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"- <br /> ' r o r c a r tf f l c xt�s o!In xurunte In form satisfncto r y to LenRqr,Includlr�Q aUpuial;one Ihat cove�apas w�ll nol be canaetind or dlredniehW wlltta�i at _ <br />�'�j lesst ten(t4)deys'prlflr written nntice to Lcnder. c�ch Insurance pW.�cy olso�hnU Inc tu de wn�n dars�mon t p r�vi d l r�t I h a t c o v t�4�I n�a v a v 1 <br /> x' .� Londw wiN nol ba impalrod In any way Fay�ny ar,l,omtsslon a do(ault c,1�r�nlor or any aiher Qescn. �houid 1tN Fi�al Pr�pacty sl ony tlmA __ <br />��';,!^�': • � b�cocrM IoaUd In�n aroa d�sfqnat�d by th�Dlrecta ot thi Flderol Errwrqai�cy Min�Q�rrNnl�ncy�s w pood hw►rd�M�TruWor <br /> �Y" mpreo9la ohtuln encf�ederal Flpod Insurance to the ext8nl e�cfi Ir�surrnca b r�qu!r�d by L�nd��tn h a beeorrea�wN�k�M,ior 1hs <br />-,��, _. - .. � iqrm ui fiie loan encl for Iitie iull un��id pilnc�p.t baianC�of tf►a loan,or lho m�.�Jm�m Iimll o}GovrtP�5lh�t i�r.vefl�h!a,wt�!i�h�ver Is f�4. _� <br />=a�k•�''• "•= Applk�tlon of Proc�eda Trustor shtil prcm,Qlly nolily Lender of ony loss a dama�ta tha Praporty. l�nclu may mak�(xoo�of b�117rutiot � <br />='r'' n" ° tail�to do ao wllhin 8flesn(16)days ol the casualty. 14hethor a not Lendara securlty Is Impalnd,LanWr rru�y,al ll��Ncllon,rwNw�nd rk�n <br /> :��f' th�procpds o1�ny Insurence and appty th�prce�ads to fha reduclion o11ha IndebtednQSS,payment ol�ny Nan aHrcHr►p iM 6kq�wty,a lh� <br /> u" . . rostor�tlon tnd ropalr ol lho Praperiy. If Lender elects lo sppiy Ihs proceed�t�restoratlon and r�p�t�,Trustor shaM np�lr or nplra tM <br /> ' • . dnmapad a dosiroyed Improvements In a manner satisiactory lo Lender. Lendar ehall,upon satislactory proot of such�nditun,p�y or <br /> � rsim�rurso Trustor(rom Ihe procoeds for the reasaneble cost ol repair or restorefion II Trustor is nol In de►aull undac Ihfs OMd dl Trust. Any <br /> ,. : _:. .;, . <br /> prxoeds wh�h hava nol6een dfsbursed withln 180 days after Ihotr receipl and which Lender has nof commlttsd to Ih�np�k or n�olonlf�on of <br />'•� ,, tha Property shaU bo used Rrst to psy any amounl owing lo Lend�r under lnis nead ot i ntst,ihen to pay eccrued b�leresl,arA i�w r.ti+�IntS�7�,t! �° -- ----- <br /> • •• Rny,ehaH b�applbd to Ihs pdnclpal balance o}the Indebtedn�ss. If Lender hdds any proceeds aftNr piymanl ln fuq d ih�Ind�bbdra�s,auch � <br /> •_s ; proceeals chall be pnld Io Truslor as Trustor's interests may appeQr. <br /> � " Unoxpired In�urence al3sle. Any unexplred Insurence shnll Inure to Ihe benefil of,end pass to,ihe purchawr ot itw P�op�rty cowrb by this <br /> �fi �� Deed ol Trusl e1 any Iruslea's sale or other cals held under lha provislons of Ihis Osad of Trust,or at any loreclosura s[b of such Prop�rty. <br />--��, ' Compllance wtth Ektatinp lnde6tedness. Dudnq lho period In which any Exts�np IndAbtedness dascribod botaw h In�f(�f,compl�rws►wNli <br /> � .;. ..'