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<br /> !�l Y ';�r. y � .. . � y f• ❑t 2u���y� utr,•r ��. t, �:n;....r -.,' ;;�c'�: ; r,�--
<br /> !;cc��riry Ii�stmnicnt;ar(f�)e�iEey oi'n judg�;��nt r.��far.:in�;�tiis 4�eneity 1m;litij�i::�i�. 'i�1�.n•::s ea�t,li.lu �;rs,:�'s,:?!:� ,a��,:. ,: {; i �°=-::-
<br /> ��ays Lcndcr all sur�is �vZaic(i U�tiZ trould G� du�: «�zr,c� tids :�r.s:tiiity In;��afu:nt n�irl It:,rzul�: ��•{ iC iu► ucccfc�usiu�i ba�3 `"i'•
<br />__._= c►�curr�d;(b)c�ires�ny defaul[of;�ny oti�cr s:ovcnants ar ngreem,,nts;(c)pays.i10 cxpcnses inccirrcci i��cnfnrci►y�this tirxur�ty
<br /> _ Instruincnt, includinE, but aot limited to,re�sunablc utrorneys'fces; r,nd (d) toakes Huch �xiiun u4 l.cncler �nay reucunably
<br /> --- requiet;to ussuro thae the leen af ihis Security Instrument,Lenclery rights in the!'mpertt,y aixl Hotrowerx obii�aQoo k►p�y d�e
<br /> 6Ult1.L' secured by ti�is Security lnstnu�ent sh�l! cundnua unchnnged. Upon relnst�tement hy Hrnmwrr, ihis SKCUrity
<br /> �•� Ih''avment and th;:0�11�'1t:0I1.",:i;.ESi�{�ti:C�:�Y Sti`lw��t';.511a1��fuix,c1'F;,c;t:�'�i.;I�:::�6+:;:.;I.....C�.�Pn:i��:�:tuu�i�. i�uwcie�;u/Sa1 . .
<br /> __ right ta rtinstate shnll not upply in thc cnsc of accelcration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note;Clunge ot'I.own Serviter. Thc Plote or a partixl intenst irt the Notc(tobethcr wlth this Sociuity
<br /> Instrumvnt)may bo�su�td ono ar mvrr tinies wlthout�rior nottcc to Borrawar. A sale muy t�iult in a change itt the eMity
<br /> (known As the"Loan Servicer")that collects�nonthly payments due under the Note nnd this Sccu�9ty lnsm►ment. 'I'here alea
<br /> niay be one or more chanf�es of Ihe Lc�an Servicer unrc:lated to a salo of the Nors:. If there i�n r.E,v,�r,�t'�hr_.r�,�.,:c,�.,,;��, _ .._ .__
<br /> Horrower wiU be given written notice of the change in uccocdance with parugraph t4 above uncl upplicabk law, '1'he notire •
<br /> - -- w1U stnte the nc�iie and ad�ress of thE i�cw Loau Se�viLer aiid tiie t�ldress w wi�ich payments shouid bs made. Tne naicc wiis
<br /> - also contain nny e�ther i»formation required by npplicable law.
<br /> �0. Haxardous Substane�v, Aornowez sha11 no4 cause or permJt tho presence,uso,disposal,storage,or rel�ASS af�ny
<br /> Ha�rdous �ubstances on or in the Propetty. Borrower shall not do, nor aUow anyone clsr.tn cb, anyQung at3('ecung tfic
<br /> Propeny that is in violaGon of any Euvironmental Law. The pc+eceding two sentencz�s6a11 not apply to t}�e prespue,use,or
<br /> storage on the Property of small qua�uities of Hu�urdous Substnnces that ar�gencrally pecognized to be appmpriato tu norn►al ' •
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance 9f the Property. .
