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L 'r�y .f r` j, -37 �._ _. <br /> ''��Yi ' ' .: �� F ,�C ,. , .7 G . _.k T _i tl •y .1�.. -y • rrNF �L����luAt�l - <br /> `� } � c ..S y� � c y '� —/`+�' ri�' �? .r �Y ' � r x�G <br /> x V <br /> ` ' "• .',K. . � � . �. � .`y �r'`c_f i i ,t.''` "�,'�F �`�. � S_�.t"� ,ff.h f,., - <br /> �i_!� .aG:.i- 4'i�'" . ..� j � i-t:)ff-4 � 0=� �� -. . �,_�_ _... <br /> .s�..:.T �} _ '°7. ��.4,�- ��' ��:' e t : f t f.T.`+'r- f�-,'-ue--v�v{-'Frt'��-�y�-�r��'�L���ar�'-a�-�-�,-�� — -- <br /> «< �# ? _ ;[. r � S' �' ;�.'� ��,}'�tLtca�ti:���&'�SFdiC3•y�",i�,. - <br /> ' +•` . _ _ _ --- —_.-_ <br /> - `��__k- _...:_..)' . . _. <br /> �'S�'N� �� .:;5�\ . . . ` - . . � <br /> , F��,��E��' . . • � ` — <br /> -_�.�.r����.♦�-- � t`9�$-��,f,I�I�� - <br /> �:����{r.� � . . . . . <br /> �" -�- ==� 5: H�ud or�gerty �s�trttac� BortoNer shaU keep the improvemeats now existing or hereaf�er erected an_the <br />_--���:��;���± <br /> __ �:•°.�:. � Pcaperty insnr�against toss by�ire.haTards i�ctuded arithin the term "exten�covera�,e"and any othes'hazards,ir.cEudia�. <br /> 2: -,Y :•-: flaods as ftgadinD.�for which i.ender�ulies iasuranoe..'fhis insurance shal�bc mtiatained.ln ttie amounts and far lhe per€ods <br /> "�r����,, � Y J �P'P <br /> _!;¢.�.,,�, .,�,.��,;�. t�t Lender requues.Ttte insurance ca�trier prnvidin�the iASUrance shall be chosen 6 Botrotivcr sub ect to Lend�r's mval <br /> _``--?,,.`._�" ,�:...:�,.; . whied s3�all not 6e u�easonably witl�heid. [f Bnnower faits td maintain cflvera�e descri6ed ubove. LeuQer may,aY Le�der's �_ <br />�-�; ;`: .,��:• �:. � updon.a6tain cover�ge to pm►ect Leader's re�hts ia the E'roperty in accordance with paragraph 7. ` ^— <br />:'_�6,, l`....,.a� i .'�."� ' ' . <br /> � , s ` At1 insuranoe policies aad r�newals shalt be acoepta62e to Lender and sha1l i�clude a staadard mortga;e clause. I�tder_ <br /> 1�� '- 4�c. �_ sbaZ!6ave ths right to hold the pulicies and rene�vals.If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptEy glve to Lender all receipts of � <br /> "a •,�.. _ .:; . - • <br />: ;• paid premiums ar.�iencwa!notices.In the event of loss.Bormwer shall give prompt n�tioe to the insurance carrier and Lead�r <br /> ;�'--:.�',- �.;.'�':� ,`,`. I.ender znay make proof of tos if not made promptly by Borrower. . � . <br /> :�;ti.; ' -:• -. ' Unless I�nder and Borrower otherwise agreE in wr.iting,inm�ncQ procexds shall be applied ro cesio�suon or rep�of tl�e � <br /> �-°,-``..� �-._-`.'• if the r�storation ar repair is economic�lty feasz'6Ie and Lendea's nn2.l�s�.If th$restomtian or <br /> . ��-:.r".,. PcoPertY d�naged•� a z <br />._..,,:r ��,.=,r, .�;.;..: . <br /> .,;- . . ° .:.` � . repair is not econamically feasible or I.endds secarity would be Iesseued. the insurance proceeds shall be apgl�ed to ttte sums <br />-_�$;;': :�:.`�: : .� .`. . <br /> , , • secur� 6y tlris Secutity Instrament, vrhether os naY then due,with any exc�ss paid t�Sorinwet. If$arroms atsand6ns ttte <br /> -�-�~;�f �'A�.�',� �>_ I�ropc.rt}r,or does not answes wiihin 30 days a notice from L.ender th�the�iusura�car[isr has offerec!to settte a Claim.thc� , <br />' '��_:...� ; �nder may anlled the insuranoe praceeds. Lender may use the.pracecds w repair Pz t�tvre tbe Fragerty or to Pa1I � ...