- <br /> Ihe Insurnnce pr�visfons contained In ihe Insirumenl evldencing such Existinp Indebtednesa shall consfitul�compii�nc�wflh ttN Inaurena <br /> ::., • � <br /> 't • ��°=�•� • provl�lans unde�Ih!s�eed of Trusl,Io t►�e oxtent complianco with the term9 0l Ihis�eed of Trust wauld constitu'�e a d icalbn d I�tx�nco <br />_ , • ,.... <br /> �� rsqulremenl. II eny prace�ds from lhe Insurance become Rayabl8 on loss,lhe provfsions In ihis Oaetl of Trust tor dMs on o1 proCMds�tuiH -- - <br /> Y . — <br />;�.�, ' appiy only to that poRlon of the prxeeds not payable to the hotder ol Ihe Exlstinp Indebtedness. _ <br /> EXPHNDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor Iails to comply wilh uny provlslon ol ihls Deed o}Trust,Including any obitpefion to rt�tntain FxlsBrrp <br /> ,� Indebtedness in pood stnndinp as requlred below,or if any acllon a procoedinp is commenced ihat would materlally atteCt L�nd�r's Interes4s In the �-�_� <br /> Property,Lender on Trustore beheif may,bui snall nol ba required to,lake nny�cuo�Ihet Lender deems appropriate. Any amaunt Ih�t LendK � <br /> expenda in so dolnp will baar Interest at the rale chargad under the {4ote(rom tho dato Incurred or pafd by Len�er lo tAe dats of r�ptymeM by =._ <br /> Trustor. NI such Lender's opilon,will (a)be payablo on damand, (b)bo addod t0 tha batance ot ihe Note end be BppodioMd emon� =--' <br /> and be payabte wiih any Inslallmenl paymonts to become due dudnq eilher (i)IhA tsrm of any appllcnbie insuran�e poli�y a (R)Ihe rortullninfl term =:.--- <br /> " pl ihe Note,a (c)be trealed es a balloon payment wh�h wlll be due and payablo at the Nota's maturity. This Deed oa Yrost�Iso wRl secure �,,_ <br /> paymeni o}lhese amounts. The dgMtc provlded for In lhis paregraph shall be In eddi�on to any other dght9 or any remedles to whlCh LetldBr may be �+-- <br /> ent�lled on account ot lhe delaulf. Any such ucllon by Lender shall not be conslruad as curing the defauit so as to bar Lender hom any remedy lhat �; <br /> . ' If otherwise would h8ve hed. t�'-r-��- <br /> WARRANTY;DEFENS�OF TITLE. The toliowinq provislons relating to ownerehlp ot Ihe Property are a parl ot thls Deed o(Trust. ,�;'`, � <br /> . __— �_ ���� Y s" <br /> ._ _. _ � _.. �_'____ �__ ' - <br /> : TIUe. TruSlOt wetf8flt8 lh8h (a)Tru9lor holds good flnd mflrkelable tiue ot recorci io ine Fropariy in i�ro aimpin,iiw ui�u woa�vi�H=�v��'a�ii.i ..}� <br /> � encumbrance9 other then those sel foAh In the Real Proporty description or in Ihe Ezisting Indeblednes5 seclion below or In any tlUe Insurance <br /> �. �` � � poilay,title repo�l,or final title opinlon Issued In favor of,end aCCepted by,Lender in connecllon with this Deed ot Trust,and (b)Truslor ha5 Qte 'i�3, <br /> . , (ull�ighl,power,flnd aulhorily to execute and deliver thlS Deed of Trust to Londer. �' ;.,,. <br /> Detense o}Title. SubJect 4o Ihe exception In the paragraph above,Trustor wartants end will lorover delend the tille to the Properly egainsl tho <br /> lawful Claims of nll persons. In the ovenl any eClion or proceeding Is commenced Ihal questions Trustors tltle or the Interest ot Truslee or <br /> •• Lender under thts Oeed ot Ti rust,Trustor shall delend Iha action at Truslor's expense. Trustor may be the nominel party In such proC6edinp,but " „ <br /> Lender shsll be ontHled to particlpelo In the proceedinp and lo be represented In Ihe proceeding by councel of Londer's own chotce,and . <br /> • Trustor will deliver,or ceuse lo be dellvered,to Lender such Inslrumonts as Lend9r may request from tlme to Ilme lo permii auch particlpaUon. 