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' � Y.<, , � �( .� S t. : \� �'. . : fE J —M Y.r(T';*aP Y4"��l...y� _ <br /> �-` -.�:1 P, t. :5� y . .` C. � �..c.. 'L 1 . .. l _ . + � r�$� _YE° (" TtK ---- <br />. . `lf��� M1�. ti ...y> ` � . - . •� C ` `• . r st , �. ,v.4 c<ic _ r� ,r' a� � h�-fi.r��`�i��3��<���74_.u�`s�. _ _ _. <br /> � �"i � � s�� � �t� -` �� Sc. ` 'si r F r-�,� ti � - <br /> � " ,r�' t•. �� �„_�"�"r�E`.c£�u� 'j.._..?_`t .F;x�`-.t�.{`°`tR' �.�����t���{�a��`�''.-�-_ �,`tx�'s-a���a—�,.. -_-- <br /> ���''.��.:' _ ,t• � �. , , y� er+7:�T90II _ _— <br /> s�-:�,�..�x�' _. _ . . . . _. . . . . , s,_. <br /> F 't` . a : ' _ _—. <br /> �5.��`�'��•_.•t•�•;.�i . . ` - . . ` . ♦ . . . _ __—.—_ <br /> � <br /> � a � <br /> �' ��`� `�-,--t" . • . , � ` . , , _ _ - <br /> > ' g� <br /> ,a-; , ' : .. . • ;��`"�'�'Ed�� �. f_ ' _ <br /> _ `���-�� �. " `�TQEifiPHER�TI�aIl the improvemeAis aaw or flairaftcr�cte�csn the pm�s�cg.aad�tt�euigpts,.a�rt��es. — — <br /> =�t�.,..� •,.,:-�• ; . �d futu�s aow or hereafter��rt of the E1roP�tj►• All t+epIacemeats�ad,addiEioas shafl alsa be coYem,�Dy ttis aec�t}► , __ <br /> ,�� ``"-"`" `,�`e� ,� . Cnstc6ment AIl bf tlne faregaing is referred to�tbis Searriry rn +m nt$s the°Property." � . ' _ . ' -- - —- <br /> _�:�Y=`���`"`��T�;�,. � � flORRO�VER COVENANTS[Lat Bosrower is hiwfnlly seise�of the es�h�nzby conveyes�und�ti�s ike rig�t to�}ant � --- -- <br /> -,-j:°, y�. ;�� s, and convey th�Prope�y aad that the FtvgextY is atser.�vmtiered,escept for eaaambs�ces of�ord, ��au�cr w�ntS�n� <br /> =°- � � ^�;? � will deffea�generilty ths dtte to the Ptm�'.rtY agains�ail ciaims ar.d demands.subject to ang eacvffi�of record. . . <br /> - <;; .' • -- - <br />'`�¢ �. . f� . THFS SEC1J�t1TY II�ISTRUIviEI�'1'comDiaes unifarm oqvenanis far national use ancl non-unifoim cov�ts vrfith <br /> ` '��-� . ." ; limited variations by jm�s�ctfon w caastiwte a aniform serucity insf�ent covering cEal paopeity. ` - - <br /> � UPIIFORMC4V�N�4NTS. Bv�toweraadLeadermve�ata,n�sttgreeasfollaws: ----- <br /> e;`. • . ,. ,,� .'` • F . 1.�P�,ymeat aY Fctadgsl ead�►t��PaY�g�t�Late reC�aiga�s. �anuaer shalf gmmPtlY pay w�en dne t�e , ___ <br /> �� ' principal of and interest oa ti�debt evidertced by tfle DTote and riny Qrepaymeni end ta�e cl�argas dae.�des�e Kote. . - — <br /> ' "-�� a Fbnds for T�xes aud IQSUratz� Subiect to applic�able law or ta a amueu waiver by I,�nder.Barmwer shalt pap ta , _— <br /> �l�_�,• -;�;;:_� ` Lender on the day moathly paytnents are due under the Note.rmtt'1 the Note is paid in€u11.a sum("E§�ds"�for.(a)Y�Y . — -- <br />�.0 :�� ,<<--. - <br />'r?�':` .,5- . : � taxes and ass�ents which may aitain priarity over this Security Iasuumsnt as a lien on dte ProP�Y:@)Y�Y J�fl+�td <br />'.�f -� < . �'�,`.�`�: ' payments or�cound rents on the Pruperty,if aaY:(e)YcarIy hazard ur prapeaty �n�����piemiums; (d) Year�y IIaod . - _ <br /> ,a..�_.Wy�..�.;'.. . � insumace pmmi�mos.if any; (e)Yea�dy mortgage ms�ance premta�s, if aaY;'and �fy an3+sums PaYable by Borcower<ta . - • . <br /> _a-=�`r'�':•':��v:�:�- . ; I.eader,ui accosdance with the provisioas of p�ageaph 8,in tieu of dse payment of mostgage ins�ce gr�iniams- ?hese <br />'::�_:_�.. _' .,` �`.; � it�ms ar�called"Fscmw Items." Lender any time,coliect and hold Fands in an ammm`t not ta es:ee�d the maxisn� <br />",�":-. .�.. ,?- • � acnoant a I�nder far a fedetalIy�elated mortgage Ioaa nay�quue far Bomocvea'�escrow accaum tmder the fedeial�Y . <br /> :`� . Fstate Settlement Proced�u�es Act of 1974 as auiended from tuae to ti�,12 U.S.0§2bDl et se¢("RESPA")untess anather - <br />-��.��,., �,.��.