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. . .•�rrcyli�° .`�:, :,i,y'.;�n��tc.,��1,,, ,. , ,�:..- _. `� a./ + :•�t"7'b rr.:� .�.y�:�Z:�•: ,� <br /> � .�, -.1 . lt� 1'i.; �!i� � aYi'�. � /4�il�L ��S'�h h•�. ' . <br /> ' �,F"�N 41^iy' � .. ' .. �A ' .. � <br /> •� '. ^°!'1R R R R^��NIW'',,...r,.Y . , , ' .:...... . ....-� � ,. ' . .. .. �r,.•'r,?..r�•. <br />-y .. 1l��1 ��we.'w.�..�r._�.�.a•�.w...L,.......:_........n-..'_-'.,�Lw�+..y...._ _�.._.�—'_"_—�.._�_�.—._._ .e _ <br />.�1� . . �i �_ ,!:�erttt:. <br /> � • � TOOETNER WITH nll the Improvemente now or heresfter erected on the property, and all easements, appudenencea, and , '"°' • - <br /> fixtures nov,► or hereaiter o pnrt of thu property.All repiaccmcnta nnd addillono ehr.11 aiso bo covered by thl�Sccurity Inr,trument. '1 <br /> � Ali oi tho tarcpolnp la rcicrred to In thla Sceudty In�lrument as 4ho "Froperry." �1 <br /> 6Q�iROVI,::F1 COVt�AtdT9 ihot Borrotivcr la I�vAulty aclzcd o} tho o�tnto hcrcby convcycd nnd hne tho rl�ht to Q•r�nl end <br /> convcy tho Praperiy end tha4 lho Pr�perry Is uncncumbcrcd, axcept tor cncumbranco� o( rccord. 6orrov�cr �vnrr�nts nnd vtl:l .��Q� I <br /> doicnd flcnerally lho tltla fo tho Property npalnat oll cl�ims and ��mands, rubJcct ta nny cncumbrancoa o1 rca�rd. <br /> THIB SF.QURITV IN9TRUMENT cornbinos unllorm cover�ants for nutlonal u�a nnd non•unliortn covanants with Ilmited � <br /> - " varlationo by Jurlad�ctlon to canalituto n unitortn oacudry Inatrument coverinp renl property. � ; <br /> UNIFORM C01lENANT9, Borruwor end Lender covertant and ngree ae followa: <br /> ' 1. Payment of PrinCipal �nd Interest; Prep�yment end I.�at� Cherga�e. Borrower chall promptly pay when <br /> . duo tha Pdnclp�l o}cnd lntcrest on tha dcbt ovidcnccd by the Note end any prcp�ymcnt nn�1 I�tc�r.hnr�r.s dua under the Note. ��j • ,_ .. <br /> 2. Funds tor Tax�a And Inaur�nes. SubJect to applicable law or to e written walver by Lender,8orrower shnll pay �j �i <br /> ;;�,,-��: <br /> � to Lender on the day monthty paymente are due under tho Nota, until the Note la pefd In tull, e aum ('Funda')tor. (a)yaarry ,.�...'_., <br /> „ toxes nnd essesaments whlch may atteln priority over this Security Instrument as o Ilen on the Properry; {b) yeadyr Ioasehoid ' •'�•Y:;. <br /> a enta or round rente an the Property, i}an (c) yexrry hau�rd or ro IRSUrance remluma; (d) ye+ul�r Aoad Ineurance �.��`-="`' <br /> P Ym 0 Y� P P�Y P �,�___. <br /> � premlums,If sny; (o) yearly morlgage inaurance premlume, If any;and(t)any sums payable by Borrower to Lender In ecaordance t?=:-" <br /> vdth the provislons ot paragraph 8, in Ileu of the pay�ent of mortgaflo Insurence premlums. These Item3 are cailed 'Eacsow ��.;... <br /> � Items.' Lender may, at nny timo, col;ect end hold Funds in an nmount not to exceod the muxlraurn emou�t a lender fat•a -=----- <br /> tederally related mortgaga loan may requiro for 8ortower's escrow account under the Yederal Real Estste SetUemeni Pracedure� � <br /> ' Act of 1874 as amznded lrom time to time, 12 U.9.C.�2601 et saq. ('RESPA'), unless another law thet eppiiea to the Funde -- <br /> sets n leaser emount. If so. Lender may, at nny time, collect and hotd Funds in en amount not to exceed th�lessc� amount. <br /> Lender may estimate tha nmount o}Funds due on the basls ot curtent data and �easoneb!A estimates of experd!tures ot luture —___ <br /> � . Escrow Items or otherwlse In accordance v�ith npplicable Iaw. <br /> The Funds shali ba held In nn(nat(tutlon whose de�osils ure insured by e fedFxel a�ency, instrumentaiity,or entriy(induding <br /> Lender, (f Lender Is such an Institutinn) or In nny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendet shaN epply the Funds to pay the Eacrow — <br /> . Itema. Lender may not charge 8orrawer for holding and applying the Funds, tinnually anslyiJng the escrow account,or verfying _ <br /> the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays 8ortower Interast on iho Funds and eppNcaGlo law permits Lende� to make suct� a <br /> charge. However, Lender may requlre Borrower to pay a one-�me charfle 4or nn Independent reel estata tax reporthg edvice <br /> used by Lender In connectlon with this loan, unlesa npplicable law provides oti�etwise. Uniess an a3reement le made or <br /> appllcabla law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings an the Funda. <br /> Bortower snd Lender may agree In writing, however, that Interest shail be paid on the Funds. Lender shep gNe to Bortower, <br /> , ���`• wlthout charge, an annual accounting of tFio Funds, showing credits nnd debfts to ihe Funds and tha p�rpose Tor which e�ch <br /> • debit to the Funcis was made. Thn Funds are pledged as sddi�onal security for all eums aecured by the Security Instn�rnent. <br /> ' Ii the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounts petmitted to be held by eppllcable lavi, Lender �shall eccount to 6orrawer <br /> for the excess Funds In accordance with lhe req�cirements o} applicable Isw. I}tha emount oi the Funds held by Lender at any <br />, tirr,e Is not sufllcient to pay the Escrow Itema when due, Lender mey so notNy Bortower In wrlt�nA,and,In such case EloROwer <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to mako up the deflclency. BoROwer shall make up the deflclency In no moro tben <br /> tweNe monthy payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment fn tull of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument, Lencler shall promptly retund to Borrowec any Fund� <br /> ---.— --'�- held by Lender. Ii, under paragraph 21, lender shell acqulre or seii the Property, Ler►tlQr,pnor to the acqulsmon or eaia oT ti�e <br /> ` Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tima of acqulsillon or sale as a credit aga(nst 4ha suma secured by thb <br /> Security Instrument. <br /> ' 3. App[Iea4lon oT Payme�nts. Unless appllcable law provides otherwise, all payments recelved by Lenda ur�der <br /> � � paragmphs 1 and 2 shnll he pnAIIHfI' {fqt, t(�AflV MP�IAVMPI��f:FIqMPA l�Itp 11/If�PI�hA Nntw; car.nn�li M Nrtl�llln�A�1wV11F7}A IIntIN - <br />' - - ° paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,ta princfpel due;end lest,to any late charges due under the Nate. <br /> 4. Chargee; Llens. BoROwer shall pay a!I taxes, asaASSmenls, chargos, lines and (mpos�lans ettributable lo the <br /> • Property which may ettaln p►iodty over this Securfity Instrument,ancl leasehotd payments or ground rents,H eny. Bortower sheN <br /> pay these obllgatlans In the manner provided In paragreph 2, or H not pald fn that manner, Borrower shall pay them on tfine <br /> " directy to the person ow�� payment. Borrower shall promptfy tumish to Lender all notices o}emounts to be paid under tN8 �,-� <br /> paregreph. Ii Borrower makes 4hese payments d'uectly, Borrower shall proniptly tumish to Lender recelpt3 evideneing the -- <br /> pay.ments. _ <br /> Bortower sheli prompUy discharge any Ilon whtch hes priodty over lhls Secw•ty InsVument unless Bortowor. (a)aprees In --- <br /> . wrtting ta the peyment of the obiigatlon secured by the Iien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contesta In good faHh the �a <br /> ilen by, or detends agalnst enforcement ot the Ilen In, legnl proceedings �vhlch tn the Lender's opinlon opetate to preven3 ihe �_— <br /> • enforcement oi the Iten; or(c) secures from the halder o1 ihe Iien an agreement satlsfactory to Lender subord�naUnfl the�en to —�� <br /> thls Securfty Instrument. It Lender det�mdnes that any part of tho Property Is subJect to a Ilen which may attain prlo�ly over this ;"'�!- <br /> � Secudty InsWment, Lender may give 8orrower a nottca Identifying the Ilen. 9ortower shall sntisty the Ilen ur take one or more oi """ <br /> ,� <br /> , the actlons set 1oRh above w(thin 10 days o}the glving of notice. <br /> .