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<br /> ______._-w�;�•�•-� ��,;, othevwlae sft�rcfad by�pplic�ahlo�aw,nisRll no911e A wefvsr af or precludo tiio e�xercfas Qf any euch r7�ht or rem�xfy.�he
<br /> " `�°""'��"�°� rocurd�nont of lnaurenCenr the a ment ott�xde or othor Ilene or eshar en b l.encier ehall notbe a w�iver ot amnda�'e N ht to ----
<br /> ,.�,w�?;�;�:x�*�fi;�. P R Y A Y D
<br /> �• ••`� -:.-=��.,,: �cCelera4a the maturlty e�91h�IndeB?ecl��ess��urstf l�y thifl peed tsi Tnen�
<br /> ... -- (d)8�uccas���nd M�{pno flound;Jd,nt�rtd MwKN LI�bWtp:Gap�onra.The cnvenKntt end apr�emsnt�heretn c.an-
<br />�;�=:,,;L;;'�y�''�``'V�� 1d108d BhAll FJltld,arsd the rl8h[e hereunsior ehall Inuro to,the r�ap�ectiv0 auccea?ore end asslyns o!I.eRder and Tru�tor.All =_
<br /> covenar+te and egreeniente of Yrustor sh�0 de Jolm and aeverel.'i he copllone and headinps o9 inn WsrayrepH$oi tiUa C)ea�oi ` �
<br />— __�����;� True4 ers for convanlQnc�only end�re nnt to bs ussd to Int�rpnt or datine the prdvltlon�hersot.
<br /> _o._;�;_„�Y.. p' (e)Rpu�el l�r Notke.'�he pnrtlee hereby�equeet that a�opy oi e�y notice of detautt hereunder ond a copy of sny noUce
<br /> "-=---R.!'_��--�" �?.�;�^ oi eele hereunder be melled to eech party ro ihle Qeud of Tr�et et ihe eddreae set torih above In Ihe maroner prescribied by
<br /> ---- "'��" aRpllcebtu law.Except tor en other natice r ulrec!undes eppllcable law lo b� Iv�n In a�other menner,an natice rovlded
<br /> __ .�:5,.�`�s,i?��•. ` !+ eQ O Y p
<br /> �_;�:�;�;.:,,�;4,,.,.. forin thl�Deed o}Truyt ehell t�p(ven by malling euch notice by certl8ed mail addrsseod to Ihe other partlea,atthe eddreea set
<br /> -��••=���'3-� .� totth ebove.Any notice providrd tor In thls Deed o!Trust ehall be eftactive upon melllnp in the manner deelpnated hereln.I(
<br /> .._�.y,:�:SF�:_��?:iI"i.�ti�:�7.
<br />_��,�,x,,�..yY.�,�S;��,: Trus4or la r�iore Ei�an one pePSan,notice sent to tha eddress sei(o�ih ebc►ua sha!I tsa notice to ell such psrsans. •
<br /> _ .1-��;::�" ,.ar��l:,�• � (Q In�p�ctbn.Lender mey make or cauao to be made reaeonable antrle�upon and Inap�ctbne al the Property,provlded
<br />_- ��������;;�;��.. . thal6.ender shall glve Y�uator notice prlor to any such Inapectlon epecffylnfl ►eaeonebte oauee theretor relatad to LendAr'e
<br />=';�I,,;_ ;.�,,,.s`;, Interest In the Property.
<br /> "�'n't,:,,• •� „ (g) R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment o}ell aums a�icured by tMe Deed otTrust,Lender ehall requsst 7ruatee to reconvey the
<br /> '��'�`�'P �,+: Prope�ry and shell surrender thls Deed ol Truat and all notes evidencing indebtednesa securod by this Deed o1 Trust to T�uatee.
<br /> "'���'�'±'`%�m'•:��,,.�f°, Truetee ehetl reconve the Property wtthout warran and without char e to the ereon or --
<br /> _ti%;4-•:,.;,. „,.. .,.. . Y �Y 9 P Persons legaliy enttGed thereto.
<br /> =±^,:�:.�•-_•:,�•�,, •_; Trustor ehall pay eli coste of recordatlon,If eny.
<br /> -::=�4.',�'•�,-� ' .
<br /> .. �, ' (h) P�ond Prop�rty;S�curRy Aqr�nt.As additlonal seaurlty for the payment ot the Note,Yrustor hereby prants
<br /> ,��� ;°. Lender under the NebPasice Uniform Commerclal Coda a aecurity Intorest in all fixture9,equlpment,and other personal properry
<br /> . _•�..,_.r.:;•�c;..,
<br />-`_�'� • � '•�'''' usad In connectlon wlth the real estate or improvomente located thereon,and nototherwlse declered or deemed ta 6e e part of
<br /> the reai estate secured hereby.l'hla Inatrument ehall be conatrued as a Securfty Agreamont under said Code,end the Lender �-,
<br /> �° �"••°- ;��-�;::;�,r,� shail have ell the riyhW end remedlea of e�sacured party urtder oald Codo in add�illon to the rlgi�te and remadie�created under
<br /> ��� � end accorded the Lender pursuant to thia Deed o}Truah providod tNat Lender'a righ39 and remedles undar thts pa��agreph shall _
<br /> „ . be cumulative with,and in no way a Ilmitatlon on,Lender's rlphta and remcidies under any other securlty egraema�!afpned by ��-
<br /> Borrower or Truator.
<br /> : " (f) U��nd Encumbr�nco.Truator hereby warranta and represents that there Is no default under the provisions of any —
<br /> . ' mortgago,deed of truat,leasa or purchese contract dascribing all or any part of the Praparty,or other contrect,instrumen!ar =-
<br /> agreement constituting e Ilen or encumbrance agelo�at all or eny pert of the Property(collectiveiy,"Ltena"),existlnp es o}4he _,
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that any end all exlating Llena remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor'a _
<br /> written disclu�ure of Ilene and encumbrenaes provided tor hereln.Truotor shall timeiy perform all of Truator's obiigatlons, __.
<br /> ;'`.. :. t�3i%8iwiiw,io�ri8acid'a2i'viwoi�u'ridifdiiio5 uiw'oi ni��i niw'nli oii{8iuly diu iuiuio Uoi•v,o1i8S N:viii ji2i'f f'v���t8 ioRL'oi�:oo
<br /> " . of all noticea o}default sent in connection with any and all exlsting or future Llens,and ehall not without Lender's prlor written
<br /> , � consent in eny manner modify tha provisluna of or ellow any future advances under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> Q) ApplicaHon o1 Paymente.Unless otherwise required by law,suma pald to Lender hereunder,Includtng without 1(mlteUon �
<br /> • payments of principal artd Inierest,ineurance proceeda,condemnatfon proceeda and rente and proflts,shall be applied by --
<br /> Lenderto the amounta due end owing from Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lender in!ts soie discretlon deoma desirebie, --
<br /> (k)S�v�ra6ltlty.It any p�ovision ot this Deed of Tru�t conflfcts w(th appUcable law or ia doclared invalld or otherwlse
<br /> � unentorceable,such conflict or Invalidity shall not aftect the other provfsons oi this Deed ot Truat or the Note which can be
<br />