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<br /> z3z ...� ' ...t�' � �" f'• L�'�[(.
<br /> �
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<br /> _ G�t
<br /> . - „�n,c h� , � .
<br /> ._ �-�.e-t .�
<br /> � %� . Qsyments may nn longer be raquire+d,at tbe option.of i.Ender.if mortgage inst►rance caveca�e(iu the amuunt and for t6e period , �.,�,:
<br /> �'��� ti�t Lendec requires)pravided by as�insurer approved 6y Lender ugain becomes avaitable and is oM.�ined.Barrower shall Qsy �,�>�
<br /> >.i-� . ''x�z�—
<br /> � the premyuriu reqwred eo mainsain mortgag�insurance in�ifecc.or ta provide a toss reserve.witil the m�quirement for moMgage '��;�. °'.
<br /> "'ss ���:"�� ' insuraa�ce ends iu a�ordateoe with any written agreemxm between Bortower and Lendes or a�rplicabte law. ' • . ,�.,�.�
<br /> �' ��' 9.Ins on. I.�ndet or its a ent triay make reasonabte enui�s uppn and inspc�ions of the Property.Lender sh:3ii�ive, - _
<br /> lF,.LL_�
<br /> �` Borton�er IIo�t the time of o�p�iar to an inspection specifyin�ceasonable cause for the inspecxion. � � '���
<br /> __n.s�t;P ..�,.
<br /> • . t0:Can�emnatto�. 'i7�e pruceeds of any.award or daim for damages.dire�or oonseqnential. in coattect�on with twy. � s��_-.
<br /> "- •� '---` eo�mnation or othev taking of any pare of ttie Property,or,for ebnveyaAce it�lieu of condemnation,are heseby assigned aad ,:P =
<br /> < . ,i. . �� ,
<br /> {:,�: s6a11 be.gaid w Ixnd.er. . _
<br /> _r In t�e evens of a total talcing of the Property,the�mceeds sha11 be sppiied to the sums secured by this Security Instra�ent, � , -_
<br /> •` =' wh�ther or ant then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. in the event of a pa�tial taking of the Property in which the fair �,�,,. _
<br /> `-'�::s�i:;:�.�� —
<br /> „ ,, , market vaJue of the Froperty immediately 6efore the taking is equal W or greater t h a n t he amount of the sums secumd b y this _
<br /> ' t.'.,. Se�urity Instmment imaiediateIy before the taking,unless Borrower and I�nder atheswise agree in writing,the sums secured by s_
<br /> ` �°._ �'.,;. tisis Seairity Insanm�nt sfaall 6e redusaed by the amaunt of the pmceeds muitipIied by the followins frar�ion: (a)the totai --
<br /> ..-.��j�t,
<br /> '�`°'.:, a�auat of the snms secured immediateig 6efote the tat�ng,divided by(b)the fair ma�rket value of ti�e Property immediately.
<br />�=�^����:,��f S;c:'s � bsfore the talciag.Any 6alance sha316e paid m Borrower. in the eveat of a p�raal ta�ing o€tT�. PcopertY in which the fair
<br />- �".�' ���S�,. �arket value of the Fmger►Y immediateIy bef�re the.tasing is IesS than the amount of the su�ms secuied i�iatety before the
<br /> ',:, r t^ ta�g,unless Bomawer and,ir�der otherwise agree in writiag or unless applicable la�r othern+ise provides.t�e procezds sball __
<br /> , >±`�:.. ,> :.a • : —
<br />-''�t r,�-• •�:. � .be applied to the snms secur�d by this S�iry Iasuament whether or noi the sums are then due_ _
<br /> ;,..._, ,_,<�;� .
<br /> -,',-�.' . :�.�'z�:•: If ths Property is abaa�oned by.�c�r_+fl$�r,or if.:after.natice by L'ender to Borrower tt�at the condemnos ofFefs to make arr
<br /> °'{;':' "�"'s" award or settle a clai��t 3ama�es, BaTrower fails to respond to Lender wiWin 30 days aft�rthe date t4e:norice i�giv�, ;
<br />- ` � •_ L.ender is authorized ta�ii...^�and apply the proceeds.�its op8on,either m restaratirm or repair of the Pro��,or to the sums
<br /> -T:_ _ : ,
<br /> _ . . . ,
<br /> .- , . . . . secvred by this Securit�'Lii:��iuneni,.whethe�or not.the�r:�3ne� --- __ ... ._ . ._ _....__. " .
<br />= Unl�ss Lender and•'Borrower.oiherwise agree in wriling, any application of-procedds to principat x�; nbt�e�ctend or .-_-
<br />-''�"' '° , postpone tize due date of ihe mont6ly paymencs referre�to in paragn�s 1 and 2 or d�amge the a�aunt'of such paymenu.