'c `. , <br /> COmptiance With Lawe. 7rustor warrants thst iho Property and Trustor's uso of the Property Camplles with ell exlstinq appliCable laws, :��'.. <br /> ordinances,and regulatlonc oi governmental nuthorities. ' � <br /> �. . ��� <br /> EXISTING INDE�7EONES3. Tho lollowing provlslons concorning oxisfing indebtedness(tho"Exlsting Indebtedness'�are 8 p8rt ot this Oeed ot <br /> TrU51. , •.ar ." <br /> � �� ' Extat►np Uen. The Ifen o? this Deed of Trust SeCUring the Indebtedness mey be secondary and Infedor to an oxistinp Ilen. Trustor expressiy , " '�j>,� <br /> �� covenants and egrees lo pay,or soe to the payment ol,the Exisling Indebtedness and to prevenl eny detault on such Indebtedness,eny default ? �; ,. �'"r <br /> urlde►the InsUuments evldenclnp such Indebledness,or any defoult under any securily documenls for such Indebtodneu. • � <br /> ,,�' <br /> Default. 11 tJ�e paymenl of nny Instnllment of principul or any inlerest on the Existing Indebtednbss Is not mado wRhin Iho flmo roquired by lhe �� <br /> � noto eNdencmp such Indobtedness,or should e defauit ocour under the Instrumen►securing such Indebtedness and not be cured durinq any <br /> applicable prace porlod Ihetoln,then,et the option of Lender,Ihe Indebtedness securbd by this Dead of Trust shall becOme Immedlfltely due ;,� <br /> end peyabie,end this Deed of Trust shatl be In defaull. ,; <br /> No ModlflCetlon. Trustor shall not eMer Into any agreement wi�h Ihe hoider of any moriflape,deeA of trust,or other security aproemeM which '�• <br /> . ' " has pdodty over Ihis[7eed ot Trust by whlch thet agreemont Is moAltied,emonded,extended,or renewed without the prior written Consent ot • :.; �t <br /> �+� ' „ L.ender. 7rustor shall neliher request nor accopt any futuro udvances under any such secudiy flgreement�vithoul Ihe prior wrftten Consent of � ��. ` <br /> r Lender. 4 . �• <br /> •.� COHQEMNATION.Tho toltowing provlslons relatlnp to condemnation proceedings are a pari of thls Deed otTrusL � <br /> � Appilcatlon ot Net Proceede. If all or any pert ol tho Proporty Is condemned by eminenl domaln procoedings or by etny proCeoding or �, <br /> purChase In lieu Ot condemneuon,Londer may al fts election requlre thal aa or any portion of the net proceeds ot the award be applled lo tho I <br /> Indebt0dn859 or the ropelr or rpstorntlon of Ihe Proporty. The net proceetls of ihe nward shell menn tho csward eNer peyment of ell reasonable , • <br /> ` costs,oxponso:.,and nllornoys'toes Incurced by Truslee or Lendor In connecllon wlih the condemnetion. <br /> � PfOCeedlnp9. H any proCOading In condemnati0n IS filed,Trustor shall promplly nollfy Lender In writing, and Truslor 6heli promptly take such ' � <br /> steps as may be necossery to defend the action and oblaln tho