEe BoROwe►BhoM p�y to LsndYr ths�mounl ' i�_
<br /> necessary to mak�up th� dafkfwwy. Borrowa shaN rt�ak� up th� dN'�cMnay h no more than twoke monthy payments, at I.end�e sole � �� .+• -
<br /> discretbn. � �- ^`
<br /> Upon payment h Nil ot oN 6ums eecured by lhis Secunty InsWma�t, Lender ehaA prompty retund to Dotrowe� any Funds heb by „ �• �'��
<br /> �, � I.encbr. U, under en h 21,londer thafl�c Iro or soll th� Pro perty, shaq epAH "`�.�" =
<br /> p Qnp qu perty,I.�nder, prfor to the acqulskbn or sab o}the Pro � riaa-�,�'�--
<br /> " any Funde hold by Lender et the tkne ot acqub�bn or sele as 4 credi apahst tha sums secured by thts Securily� InsWment. i , � �w_.;� _
<br /> 3. Appticatlon of payments. Unleto applicabW Ww providea othawxe,au payments receNed by lender under perapnphs t And ���. ;�,,, - -
<br /> . 2 BhaN ba appNod: Nrat, to�ny prepaymait chupa du�undu tM Nou; aacond, to amounts payabte under parapreph 2; thYd to interest
<br /> „ due;tourth,to prkia�al due;and 1sst,to any late chrrpes due under the Noto. ��±�'.�
<br />� 4. ChMQOB; LIO11d. 8crtower shaN pay aY t�xes, aase�smenta, chupes. thes and lnposkbns attrbutabM to tha Prop�rty wh(ch I {,, ;,,�,;:
<br /> may attnm pdority over this 5xurky Instrument,and leasehotd payments or yround rent�,M any. 8orrower ahel pay these obllpetWns h Ihe f ' '� `�'' :,—.
<br /> , � manne: pt�vWed h parapraph 2, or B not paid In lhet manner, Bonower shall pey them on tYne d�recty to the pe►son owed paymenG I ^;y ; ' „,.__e•>°
<br /> � Borto�vo� shaN prompty fumfsh to Lender aN notices of amounte to be pald under th�s perapraph. II Bortower makes these p�yments ��
<br /> � dirocUy, Borrowet ehe�promptty tumish to Lender recopis evfdertcinp the paymfxit3. I -� ` !
<br /> BoROwer shaM promptly dkchupo �ny fian whfch hYS prbrity awr thb Security Insdument unbss �oirower: (a)epreos h w►i�thp lo tho I
<br /> pnyment of tha oblipatbn secured by the Ifen Yi e manner e�:eptnble to Lender; (b) conteste h pood faNh the uen by,or detertds epstnst � ' "�!_ _ �
<br /> entorcement o!the Ikm fn,lepal proceedings wh�h In the Lenders ophion nperate lo prevent the enforcement of t�e l�eo;or(o)aecure�hrom •`�,�
<br /> i _ �t:.w�� _ �c'
<br /> °— --- �- the holder ot the Aen en aproemeat sat�siactory to Le�tie�r suoord�atinp tne nen [o mis becuriry instrumeni. ii Lender deiamnos in¢i eny ,�-
<br /> part of tho Praporly Is sub}ect to e lien whlah may ettnin prbrry over this Security Instrumenl,Lender may ghre 8ortower a notice idenGyhp � �
<br /> ' the lien. Bortower sheq satisty tNs Ifen or teka one or moro oi the actbns set lorth nDove wkhh 10 days o4 the qhrinp of notke. I •• �t'•�'`
<br /> :�
<br /> 6. Hez�d or Property Inaurenee. BOROwer 6ha1 kesp th� Improv�ernet�ts now exVStinp or here+tft9r ereCted oa l'h� P�Opetty � • � M�"�
<br /> fnsured apahst bss hy Rre, harards InCt�ded wkhin the tertn 'extended cov�repo' and eny other haxnrds, NCUdfnp (taods �r rl�odinp, (or t '�'
<br /> w h�h L e n d e r r e q u l re s h s u n n c e. T h b h s u r a n C e 6 h e 1 b o rt w h t tin l d h th e�m 0un t s end fot th0 perbds that Lender r e q ulres. Yhn tnsuranci � t-
<br /> cartie� providhp tha hsur�nce shaM be chosen by Bortower subjact to Lenders approval whfch shae not be unressonnby w�hheid. II � �
<br /> Oorrower(ntis to matntafn covera� descnbed above, Londer may, at lsndera optbn, oGtah covoreQe to profoct Lender's riphts h the , �-�,�t'i
<br /> PropeQty In occordance wkh parapraph 7. � ', �
<br /> i
<br /> All hsurance polkies and reneHals shaM bo accepteble to Lendar end shal{nclude a standard mortgape clausa. Lender shali have the � , ,
<br /> , '� � rip�t to hold the policles and ronowals. if Lender requiros, Bortower shaw prompty pNa to Londer aA rc�celpts at pald premlums and renawal . . . • '�_ -
<br /> notfces. in th9 ewnt of bss, Borrowa shaq phre prGmpt notfCe to the hsurance Certier and Lender. Lender may rnake proof o} bss tl oct �,� ?►� �
<br /> mnde promptry by Borrower. -
<br /> : :�
<br /> � Uniess Wnder and Borrower otherw�e ayree in writinp, hsurance proceeds shaq be eppli0d to restom!'�on or repaY o} the ProQerty �
<br /> damaped, M the restoration or repalr hs economiraly feasfble end Landors security ts not lessened. tf the c�storatwn or repafr b not ! 5��
<br /> � oconomtcaty toasble or Lendar's security would be lessened, lhe hsurunce proceeds shaq be agplied to the sum;Secured by this Socurily ' ' �"
<br /> Instrument, whether or not then due, wRh any tvccess paid to Bortower. I} Bo�uer ebandans tho PropeRy, or �'oes not answer wilAh 30 , • „�',�
<br /> daye e notbe(rom Lander that the hsurance carrbr has oHered lo settte a cI�Y�,tnen Lender may collECt the tnsur[nCe proccaeds. LeRder +•. t
<br /> may use lhe proceods to repalr or mstore tho Propaty or to pay eums socurod by this Socurity Instrumunt, whethu or not thon dua. Tho ' `w, r
<br /> 30-day perk�d wW beph whan the notice fs pMen. � ,.