�,:; <br /> m.: x � , . <br /> i:�rsred by d�-�u�►ty Insugn►eut,whetfier or not then due.'fi�3�Y Per�od w►�1 begin vJh�t�e uatice is given, , <br /> ��, ; f . =�. , u� . , <br /> s ,s�.;...,4;: . � ..: UnI�s r �':. and R w�`�eawer ot4erwise agree in.writ¢[g,��.�plication of proceeds'G.����all nat exc�ts,�', , <br /> ���f��f �, . . `����e��*.;,.��ai�iiis a*.ontiily payacents refercc'��:o ia par�fu 1 and 2 or�t�re�'..c�csf�;'ze Faya�-'1�� ' <br /> .��;�� >�,•;� ���'" . ���;=�r`�2F.�.:.F�y is�y;r�by LRnder,Borrtiwer's right to aay insutanoe pol���al g�roc�eds i�esutt��� <br /> • �:,,�'.,<�`•� {;'`,.`"�" damage to�:.�'opertY Priar to the acq�eas's�ion shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the s�s se�ed 6y tIus Secarity In�nv�tt <br /> . > <br /> � ,' . '�� immediately prior to the acquisition. . <br /> I.�, .. � .. 6.tkcapaacY,Pres�vaifoa.Mafrtenance.aa�dYmtection of tIle.Etopeity;Borrawer's Lo�a AppIie�t[on:�iotds• `. <br /> :.�._• ::, .•,' ! <'I''�� Barrower shall accupy.establish,and use the Propercy as Borrower s principal residence witUin sixcy days after thc ex��arion of� <br /> ': •r. �.�:.�,� this Security Insmiment and shall oontinue to accupy the Propetty as Borrower's principal residenoe far at Icast tfne year after , <br /> , ���.` �� the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherw�se agrees in writing. whirb aonsent shall ttot beunna�nably withhetd,ortuiless • <br /> - _:-,__--- _' eatenw3ting circumstancec exist which ar� 6eyond Barm�r's control. Borrawer shall not desuoy. damage or imQair t1�' • <br /> .' . , • , �`�!� Praperty. allow the ProQerty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property: Borrow�r shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> • � • � ctction or pmceedins. whether civil or be�n tpat in Lender's good Paith judsment coutd result ia forfelture of the <br /> � • . � � Property or othenvise materially impair the lien aeated by this Security Instnvmeni or Lender's[ty interast.�orrower may . <br /> • � cure s�sch a de€auit and reinstate,as provided ia paragraph causing the aciion or prooeediag to be dismisse�l a+iu►���8 <br /> � ; � �� � that. in Lender's good faith de'termination. preclud�.s�`orfeiture of the Boaower s interest in the Froperty or other matesiat <br /> ' � . . , ianpairment of the lien created by this 5ecurit}t Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bonower shall also 6e in defaiilt if <br /> Botrower.during the loan application process,gave materially falsa or inaccurate information or statements to I.ender(or faitpd <br />".� ;� .�� � • to pravide Lender with any material infom�atlon)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Nate.tncluding,but nat li�ted <br /> . .. �. � to�representations conceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal aesidence:if tlsis Security Instnunent is on a <br /> . leasehold. Horrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. Ii Borrawer acquires fee title to the Property, �.he <br />,; �� � � � leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge uniess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> . � . 