y c�t, , s . ; ,Q�.. , . p . . . . . , . .. ,
<br />.. , i . �:4�'wr�. �.i`"s2':-�� ; V '` .4 ,` . C��.. • * '�, ... . 4�c . � � '. . , _. 1. - _ -.
<br /> _� Y1^ _
<br />.. �' `4�' � � .F.. �.` V` , ``. .,�: .t - .. t t ' r •< . .. � - t � `� •. �yy,��e , . . , r.
<br /> . ..{5�:. .�` . �_q . ..
<br /> - P ' ' cc � . � .`�4 .. '
<br /> ' �. , • � , � Y���� ������� . �x'
<br /> _. .. , . _ _ . ��. :.
<br /> v-��_�_:-.. • � coadeatnation or other taking of ang part of the Pto}�rty.o�fot conveyanse in lieu of cot�emnation,sue heseby assigaed 3nd . ' , ��i"
<br /> _ `°`.',, ` ` sh211 hc paid to Lender. < . '=
<br /> _ " . •� . 1n the event of a tota! taldng of the Properry. the pcviceeds shall(n appGed co the sums secwEd Ay [his Seruriry . , . , ' `• .r _
<br />- `~ `� , � Ins�tnunen�ahether or nnt dse�due.�vith an}�excess Qa'sd to Bosmwer. in the evenl of a partial taking of the P�vgerty in , . �•.; ,
<br /> -�'.,,, ..; � � which the fair market value of the Ptoperty immediately bafare t�e taldng as equal to or g�►ter thnn the arnount af the sums . ` ; . ,. �• -
<br /> . r� . *� secui�d 6y this Security in�vument immediatety before the taldng,unless Baaower and i.end�r otherwue agcee in.writin�. .
<br />_--`� .�, ., tlre sums secumd by this Se�uity Iaswment shall ire teduced[sy the awnount of the prnceeds muitiplied by th�foltowing . , �.. <:<= �
<br /> _ ,,` � .� � ftaction: (a)the total amaum of the sums secured iaunaiiately befoie the taking,divided by(b)the fairmarket vaiue of the • ; ' � -
<br /> .-�.{. . FropErty i�unediately befaie the ta�dng. My balancx shaU be paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial ta[cing of the .. . ; �_
<br /> . , .. . _ Property in vrtu'ch the fair market value af the Property immediately 6efore the tal�g is Iess thaii the a[aoimt of the swns � � `. °'
<br /> : . „ � •5 : .,.
<br /> ., .. .. -
<br /> _ ' -- secam,d immediaiety before the takntg,tmtess Borrawer and Lender otherwise ag►ze in writing or w�less appiicable lavv � ,
<br /> _. � . • othenvise provides,tke praceeds shall be applied[o the sums secured 6y this Seruriry Inswment whether or nvt the suau a�e �, ' . , .
<br />_ .� , � then due. � , �
<br /> -- •• , ;;�<, , IP the pcopetty is abandoned by Borrower,or i£after aotice by Lender W�or�wer i6at the condemnor offe�s to make _-
<br /> _ . � an award or settle a ciaim for damages.Borrower faiLs to rzspond to Lender widun 30 days after the date the notice is given. • . - -._
<br /> ', , . . Lender is authorized to collect and app}y the prnceeas,at its op�on.either to restoiarion or�epair of the Properey er to the .';.'.'�� ; °.�
<br /> _ ' . . si►ms secured by tl�ss Security instnuden�whether or not then due. . `��'`_ --
<br /> .�,..._,..=1:„- _
<br /> _ , , . Unless I.ender and Borrower otheiwise agree in writing,any app l ication o f pro c�i!s to priacip a l s f t a ll n o t e x t s n d or ��� _
<br /> ` • postpone the due date of the monthiy payments referred to in pazag:aphs 1 and 2 or cha��the amount of such payments. ' '��-� �;,:
<br /> ` `;� .. . •' , y . F..ra:i�on of the dnie for '` .'=.�`.
<br /> . . ., 1L Boreower Noi Released; FarDearaiace B Yxnder Noi a O9aiver ' payment m ' � �
<br /> . mo 'd�'icarion of amani�ation of the sums sec�ued by this Sec�riry Instnement grantee�:h��L-end�r to any suceessar in intcrest `' �
<br />- � . of Sarrower shalI not operate W release the liability of th��-�!�inal Bmrower or B�r�er's sucresso�s in 4ntetesG Lender :.,si�_--'=�
<br />