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t�{!D`t�n... ., , , � , , ..;,�r.: . , .:�: . <br /> f .1e.. -%tla �11-- .�' _ I .,.t <br /> . , �y, �` , « • , ''I�rY'�` j � ' � <br /> + ,�,d,ry�ll� . ..•.auvo.n,. _..�..�-�-----�_�.�. <br /> _� >i 1' ' . . . .� . � • . ' ' . . - ' {)� . 'R�.�..s..i S� • - <br /> > . <br /> �' � • ' �� ' . . . � . . ..�. . ..... , . � _ . ......-- _. ...� . <br /> �. - ;s .. . .- ... � , , . , . �I. '..�Y4)�u'A51H..dY'..�� <br /> .. �. ..,. <br /> , . <br /> ..i. � • . ..� . �yt"� ._. . . . ._ . •. ..,. d„ •rJie*k1we.9r�. :.i.�r i1 ir.z __— _ _ . .� <br /> .. . x �:,�•;,, ,,,,w�.�,.... _ <br /> .._:r��a.n� . � <br /> . . . . .. _. ._,. ��.aT <br /> -���,;,...n«• , ,_�._.. _ �. .._ <br />-��- -,..,.�,•_ - -- -.�._....�........_�.�_.__..___---- - --_ <br /> _�.,,,� ..;.. .;.7 '� �.~7�� �1[�41A►"�� _ - _ <br /> _ ,��,..{ : �.� ._.�, . -_-- --- <br /> . �..-:�� <br /> Y Y �'i, .,2,..�,,°:-. <br /> Thc Fun�l�� sholl l�c hcid in un institutinn �vho�e deposits arc insurcd by a fcderal ogency, instrumcntaiit , or enti3 r•�.���;:-�= -. <br /> , '. (iucludinl; l�:ndcr, if Lcnder iti��ch an institution}or in ciny Federal H�,me l.o:nz l3ank. LenJer sliall appiy tlie Funds to�ay t(�e F .,, <br /> Eticro�v Ilcm�. Lcn�cr may nut char�,c Dorrowcr titt lioldin�anJ applyin��lhc I�und,. ,umuully�thc eticrow accotent,a�r I <br />. .. � vcrifying Nic Eticruw Itcros,unlcss Lender pays Borrowcr intcrest un thc i•unds und npplir�blc law permits I.e:ndcr to �uakc su�rh . <br /> � i►chargc. Nuwcvcr, I.cndcr may rcquirc Borro�vcr to puy n�mc-time chargc for a►n indcNendcns renl estatc tax rcporting scrvi�c ,.,,`�`,•,;;::_._.j`� <br /> � <br /> � `i7)T'=_.`.:--.,, <br /> � �scd by I,ci�dcr in con�mctiun witli this loun, unless npplicablc Inw pravidcs othcrwisc. Uiiless an a rcemcnt is m�idc or ry__* <br /> } ' npplicahle la�v requires interest In be puid, L.endcr shnll nat bc requircd to ptiy B��rrc�wer any intcrest or carnings on the Funcls. �, y_ r- <br /> Rarrowcr and Lcndcr m��y .�grcc in writing, howcvcr, th�t intcrest shnll bc pa►d nn thc Funds. Lcndcr shull give to Bosrowcr, m <br /> �viUiout cliargc. an unnual .i�counting uf tlic ['un ds, s howing crc d i ts a�nd debits to tlie I�unds und the purEtosc f<�r which cach �'._ - <br /> � dcbit to tt►e Funds wns madc.Thu Funds sre plccigcci ns udditiunal sccucity tor ull sums sccurui by diis Sewruy Inyuume�u. ,�„�__-_ <br /> if the Funds held by I.,ender exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicahle lu+v,Le:nder shatl account to➢orrower ��_.` __ <br /> .n.�m�-- <br /> � for the exeess Funds in accordanee with the rcquirements of applicuble luw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any �"��, r'. <br /> ��.�.v-� _ <br /> time is not sufficic�nt to pay the Escrow Icems when due.I.ender muy so notify Borrc�wer in writing,und,in su�h case Borrower ��r;•,�:_..____�-_ <br /> � ., shall pay to Lender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. F3orrawer shall make up the defic��ncy in no more than e*�n.4;i���_ <br /> twclvc monthly payments,at Lcndcr's solc discretion. �-''``'`' <br /> , - it Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Boivo��er xny �;'�-���,,` •_---- _ <br /> ° Upon payment in full ot�11 sums sccurcci by thi+ Sc�ur y ° �-� <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under para�raph 21,l.ender shull acquire or sell the Property.Li:nder,prior to thu acquisitiun orsale , :,.•,{:�;' __ _ <br /> �*';-i",�'''.' .+,''.u- <br /> of the Propeny,shull apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sule as a credit against the sums secured by 't'� ,:1+:; `- <br /> • this Securiry Instrumcnt. ������ � �� <br /> � 3.Applicntion oE Pnyment�s.Unlcss applicable law provides athcrwisc,nll payments reccived by Lender under paragraphs <br /> �r' ��4:z�A�,.}} . <br /> 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first, to any pr�payment charges due under the Note; second, to umuunts payuble undcr pamgraph 2: � • ,�i;; <br /> diird,to interest duc:founh,to principal clue;and last, to uny late chArges duc under the Notc. . ����'�_=_' <br /> ���em�++z:----�. <br /> ' 4.Chnr�es, I.iens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, fines and impasitions nttributable to the Property ,_, .,.._. <br /> ,e---- <br /> � � which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. +�nd Icaschold payments or ground ren[s, if any. Borrower shall pay ' �'��,'{'.