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<br /> . Borcower mny curo such e defW�iii �nd re!na4eto, ae pruvtrfed I:� parepreph 10, by ceusinp the ectlon or procteding to e
<br /> " , dl�mi�¢cd�di1h a m!'ip th�t.!n Lc;�at�r'o Q�od faith dnc,��tlnntlon,prccludca tot4eituro o}tho 8ortovrer'o Interent In the�ropeity or
<br /> �� othv rn�tcri�l Inpatmunt o4 tho Itcn crcated by thla 9ecudty Instrur�icnt ar Lcndcr'o occurly Lilac�t. �orrotivcr cha3 claa bo In
<br /> d�7aut1 Ii Dorrovrcr, �audnp tho loan oppl!c�iion procc�s, pavo ri��lcil::ly i�:l�o ar Inr.ccuralo In4omi�t�on or clnicrn:nta to I.cnc?:r(or �f�
<br /> lailcd to nravido lcndcr �•�Ith eny matcrlal Intormatlon) li� canncctlon t�lih tho loan cvld�tic�d 6y tlio Noto, Includ'n��, t�ut no4 L��
<br /> • �� " �mltod to, reprasentaUons concem.np Borrower'a occupancy o1 tha Propr.rty aa e pdnc!p�l re^_Idenca. tf thls 5ecadty �.�� r
<br /> Instrument 1� on e leaachold, Borrower ehell compfy wiih all thn provinlons of the leeee. If Borro�ver ecqulre:� tee title to lha < r. ,
<br /> ..; ' ., Property,Ihe leaeahold and tho fee Utta ahell not merpo uNass I.esidor a9rees to the merper !n wr�tlr�g. .� I �_,
<br /> ' '7, PresReetlon of L�ndar'e RIgt�4� In th� Prap�rty.11 eorrow�r telle to pertorm the cavenante nnd etpreemente � �°'-W
<br /> ..::,-_
<br /> ,, contnt�ed In thls Securlry InetrumonL or there Is e le�al proceed{ng thnt mny alpnlilcunity attect Leader'o dQhte In tha Property (� �' ,'
<br /> � " (euch Qe a procee�d(np In b�nk�uptcy, probate, tor condemnation or tortolture or to entorce lawn or reputations),lhrn I.ender may � g;�r-
<br /> do nnd p�y lor whatwer lo nacose�ry to protect the vatue of the Propr+'ty end Lcnder'e dphte In the Propaty. Lender'e actione ---_�
<br /> may Include peyinp eny aums eacured by e Ilen whlch hea prlority ov�r ihls 9ecurHy Inatrument, epponrinfl In court, p�yinp �9 :u.�,._
<br /> � reaoonable altomeys'tees and ente�ing on the Proprrty to make rcpelre.Atlhouyh Lend�r m�y teke nctlon under thla p�ragrnph `�`--�-`
<br /> ' 7, Lender does not heve to do ao. ' =-
<br /> " My amnunts dlabureed by Lender under paragreph T ehe0 becoma additional debt of Bortower securad by thl.� Secrdry __
<br /> ' In�trumcnt. Unlees 8orrower and Lender agroe to other tetms of peymeN, tNeso e��ounta shell benr (nterest(rom the date of _ -
<br /> disbursement at tha Noto rate and eMail ba pnyable,with Interest, upon notice lrom Lande ta Bortowet rEqueotin0��yment.
<br /> . 0. MartgAga In�ur�ne�. It Lander requ(red mortgapa insurnnce as e condltlon ot maYJnp the loan secured by thl� --—
<br /> Seaudry Instrument, 8arcower shail pay the prr,mlums requlred to malntefn the mortgnge insurance fn eNeGt.It, lor nny reason,the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverape required by lender lapses or ceases to be In ettect, BoROwer ehell pey the premlume requMed ta —
<br /> oblaln coverago substantially equlvalent to tho moRgage Insurence prevlousy In etfect, et e cost substantlaly equNaJent to the —
<br /> � � , co3t to Bortower of the mortgago Ineurance prevlousty In oftect, irom an eltemate mortgege Insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> �,` substantl�lly equNatent mortgage Insurance coverage I� not availablo, Borcawe►ehall pay to Lender e4ch month a sum equd ta
<br /> " � one�twolfth ot tho yearly mortpage insurnnce prem(ur�i being peld ty DorruwEr�vhca tho Inaurnca covcrage!^pse�ar ce!�ed to
<br /> � � be In eifec4. Lender will accept, use and retain thesa peyments as a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgagu lnaurenca. Lo3s rcaerve _
<br /> paym�nte may no langer ae requlred, at the opUon ot Lender,N mortgage insurancn couerafle Qn the amount end tor the palod
<br /> that Lendar requlres) prnvided by ao Insurer approved by Lender again becomes avnitable end ia obtalned. BoROwer ehaH pay �••
<br /> � � the pre�nlums required to malntain mortgago Insuraice in ettect,o�to provlde e loss reservo,until the requtrement lor mortpaya
<br /> Insurenca ends In accordance wlth any written nflreement between Borro�ver and Lender or applicable Inw. �
<br /> � 9. Inspectlon. Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entdes upon and Inspections ot the Property. Le�Zder sfiell gNe —_
<br /> Bortower notice et the time of or pdor to an Inspectlon spec(fying reasonable cause tor the Inspection.
<br /> 10. Condemnation.The praceec�s of any eward or claim for damages, direct or consequentlal, in connection wfth any
<br /> condemnatl�n or ather taking of any peR o1 the Property, or tor conveyance In fleu of condemnatlon, ara hereby asslgned and
<br /> � ehall be paid to Lender.
