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<br /> ����� � � .,� THIS AEEC OF 76i1�ST, lNCLUnIKS] THS ABSIOHMENY �F 61�NTS ANO YH� Sd:CUI'ilTY lN'i'EH�$�7 IN 1'11L FU°-�lT�AAq �
<br />}��" � PROPGR7Y,19 GIV�ti 70 8ECUfiE (i)PAYf41EM7 QF THE INOEB'f�ONEf19 qHfJ (2)PECiF(3RMANC�QF ANY ANtI ALI.QlM.�3AT�60Mlf(�
<br /> _�w�_��F���,,,�rt�,;�;•; TRUSTQR UN6L`F7 T�`NOTE,Tli�RELAYEO DQCtJIV�HNTS,AND Tlil'�UE�1 OF THU aT. THi3 DEEO VF TRUSt IS OIVEH AND�ICC'��6'TE'a
<br /> ON Ti1k�FftL1.OWINQ T�RMS:
<br /> q��':� �, �� .� AAVrw�:3F AC:�C�^FC:!".c1t:C^ [rccpt c�olh^r�fl�o ptovlded In Ih{s Owud ol Tte91.Truslot shuH Fny lo Lenda��II amaunfs a�oiu�d by tMt DMC1 ,
<br /> : ..c:.�,�.r.,�; of Trus4�Ih�y b�com�dus,�nd ahall sVlctly and In a Ilmoiy m�nncr portorrn al ol Trustotd obiqJauona und�r itw Not�,iob vwd d'�.�.�,�+�:t�a
<br /> .ri�,;•� .. . . ,r:_. R�t�dDnCUnMnt�,
<br /> '�1_: POSSESSiON APlU MAINTENlIHC�OF THE PRQPEATY. Trustor aprees Iha1 Truslor'a posses�lon snd usr a���MoC�1's��9��by
<br /> ".;.;'�, . . � the fdlowlny provislons:
<br /> ,,;�� •• Po�u�ion and U�. UnUI ths occurr�nc�of an Evant oP Ddtauil,Trus!cx may (e)romale In pess�sslon and contrd o�tM Prop�ty. (b)u��
<br /> ; ��-•. �.. ... ppartle a maruiga lM Property,and (o)colNot any Rents hom Ihe PropeAY•
<br /> -a.t. .. , puty lo Mafnt�tn. Trustor sha11 malnttin tha F�opody�n lenanta6W con8ition and promptly prrtorm e!!rt�nke,r�}!!�?en►�nlF.a+W rtain�cw� -
<br />'==;° - " • necessary to pnserve Rs velue.
<br /> »��„ "•haiardous substnnco.""dlsposal,"�roUas�;and whn�t�d��w:��d ln tl�M
<br /> Fivardoua 3ub�tsncea. TM terme"heurdou�waste,
<br /> ' ' Deed of Trust,ehall have lNo seme meanlnqs as sel lorih In the Comprehensive Envlronmonle!Responsa,CAmpe�aon,ar►d Li�bMll Ac1 c+�
<br /> 1980,as emanded,42 U.S.C.Section 9601,ol seq.("CERCLA°),IhA Superlund Amendments and Fieauthorizatlon Act of 19ER. Puh.L.No.
<br /> gg-qgg('SAFiA�,the Hauirdous Malorisis Transporlalion Act,a3 U.S.C. Saction 18i11,et seq.,lhe Fieeuurc��onyerwtlon�nd F�cowry A4M�
<br /> . 49 U.S.C.Sectlon 6401,el seq., or other eppNcabie stete or Fedoral laws,rules,or reputetlons adopled pursuen!la�ny d It�btqdiW Thr
<br /> ''� ' terms"haxardous wecfo"and"hazardous substanCe"shall aiso Inciude,wllhuul Iimitation,petrolaum�nd pNro{eum by-producb ot�nY�racilon
<br /> .,. .
<br /> ,...
