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<br /> �°', . - '� �RdAl�w��f�A+1'../i �. ,. . �tiiqy('�,���rS.��A,7RwT� - ..t�m�m:mmea ._
<br /> .- . .����III�YIYtlP'- `�� a"'r'i�' � - .' - - __�"" __."J'P..R�Q�Cd�` _
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<br /> , •• - • • i'OGETFiFR W1YH atl ths improv�4�ih w or hereaner erected an the property, and nll easen�ents, eppurtariancee, anrJ ?--_
<br /> ° • f:derc� na:�ur i�creatler a R�rt o}4ho pro�erty.�.h rc�'.°.cern2n4s end add:liana r,ha'I atso bo covered by tAta��eu�iry In�trun:��iL �'
<br /> P!1 u}ttio farc,ryo'i�1�rc'a�c�l to in thla��aiiriy Inatiar�t�nt es tho`f-inn�riy."
<br /> , CO;iR0�1l��7 COV�:RANi'3 tii�t Doiro�.�c.r!� I.;.�fu:�l oc!%cti o1 tho C.1taLo hc;'cby ca�vc;�cd nnd fiaa iho d�ht tc� �rcN aii�9
<br /> ° , canrcy f�to Fraperiy cnd lha4 lho Propery la uncncurnbaed, c:cccat 4ar c;7cun�;i.�.n.c� oi rccasd, 80.rawcr �:zrco4� cid e:::l
<br /> r detend q�eraily the tllia to tha Pro�arty npalnst a!I cteims ond det�u�nd9, cuFsject tfl auy encunt4rances o1 record. ��, `
<br />' ` THI9 SECURIYY INSTtiUMENI' combines unllom� covenants tor n�tionei uee �nd non�cnHarm coYenanla ��Bh Gmitnd ``- -
<br />-•'�� . veri�tions by Judedlctlo�to constltute�unitorm oecurity Inatmment caverinp ral property. �-'.��--
<br />'"��'' ' UNIFORM C�VENANTO. Barrower�nd Lender cnvers�nt and ogra�aa iolbwa: -
<br /> � ` . „ 9. Peyment oi Princl�a) and In4uroet; Propaymant�nd l.at� Chs�rBae.�3urrotver ah4N promptly p:sy�ehen !�--=_:
<br /> ;�_�°��t. ,.. ;, due Ih�princip+�l 01�nd intereal on tho debt ev9dunced by the Not��nd�ny propaym�nt�nd I�tn chugea du�und�►Ih�Noto.
<br />""`'64' ., 2. Funds for Tun� �nd Insu�+�nc�.Sub}ec1 lo epplfabk kw or to �wrkt�t waNa by LandK,Botmwar�h�pay
<br /> ��� •. to Lander on the day mon'hty pcymente ero due under tho No4e, unlil the Note ia paid In 11�R, �eum (°Funda")lor. (a)yea�tyr
<br /> _'�f . �� laxea end aaaesamenta which m�y attaln pdortty nver thi� SacurHy Inatrumont aa� Men on the ProRe+h�: m? Y��7/��+��
<br /> '� � payraenta or ground rents on ihe F'ropMy, M any; (o) yeery hez+►rd or prc,perty insurance prerniums; (d) yoerty Ilood Insuruice
<br /> .� ' .., premtume,If any; (e)yeery mortgage Insumnc4 premfums,li any; and(ij any eums peyable tiy Qortower to Lender In accc►rdsnce
<br /> . • wrih the provision� ot pangraph 6, In Heu o1 the payment oi mort�ngo(nsurnnce premlums. These Itema ere aped 'Escxaw
<br />' .° Item�.' Lmder mey, at �ny time, collect nnd hotd Funda In an ornount not to excead the maxEmum smaunt e le�dar for� °
<br /> -° .ti tederaly rel�ted mortg��e loan may require for 6ortower'e escrow accourtt under the teden+l Rad Estate Satitement Procaduree
<br /> '' Act o11874 as amended irom time to tkne,12 U.S.C. �2801 et seq. ('RESPA'y, unlesa mother I�w thit r,ppMes to tbe Funds —
<br /> set� a lesser amount. If so. Lendar may, et any Ume, coNect nnd hold Fu�da In an emount not to exceed tfie leszer unount.
<br /> Lendcr may estlmate the emount o1 Funds due on the basl� of current ckta and teasanabte estknates af expenditures o1 tuture
<br /> t� �� Escrow items or otherwise In eccordance wlth applice�ble law.
