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<br />`°`"--- by law;(b)ta r�ll surns securc�by thls Seturily In.streimenF;wid(c)uny exces.9 to the peraun or pe►:crms kg�Jly entitl�
<br /> = tu it. _—
<br /> -�� Z2. Recunve,yana. U�wn payment of al!sun�s securcd by ihis Socurity Inslrument, I.ender st�all rcyuess'Itusta so
<br /> reconvey the Yroptrty and shull surrendc.�•this Sxurity Instrument and all notes evidencing dcbt scc:ured by this Sectmty
<br /> - - - bsh�ment to'Ch�slca. 71-ustec shnll r�conr•ey the Prapr.rty withnnt w�nnn�}'nnd w11hm�P CF1tIr�C to Ih� pertion or►?Pr.:nna
<br /> - IegnlEy entitled to it. Such person or pr.rsons shall puy uny recordat�on costs.
<br /> 23. Subncitute'llruAta. i.ender,at its npuon,may fram timc to tume remave'Ilustce and oppoint A successor tniF3ee to
<br /> _—_ any 'Ilvstcc uppointed hcacundcr by an inshumcnt rcwrded in thc coanty in which thi� Security Instrument is recorrlal.
<br /> Without cum•eyarx;e of the I'roperty, ►he successor trustce shall succe�d to a!1 the tide,power und duties canferred upon
<br /> 7tustce herein and by upplicnble law.
<br /> 24. Yixqu�t for No4lces. Donower requests that copi�s of the notices of def�utt and sale bc sent to Borcower's address
<br /> _� which is the Properiy Addresc. __
<br /> ?.5. Riders ic thl�Secur[ty It�trumen� If one or more dders are executcd by Borcotiver and ncorde;d tagethtr with
<br /> — this Security Inswment, the covenants and agrcements of cach such rider shall Ix: incorporated into and shali amend and
<br /> _ supplement the covenants and ngreemenGS of this Securery Instrumant as if the ridcr(s)wera a part oF this Security Instrument.
<br /> v_ [Check ap�licublc Fwx(cs)]
<br /> — ��ldjustable Rate kider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider ,
<br /> _ �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Developmcnt Rider �Bi�veckly Payment Rider
<br /> -:_.�'�'�1 �13alloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Secoud Home Rider
<br /> v,°::;=:_� �Qther(s)[specify] ASSIGNmENT �F RENTS
<br /> -� BY SIGNWG BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the te�ms and covenants contnined in this Securiry Insttu�nent
<br /> ..:,� nnd in any rider(s)cxecuted by Borrower nnd recordcd with it.
<br />-- -_�� VVimess: Wimess• ��,r/G�
<br /> _=.-�,�
<br /> / e
<br />_-._,� HN . CLINCH
<br /> --s<?,y .
<br /> r-!�
<br /> ";;,�'; (Seaq (Seal)
<br /> ---��_ -aorrowcr B BARA J. CLINCH -Bo�rower
<br /> - Vir�
<br /> ::=ir::.fs �SCSI�� (S'P.81� �.t
<br /> -$oirowct -Borrouxr
<br /> -3'?� STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL ~
<br />_-=�-tiK7 County ss: �y
<br /> ;� .
<br /> _'�' day of OCTOBER 1994 bcforc mc,thc undersigncd,a Notary Public ?F��
<br />--� ..J On this 13TH
<br /> --`z'� duly commissioned andqualified for said county,personally came J�HN E. CLINCH ANO BARBARA J. CLINCH� -'�;L.
<br /> �.Y_� HUSBAND AND WTFE ,to me known to bc thc � -
<br /> n�,� identical persons(s)whose name(s)nre subscribed to the fore�oing instrument and acknowlcdgcd thc cxccution themof to '� �
<br />_ _-.oy be THEIR voluntury nct nnd deed. "
<br /> `_;� Witness my hand nnd notnrial scal at GRAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA in said county,the �• Y�
<br />. . 7..
<br /> ° date�4'ores ' �W_.........,....
<br />�,.{"`� MyGo ssi �B.��KOIAAY-SfataotNeDr�ska
<br /> ,_ '�—�
<br /> STEVE D.KU811�iM1
<br /> � f �b�.Or�Mw l.1191
<br />•"-;�i;, Nottvy Public
<br />'"`� TO TRLJSTEE: �
<br /> ;R��.
<br /> _.:- ;� Tlie undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Dced of'Iiust. Said note or notes,together with all
<br /> odicr indebtedness secured by ttus Deed of'Ihist,have�een paid in full. You arc hcreby directed to canccl said note or notes
<br />""��'� and this Deed of'[tust.which are dclivered heneby, and to reconvey,without wacranty,alJ the estate now held by you urtder
<br /> '"""' this Dced of'llvst to the person or persons legnlly endded theretn.
<br />:��:
<br />"�-"° Datc:
<br /> ���.:� --
<br />_-�� � � Form 3028 9l�0 (Page 6 oj6 puges)
<br />,4� � . k
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