� 5. Hazara3 Or PfOp6rty InSUrBnCe. Borrower shall kQep the improvements naw wclsting or hereafter eructed an the = <br /> Property Insured aguinst loss by firo, hauvds Included ►vRhin tho tertri 'extended covemgo' and nny cther hazards, Including - <br /> ,, � ' floods or tlooding,for which Lender requlres inaurance. This insurance shalt he malntalnod in the amounts end tor ihe periods '� �':� <br /> ' , thet Lender requires. The insurance ceMer provtding the insumnce shell be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lenders approval � <br /> ' •� whlch shall not be unreusonaby withheid. If Borrower fafis to maintaln coverage described above, Lender mny, at Len¢]er's ' <br /> • option, obtaln coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property In accordance with paragreph 7. <br /> • All Insurance policles and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall Inciude a standard mortgage ciause. Lender <br /> shall have the rfght to hold the policies and renewels. If Lender requlres. Bortower shail promptty give to Lender ell recelpts of <br /> ' � pald premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Bonower shall glve prornpt noUce to the Insurence cartfer and Lender. <br /> Lender mny mako prooi oi loss if not made promptly by Bortower. <br /> . �, � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wrfting, insurance proceeds shell be epplled to restorntion or repalr of the � <br /> Property damaged,If the restoration or repalr Is economically tcasfble and Lender's sacurity Is not lessened. If the restoretlen or <br /> . repalr Is not economlcaliy teasible or Lenders secmity wauld be tessened, the Insurance proceeds sheu be npplied to tho swns <br /> secured by thfa Security Instn�ment, whether or not the� due, wfth eny excess pnid to Bortower. If Borcower nbandons tho <br /> � Property, or does not answer wilhin 30 days a notice from Lender that the Insurance carrfer has otfered to settle n clalm, then <br /> � Lender may callect tho Insurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums ; <br /> ' secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. 1'he 30-day pertod win begln when tho notiae Is glven. I <br /> Unless Lender and Bortowcr otherwise agree In wriling, any applicaUon ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or � <br /> po3tpono tho due date o1 tho monthty pnyments referred to In pumgraphs 1 und 2 or chango thn amount ot ihe payments.If , <br /> under parngraph 21 the Property Is acqufred by Lender, Borrower's right to any inaurance polides and procuads resutting irom <br /> damage to the Property prior to tho acqufsition ohall puss to Lender to the extent ot the sums by this Security Inswment <br /> --�.--- " Inuned4ltelv odor to the acauisiUon. � <br /> � "• 6. Occupancy, Pre�enratlon, Maintenanco and Protectlon of the Property; 8orrower's Loan � <br /> � Appli�atlon; L883011O1de. Borrower aheli occupy, esteblish, end use the Property as Borrower's principat residenco within <br /> sixty days eRer tho execution of this Seeurity Inslrument end shall continuo to occupy the Property as Borrov�er's pdnclpal <br /> rosldenco ior at leasi ono year ctiter tho dnto of occupancy, unloss Lender otherwiso agrees !n wdting,which consent shal! not <br /> • bo unreasonebty withhetd.or unloss wctenueting circumstunces exist whlch ara beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shail not <br /> � , de3VOy,damago or Impalr tho Properly, ollaw ihct Property to deteriorate,or commR wasto on tho Property. Borrower sholl be In <br /> delnult H nny foHeituro actfon or proceeding, whother civll or cdminel, Is begun thnt In Lender's good tnith Judgment could rasult <br /> in fuHeituro of tho Property or otherwiso mate�inity Impulr tho lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiy Interest. <br /> ' t <br /> . <br /> � F171G.LM0(1TN3� P�pc 2 of 5 v�/� <br /> . -�- <br /> � <br /> . 3l004 � <br /> .�.. <br /> � <br />