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<br />- � Ba�ravrcr �:ay curo cuch n dcla!�{t and re'islatv, aa provlded I�i pnra�rapii�0�y cau�lnd �iio ac;lon or procacdinp la bs ��''``,--m�:•,�.;,,�;�;-
<br /> � �'�,::,accl t:�ih a ru".np that,In Lcnricr'o gnod(�lih dctc�s��:��.1!0�,�ra�ud�a los�c::uro 01 thu�o;va:�u'o tntcrcat ln t10 gra�sctty oT i�
<br /> , oliicr r;:tc:;°I i;aa^';r��c�t o9 iho C�;i cc-.tcr1 Gy tti!� C::tiiu;y I�i�Lif14S'iil 0�I.Cfl(1�1b or:r.ui�y 4tit�;cst. []nfro�:tt ah:�'I c.'�o fs�li !
<br /> • d�'��!11 II[7arrr,:rer,d�ninp lho la:n cut�';r,�IImi�;oc�3o,[;;vo r::lc,�:f.y C_t�o or Ir,�r,curcta Inier,��:.�on ar ct,t�:acnt�t�I.utc��r(or
<br />- ° ° taited to prould� Lcnder wlih any matc�im; lntonwtloo} In eonnectlon wilh tho loan �videnced by lsin Noio, hc.u�'�ig, l�si not J�y`,
<br /> limtted to. repre�entatlono conceninp 8otrower'e ocr.upAncy af the FYopeity ns e �clpal resider�ce. II 1h13 ,er.uitty ' •' �K��
<br /> -e ti4'i.��w.�..�:vu.-__.
<br /> 11191Nfi1H1l 19 OR o leaeehotd. Borrowet ohpll cnnipty w;Qh all iho provtslone of tho lease. U Qorrowef acqt�?res fea tl:ln to !ha f�,�;_�;;�z?�.;:_-----
<br />- � i�apeRy,the la�aehold�nd tho tee dUe eh�M not msrg�uN�s�L�nd�r�grK� ta tho me��per M wr�ing. _-_ --
<br /> i. P�ptCL'tlon of Lo�ieter'a Rl�hte I�i t0�e Propa�t�. It Uarro�ver ta(I� to p��torm the covm3Mo and egreemcnt� �-_;,1;,�-�.�.m
<br /> _ • conte!ned In ihis SecurEry Inntrument, or there (s a iey�l proceedi�ig th�t may atpniFlanty affect dandae rignta ia Gie F�uNF�y —_ _
<br /> (euch ne e pPOCaedin�ln bankruptcy, pro6ete,tor aonMrnnalbn or fortefture ar to eeiarc�I�ws ar re4ut�tions),th�n Lmd�r m�y
<br /> ' do and pay lor whetever fs neceseary to protoct Ihe v�fue o1 the i'roperty ead Lmder's dpNta In ths Praperty. Lender'a a�'ms
<br /> • may tnclude p�yinp sny auma necured by � lien which haa pdority ava tl�i� 3ecuriry Inatrument, appeuk�p In aourt, payh9 ��—
<br /> roason�bte �ttomeya' tees end enturinp on tho Property to mAka rep�ka. Mhauph 4ender msy take�atlon undw thls p�n�ph
<br /> ' 7, 4ender dae�not hsve to do ao. —_
<br /> Any nmounts diabursed by Lender under paragrept+ 7 shaq becom+e�dditional debt of BoROV1er eacur�d by thta Secvrtty _ _
<br /> . Instr�ment. Un�oas BoROwer�nd Lendrr agree to other tams of paymenL These amaunte ehaN bear Mteresat from the d�ta o4
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate end eheH be peyabte, with Inteeat,upon naNce hom Lender to Bo�rower requeetlnfl p�yrr�nt. —
<br /> , �. H10►tg��g! InsurAnce. II Lender reyuked modQa9e Inaurat�ce as e condit{on o1 makhg the loan secvrod by thls
<br /> Security InstrumenL Bortower shall pay the premluma requked to rtu�Inteln the murtgage loaurancn In eHeot,If,ta any n�son,the
<br /> mortfyago Insuranca coverage required by Lender Mpses or ceaaes to bo N eNtct. Borrower shall p�y the pranlum�requked to