7.Protection of I.ende�'s Rights in i�e Pcopertq.If Borrower fails to perform the covenams and agreements contained in <br /> . ... tlris Security Imswment.or there is a legal pracee�mg that�y significamly affect Lender's rights in the 1ProperiY(such as a <br />-- ' �. •'' . .5,;1 pmceeding in bankcuptcy.probate, for wndemnatifln ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),the�i,�nder may da aad <br /> . ,. �. ,:<. <br /> ' `�.',' pay for whatever is n..cessary to protecz she value of the Properry and Lender's ri�hts in the Jl�rr.:perty. Lender's actian�:�y <br /> ;•: .'�• `;.�c . .�;..: n in court. �i�r-%ng <br />'-��,-;.s:.,;�,'_.;•:-.�.. ,. iaclude paying any snaLC secured by a lien which has•prioriry over this Security Insmuneaa, appeari B <br />'` a . seasonable atta�neys' fees and entering on the Property to make repaus.Although Lender may take action ander this pac�'!agh <br /> • �� � `�� `� � 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br />_ .�•� •� � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sIz�ll become additional debt of Borrower secured �ik�ihis <br /> '; ••� � � Security[nstr�ment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other t�:m.�s of payment.these ara�iunts shall bear interes4 Crr�the <br /> ,�ti ' ' . <br /> clate of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, wit[4 6rnerest, upon norice from I.ender to Borrower re�esring <br />�:�� .. � . � payment. <br />. _r . _ ,. S.Mortgage Insurance.lf Lcnder requireG rreortgage insurzr.ce as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Secvrity <br /> ��` � � . � Instrument. Borrower shall pay the Rremiums required to maia=.�n the mortgage insurance'in effect. If,.for any reason, the _ <br />_:��, . ' •� martgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases¢a be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br />�,�• . • � abtain coverage substantiaDy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in a cost substantially equivalent to the . _ <br /> � � � �� wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an alternate mort�age insumr approved by Lender. if �- <br /> '• �� ' substantisilly equivalent mangage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to = <br /> . � . one-twelfth of Ei�e yeatly rrtortgage insumnce premium 6eing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceasad to = <br />�` '�� �,• .., • . ' <br />_,i:;�' ' be in effect.Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. i.ass reserve ._ <br />— � ' ' Farm 3028 9/90 ` <br /> .. I` <br /> .��•. , � VaB�3otg 1 <br /> _�;�� � • � � _ . � , i <br /> - Jr • , <br /> . ' . . , ' l� ' . <br />--- , _ . . . .-. . - . - . -: :a[�-y!. , , �, w� - . -"s-i� , -. ' . .. .. ' , . <br /> .. •� . . • ' " .. �. . . .� . , � . � ' , .. . � � ` . � .. . . - ' _ <br /> _ ' ' . . -. - • � :/. . - - .� • . . . . � ' . . <br /> 5� - �. .._ ._ � . • ' . . , ' . - ' - , _ <br /> _ . . .. . . . . . . . <� . . . - 1� . , f3 <br /> �I�� . �. - S . . '���'. - 1 �. � ' - , 5' .i_ ., .- � -• . . .. � .: ' � � , 'l'. . . • . .t•.•�. .. . <br /> +��' - ' . . ,�',.�-1: � ' � ' , - . . ' �. � , � .. ' ' , . , f�, - <br /> ., • . . . � " . . . . • . . 1 - . . . ' . . ' . ' _ ._ .. . . .. <br /> ` , � � ' ' - !� . . , ,''. . . <br />'v � �. . _ ' . ' ' • ..i . . _ ' .. ' . _ . , . . . . . 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