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L',C?�ff'61!�C��:�Si��a.Yructor ehc V R P"Y <br /> rclating to In�iu�trl�l 6iyplcr+o or cnviv¢nrn�stt�l�27ot�CflOn(COIIeCYIvCIy�Cf�rrcd to Picrcln aa"Gcivlranrec�it:!I �L�t�:i'►."iPU:2cr c;i�!I <br /> ' kne�lhe Property trea Irom ail substanC9�daen��st1 to�o ho�ardou3 or toxlC under nny Gnvlronnzcntal Lnt�a(edl:ccc�v�Sy rc��,Trc�to �,V <br /> herein ns"HezardouA Materlets").Truetor P�erebN warrente and ropruannts to Lcnder ti�et thera are no Hs�ardoue�ti�ater�ats c�n ot <br /> under the Property.'Prustor hereby agraos tn IndemnlPy end hotd hermtoss Lender,Ita dlractare,etticere,employeea and epente,a�d _.,,:�s,,, <br />.."� � eny eucceaeoro to Lender's Utereat,iram end e@aln�t eny and a!I cialma,dnmsflea,lossoe und UablltUae�rlalnp In eonnection wttii - - <br /> �, 1hu prosonco, uno,diapo9�1 or tranoport o4 eny Hazc�rdous M3terlats on, under,from or about the Prcperty.TME F6REQOlI�ifl _ <br /> ,;, • WARRAM'fIES AND R�PRE5EN7AYlOP1S,ANDYe�USYOR'�pDLIGATIO�!S PURSUANY Tn THE FOFF.a(�iNQ INp�MNITY,$hlALL �._'_-_' <br /> ' SURVIVE RECONUEYAPICE OF THlS DE�Q�OF TRU57. <br /> , rovtded thet Truetur �,__�, <br /> 10. Aulflnr�rn!ol Res!�.�.T►ustur horeby asslpna to Lender tNe rente,laauea and profita ot the Property�p <br />� shall,until tho occurrence of an Event o1 Defeult hereunder,have 4he�Ipht to collect end rewln euch renW.leeuee and protfte ee they �:,r,i <br /> �,4�- <br /> become due and payable.Upon the occurrence o1 an Event of Default,Lender may,Aither fn per�nn o�by agsnt,with o�without �� <br /> bringlnp any actlon or proceedin�,ar by e raceiver appol�ted by a court mnd without rogard to tho adeaauacy ol Ita seaurity,ent�r �-_;,,,-,- <br /> ` upon end teka posseaslon of the Proparty,o�eny part theroof,In ita own nama or In the name of the Trustae,end da eny acte whlch It ��`���_ <br /> deoms necessary or desirebfe to preserve thavaluo,murketanllity or rAntabllity o1 tho Prqperty,or any part theroof or Interestthe:eln, �,.__ <br /> increase the Income theretrom or protect the seouriry herool and,with or without taking passes8lon o1 the Propsrty,sue tor ov =-__ <br /> othervviss collect the rents,Issues and proflta thoreof,including 4hose past due and unpatd,and epply the same,leas coste ond = <br /> expenses oi oporotion nnd collaction including aKOrneys'teea,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,all in auch order es Lender _ <br /> ' may detsrmine.The entering upon and teking Rosse�slon of the Property,the collectlon ot euch rente, tasues end p�oftis end the �f1;_._ <br /> " appllcatlon thereof as etoresald,ehall not cura or waive any default or notice o}detault hareunder or inveUdeta d�ty act done in �,+'V <br /> responeo to suoh default or pursuant to ouch notice of dAtault and,notwithstanding the continuance tn pnsseasion of the Property ar �� <br /> the collectlon,receipt and eDallcetlon ol rents, issoes or profits,snd Trustee And Lendor shall bo entitled to axercise every right r;._, <br /> ��--_ <br /> � �roviQedforint�nyolfhel.oenDacum�ntsorbyla�ruponoccE►rrenceofanyEventofDetault,inctudingwithouttimitationlherightto ar <br /> exercise the power oi sale. Further,Lende�'s rights end remedies under thia paragraph shall be cumuletive with,end in no wdy a ��°. <br /> Iimitatlon on,Lender's rights and remedtes under any assfgnment of leases and rents recordsd a�alnstthe Property.Lender,Trustee <br /> ' nnd the receiver shall be Ilable to account only those rents actually recelvod. <br /> 11. Ewnia ot D�ttuN.The tollowing shall conatitute an Event of Detault under this Deed o1 Trust . , . <br /> (a) Failure to pay any Inetallment af princlpal or Interest of any othor sum secured hereby whon due; ,�-_ <br /> (b) A breach of or dafault underanyprovlsion contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any oftheLoan Qocumenta,orany �.tl�:-i <br /> other Ilen or en�umbrance upon the PropertY <br /> •,�.•,; (c) A wrlt of executlon or attachment or any simllar process shall be entered egalnstTrustorwhich shall become a Ilen on °'s:- <br /> the Property or eny portion thereof or Intarest therein; - <br /> (d) There ehall be filed by or against Trustor or 6orrower an actlon under any preaent or tuture fedo�ai,atate or othor - <br /> statute,law or regulatian relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or ather rellef for debtore;a�r there ehali be app�inted any trustee, . <br /> rocelver or ilquidator of Trustor or Barrowe�or of all or any part af tho Property,or the rents,lasues or profits thereot,or Truator :;'i- <br /> _.___ ____ _ _ �.�=s�.��.��,o�i n,a�ew any aenerel assipnment tor the benefit of creditors; - <br /> (e) The,sale,transfer,loase,assignment,convayance or turther encumorance oi aii tii niy%j+o:OS o.�r;4nlesQs+.!n inw .-' <br /> Property, eith9r volunterlly or involuntarily,wlthout the express wriCan consent of Lender. provided that Truator shall be <<_�_ <br /> permitted to execute a iease of the Property that does not contain an option to purchase and the terrn ot which does not euceed - <br /> _. , .•....... ._ .. . <br /> one year,' '�>.� <br /> �1) iwanuu�iuieiit uf 4iio S'i3ji^uT:�:C� <br /> ' . (g) If Trustor Is not an Indlvldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,asalgnmen�conveyance ar encumbranco ot more than a total �i ' <br /> • .';' of.