�� ' bw that applies to tHe Punds sets a tesser amauai If so.Lender may,ze any e�:,colIect an�hu�i laimds in au amount ccot to - <br />��.�: <br /> � _': � . r,' : exceed the l�,ser amoum. I.endec may estimate the amn�mt of Fimds dae an the 6asis of c�ent dasa aud reawaable , . <br />-:�; � � �. t es6mates of expenditrues of futwre Fscrow Items or at➢teiwise in accarda�ce'with applicabde laa. <br /> "' "� • �, �' � 'Tt�e Fi�nds shaIl be��1s1 in an institution�whose�posits ate ins�ued by a federal agency,insuumentaliry,ar entity =-. <br /> . .�� : • <br />--� .,,: ;::.. ..--- ,- � (inclusling Lender,if Lender is sach s�n instiwtion)or ln a�y Fedcral Home Loan Baok. Lender shall appIy the Fuads t��ay ��_ <br /> a <br /> `,�'' .;". � . . f the Fscrow Items. Lender may aot chaige Bo�arer for ho3ding and applying the Fuads,aanuaIlY anatYzinS th�escrow =__ <br /> '` ` �`- � ' account,or veti�g the Esc�ow Iiems,miless I.endcr pays Borrawer in�rest on the Punds and applicable law �ermits =-_—� <br /> . . . � �. , � I.ender to ma3ce such a charge. Hocvevet,L.eader may req�ire Bor,ower ta pay a one-time charge for an indepeadent ceal __- _ <br /> ., . . '' . • estate tax�reportFag service used by l.ender in connec�vn with ttiis toan.unless appticabte taw pmvides otheiarise. Unless an , =-�:;- <br /> � ' agrzment is mad�e or applicable law requines interest co be pa�d,Lender shall not be required to pay 8ormwer any imenest or _ <br /> -• - --..`.. ., ; earnings an tice Firads. Barrower and l.eader may agree in wrmag,hamever,that inteiest shall he paid an thhe Fimds. i.ender �-Y�- <br /> •.� .�, "• f � s h a ll give to Borrower.wi t hon t charge,an ann�a l a c countm g af the Fun d s,showin g credits and debits w the Fuads and the ' �=;'�•�-��-�"-- <br /> '. : . ' ! se for wtuch each debit to the Fuads aas made. The Fimds are p2edged as additional secunity for ell sums secuced 6y -: �.. -�° <br /> : : P� . �,: <br /> ;� • ' .�: I this Security Insunmen� . -R_•• .° <br /> � �• � L',� : -• !� If the Punds hetd iry Gender exceed the amounts pemutted to be held by�plicable law.Lender shaU accuunt to , '�:� <br /> si��:�'; ... � L�ariuwer far the excess�c�ds in accotdance with the requirements of applicabr�,3:�:�. If the amount of the Fands 6eld by �^ . <br /> � `'+�'``'r� • ��:ender at any time is aot safFcient to pay the Escro�Ciems when due,I.ender may so notify Bomuwer in writing,aa�,in .f;.; <br /> - •:`�'ij�'��`` suc:�case IIo:rnwer shall pay to Lender the amount neressary fa nake up the deficiency. �orrower shail m a i c e up t h� . • � <br /> •` �` � ' deficiency iu eu mme than twelve montlilY P'aYmeots,at Lender's set,..°discretion. ': <br /> � �lpon payment in fiill of all sums secured by t]*s Security Issstrument,Lender shall promptly refuad to Bortmwer any . . <br /> ;',.'`,r•. ' : Fimds hetd by I.ender. if.nnder paragraph 21.Lea��shall acquire os sell the Roperty.Lender,prior to the acqoisiuon or '���•�%:- <br /> :��:, . • - <br /> ;,,?�:, , sa�e of the Froperry,shall apply any Funds held by l�xnder at the ame of acquisition or sate as a credit against tbe snms � � <br /> secuned by this Secnriry Instrument ' <br /> ' `;�'� � • 3. Appliration a?Poyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under �,�'�;: <br /> �,{' � . � ' pa�agraphs 1 aad 2 sha116e applied:fust,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under ,_ , �;.�f" <br /> _ ���,�,... '� _ . paragraph Z;third to interest dae;fourth,to principai due;and las�to any late charges due under the Note. �• "s.::-., ,,.. <br /> � i�� •. � ' •'.` <br /> 4. Chasges; Lie�. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges,fines smd impositions attributa6le to the f�� � . �f� <br /> ,i;'(j,��t�. :� . � Property ahicb may aG,a�.�c�iority aver this Security L,�suument,and leasehold payments or ground renu, it any. Borrower t � 1,�� <br /> shall pa y th:se obli ga�a�.s a the manner p rovided u���aph 2.oi if not pai�in that manner.8orrower shalt pay them on ..�� �� <br /> • ' '� � .f� dme dinact��ca the gerson oRCd paymeae. Borrower s+:.I:y�.�crr�.rL�f�mish to Lender a(1 notices c9 amounu to b e p a i d un der . .. '• � � <br /> �' .� ' ' this para���C�. If Borrower malses th��payments�:a�;�,B�nr'.;.�er shall promptly fumisb ta T.ender receipts eviden��:g �' <br /> ..Y.,,.��'•��� ; ' the a c� .. .. ..��-� <br /> ;`� `•;;k'' � p Do�rrower shall pm�r�y dischazge uny lien�eL-�:is 3�as priorlry over this Security lnstnunent unless Borru-�+�ti.z1 a3tees '.� <br />- �;'. ���%�• . ,' � in wri6ng to the paymens of tAe obligation secured t�;c��e lien i�a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contests in gooct t'aith the �. ' <br /> �_ '•.,.. � � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the I.ender�s opinion operate to prevent t he . . �r- �:� <br />..�� , enForcemens of the lien;as(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an ageement satisfactory to I.ender subordinaang the lien • `'�� � ' .� <br /> � �. to this Security Instrumect If Lender detem►ines that any part of the Property is subject to a tien which may attain yriority „ � �'" <br /> _ � � . over this Security Instcu�n�*�;lxnder may give Bo�rower a notice identifying the lien. Bonower shall sadsfy the lien or talte _ • <br /> �-� one ot more of the aaiaa��ct forth above within 10 diG s of the glving of notice. �"� . � � <br /> --�.�, � . 5. Hazard or Prdperty Insnrence. Borro�.cx shall keep the improveme�:.aow exisdng or hereafter erected on the ��:` ' -. <br /> ;`°;k �� • '. Property i�snted against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including � <br /> - • • ftoods or fw*oding.fot which l.ender requlres insutance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for t�: <br /> . • c . . . <br /> ' .:.", . Folm 3428 4/9D {ynge 2 oJ6 pag�sl � � <br /> . . , i, . � . .. <br /> _�'� � � ' ' . -- - <br /> ..�. . t. . . � <br /> --:4�''.. - � . . �. � - • <br /> ::. _. . <br /> �.-�.- .• . � - <br /> _'� . . v <br /> . . , . <br /> . • ...,...._ r : - . �•-- . • . _.._ � . . .._ '�r..3C'iR_ . . .�=..�, . . . . . .. •v <br /> " �.�.: . . . . - • � � - . • � � ' - - . . . _ . . � <br /> .. � . . . . � . . .. ,.. .. . ' 1 � ..� � � . i. ..: .. .. �a . . " . . . . : ' , _ ., _ . � . .. � . . �. - . <br /> . . .. . � . . . . . .. . . . <br /> . , .' . , _ . . . . _ - . _ . . . . <br />_- . , : . .._. . � - . . _ . . . . .. . _ . , . <br /> . <br /> .. � . . . - ..- . _ . - . � � - . . . _ . . , . <br /> .. : . <br /> �. <br /> � ._ . .. , . . , -� � - - - , � : - �_ , -• . , . , .. . . . <br /> � . .. . .. � . . ' . � . . �� . . , . : - . , . <br /> . � , � , , � . - . o' _ . ,� . '_ ' �' . - � _� , ,'. ' . .. . . ' ... , ' - ' - - ' ' . . . <br /> � . . � . - � .' -� � ._ . . - : - � • -� . . . �. . � ' . ' -- � . . ' . _ ... - <br /> � .._. ...___ . . . . <br />_ ._ _. ._.._._ . _.___..__.._.,. .. -• ----. ._ .._. .- - - --- - •- - - - - - - - - - ---. <br /> . _ _ ._. .. .. <br /> --- - --�� ---- --- — - -- ------ --- -----.. __- <br /> r... � . . - ...- _ . .� . .- .. . . -.- , - _ . _ <br /> r. ' . • ` . .. . , ' � . . � � . , „ ' • . ., ' • . , <br /> � . . ' . . . . , . . . . <br /> iyh . . , � � . . . . . " . ' � : . . . . __ _ <br /> . . . . <br /> �,�_ , . . . , , --- <br />