�1'+y�r___;�._ <br /> � these obligations in the manner provided in puragruph 2,ar if nut paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly ._.j,:�. <br /> �;s,r•-- <br /> � I to thc p�rson owed puyment. Borrower shall prompNy fumish to Lendcr all natices of amounts to bc paid unJer this paragraph• , r;,:�„�;,,,;,„.,, <br /> �:;:v:—__ <br /> ��� � If Bonower makes these pxyments directly.Borrowcr shall promptly furnish ro Lender receipts evidencing[he payments. �y;;�• :. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in `:��,_ <br /> . � writing to thc payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acccptable to L.ender; (b)contests in good faith the licn ;�;:�,��,,,,_,;'' ' <br /> ' ,,..'�,, � by, or defends ugainst enforcement of the licn in. Icgal procecdings ti�hich in the L.ender's apinion operate to prevent the �� . Y <br /> ' enforcement of the lien: or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugreement satisfactory to Lender subordinatin�the lien to � ,�� _ _ <br /> ' � ; this Security Instrument. If Lender detcrmines that atty part of the Property i� subject to u lien which may attain priority over �--� <br />' " ' this Securiry Instrument, I.ender muy give Borrowcr a nohce identifying the lien. Borrower shall sntisfy the lien or take one or ���::f-- <br /> ' :.��',.ec1��'"- <br /> more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the givin�of notice. <br /> 5. Hnrurd or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep [he improvements now cxisting on c�rcafter ercctcd on the .� <br /> � I Prnpeny insured a�ainst loss by fire,h:.�zurds included within the term "extendecl coverage" and any other ha-tards,including � � - <br /> � �S..t•� <br /> •' I tloods or flooding, f'or which Lender reyu�res insurancc. i iii� i���u�ar«c��N�� ��"�»!^•'-'•='•'='! 'n thr:�m�unts and for Ihe periods <br /> l�+_�'�t- <br /> ,� that Lender requires. The insurance carricr providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval , <br /> which shall not he unreusonably withheld. If Borrower fuils ta maintain covcruge dcscribed above. Lender may, at Lcnder's :: a <br /> c . <br /> � � optian,obtain coverage ro protect Lender's rights in thc Propeny in urcordance with paragraph 7. .. :: <br /> ' ' All insurance policies and renewals shall bc acccptable ro C.cndcr and shall include a standard n�ort�ugc tlause. Len�cr �� <br /> shall have t h e r ig h t t o h o l d t h e p o l i c i es and rene�vals. If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptly give to L.ender all receipts of <br /> " " paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance ca r r i e r u n d L.e n d e r. ��: <br /> Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borcower. <br /> Unless L.ender und Borrower othcrwisc agree m wnting. insurance proceeds shall bc applied to restoration or repair ot'the Y.�z�',, <br /> Property damaged,if thc restoratiim or repair is ccanomirally fcasible:�nd Lendcr's serurity is not Icssened. If the restoration or ;',,,,;�! <br /> ` � repair is not economically featiible or I.r.nder's se�urity�vould be Ietscned. the insurance proceerls shall be applied to the sums G�",,; <br /> . � <br /> � sccurcd by this Securiry Instrument, whethcr ur not then duc, with any exccss paiJ tu Borrowcr. if Borra�vcr abanduns the •xy <br /> Property,or daes not answcr wichin 30 day+a nuticc from Lender that thc insurancc rarrier has offercd tu settic u dainL thcn �� <br /> Lender may coUect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta repair or restore the Property or to pay sums , '� <br /> secured by this Security Instrumcnt. whethcr or not then due. 'fhe 30-day period w�ll begin when the notice is given. •�� 4� <br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower othcrwise agrec in writing, any application uf proceeds to principal sh�ll no� extend ur <br /> postpone the due date uf thc monthly paymcnta rcfcrrcJ to in para�raphs 1 und 2 ur ch.mgc the amount of the payments. If '</ .- �, <br /> � under pangraph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender, Borcowcr's right to xny insurxnrr puliries and proceeds re�ulting from � <br /> damage tu the Pmperty,^.rior to the acquisition tihall pass to Lender to thc extent oC the sums secured by this Security[nstrurnent l�._ <br /> immediately prio�ro the acquisition. � <br /> Ma[ntenancc and Protection ai'the I'roperty�;Bnrro�ti�er's Luan Application; Leaseliolds. 