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<br /> �`'. � ',`.. ,`r',. '� aPprovul�vhicb shall not l�unmasonabtyr withheid. If Burrawer faiLs tQ mainta�n caqerag�descn'bPA above,ERader may,e4 -_— .�
<br /> �. � •n �
<br /> � .',� ��, �,c,� � � . Idend:r�optiun.o6tasn covcrttge m prbtzst i.ender's rights in the Pmp�rty�9n accotdance witfi Fa�agr�Ph 7. � _ � =-_- -
<br /> All insuraaee policies and.tenewals sd�al)be acceptable w Lesider and shall inc(nde a standasd mongage ctause. Lender ' ----_-
<br /> �"�= ' .r shalt have the d s to ho2d the olecies and rene�va[s. If l.ender . --------
<br /> �h P ce9uises.Borrow�shall PromPttY�ive to Lender�t receipts..
<br /> ;• � � • � � of paid premiums and certecval.nauces. 1n the eventt of Ioss.Bomawet s1�a11 give pmmmpt aorice to the insuraace ca�er sind ����= _----
<br /> • � I.ender. Lxnder may make pmof of ioss iF not a�ade prarnptiy by Sorrower. � `�`� --_��"`=" -
<br /> .�' .. •.',`•'. : Untess t,eades and Brnmwer atherwisc agree in writulg,insur�nce graceeds shaq bx applied m restm'atian or�epais of . �_.__.�__�—:=.i.�-.
<br /> $�,.-. ,,�- ,the FroPeitY d�maged, if the r�estoration or re air�s econom'scaUy feasible and l,znder's sec�uity:is noi lessenec� If We r��� -
<br /> __ '�„` __ __
<br /> ` < cestoratian or iegair is nat economisally feas� Ie or Lr�der's security would he,Iesseaed,t�e inscaiance proceeds shali be ` � '= ���
<br /> . ,: ``�`' appl�ed to the�sums secured by this Security insar►amea�wf�ethpr or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrawer. If �yi:;�-�,�.:-
<br /> : ; Somawer ahazcdons the Pmgerty,os does not answer witlrin 30 days a notice flvm Leader that the insuraace cairier i�as ='=—_—_
<br /> .`:��',` . ` ` ''� , .t offered�seWe a claim.then Leader coUect the insau�ce =_ _-
<br /> -_ .. t&e Prope�ty os to pay sums secumd by�th�'s Securiry instrument,�r aot ttiea d e.�The 30-dap y�pe�riod w�ill begin ndi�n --
<br /> �.. • • . p -- _
<br />' . ,, ` tI1C IIUIiCC 1S g1Y2tl. , —.`'"`�_—___
<br /> ' Ualess Lender and Borrower atherwise agcee in arriting,any applicatioa of proceeds to principai sfaall not eatend or -
<br />