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<br /> �' 1°�._� ��,QD��a���ir��` -------
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<br /> (o) �osfi�ar�rtcw lay LRqiU�f Nbl O W�IY�R EAny forbearctnc�by Lender In exsrcleing eny rloht or recnedy heraunsler,or --`�- -
<br /> � -- othe�wi�e atfurd�d by sNpUcabte law.ahall not be n w�lvar o�]or precludo 1he exorclae ol eny ouch ri�ht dr remedy.The K�.�:
<br /> _.;;�:,�;�,.M,� procurement of In�urance ar the paymen9of Uxee or other Iiem or qhArpe�by Londer ehall not be e eYQIYS/A�L�ndsr's rlphtto �_
<br /> �""_-_--___� r.scc'cict�fh^rn�turlly oi the InclaR;tecineae secured by thle IDatsd oi T�usi.
<br /> (d)Suec���nd�@��nd:JoM►1�nd 6�v�nl LI�MNfyi�oPtlun�.�iho covenmte and¢yr���;:at�R:;r::�ca�•• , __
<br /> -- t+Nlned�hatl bind,And the rlpht�hereunder eh�tl Inure to,the reepeotiva�uccoswro en�u��pne af lendar �nd Tru�tor.A!I
<br /> covanenri�nd apreementa o1 Truetor ehell I�a�otat�nd eeverel.The captlons end headinpa of the pevaqraphs ot thta Dr�d�4
<br />� Trutt sre lor convanl�c�ae onty end��e not to he uu�d to Interpr�t or detlne the qrovl�ls�na hereal.
<br /> (e) Rpu�at foK NotkN•The partlas hereby repuant that e copy of eny notice o1 def�uit hareunder and a copy af any natl�s
<br /> 04 s�le hereurtder be m�ll�d to a�ch pany to thle Deed of Truet at the addreas eet torth above!n tho manner prescrlbed hy
<br /> _____ .- _ _� appllca�te taw.Except tor any other notice requlred under appllcable law to be piven In another mrnrser,eny nollce provoded
<br /> ---
<br /> for In thla l�eed of Truet ehsit be plven by malling such notica by ce�Ullecl rnall addrsIISad!o tho oiher pa�tlo�,�tthh Rtldrdrs sat ._-
<br /> forth ebovh.Any nntice provided for in thls Deed of Truet et�all be effective upon m;llln9 in ttze manner deatanated hersin.It
<br /> Truator ie moro tNan one peraan,notice aent to the addreea aet torth abova ehall be+notice to nll such perWS��•
<br /> �� (q iR�Ction.Lender may make or cauae to be made reaeonable entrles upon end inapectfona atthe Properry,Provlded
<br /> ---- thet Lender ehell yive Trustor notice prior to nny such Inepectlon speclfying rdaaonabl�cause theretor retated to Londer'�
<br /> interest In the Property.
<br /> (y) R�conrMy�nc�.Upan payrnent ot ell eum�secured by thls De�d of Trust,Lender ehell requeet Trualea to reconvey tl'N
<br /> -- :�
<br /> Proparty and shall aur�endarthls Qeed of Truatend sll notes evidencing Indebtedneas secured bythla Oeed ot Truatto TruNee.
<br /> T►uates shell raconvey lhe PrAparty without warranty end wiiiiout ciiar�o to tha F�rc�:s or�e»on�Ic^!�ly enHried er . . - -
<br /> Trualor ahall pay sll coab of recordation,if eny.
<br /> ___,,_,—,��9,�� (h) P�non�l Prop�ty:Secur6ty Ayn�m�nt.Aa additionel seourity tor the payment o1 the Nots,Trustor��ereby prnnle
<br /> -- l.ender under the Nebraekn Unitorm Commercial Code a eecurity Interest In all tixtures,oqulpment,and otMxp�6aeal proparty
<br /> T used In connectlon with ths real estate or improvemertte located thareon,and not otherwise decirred or to be a�R of
<br /> _==_� _� the real estate escured hereby.Thia lnstrument shall be consVued as a Securlry Agreement under aald d the L�r►der
<br /> Sheil have all the riphta and remedies of a aecured perty under eatd GAde In additlon to the rlyhta and�e �5i�re►atacl under
<br /> _ be cumulati e w�ith a deinpno weyta/lmitet�lon onf�LenderP's rtyhts end emedieesrunde eny oH�er lsecurityCe�r a rs��b�Y
<br /> -___- B�xrowerorTrustor.
<br /> -- (i) L!�and[ncumbrencN.'Trustor hereby warrants and repreaents that 4her�la no dafeult�nder}t�'ie pltvislon�of�ny
<br /> _ "= mnrtgage,deed of trust,lease or purohaee contract doscribing all or eny pen of the Property,or other conVacl,6n�trument or
<br />--_==-
<br />