<br /> � i •� The Funds shull be hetd In un Institution whose deposits are Insured by a toderal agency,Ir�strumentalfty,or entriy(Including
<br /> � � Lender, ff Lender Is such an InsUtutian) or in any Federal Home La►n 8uik. Lender sh�ll appry the Fueds to psy the Escrow
<br /> ` o � Items. Londer may not charge 8orrowcr tor hotding end apptying tho Funds,annuaYy anelyzing the eaczow acaount, nr variyiny -_
<br /> �! the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower intere�t on tho Funds nnd wppW;able law pamlte lendcr to make such a
<br /> ; . ' charge. However, Lender may roqutre Borrower 4o puy e one�dme charge tor an Indepandent roel estate tax rtporting eervke _
<br /> ° us�d lyy Lender In connectian with thls ioan, unleas eippllcablo law provldes otherwlse. Unlas3 an epreemc�t Is made or �-
<br /> ,� appllcable law requlres Interest to be pald, Lender shall �ot be requked to p�y BoROwer any Interest or eaminga on tho Funda.
<br /> BoROwer and Lender muy agree In wriqnp, however, that Intere�t sh�fl ba palJ on the Funds. Le�der sheN gHe to Borrower,
<br /> • without cherge, an annual accounUng ot the Funds, sF.owing aedits and debRa to the Funds end thn purpase for wfifch each
<br /> deblt to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledqed ns eddiUonel oecudly tor all sums secured by the Security�nstn�ment. —
<br /> �� , If the Funds held by Lerder exceed the nmounts permlttsd to ba held by app�cable luw, Lender she11 nccount 40 �ortower
<br /> " for tha excess Funds In accordanco wlth the requlremr,nts of eppllcabla Iaw.If the amaunt of tF�e Funds held by Lender at any -
<br /> tlme Is not sutflclent to pay tl�e�scrow Items when due, Lender msy so naUly BoROwer In writing, end, (n euch caso Bortower __
<br /> " • shs11 pay to Lender the amvunt necescary to make up the deflclenoyr. Borrower shall make up tho cleficlmcy In no moro then
<br /> � tweNe monthly payments,et Lender's sole dlscreUon. _-
<br /> - - - iipon paymeni iii iuii u9 6S 6uii�6 �.."ist�� L'�:�:N' °...,";.,fd�lii�.r•T.w:� iw�.�:�!'.:°Y:oss:r"„ti�:r'.asr.d!a �..^RC::°.'ssl�GL'st�'
<br /> " 1 held by Lender. If, undsr pategrnph 21, Lender shall acqulre or sell the Praparty,Lender,prior to the acqulsmon or sale of the
<br /> " . Property, shall appty eny Funds held by Lender et the Nme of acqutsltion or sale es a credit agalnst the sums oecured by thfs
<br /> Secudry Insteument. _
<br /> , 3. Application O? Peylne�its. Unless applloable law provldes otherwlse, ali payments recelved by Lender under f�►=�
<br /> paragrephs i and 2 shall be applled: first,to any prepayment charpos due under tho Noto; secortd,to amounts payable unda �
<br /> paragrnph 2; thkd,to Interest duo; faurth,to princlpel due;nnd last,to any lato cl�arges due under the Note. '
<br /> 4. Ch�ig98; Uens. Bot►ower shNl pey all taxes, assessment�, charges, fines and Impoultlons attributeble to the �„�.
<br /> Property whfeh may attaln prioriry over thls Securlry Instrumant, and leasehold paymente or ground rents, H any. Bortawer 3heN �'�;
<br /> pay these obtic�atlons In the manner provided In paragraph 2, or ft not pald In that mannet, Borrower shall pay them on Ume
<br /> " � dlrecty to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all noUces of emounts to be pald under thla .<
<br /> • paragreph. If Borrnwar makes lhese payments dlrectty, Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender recHpts evldencing the • �
<br /> � ,. payments.
<br />_ BoROwer shall prompty dlscharge any Ilen whlch has pdorily over thls Securiry InaUument unless Bortower. (a) agrees In
<br /> wdtfng to the payment of the abllgaflon secured by the Ilen In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good falth the
<br /> � � Ilen by, or dotends agalnst enforcement of the Ilen fn, lagal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to provent the
<br /> entorcement o1 the Ilen; or(c)securos frum the holder of the Ilen en egreement sattstactory to Lender subordfneUng the Ilen to .