1< <br /> 6. Orrupiintiy,Preservation. . , <br /> - . Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propercy as Borruwcr's principal residence within xixry days after the execution of � �s <br /> this Securiry (nstrument and shall continue a� occupy the Property us Borrower's principal re�idenre for at une year after <br /> . �. the date of accupancy, un{ess I.�ndcr othenvise agrees in writin�.which consent shall not bc unreasonably withheld, or unless �'�''' � �� <br /> ' extenuating circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrowcr's control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage c�r impair the ;,-: , <br /> Propeny, allow the Property to detcrioratc. or cummit wa�tc on the Property. B��rrower shall bc in default if any forfeiturr <br /> �ti• • netion or proceeding. whether civil or criminal, is hegun that in Lender's gueid faith judgment couW result in ti�rfertun ut'thc . <br /> Property or othen�•ise materially impair thc lien rreated by this Security Inxtrumcnt ur Lendcr's securiry interest. Borrower mn}• <br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph causing the action��r pruceeding ti�be distnissed �vith a ruling <br /> i thi�t, in I.cndcr's goc�d faith dctcrmination, prccludes f��rfciturc of thc Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Pro�rry i�r ��thcr roatcriul , <br /> "' impaittnent of the lien �reated by this 5ccuriry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bc�rruwer +h�dl cilso bc in default if <br /> Borrower,during thc loan applicatiun process,gave materiaUy false e�r inaccurate informatiun or�tatements to Lcnder(ur tailed <br /> �, to provide Lender with any matcrial int��nnation) in ronnerciun wi�h the loan cvidenccJ hy�hc Notc. inrluding,bui not lirnited I <br /> to,representu[ions concermng Borro�vcr s��ccupanry�rt'the Property as u principal residence. If thi� Se�urity Instrum�nt is on a , <br /> , leaschold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions uf the Irase. If Borrower acyuirey fce tStle tc� the Proprrry, thc i <br /> - �� " leasehold and die fce tide shall not merge unlcss Lcnder ugrces to th�mcr�er in writing. , <br /> 7.Protection of Lender's Ri�hts in lhe Property.If Borrower fnils a�perforni the covenants and agreementscuntain�J in �,. <br /> this Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal proeeeciing that may signifir:uuly aff�tit L.ender'ti rights in the Pn�prny (,uch as a I: , <br /> j. • prncceding in bankruptcy, pmbate. for cundcnmation or furfeiture or ro enforce la�vs or regulauonsl, thcn Lcndcr may du an�i I , <br /> .,. <br /> - --_- _ - - _ __.,e.....�.....,,,.,. �� .,�,...:�n, tn nrntect the valuc of the Property and I.ender's rights in thc Propcny. Lender'ti actian� may <br /> ----__..__-_.�--___--- - -- Ya� ..,. ........._. ._ ..------. ' �� .,... � - - <br /> ' ' •� include paying any sums securec3 hy a lien which h:�s prioriry over th�s �ccuri�y inurumcni. aNNcd�ri'g � """'�• i-��:::� <br /> , rcasonable attorneys' fces and cntenn��m thc Pruperry tu makc rcpain. Althuugh Lciidc� uiay tul�r.�cuun undcr thiti par.��_raph <br /> • 7, l.�:ndcr docs not havc tu Sv su. � <br /> �_ " Any �mwunts disbur+cd by Lcndrr undcr this paragraph 7 �hall bcromc additiunal drht ot' Burruwrr u�urrJ hy �hia i <br /> Securit}• Instrument. Units>Burru«•cr and Lcndcr agne tu uthrr te�7nx uf payment. thrsc.unauntti tih�dl hcar inteR�t Imm thc <br /> . ,� , <br /> t . datc uf disbunemeiit at thc Note ratc anJ �hcdl be p;iyablr. with intrrest. upon notirc from Lender t�� nuno�vcr rryue,tin�� ,� <br /> � payment. <br /> � t! „ . . 8.11ort�v�;e Insur.�ncc. If Lcndcr reyuircd nwngagr inwnmcc a�c+cu�iditiun��F inaking thc luan�ccurcd hy ihi.,r<uncy <br /> � Instrununt. Burruwrr �hall par thc prcmimn+ rcyuircd ti, tnaintain thc murt�,agr in,urancr in rflcct. It�. far un}• rra.nn. thr <br /> murt}�agc in,urancc covrr.i@r reyuircJ hy lAndcr Icip•c,��r cca,c�tu bc in rffcrt. Borr�,w�r .hall pay thr premiuni. rcyuinrf tu <br /> � ,. �.btain rovcra�:c ,ub.tantially cyui�•�ilcnt tu thc nwrt��a�r inwr;�nrC pnviously in rffc�t. at a�ust >ub.tantialh• cyuivalrm tu thr <br /> .L cu,t tu Eiurruwer uf the mortgagc inwnmcc prcviuutil�• in effect. frum an alternatr monga�:e intiurrr appruved h}• II' <br /> Form 3028 9130 <br /> �•a�n.�,�3 <br /> � <br /> � � ' <br />