<br /> � ' In the event ot a total teking of the Property, the procesds shail be epplied to tha sums �ecured by th(s Security
<br /> '' Instrument, whother ar not thon due, with any excoae paid to Borrower. In the avent o1 e partial takng of the Property In whlch
<br /> . the falr market value of the Property (mm�diately before the taking Is equat to or gi�eater than the amount of tna suma securea
<br /> by thls Security Instrument immedlatety betore tho taking, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in writing, the aums
<br /> , secured by thls Securiry instrument shall 6e reduced by the amount of the proceeds muttipiied by the tollowing tractlon: (a)tho
<br /> ' total amount of the sums secured Immedtatey before the takirg, dlvided by (b)the ta(r market value of the Property fmmEdlatety
<br /> betore the taking.My balance shail be psld to Bonower. In the avent o1 u pnrtinl tnking ot tho Property In which the falr market �---
<br /> . . vaiue o}the Property Irnmedlately bofore the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the tnking, __
<br /> unloss Botrower end Lender otherwise epree In wrtting ar unless aQpllceble law othe�wlse provides, the proceeds shell be --
<br /> epplled to the sums secured 6y thls Secu�iry Instrument whether or not ihe sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property Is abandoned by Bonower,or if,atter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ofters to make an
<br /> eward or settle s claim tor damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days alter the dato tho notice Is glven, �_'
<br /> Lender is euthodzed to collect and appty tho proceeds, at its opUon, eliher to restoretlon or repalr of the Property or to the -:
<br /> sums secured by this Securily Instrument, whother or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower atherwisa agree fn wrfttng, any application of praceeds to princtpal shelt not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly payments reterred to In paragra�►hs 1 end 2 or change the amount oi such psyments. ��
<br /> _ ,� 11. Borrower Not Relea�od; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extcnston of tha ume tor payment or
<br /> modiiicaUon oi amortizatlon ot the sums secured by this Securlry Instrument grented by Lender to eny successor in Interest of
<br /> Borrower shall not oporete to release the Ilabliity oi ihe origlnal Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shaq not
<br /> be requlred to commence proceedings agnlnst Qny successor in Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise
<br /> modity amortization of tho sums aecured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orig(nal Borrower or
<br /> 8orrower a succosaors In interest. Any torbesrance by Lender in oxerdsing any rlght or remedy ehell not be a waNer ot nr
<br /> • preclude the exercise of eny rlght or romedy.
<br />- ;; , 12. Successore and AssOg�� Bound; Joint and Several Liabflity; Ca•slgra�ro. The covenante and
<br /> agroements of thls Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors end essigns ot Lender and Borrower,subJect to the
<br /> i } ' provlslons of paragreph 17. Borrower's covenents end sgreements shall be)alnt nnd seveml, Any Bartower who co•slgns thts
<br /> 3ecurity Insirument but doea not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slgning thls Secudty Instrument only to maRgage,grant and convey
<br /> that Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terms ot thla Security Instrument; (b) Is not pereonally abllgated to pay the
<br /> . sums eecured by thl� 9ocurity InsWment; end (c) agrees that Lender and any other Bortowor mey agroe to extend, modi(y, I ,
<br /> forbear or mpke nny nccommodations with regard to the tertns of this Securlty instrument or the Note without that BoROwer's
<br /> , consent. �
<br /> i 13. Loan Ch��gOe. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to n Iaw which sets maximum loan
<br /> • �. , oharges, and thnt iaw is 1lnally Interpreted ao that the intereat or other loan chargos co118cted or to be collected In connectlon .
<br /> - wtth the loan exceed the pertnitted ifmits, then: (a)any such loan charge shell be reduced by tha nmount necessary to reduce ,
<br /> the cherge ta tha permftted Iimlt; end (b) any sums already collectad from Bortower whlch oxceedad pertnitted Iimits wlll be �
<br />_ rotunded ta Borrower. Lender may choose to make thle refund by reducing tho prfncipal owed under the Note or by making e ,
<br /> • . • diroct pnyment to Borrower. II a refund reduces principat, the reductlon will bo treatod ns a partlal prepayment without any
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14, N041C88.Any notice to Borrower provided for In thls Security Instrument shall be gNen by delNering It or by mailing It
<br /> • by first cla�s mafl unloss upplicnblo IaH requlras use oi another method. The noUce ahull be directed to the F'roperty Address
<br />- -i _-_,_ _, _____ ,,, o,,,, nthar addtuss eorrower deslanates bv noUco to Lender. Mv noticn to Lender shell bo glven by first class mall to _.
<br /> .,....F__________ ____:__...___.. �. .� ..
<br /> . ; • ' Lender's add�ess stated herein or any other address Lender daaignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for In this
<br /> ' ` . Sacurity Instniment shsll be deemed tn hAVe hnrn �Iven to 8nrtower or Lender when gNen es provldod fn this paregraph.
<br /> � � 15. �overning Law; Sev�B��blll$y. This Sacurity Instrument shall bo govemed by federcil law end the law of the
<br /> � Judsdiction In which lhe Propsrty Is located. In the ovent that any provlsion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> contlicts with epplicabto law, such contilct shall not oNect other provisione ot this Socurity Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> � �.� -• given etlact without the contiicting provision. To thls end the provislons o�thls Security InsVument and tho Noto ure declarod to
<br /> ; ' bo sevembin.
<br /> � � 16. Borrnwer's Copy. Borrower shnll bo glvan one contortnod copy ot the Note and of thls S�curity Instrument.
<br /> � F1310.LM0(12/93) Pogo 3 01 5 � �
<br /> �
<br /> „t 94002 '
<br /> �`
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<br />