<br /> , Borrowcr sh�ll prompAy give Lcnder writtcn notice of any investigation,claim,alem:tnd,lr�wsuit or aher uctinn hy anv
<br /> govemmental or regulatory egency or private p.�rty involving the Property nnd any Hazardous Substnnce or Environmental
<br /> Law of which Bon•ower has nctual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by eny gov�:rmental or regulator}�
<br /> authorIty,that any removal or ather remediation of any Ha7audous Substance affecting the Propeny is ncxessar�,Bomawer
<br /> �:�'i shaA promptly take all ncesssary remedial acrions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> _ As used in this paragraph Z0,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined a�toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> -,-� Environmental Law ar.d thc follo�ving subswnces: EusolIne,kcrasene.othcr flAmmable or roxlc petruleum pralu;.w, toxic
<br /> pesacides and h�rbicldes, valaule sotvents, mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,a�d rnd'aoacHve materinis. As —
<br /> — used in this paragraph 20,"Environmenkll Law"meuns federal laws and laws of thc jurisdictlon whcre the Property as I�ated
<br /> _— that relute to health,safety or environmental protecdon. �
<br /> NUN-UNIF�RM CnVENA(d'I'S. Borrower and Lender farther covenant and agc�eo us follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedles. Lereder sh�il give notice to Borrnwer prior to accelerntlon foilovring Borrower's
<br /> — breach of any covenant or agreement in this Securtty Instrument(but uot prior W scceleratbm under poragraph!7
<br />.—'- IIIIIP�Q A�1'I�MFIIP I�W�ytAac Q I�i�r.yi�a�, Th_.,H,.K.«06��_113r-�r:r= i����•.°L�.'ii::�(�)i�'.c uvTi icsjuu�i w CyFi ine -
<br /> -- default;(c)a date,not I�ss than 30 dnys from the date the notice(s given to Sorrower,by wbkh the detAUlt must be
<br /> cured;and(d)tlwt failure to rure the defeult on or before the tlate sp�ciped In t6e nodce may result[n accelerAt➢on of
<br /> the sums secure�D by thts Security Instrument and sule of the Praper�. 9fie noUee shaU tWrth��inform 1'Sorrower�f
<br /> — the right to reinstat�AQer acceleratton enci the right to bring n coarl ucHon to asscrt We non�existence of�deCault ur
<br /> any other de[ense of Borrower to aceelerntion and sale. If the de[ault(s not cured on or before the date sPecfiied in
<br />__� the notice,I.ender at its optbre may requtre tmmediate�nyment in futl of aU sum4 secured by thLs Security Ie�sh ument --
<br /> -= with�ut further demand and ma,y Invoke the E►ower of snle ond any otl�er reniedies permitte�l by applicAble IAw
<br />—= I.ender shall be entitled to collect all expe.nses tncurred In pursuing We remed�es provided in thls �raeagraph 21,
<br /> _� including,Ibut not lirnited to,reasonable attorncys'�'ces s�n3 cos!s of title evtdenca �_
<br />-�� It tl�e pow�r of sele is[nvoked,'It�ustee shnll record a�not�ce of default in cach county In whicii any part o8 the
<br /> = Property i�loc,�ted and ehall mail copfes of surt.nottce in the manner prescribed by eppllcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> � the other�crsons grescr�bed by uppIIcable law AtYer the Ume required by m�plicable law, 'lrustee shall give publQ+e =
<br /> � notice o[sale to the persons and Gn the manner prescribed by appltcuble Inw 7fustee,wfithout demand on Borrower, ----
<br />_�.� shall seU the Praperty nt public nu�tton to the hnghe.st bfdder at the time and pluce and under t��Yrmms designated in --
<br /> �:a. the notice of sale in one or more pacccls and(n any order 1lrustce determincs. ltustee muy poszp�nz sale of all or any �=
<br /> __� parcel og¢he Property by pubiic�nnouncement nt the Hme and pince of ony prevEausly schedulc�7 sate. Lender or(ts �'"-
<br /> -- dasiguce may purchase the Property at any sale. �;;i�_
<br />_ _— Upon recetpt of payrner�4 oF the price bid,11ru�tee shalt deliver ro the purchaser'Ilrustee's decd convev8ng the ^
<br />__- Property. fl�e rccitals in the'IYusiee's dced shA71 be pr�irma facfe evidence of thc truth of the stntements made tlteretn. ��
<br />_;,� 11 astee shnll upply the proceedsof the stile um the following order: (a)to all costs und expenses of exercfstng the power � f
<br /> _..' » ' '.
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