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<br />�:��"_._. :.,.-,�.�4a==, I - S1165jZlillIRIIY C(�UIViJICIIi Itiu►i�ubc eiSiiidfiCC COVcidbc i5 fi0i uVci�fuufc, U'u�i8i++i:P Fii��lf �y!a l.cr.de�°�^_F!!f'.Ol1!1}n cun��rn��s�l fti
<br /> . . one-twelfth of the�rcarly�r�tort��ge insurance premium bein�paid by Borrower when the insuranse;covervge Inpsecl or eeascd to
<br /> --'' be in effect.Lcnder will uccep*.,usc nnd retain th:se puyments as a I�ss reserve in lieu of moi7ga;;e inswnnce. Loss r:•r„�ve --
<br /> paymc�us may na lon��er Ne rcquired, �t the option oti Lender, if mnrt�a�c insiu•nnce cnver,ige(in dic amuunt r,nd for the p::rirnl �-�.�•
<br /> .. Qiat I.cndcr rcyid�•cs)providcd by an intiur��r approved by I.c:ndcr a�;iiin bccomcs nvn6lai�lc;ni►d is aDt�iiitcd. izo�io�:cr ::li;il1 p:iy
<br /> thc prcmiums rcquired to mnintain mort�agc insuruncc in cffcr.t,or to pmvidc u loss rc:scrvc,until thE:��cqaircmcut for rnw�dt;a�;E;
<br /> insurance ends in necordunce with any written n�reemem between Borrower nnd L.enJee nr applicable Inw.
<br /> 9. dnspectlon. Lcndcr or its agcnt may�ii;�kc r��sonablc cntrics upon nnd inspections cf thc Prn�aet1y. 7.cncicr ti1i;�11 Flvr -
<br />= Harr�wer mxice at t8e time of or pr,ior to nn inspecdon specifying reasonuble causc(or tlte inspecNon.
<br />�� �' �0. Condemn�tlon. Tlic procccds of any nw:ird��r cinim for dnmuycs. ctircct ur cnnscyu�:ntini, in cc►nucctlon witl� uny
<br /> - . cond�mnation or otbcr tal:ing of any part of the Pra�crty,m•for convcyancc in licu t�f conticronttcion,u�•c Itc��cby n4si�;ncd mid _
<br />- '' " sl�all be paid to Lender.
<br /> ' In tf�e cvcnt of n total taking of thc Property,tUc procccds shsill hc iipplicd to thc tiums s�curcd by this Sccurity Instrumciu,
<br /> - whether or not then d�ic, with any cxcess paid to Borrowcr. in thc event of n pardni tak+ng of tbc Pmperty i�� wiiich the tair
<br /> market value of the Property immediatcly before the tak:ng is cqual to or grcuter thun du:nmount af the sunis sccurcd by this
<br /> Security lnstrument immediu[ely bcforc thc taking,unlcss Uormwer and Lendcr othcrwisc ugrec in writins,the sums se;curccl Uy
<br /> r this Security Instrument shall be reduced by thc amount of the proceeds multiplicd by the fi�llowing fraction: (n) the total
<br /> amount of the sums;ecured immediately before the tAking, dividecl by (b) the fair miukct vulu:uC tlie Froperty iinmeeIiatcly °__._
<br /> bcfoee the tnlcing. Any balancc shall be paid to Borrower. In thc event of a partiul taking of the Property m which tlie fair
<br /> � market value of the Property immediately before the t�lcing is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately nefore the
<br /> I tnking,unlcss Borrower and L.endcr otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law othenvise provedcs. the prceeeds shall
<br /> � bc upplied to the sums sccured by this Security Instrunicnt whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ' •• ' If the Property is Abandoned by Borrower, or if.after natice by Lender to Borrower that tbe condemnor af'fers to make an _
<br /> a�vard or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days After the dt►te the notice is given.
<br /> • . Lender is authorited to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,eid�er ta restoration or repair of the Property or ta the sums
<br /> ` �;:•;°. securul by tl�is Su;urity Insn�un�ent,whethar or nat thcn duc. �
<br /> Unlcss Lender and Borrawer athcnvise agree in writing, any application of proce.ods to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ! postpone the due date of thc monthly payments reFerred to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Iteleased;Forbenrancc 8y Lender Not a Waiver. Extensio�of the timc for payment or modification
<br /> � of arnorti�.ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shnll
<br /> ' not aperate to releusc thc liability of the ori�inal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender sh�ll nut be required to
<br /> -.:',; � commence proceedings ngainst any successor in interest or refuse ta extend time for payment or otherwise madify umartizntion
<br /> „ � , of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> . ' I successors in intereu. Any forbearancr by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the —
<br /> ° � exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> i 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Seve�^al Liability; Co-si�ners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> I Saurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L.ender and Borrowet; subjecc to the provisia�s of
<br /> .. , � paragraph l7. Borrower'c covenants and ugreemants shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> � -� � Instrumen[nu[does no�cxcrute ine ivuir: iui i,�u-����ii�ig ir��� Securty ir„trairc��t or�y t��..:.r'.g�gc, b�ri ar,d;,�r.ve; �f:si
<br /> � � Borrower's interest in the Property under the tcrnis of this Security Instrume,u; (bl is not personally obligated to pay the sums _
<br /> . ' sccured by this Security Instrument;and(c) agrccs that Lender and any other Borrmver may agr.ee to extend, modify, forbcsv or =-
<br />