<br /> Unbss Londer and Bortower otherwlse opree In writhg, eny eppllcatton of p�oceeds to principul shall not extend of postpono the duo ,
<br /> date ot the monthy peyments referted to h pamprephs t nnd 2 or chanpo the amount o!the paymonts. If und9r paregro�n 21 tho P�oOerty ';
<br /> Is aCquired by Lender,maYOwora rfyht to any Insurance poi'�cWs end proceeds resuAhp hom damays to the Prop¢rty prlor to the acqubltWn •
<br /> '� " shaN pass to Lender to the oxcant of the sums st�cured by this SoCUrity Instrumeni Ymiedietnh prlor to tho acqulskbn. ,, _
<br /> 6. Occupancy� Pres�rvAt9on, Matntenance ertd Protect[on of the F�rop�aty; �arrower'e Loan , �
<br /> � Applac�tlon; Leauholda.eorroW�r shar occupy, establi5h, end u5e the Property ss Borrowe�'s ptinCipal res{deriCe w�thh s6Ry days
<br /> � nRor tha oxocutbn ot thb Security Instrument end chaq conthue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pr{ncipnl restdence tor et bast one S
<br /> year after the date o}ocCUpancy, unbss Lender othorwiso flgroes fn wrdinp, nhieh canueni ahal!not bo unroa:,onuby wRhhoid, or unG3ss
<br /> extenuatiny circunislences exlst whiCh are beyond f3orrowe�'s Conlrol. Dortawer sAah nat da�VOy,damaae ur Impalr tho Propsrty, aliow tho
<br /> Prop�.�ty to datcrbrate, ot Commk wusto on tho Proporrry. Bortowor shau bo h dolauK M any toAotturo nct6on or proccedin�, whothrTr cNi!or
<br /> , crtminai, Is bopun thut h Lsndars gaod tafth Judqment could rosuR In PodoRure of the Property or otherwiso mstcxialy 4npaP Iho 1'wn Creatotl �
<br /> by t1iES Security Instrument or Lt�ndor's sacur�ty Interest. �oROwer may cure suah e dofauR nnd relnsteto,as provldod In parepraph tB, by �
<br /> � causinp the flCtbn oi proceodhp to bo dlsmis�ed wRh a N7inp that, 1n Lendode go0d faRh dotorminattnn, procludos lort0�turo of tho
<br /> Rnnnur�n htrast N the Procortv or othor mato►ial imnahnnnt of tho I'en croatnd bv thb Sacuritv I.�sWmant or Lnndnru socurav Inturast.
<br /> � - -- _ . . . . . . . . - -� -
<br /> - Borcowe►shall also be h da'auk M Bono�rcx, durinp the ban eppiication pracess, flave matortatry tatso or b�accurato hfortnatlon or stntements '
<br /> � to Londor(ar fait�d to provido Lendcr �vRh nny materfal intorrnation) h connectlan wfth tho b�n ovidoncod by tho Noto, inCNding, Gul not
<br /> 4 linkod to, repr�,.entetWns concominp Borrowers occupancy of tho Prop2rty ns a prin�ipal rosldence. If thls Sacurity Insuumont is on n
<br /> � fees�hold, 8orrowor shaq campy wfth aA[he provisbns of tho k+eso. If Borrower nCqulros foo t�tb to the Proparty, t9�o feasohold ond tho •
<br /> ' tee titlo shnU not mExpo unbss tha Londor aqreos to cho mapa In wn'tlnQ.
<br /> 3
<br /> � PCD��o�6 Farm�074 7:0� ,
<br /> F102D.L�!0(tO/G7)
<br /> � " 02
<br />