award. Trustcx may be Ihe nominal party In such proceeding,but Lender shall i <br /> be enliGed to pnrticipaio In the procoeding ond lo be ropresanled In Ihe proceeding by counsel of tts own cholce,end 7rustor will deliver or i <br /> - cau58 ta be delivered lo Lender such Instrumenls as mny be roquosted by il Irom tlme to time to permit Such participation. <br /> i . IMPOSITION Oi TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMHNTAL AUTHORITIES. The lollowing provislons reiat(ng to govornmental taxes, I <br /> ; , tees and charpes aro n part ol Ihis Deed of Trust: <br /> ' CuRaM Taxea,FeeB and Charpe�. Upon reyuosl by Londor,Trostor shall execute such documonts In ndditlon to thls Oeed of Trust and Inke j - <br /> whatever olher action Is requesied by Lender to pe►tect and cantinuo Londor's 6en on the Real Properry. Trustor shail refmburse Lender lor all � <br /> 1 '� taxes,t1s deSCribed below,together with ell expenses InCUnsd In recording,perfecUng or continulrq thls Deed of Trust, includin� wlthout ' <br /> i Ilmitetlon ell texo9,lee�,6ocumontary stamps,and othor charges(or rocording or re�lstering thls Daed ol Trust. <br /> ..,. <br /> ,. --- - , . <br /> _ - - - <br />- j ' - - -` _ TQUfCO. 7TI0 f090W1�g SnIIfl CODSt1tUt0 t8XQ9 IO W��C�ttti3 SBCrOn �pplles: l0.j u spwi°ui,ieiii iiyvi ari5 qF+o vi voou v��iuoi'vi u'yv�.o,'i v�o.-.j `-- <br /> !'•.� part of lhu Indeblednoss seCUred by lhls Deed of Trush, (b)e spaclfic tax on Truslor which Truslor Is nulhorized or requirod to doducl hom r <br /> � paymonts on Iho Indobladnoss securad by thls type ot Deed ol Trusl; (c)e tex on Ihls typo of Doed of Trust chergoabte agelnst the Lender or <br /> the hotder of the Note;und (d)n SpttCi(IC Inx on all or any porllon of Iho Indeblednoss or on peyments oi pdncipai and Interest mado by <br /> �t' Trustor. <br /> y- Subsequent Texes. 11 any lax to whlcA this Sectlon applios is o�actod subsoquenl lo ihe dete of IhlS Deed of Trust,this ovent shail havo lhe .. <br /> �t , samo eNect es nn Evonl oi Detuull(as de8ned bAlow),and Lender muy exerclse eny or nll of its uvnllablo romodlos tor nn Evont of Dotnult as I <br /> provlded betow uNos�Truslor efthor (n)pays lho tox beforo It beCOmos delinquent,or (b)contosts tho tax as provldod nbove In fhe Tnxos and <br /> ., � Llens section and deposlis wuh Londor cash or a sumclent ccrporalo surety bond or olhvr secur�ty setls�actory to landor. <br /> . S�CUFiITY AGREEMENT;FINANCINti SYATEMENTS. Thv Iultowirtg provisions rotafing lo Ihls Dood of Trusf as o socurity ngr0emont flro�part ot <br /> lltis Deed o}Trust. <br /> SECUtIIy Apreement. Thi9 InStrument shall Consti�ute e SeCUrity ngreement lo ihu oxtenl any of Ihe Property con5lilute5 tlxtures or olher <br /> " �� per6onal pro(10rty,and Lendor shall havo oll of Iha dahis of a seCUred perty undor Ihe Unilorm Commercial Code ns emonded from time to � • <br /> > , . Ilme. , <br /> � SlCUrlty InterCSt. Upan roquest by Londer,Trustor shell pxeCUte finnnciny stalemenls und tako whalever olher flcilon Is roquusted by Lendor <br /> „ �' <br /> !� . - <br />