<br /> -,..... ...: '
<br /> thc+reot end asbsatos. 7ru�tor represanl9 8nd wnnenl5 ta Lender thai: (a)Ourinp Ih9 pedod ol TNStGrs Own�hip d itN Frop�ip,It�� t
<br /> heen no use,peneration,manufaCture,storape,treatment,di�posal,releaso or throatenad rolease oo any ho�utclous w�tst�or subwna i+Y a�
<br /> �I`.�!�, ' � person on, undet,a about lhe FropeAy (b)Trustor hns no knowtedfle�f,a reaaan to b�lleve Ihat llwra tw�hMn.�ccoP�as P��viOU�IY
<br /> � • disclosed to and scknowledped by Lander In wdUng, (p any use,qeneratlon,manUlacluro,stanfla,traUim�nt,dispotal,rMns�,a ttr�oMnld
<br /> relsusa ot any h�sardous waste or substance by any prlor ownors or occupants�f Ihe Proporty or (II)any actu�l or Ihn�berMd W�po
<br /> � claims ol Rny kind by eny persa�reiatlnp to such maUers;and (o)Excepl ae prevlousiy d�5clowd lo and�cknowNdp�d by l.«►c1M In w+ffln0�
<br /> (I) nelther Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,agsnt or other aulhorized uSer of the Properry sMA us�,psnKals,rn�nsihclurlr.�tat.IrM6
<br /> �• ' dispose of, w relvaae any harardous wasle or substnnce on,under,or sbout tho Properly and (II)any such ocUvfty sh�M W cond�cl�d�n
<br /> � compllance wllh all eppucable tedaral,stete,and locst laws,reputatlons and ordinences,lncludlnp without Iim�tatlon thos�wws.npuM►tlora�md _
<br /> ' � � adinnnces de�,,cribed above. Trustor aulhorixes I.ender and Its egents to enter upon ihe PropWrth thismsection d{!�Owd�oi Truq. l�ny
<br /> Yrustor's expense,as Lender may deem approprlate lo determine compllance of It�e Property
<br /> � ' Inspecttons or lests made by Lender shall be tor Lender s purposes only snd shnli not be conslrued to craete any responsibWty a II�bMily on Ih�
<br /> paA of Lender Io Trustor or to nny other porson. The tepresentntlons and warranlies contained hereln sre btsod on Ttusta's dw dWQ�ncr M
<br /> Investigaiins tha Property(or hazardous waste. Trustor hereby (o)rateases and wnives eny luture cialms afldnst L�ndK tor Ir►dmmiiy rx
<br /> __• Contrbutlon in tha event Trustur be:omes Ilabte tor cloanup or other Costs undor any suCh law�,snd (b)aprees to Indamnity and hdo h�umMn
<br /> LYnQY�epatnsi any anu uii c�m�T�S,��000�,:�:bl::'==,y3'►'�B°°.¢onninac;and axoonses which Lendar meY dItYCUY a Ind��CtlY I!l�ttln Or iuKM
<br /> pr thre�ate ed�refeasehoccuhrtny prlot to�T usor's ownorshlp or nle e I�n he R oQ�Swhelher or n t lhe aa a�w�s o�s�hM�w bMrt
<br /> known to Tru:tor. The provlsions of Ihis sectlon of the Deed of Trust,including the obligation to Indemn!fy,shall survive tt»ppyn�nt of lM
<br /> ' ° Indebtedness and the setlstactioi�end reconveyanca of Ihe Ilen of this Deed of Truat end shall nol be afleCted by Lende�s�cqvhNi�r�of�m►
<br /> �� Intorest in the Prope�tyr,whelher by Iorectosure or otherwise.
<br /> Nui�ence,Wute. T►ustor shnll not cause,conducl ar permit any nu�sance nQr commil,pormll,or suHer nny sMppinp of a w�st�on or to th�
<br /> Property or eny poAion of the Properry. Without Ilmliing the genorality ot lhe Ioregoinp,Tnestor wiu nol removs,a preM lo sny othar porty tAt,
<br /> _ �� � dght fo remove,any timber,minerals(Including oil and gas),s�il,grevel or rock producls without lhe prlor wriKan consant of Lendar.