<br /> thls Securiry Inshument. It Lender determines that any part of the Property is subJect to a lien whlch msy attaln pdodty over thls
<br /> Secu�ity Inetrument, Lender rnay glve Bortower a notice Identif�fnp the Ilen. BorroY�er shall setlsTy the Ilen or take one or more ot
<br /> ' the actlons set forth above wlthln 10 days of tha gNing ot noUce.
<br /> ,� � 6. Ha=ard or Property Inaurance.Borrower shall keep the Improvements now exlstlng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � Property Insured agnlnst los9 by firo, hzizerds Induded wtthln the ter►n'exlended covemge' and eny other haz¢rds, fncluding
<br />- . � floods or Aooding,for Svhlch Lender reqidras(nsurance. Thls Incuranco shall be malntalned In the nmounta end for the perloda
<br /> thst Lender requlres. The Insurance carrier provlding the Insurance shall be chosen by 8artower subJect to Lender's approval
<br /> �r, whtch shall not be unmssonably wfthheld. It Bortower talls to mnlntaln coverrtge described above, Lender may, nt Lender's �
<br />_�, ``,, opUon, obtn!n coverage to protect Lender's dghts In the Property In accordance wlth pamgraph 7. �
<br /> .. AII Insurance pollcles and renawals shall bo accopteble to Lender and shall Inelude o standctrd mortgage clause. Lender � ��'
<br /> " shull have the rlght to hold tho pollcles and renawals. If Lender requlres, Borrower shall prompty gtve to Lender ell recelpts ot
<br /> �� � pald prem!ums and renewel notices. In the event of loss,Bortower shall flive prompt notico to tlie Insurance cartler and Lender. • �
<br /> Le�der may make proof ai loss If not made prompty by Borrower. ,
<br /> Unloss I.ender and Borrower otherwlse agrea In writlnfl, hisurence proceads shall be applled to restoratlon or repalr of tho
<br /> � Property damuged, it the restomtlon or repalr Is economlcaly teuslbte end Lenders security Is not lessened.It the restomUon or •
<br /> repalr Is not uconomlcally feasiblo or Lender's security would be lossened, the fnsurence procoeds shall be appl;ed to tho sums
<br /> secured by thls Socurity InsWment, whather or not ihen due, wlth any excess pald to Borrower. If F7ortower abandons tho
<br /> - " Prope�ty, or does not answer wlihln 30 dnys a notice nom Lender thctt the Insura�ca cartier has oftered to settlo a ctalm, then '
<br /> • Lender may eollect tha (nau►anco proceeds. Lender may use tho proceeds to repalr or ��estoro the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by thls Securlty Instrument,whothet or not then due. The 30-day perlod wlll begfn whei�tho notica Is gNen.
<br /> �_ Unless L.ender end Bortower otherwlso agree In wrlting, any app�caUon o} proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> i postpone the due date ot the monthly payments reterted to fn paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount oi the payments. If
<br /> • , under pu►agraph 21 tho Property Is acqulred by Lender, Bonower's right ta uny Insurance polldes and procoeds resulting from
<br />- _, _____ _ ___ __ damago to the Property prior to the acquls(Uon shnil pass to Lender io ihe exlent oi the sums by thfs Sacudty Instrument
<br />� j -- 7 lmmcdfatey prior to tha a:;qulanton. �
<br /> b 1 6. Occupancy. PPe�ervatfQn, Malntenance and Protectlon of the Property; Boarower's Loan
<br /> ; �� A(DpI1C8tiOfl; Leaseholda. Bortowar shell occupy, establish, and use the Property as BoROwer's prindpat resldenco wlthln
<br /> � slxty dayrs after thu oxecutton ot thls Secu�iiy InsWment nnd shall contfnuo to occupy tho Property as Borrowers pdnclpal
<br /> � resldence tor at least one year aftor tha dnte of occupuncy, unless Lender othemiso agraas In writing,whlch consent shall not
<br /> r " be unreasonabty wlthhctd,or unless axteauating clrcvmstances exlst whlch aro boyond Bonower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> ¢a dastroy, damage or Impalr tho Property, allow tho P�opetty to dateriomte,o�commlt wasto an tho Pmperty.Borrower shall be In
<br /> � „ detault if any toAeltura nctlon or proceeding, whatNer clvtl or criminnl, Is begun that fn Lender's good talth Judgment could resutt
<br />, ` • In torfe(turo ot the F'�operty or otherwlsa materlaly Impnlr tho llon crented by thls Securiry Instrunient or Lender's sccudty Interest.
<br /> �� // �
<br /> y , F737G.LM�(12/93) P�gu T of 5 //y� �
<br /> �7°T
<br /> .. ., .. �
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