<br /> , obtaM covernge substanUaNy equNalent to the mortg�pe Insurance prevlousy in ettect, at e cost nubatml4yMy equNdent t�the
<br /> cost to Bortower of the mortynge Inaurance prevlousy {n ettect, frum en nRemnte mo�tg�pe Inaure� ap�roved by tender. II
<br /> � su5stentiaty equ�v-�le�t mort�ga lnsur�nc¢coserege la not ave!!e�le.8anowe�ahe9 Eu�,y to I.endor e�ch month e eum equal tn _
<br /> ono-twelRh of the yearty mortgage insuranco prexnlum be4ng pald by BoRO•rrer when the bisuance covetags lepsed or ceased to
<br /> �� be In ettect. Lendct wG�accept, use and reLin these paymonte aa a loae rc�aerve In Ileu oi mortgage In�unnce. Losa reaave
<br /> � p�yments may no longer bo requlied, at tho opUon ot 6ender, II martgage Insurenae coverege(�n the amount nnd for the perlod _
<br /> " that Lender requtres) provided by an Insurer epproved by Lender ngaln becanee avaNable and Is obtalned. Bortower shtll p�y
<br /> • .. the premiums required to malntnln mor�age Insurance In eHect, or to provlde a loss rescwe,unUl the requkement tor mortg�qe __
<br /> , Insurtince ends tn eccordunce with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or epp8cuble law. ---
<br /> � 9.IiDSpeCtt0t1. Lerder or fts agent may make reasonab!e enVies upon and Inspe+ctlons of the f'toperty. Lender sh�U gMe —
<br /> �� Bonower noUce nt the time of or pr�or to en Inspectlon speoi(ying ►easonable eause for tt�e fnspectlan. ---
<br /> 10. CODd6t11tl�t1011.The proceeds of any c�ward or clelm for damagas.direct or cansequentkl,In connection wfth any -_�
<br /> condemnaUan or other taking ot any part oi tho Propertyr, or tor conveyance In Ileu of condemnaUon, ere heteby�sslgned md ��_��_
<br /> R'-
<br /> " ehall be pald to Lender. �'---
<br /> __ In thA ovent o} a totel takin of the Properry, the roceede sha9 bt� applied to the sums secured by thls Secudty w'-'—�
<br /> 9 P 't.-.,�-_.,_:.
<br /> ;
<br /> � InsUUment,whether or not then tlue, wltlt any excess paia to CoROwer. in ine avrni oi a pariici i6nri�y 'v1 tua�"�z�.;�t•.�l:cl: -� ''
<br /> ° the falr market value o}the Prope�ry immediatety before the taldng Is equel to or greater than the amount ot the sums securad t�°z�-
<br /> by ihis Security Instrument Immedleteiy be(ore the taking, unles3 Borrower and Lender otherwise agrea tn wrtting, the suma �'�°
<br /> secured by this Secudty Inatrument shall bo reduced by the amount o4 the proceeds mulUplted by the foCowing iractton: (a)the
<br /> total emount ot the sums secured immediately before the takln�, divided by (b)the tair rnarket value of the Propetty Immediately - _
<br /> betore the teking.My bnlanca ohall be paid to Borrower.In the event of e partlal taking of the Rroperly In which the fair market �_
<br /> velue o1 the Property Immediatefy betore the taking is less lh.an the emount of the sums secured Immedtatety betore tho taking, •ti, --..-—_.