�—Percent ot(N a corporatlon)its issued and outstanding stock or(lf e partne�shtp)a total of_ percent ot : <br /> . pertnershlp Interesto d�fring the perlod thls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on tho Prope►ry. <br /> " 12. Rtm�dl�s;Acceteratlon Upon Default.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,wlthout notice except ae requlred by <br /> • law,declare all Indebtodness secured hereby to be due and payable end the seme shall thereupon become due and payable <br /> ' wlthout any presontrnent,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereatter Lender rnay: <br /> (a) Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall thereafter cause Trustor's <br /> ' Interost In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstrlbuted,all In the menner provldad In the Nebreaka Trust Deeds <br /> ' • Ac� <br /> � (b) Exercise eny and all rights provlded for In any of the Loan Documents or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default; <br /> �..,:.�,,;1•; and�c) Commence an ectlon to foroclose thla Deed ot Trust as a mort�age,appolnt a recelver,or specliically onforce any of the <br /> ' covenants hereof. <br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive oi any other remedy hereln,ln the <br /> . her unDder,n the LoanyDocumentseor noweor heeeatter x�Ist g at'law or nuequflty or by atatute,an�d may bo exe clsed concurrent�y, � <br /> ' fndependently or successfvely. <br /> 13. Trustee.The Trustee may reslgn at any tlme wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and wlthout cause appolnt a <br /> � succegsor or eubstltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ilable to any party,including wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> purchaser oi tfte Property,for any losa or damage unless due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any <br /> actlon In connectlon with the entorcement of thls Deed of Trust unless indemnlfled,In wrlting,�or all costs,cnmpensatlon or <br /> oxpenses whlch may be associated therewlth.In addltton,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sele of the Property Qudlclal or - <br /> under the power of sale granted herein);postpone the sele of all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the <br /> Property au a whole,or in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretlon. <br /> 14. Fees end Expensei.In tho event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of power of sele,Trustee shall be entitted to epply <br /> � any sale proceods tlrst to payment of all coats and expenses of exerclsing power of sale.Including al I Trustee's fees,and Lender's <br /> and T�uatse's attornay's feos,actually Incurred to extent permftted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses any <br /> rlght provlded by law to cure an Event of Dofault,Lender shall be entltled to recover trom Truator all coats and expenses actually <br /> , " Incurred as a rosult of Trustor's defautt,Incl uding wlthout Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permftted by <br /> .�r:� . eppllcable law. <br /> 1b. Future Advanae�. Upon requestot Borrower, Lender may,at Ita optlon, make addltlonel and future advances and re- <br /> advances to Borrower.Such advences and readvances,wfth fnterost thereon,shall be secured by thls Oeed of Trust.At no time shall I <br /> ,`� the principal emount ot the fndebtodness socured by thls Dead of Trust,not Including aums advanced to protect the security of thls <br /> Deed ot Trust,exceed the orlglnal principal amount stated hereln,or$_?5 ��._..-�--�0— whfchevor is groater. <br /> i <br /> ..-'_-' _- .n uLYtt-=--•..D.nuldent- ••�--- --......�w.,u.ia � <br /> ---,-__. .._-_-._ .._.__...__..�_.-..-�,� �v. m.......a..����"-'•---... <br /> '� (a) Horrower Not iteleased.Extension of the timo for payment or motltncanon ot amoriizai�vn u� uio ati�T�o awu��...., ....� �--_. <br /> ._ „ Doed of Trust granted by Lander to any auccesaor in Interest of Borrower ahall not operate to release,tn any manner,the Ilablllty <br /> of tho orlglnal Borrowor and Borrower's successors In in4ereat.Londer shall not be requf red to cornmencv proceedings agatnst <br /> � such successar or rofuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwlse modHy amortfzatfon of the aums secured by thls Deed of Trust i <br /> •, � by reason of any demands made by the orlglnal Borrowsr and Borrower's successora in interost. ; <br /> (b) Lendar's Powen.Wlthout eflectfng the Ilablllty of any other person Ilable tor the payrnent of any�bllgatlon hereln <br /> mentloned,and without aNecting the Ilen or charge of thts Deod of Trust upon any portlon of the P roperty nnt then or theretotore <br /> , released as socurfty for the full amount of all unpafd obltgatlons,Lender may,trom tlme to tlme and wfthout notice(1)roloase eny <br /> person so Ilable,(II)extend tne maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligatlons,(Ili)grant other Indulgences,(Iv)relea3e <br /> t or reconvey,or cause to be released or roconveyod at any tlme at L�nder'a option any parcel, portfon or a�.of the Property, <br /> , (v)take or release any other or addltlonal securlty for any obllgetion hereln mentioned,or(vf)make composltiona or other <br /> ' � arrengements wltli debtore in relatton thereto. '� . � <br /> .,;•� <br /> . <br /> . .. . • <br />