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<br /> -=��- � - --— ----- - ;.+��,. --.r�.�... t'��......1�"- �"S.,
<br /> � "�e�Ca���Y7fA11➢41i'lls.f��-v�vw'r. -^-�-�.-•�---,• - ��4�- �
<br /> r 1oYlY�l .aIYM!'-�
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<br />� �`�'f1.�{n-'_�.� 6�/J� m.D ,. "
<br /> C9
<br />_ �r���iuils�il�,�t I,cnder r.�yidi��s. 'lllie inyi�rance ca��e•ier piovidfn�;the imurance �,i►:►II be churen by Hi�rru�ver sub�cct tn I.cnder'ti ., -.
<br /> _'��'�-�,__'�_ u����ti•ovul which tiliall no1 lie wtra��r>n.�hly'�vlihheid. If fiorrowee G+ils eo mnintain coverage descriUed c�h�,vc.Lcnde:r m:►y,aQ ,,,,
<br /> �°'.°'�:� l.c�ulcr�:��p�(on,obtain covoni�;c tn pratect Lcndcr's ri�luti in thc Pruperty in t�ccouiancc v�ich para�rz�ph 7.
<br /> - -_--�' o AII II1sUfcUICC�N)IIC�CS tlltl�fCIlL`N1IIs 5{IiIII{x:acc;cptutilc tiy l.cndcr .uid shidl includc a st�uidard mort�;ii�;c cl�+u�c. I.cndcr _^
<br /> +r� Y ahc►I1 havc�hc right tn 6old ihc�x►licics imd rencwnls. If l.cndcr rc��uires.[�nrrn�vcr sh�ll prumptly givc to l.cn�tcr alt recc�ipts ,,. .h,;; ,,�:t�.r�L•*�
<br />:,�.;, _F.s-;� •W�
<br /> -- -_ -� of rairt !71'CllllU1114 t1111I fCI1CWUI R011�l'ti. Itl (IIC L`Vl'lll UP IOti5,I3tlf�0\YCY tillilll�IVC��011lrl ItQ11CC l0 lI1C IOyUfil�1CC l'ili'fllY IIIltI ., . r. ,.
<br /> — . I.cndcr.�Lcndc�'may niakc prw�f af'losy if not mudc promptly hy Hunuwer. ,,;, , ,��i,.:�;f'.a
<br /> - -- Unlc�y Lcndcr und Uorrower athcnvisc nF;rcc in wrieing, intiurnncc praecds shidl bc up�licA to rrstorati�m ar repair Uf�
<br /> -----° the 1'roperty danta�cd, if the nstoration or repair is economicnlly feasihlc :end Lendcr+ security is not Icssencd. If�hc •�� ;`�,. ' _,��
<br /> � — restomtion or re pair is not econon�ically teasible ar Lender� security would be Iessened,the insurmice prucecds sh;all he �
<br /> -'"� -- applied to the sums securcd by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due, �vith any excess paid to E�orrower. If _
<br /> ----=-�-�- Bonnwcr nbandons thc f'ropeRy, or docs not un�wcr wi�hin 30 day�. u noticc frum Lcndcr that thc insur;mcc c.uricr ha�: �'
<br />---�^-� offered to settic n claitn,�hcn Lender may collcct the insurancc proceeds. Lcndcr mav usc thc procecds to rcpair ur restorc ., . _
<br /> tlie Pro;nerty or to pay sums sccured by this Security lnstrumcnt,�vi►edY�r ar not then due. The 30-d:►y period�vill lxgin when
<br /> thc notice is given. • '-
<br /> ����� Unless Lender nnd [iurrower othenvise ngree in writing,any applicntion of proceeds to principal sh.dl not extend or �„ _
<br />�.�.»�a .:-
<br /> ,,...,_,rA„� postponc ihe ciue duic o;iiw ii161iLltily payments n:f�rnd to i!!paragm;9h� 1 �nd Z or changc the amount of the paymcnts. If �
<br /> -- under parngraph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrowert nght ro any insur�nce policics arid prcxeeds resulting
<br /> --
<br />