<br /> Removel of Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from the Ron1 Properlyr wltAOUI lhe prlor wrflten cons�nt
<br /> of Lender. As B 4ondillon to the removal of eny Improvements,Lender mny roquire Trustor to make ertenyements salisfactay t0 Lender lo �:___-
<br /> replace such Improvemonts wlth ImprovemeMs ot at ieast equal velue. '—°
<br /> Lender'e Ripht to tnter. Lender an�its ugents and representnhves may enter upon Ihe Roal Properiy et aU reesonnble times to lttend to �-
<br /> Lenders Interesls end to Inspect Ihe Properly for purposes ot Trustor's compliance wilh the terms and canditions ot this Oead NTrust. �
<br /> Compliance with fiovemmentol Requlremenis. Trustor shail promptly compiy wilh all lews,ordinnnces,end repulattons,now or hKwfl�r�� �,
<br /> etfecl,ol all gavernmental nutho�fllos epplicuble to tho use or xcupancy o� Ihe Properly. Trustor may contest in guod(afih any wch law,
<br /> ` ordinenc�,or repulation and withhold Compllance dudng any praceeding,Including appropdale appeals,so lonp as Trustar has�otiMd Land�r �_
<br /> In wdUny pria to dolnq so and so long as,in Lender's sole opinlon,Lender's Interests In the Proporty ere not Jeopardited. Lendar rtuy requko
<br />,, � Truslor lo post adequate&ecurity or a surety bond,reasonably satlsfnctory to Lender,lo protect Londer's Interest.
<br /> �• • Dury to Protect. Trustor egrees neither to ebandon nor leave unaltended the Properry. Trustor ahall do ell other acts,In edditlon to lhase aCts
<br /> �' set(orth above In thls soction,whlch hom tho cheracler and use of the Properly are rensonabty necessary to protact and preserve Ihe Properlyr.
<br /> � �� DUE OH SALE-CONSHNT 8Y L[NDER. Lender may,at Its option,doclare Immedfately due and payoble all sumS 58CUred hy tR'3 Dead of Trust
<br /> ,�� ' upon the sale or Irensler,withoul the Lender's prtor wdtlen consent,oi all or nny parl of the Real Proparty,or uny interest In the Reai PropeAy. A
<br /> . , . "sale or lrensler"means the convoyance of Ree.l Property or any�IghL Illle or Intc�rost thereln;whothsr legal,benetiClal or equNebi9;wfleltwr voiuntary
<br /> " w involuntary;whethor by outright sale,deed,Instellment sela contract,land co�trect,conlraCt for dead,Isasnhold intorest with a lirm qr�t9r Ihen
<br />_ �f+ � three(3)years, lease-optlon contract,or by sale,assipnmenl,or transfer of any beneticial Interesl fn or to any land trust holdiny Htb la lhe Real
<br /> Properly,or by any other method of conveyance of Roal Property Interost, II any Trustor Is e corporallon,paRnershlp or Ilmltod Ilabuity comp4ny.
<br /> � ,`,�" Uensfer also Includes any change In ownership of more Ihan hventy-five percent(2b%)of the voling elock,partnershlp Interests or Umllad Itabuily ,
<br /> r company Interests,ns Ihe casa muy be,of Trustor. However,thls opllon shell not be exercised by Lender if such exerClse is prohibHed by federal
<br /> ' • law Or by Nebraske Isw.
<br /> �, . TAXES AND LIENS. The totlowing provislons ralaiing to ihe lexes and Ilens on the Froperty ere a part of this Oead ot TrusL
<br /> � , Payment. Trustor sAall pay when due(and In all evonts prior lo dolinquency)all texas,speclal tnxos,essessments,aharpes((nctudlny water
<br /> nnd sewer),Anes end Imposilfons levied ngninsf or on account of the Property,and shnll pay when due ali Cialms for work done on or to�
<br /> services rendered or matednl furnlshed to 1he Property. Trustor shull malntaln tho Property Ireo ol all Ilens hAVing pdodiy over or equnl to lhe
<br /> IntoreSt Ot lender undCr thls Dofld o1 Trust,exCepl tor the Ilen ollaxes and assessmonts not dua,oxcept tor lhe exlsllnp Indebtedness referred �
<br /> ' • : to balow,and except es olhorwise provlded In thls Oeod of Trust.
