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<br /> � Praperty is to bn sold it shail deposit with Trustee this Oeed of Trost and tl�e Note or notes and ony athsr documents evidenting exper�ditures _.w •_ <br /> � set�red heroby,and shall duUvor to Trustea a written notice of default and elettfon to cause the Prap�rty to be sold,and Trustee,in turn,shall 4��,� <br /> prepare a similar notice in the form required by law which siwll be duly iiled for rs�oc�6y 1�ustc�. �_" � <br /> �� �o)After the lopse of such time as r►�y be required by luw followinp the recadatioo of Notice of Default,aiad No4fce of Ikfault ond NoticA of <br /> � � Salo havliw baen given as requiretl hy law,Trustee,without demand on Trustor,sha11 sell the P�operty in one or more porcels and in such order _ <br /> ' as T�ustor mny determina an the date and at the time and p!ace designated in said Notise of Sale,at public auctton to the hiyhest bidder,the pur- <br /> chase pr'ice payable in cash in la�vful money of the United Stotes at the time of snla,The person conducting tho sole may,for any cause he or she <br /> � deems expedient,postpone the salo from time tQ time until it:hall be completed and,in every such case,notice of postponement shall be given r <br /> by pu6lic declaration Shereof by such person at the time and p�ace lost appointed for ihe solai providad,if th3 sale is postponed for lonfler tiwn �____ <br /> one (1)day beyond the day desipnated in the Notice ofi Sule,notice thereof shall be giren in the same mmmer as the original Notice of Sak. <br /> Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchasee its Deed conveying fhe Property sa sold,but withnut any convenant or warranty,express,or <br /> „ •• implied. ihe recitals in tha Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof vf the tru9hfulness thereof.Any pErson, inclurling wi4hout <br /> limitation Trustee,may purchase at the sale. <br /> (b►,Wl�en Trustee sells pursuant to the powers heroin,Trustee shall apFly the proceeds of the sale to payment of the cos4s ond expenses of <br /> exercising the power of sale and of the sale,including,without limitotian,the payme�t of Yrustee's Fees incurred,which Trustee's F+res sholl not <br /> in the aggregate exceed the following omounts bosed upon the amount secured hereby and remaining unpaid: 5 percen4um oi� 4,`�e talc��ta <br /> theraof j and then to the items set forth in subparagraph(c)hereof in the order thereio stated. <br /> �� (c)After paying the itoms specified in subparagraph(b),if the sale is by Trustae, or the proper court and other costs of foretlosure and snle <br /> " if tho sale is pursuont to judiciol foreclosure,the proteeds of sale shal!be applied in the ordar stated below to the payment of: _ <br /> , (1) Cost of any evidence of tetle procured in connection wifh such sale and of any revenue required to be pnidr <br />�.', ,: ° ' (2) Attorneys fees; <br /> (3) All sums then secured herebys � <br /> � (4) Junior trust deeds,mortgages,or other lienhalders;and <br /> -- - � (5) The remainder,if ony,to the person or persons legatly en4itied tnerero. <br /> � (d) If the Beneficiary of this Deed of Trust is a bunk as defined by Nebroska law,ony statemeni conPoine$in any oii��5c�;��'v��s`i`���o� <br /> + ' � notwithstanding,the Beneficiary shall not be entitled ro receive or take ond debtor shall Rot be obligated to pay or give;any confession o4 judg- <br /> ' - ment,power of attorney to confess judgment,power of attornay to appear for a barrower in a judicial proceeding or ogreement to pay the costs <br /> ', of collec9ion of the attorneys'fees,unless such ucts of collection would nos osherwise be prohibited by Nehraska luw.Provided,however,thut _ <br /> this section does not opply to tne Trustee fee referred to in parog�aph 6(b).Provided further,that this paragraph sholl not apply to this Deed of _ <br /> ' Trust,if the Beneficiary is not a bank. — <br /> ' 12. AdditioMl Sotrrity Innr�ert».Trustor, ot its expense,will execute and deliver to the Beneficiary,promptly upon demand,such securi- — <br /> ty instruments as may be required by Beneficiary,in form and substance satisfactory to Beneficiary,covering any of the Praperty conveyed by <br /> � this Deed of Trust,which securiry instruments shall be additional security for Trustor's foithful performance of all of tho terms,covenants and �,:.,.:� <br /> conditions of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and any other security instruments executed in connection with this tran- <br /> saction.