<br /> ' t
<br />= i. • • Il.Borro�ver Noi Reteased;Forbeasance By Le�ader Not a 1',5',5'�ver.ExtensInn of ttie.cei�far p�yment or modi�ic�.tie�, .
<br /> _-- - of amortilation of the siuns�secured by this Security Insuument granred by E.end�e t�any sacressor in i erest Qf Barrocv��i'
<br /> � � not opetate w release the Isabiliry of tlie original Boirower or Sorroweti's successflis in interest.•l.eRder�� ?c.r.cst be reqmre�to' �
<br /> • . comiuense pruceedings against any su�cessor in interest or refuse t�zxtend time for paym�nt or ott�env5se�fy amoru�Fa�. .
<br /> � � of the sums secured by this Security Instn�ment by reason cf.,���emand made 6y the ezi�l 8rs'�a:�or Borrc;n�r��.�,�: �
<br /> . . . st�ccessors in ertteres� My forbearance by Lender in exercisin��ui;t►t or remedy shall nc��•s a�;+r•=�;�'4�'cr preclu;�..�3's�. ' •-
<br />: ' � .�, exerrise of any right or remedy. - . , ; �
<br /> lY. Snccessors and Assigns Honnd: Jodnt and!Several LiaSility. Co-sigaeis.The covenants and �-rements of this .
<br /> _ ' . °. , Security Instrument shall biad and 6enefit the suceessors and assigns of Lendes aizd Borrower, subje�t ta'the provisions af
<br /> ���� � paragraph i�. Borrower s covenants and agreemems shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs 1his.Security .
<br /> �"` `� �; � . ' Instrurneni but does not.execute the Note: (a)is co-signiag this Security Instrument oaiy to mortgage,granc and convey that
<br /> ' Bortowez's interest in the Property under the[erms of this Sesurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obligatetl to pay the sums ,,
<br />-_ � � secnred by th3s Security Instrument;and(c?agees that Lender and any other Sorrower may asree to extenrl.modify,forl�or _
<br />=`-�:���:=�''��• �: . make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrutaent or the Note withoat tbat Borrower's consent. .
<br />° �.,.,���= :. , 13.Loan Ci�a9ges-lf the loan secuied by this Secwity Instrument is subject to a taw which sets maximnm loan charges,
<br />�_,>���'" � and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges collected or to 6e oollec°ted In cormectian with the
<br />`j'._ '`•��.'�'' loan eaceed the permitted limits. then: (a)any such loan charge shall be mduced by the amaunt neoessary to reQuce the charge
<br />--�"'=-"�'"�'� •� � to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which eaceeded pe.sniitted IimIts u'i�1 be refunded to
<br /> :s������'� .: Borrawer. I.ertder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principa! owed under the Nota or',fij�.':iiialdng a direct `�
<br /> -J:..�:•..-. �.. ��. �
<br />�-- ' � payment to Boaower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will �e treated as a partiai pregsfrs:ent without eny .
<br />-ti'``• "'`�' �' •. prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> . � • . . 14.Notio�s.Any notice to Bortower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given:isy deliverin$it ar by mailin� _
<br />__- . ' . ,:' it by first class mail unless applica6le taw rec,uires use of another method. The notice shal!be direzted to the Propeny+ Address � , ___
<br />- or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal! be given by first class mail to __
<br /> - . Lender's�idress stated herein or any other address Lender dcsignates by notice to Borrower. Any noti�providad for in this _
<br /> ` • Securiry Tnatrssment shall be deemed to have been ven to Borrower or l.ender when given as pravided in this parag�oph. . -"_
<br /> �1 �?:--
<br /> -=� � 15.��eming Law;, SeverabilIty. This Secur+ty Instrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the law of the =
<br /> _-*�`-`• : • _-
<br /> - - jurisdiction in which the Property is tocated.ln the event that any provision or clsiuse of this Security Instrument or the Note _,___.
<br />--'"" . � • . conflicts with applicaD�e lavi,such eonflict shall not affect othes provisians of this Securiry Instrument or the Nore which can be , <<�°�
<br /> -�.._. :�;:•r��
<br /> _ • given effe�ct without the conflicting provisivn.To this end the provisions of this Securiry lnstrument and the Note are declared �-:-r��f;.-.
<br /> : ,,�.� ,..
<br /> -;. �r%f��� � to be severJ�le. '
<br /> - i��jli . 1�a�__.
<br /> `•� ''"�r''> ' ° 16.Bon�oger's C�py.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. .:,
<br />.�li.�l l�. . •^1.�...
<br /> .�; '.1 ... r';� Fatm 8O2S 9/9O `�4•.Y,:�
<br />�acc ' ` ,:� ' • Va�eote ' . _ .
<br /> _ :).�'i�
<br />..�-':;, ::(�:t�;° . " . . -
<br /> 'tiiE�{_ .;;.Y' '
<br />