<br />• � � Ripht To Contest. Trustor may wllhhold payment ot any tax,assessment,or clnlm In Connectlon wllh e good talth dispule over the obtiyatlon
<br /> !o pay,s0 lonp 65 Lende�'s Interosl In lhe Properly Is nol Jeopardlxod. II a lien arisos or is filod as a result of nonpuyme�t.TNStor shall wilhin
<br /> � t tittean(tb)days after Ihe Iten arises or,If a Ilen is fiietl,withln titleen(15)days afler Trustor has notice of the Hling,secure the discharpe ot tha
<br /> Iien,oc If requested by 4qn� r,daposit with Lender cash or e suHlc,ent corparete surety bond or olher securliy sntistactory to Lender In nn t
<br /> � __ _ _ amounl suNiG�nt ivd,isCh�rg�lhe Ilen plus nny cosiS nnd attorneys'lees or olher charges that could accrue as a result of n 1or�dosuro or snl6
<br /> .. ....--�" --�_�_,�__u.�.�....
<br /> .w.... ..�..w.. ..��.al�vn nnlnrnurtwnt nmintf Iho �-�
<br /> �- f,...-...--.-.��.-�--...--- -�--- Uf1dCf lh9 1101L ►n nny contost, IfU9f0�S�eli Uetono ii�ort mw LtlIWO� anv���o..oo.�,��o..�.......�:..�....pC••�...--'-'--..."--------�_ . f.:.-._..
<br /> ; � Proporty. Trustor shrtll name Lender as en additionel obligoe undor any suraly bond lurnished In Ihe cont85t procoedings. � `
<br /> � �r EvldenCe of Peyment. Trustor shall upon domand furnish to Londor satisfaclory evidence of puymenl of tho texos or nssoGSmonls and shnll �
<br /> � auihorlie tho npproprlute governmentat o(ficinl to doliver to Lender nt any Iimo n wdtten slaloment ot the lexes end assessments againsl lho ,
<br /> � PropoAy. ;
<br /> �� Notico ot Conatruction. Trustor shall notify Lender a►leasl fitteen(i6�days be}ore eny work is commoncod,any sarvices are lurnlshod,a any
<br /> molerlals flre supplied to Ihe Proporty, It any mochanlc's Ilon, matorialman's Iion,or olher Ilen cauld bo aesurted on account of tho work, i
<br /> sorvices,or mntodals. Trustor wlll upon request of Londor lurnfsh lo Londer advnnce nusurunces setisfaclory lo Lortdar thut Trustor can and wlll I
<br /> • ppy tho cost of sach Improvoments. ,
<br /> • PROPEFiTY�AMAGE INSUAANCH.The following provisions relating lo Insuring the Proporty tsre e part of lhls Gaed ot Trust. ;
<br /> ' Meintenance of InsuronCe. Yruslor shell procuro and mulnlain policles of fire insurnnce wilh stnndnrd oxtondad coverage endoist�ments nn n
<br /> i repiacomenl basls for the lull Insurnble valub coveMng nll Improvemonts on Iho ReAI Properfy In en amaunl sutiiciont to avofd npplication ot nny ;
<br /> cOtnsurenCO Clause,and with e sinndard morigagae cinuse In favor ol Lendar,logether with such olhOr hezard end Ilability fnsurenCO es Lender
<br /> mpy reasonubty roqulro. Policles shall bo�vritlen In torm,amounts,covernges and busfs reasonably acceptabio lo Lender nnd Issued by a
<br /> ,� � �
<br /> .
<br /> ..... . ._ _..._. _..-- . . ..... ._. - -- _-- - __
<br /> _., .... . - ._ . ,. .,
<br />