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed ot Trustor's expense. <br /> . . , 13. Appointin�nt of Sxue:wr Trostes. Beneficiary moy, from time to time, by a written instrument executed and atknowledged by . <br /> � Beneficiary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county or counties in which the Property is located and by otherwise complying with the provi- <br /> ' sions of the applicable laws of the State of Nebrosko,sabstitute a successor or successors to th�Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. <br /> 14. Inspections.Beneficiary,or its agenis,representatives or workmen,are authorized to entor ut ony reasonabfe time upon or in any part <br /> ' of the Property for the purpose of inspecting the same ond for The purpose of performing ony of the octs it is authroized to perform under the <br /> • terms of the Deed of Trust. „ <br /> ,. 15. Opfion to Forecb:e.Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder,Beneficiary sholl have the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust in <br /> the manner provided by low for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. <br /> ' � 16. Forebearance by Benefielary Hat a Walver.Any forebearance by Beneficiory in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise <br /> � , offorded by applicable low,shall not be a waive�of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. Likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary of <br /> • any default of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of ony other or similar defoults subsequently occurring. <br /> 17. Trustor Nat Released. Extension of tha time for payment or modification or amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust i <br /> granted by Beneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operote to releose, in ony manner,the liability of the originol Trustor and i <br /> Trustor's successor in interest. Beneficiary sholl not be required to commence proceedings against such successor ar refuse to eutend time for <br /> poyment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demond made by the original Trustor and <br /> � Trustor's successor in interest. I <br /> 18. &naficfmry'i Powen.Without affecting the liobility of the Trustor or any other person�iable for the poyment of any obligation herein I <br /> mantioned,and without affecting the lien or chorge of this �eed of Trust upon any portian of the Prapeny not then or theretofore released as <br /> seeurity for the full amount of oll unpaid obligntions,Benoficiory may,from time to time and without notice, (i)relQase any person so liable, (ii) ; <br /> extend fhe maturitq or alter any of the terms of any suth obligations. (iii)grant other indulgences, (iv)release or reconvey, or cause to be ' <br /> released or reconveyed at uny time ut Beneficiory's options any parcel,portion oroll of the Property,(v)take or release any other or additionnl <br /> seturity for any obfigation herein mentioned,or (vi)mpke compositions or other orrangements with debtors in relotion thereto. <br /> 19. Futuro Adrmce:. Upon request of Trustor,Trustee at Trustee's option,prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor, may make <br /> -�- - . ... .. .. _ . .. . . •�----� �..----'---..- <br /> - _ _ _ - <br /> future advances to Trustor. Such future advances,with interest tnereon, snan ue secureu oy rms trusr ueea mien vvwv���n, �r N������»��, <br /> � notes stating that said notes are secured hereby:provided that at no time shall the secured principal,future odvances,nat including sums ad- <br /> � � • vcxnced to pro4ect the security,exceed an ac�gregate principal amount of S _• <br /> � 20. �texarerme�e by Trwtee.Upon ivritten request of Eieneficiory stafing thot all sums secured hereby have been paid,ond upon surrender <br /> ` • of this Deed af Trust ond th2 Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall <br /> reeonvey to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitl�d thcreto,without �rarranty,uny portion of the Property then held hereunder.The <br /> + . recituls in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.The grantee in any reconveyance may <br /> �` be described as"the person or person5 legally entitled thereto". <br /> _� <br /> :"� <br /> � � <br />