<br /> unless Bortower end Lender otherwise agreo In writing or untess app�cabte law otherv�isa pravides, the proceeds shell be .��
<br /> • applted to the sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument whether or nat the sums are then dua T ;d^•
<br /> If the Praperry is abandoned by Borrower, or ii, after notice by Lender to Bonower thnt the condemnor otters to make an �"�����_
<br /> award or setUe a clalm tor damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dato the noUce Is gNen, „ ,;,;,,_-
<br /> Lender Is uuthorized to collect and appty tho proceeds,at ks optton, ellher !o restoraUon or repalr of the Property or to the ; ��=_
<br /> sums sucured by this Secudfy Instrument,whether or not then due. � . x' -�
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, any eppGcatiun of proceeds to prtncipal shall not extend or ;:;�;�'
<br /> , postpona the due date of th�monthy payme�ts referrec!to In pamgmphs i and 2 or change the amount ot auch pnyments. ,,,�_�;�
<br /> ., 11. Borrowe� Not ReleasRd; Forb�erance By L.ender Not a Walver. F�cteneion of the Ume tor payment or y�.,
<br /> . modification ot amortiastion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grented by lender to any successor in Intenest ot ' �
<br /> Borrower shall not o�erate to release the liabiifty of the o�iginul Bortower or Bortower's successors in Interest. Lender shail not "
<br /> �� `'�- be requlred to commence proceedings aga(nst any successor tn interesl or retuse to extend Uma for psyment or othernise �
<br /> ,� mod(ty amortitaUon of the sums secured by this Securfty Insttim�nt by reason ot eny demand mnde by the odginnl Borrower ur '
<br /> � Bortower's successors In interest. My torbenrance by Lender in oxerdsing any right or remedy shnll not bo a waiver ot Qr I
<br /> preclude the exei�clse of any dc�ht or remedy.
<br /> ` f 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Sevarai Liabllity; Ca-slgnera. The covenants end 4 '�
<br /> agreements o1 thla Sacudty Instrument shali bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subJoct to tho
<br /> �� p�ovfslons of paragreph 17. B�rtowers covenents and agreements shall be Jolnt and soverni. Any Bortower who co-slgns this �
<br /> � �, 8eeurity Insirument but does not execute tho Note: (e) Is co•slgning thls 3ecurily Insttument onty to mortgagn, grant and convey �
<br /> . that Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terma of this Secuttty Instrument: (b) Is not personaliy obligated to pay the , �
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument: flnd (c) ngrees that Lender end eny other Borrower may agree to extend,modity, I ;. �
<br /> " torbear or make any accommodations wtth regard to the tertns of this Security lnstrument or tho Note wfthout thet Bortower's ;
<br /> " consent. , ,
<br /> J 13. LOa�1 CNaig08. ff the loan secured by thls Secu�ity Inswment is subjeci to a Iaw which sots maxlmum loan
<br /> charges, and that law Is finalty interpretad so that the interest or other lonn chnrges collacted or to be collected In connection � �_
<br /> � wfth tho lonn excaed the permitted Iimlts, then: (a) any such loan charge shnll be reduced by the emaunt necessary to reduce
<br /> ' ihe chargo to the pertnitted Ilmit; and (b) any sums already collected irom Bortower which excaeded permitted ifmits will be
<br /> " rs:(undod to Bortower. Lender may choose to mnke this rofund by redudng the p�incipai owed under tho Note or by making a
<br /> � . diract payment to 8ortower. It o rotund reduces principal, the reductlon will ba treuted as e partlal prepayment without eny .
<br /> �• propayment charge under tho Note.
<br /> � � 14. NOtICes. Any notice to Bortower provlded tor in this Sacudty Nstrument shall be given by delivering ft or by mailing it
<br />` ,-_ _ _ ___ bv first ctass mafl untess epplicahlo lew requires use of another method. Thu notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> T � or any other addrttss Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by flrst ctass man to
<br /> Lender's address steted herein or any other uddress Lender designates by noUce to Borrower. My notica provided for in thls
<br /> Security Instrument shali bo deemed to have baen gNen to Borrower or Lender when glven as provided In thls pemgraph.
<br /> t 15. �OVef111t1q LeW; 3ev81'ebll(ty. This Security Instrument shall bo govemed by tQderal law and the law oi the
<br /> �udsdictton In whlch the Qroperty is located. In tha Qvent thet any prorislon or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' , conilicts with applicable law, such contlict ehall not aftect other provisions of this Security Instrumont or tho Note which can be
<br /> ' r,,,lven oifect without thv conlBcting provision.To this end tho provislons oi thls Security Instrument and the No4e ure dedared to
<br /> , ° bo soverublo.
<br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall bo gMen one conturtned copy of tho Nota und of thls Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ' ',,�-�L� ��
<br /> ' , ��31G.LM0(12I93) Paqc 3 0l 5 �
<br /> _ �
<br /> � .. 9o07p �
<br /> I `
<br />