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<br /> " S.Y���n.Ace.s.F.,�`ta,���:.��;.a.Trustar sl�ull pny a11 sa�ccs.�s:�:�s�i�s-�4s er��oti���ct�a;�;;,s,i�tsladtcp. �:iyitaut tinitn1lon.6En�s ar9 hti�- , f" .�� -
<br /> �a9itions a94vibu44�!o so�h�Rrc���y,4i���.���i O�C�Qfijti�:�)745 a��7�i�[ii�PC:i��,«G���,6:,�r�rn s�:�str�;�b�CG;iiJ(���irti'1."���.YPU54L'?£�IC���YOIiI�• �-
<br /> � tCy Ournish 4o Cctita4iciary ull r,aticos of a,�,ou�4s da�u;tC�r 4tiis perc;y,�c;�1,tir�;i 1��9h�cvc;�?Yrts:,4G•r�fiafi�ac:co pv��a�r�?diPCCPI�,Yru:�YUr.kuil _ _
<br /> pro�nptly fumish to Beneficiary rete.y►ts dvidancir�such paymtats. Yrustar shailµay aU toxas n�d assessssnent� whi�h ffilf�i t28 I6Yt@d UjYJiI _._:,.,�.,:,,,.<��..-. "
<br /> r•�:�,•.:.e_•s^.°.�:'���_._
<br /> �eneficiary's intETeft herein ar upon this Deed of 7rost withoat repord to ony taw thot muy be Enactod irnposing pnymant o#th�wtwl�or any l���,:_-----.
<br /> • ptxt thereof upnn the Be�ef'sciary. -
<br /> . �� . 6. �����,��►�tac�{�o�b�ofkyay'o S�csrfry.Trostor stnil mdke al)payments of interost oncl principal erxl poyments of arey - , —_
<br /> " � other charpes,fees and expenses contracted to be poid to any exis4inp lieni►o{6�rs or p�bc,�b���k+ca+as u'�:'Wzy�+ic�d,:.�a':4�us':rr r�r- ��-'-"°'"��'�'_y-v-
<br /> t9aqe betore the date they are dalinquent ond�romptly poy and discMrpe ony 6nd oll nth�r li�ns,c{akns a chor�s which mcy popnrdix�the
<br /> � seturity granted herein. If Trustor�ails to make any suth payment or fails to perform any of the covenanfs and o�reements conta!nad in fhis ___
<br /> Deed of Trust,or in any prior mort$age or deed of trost,of if ony ation or procaedirg is com�mencQd which materlolly affects Ben�ficiary's in-
<br /> terest in the Property,including,but not limited to,eminent domnin prateedinps,or Rrotesdlnps involvirg a decandent,or if Trustor fails to pay __�
<br /> " Trustor's de6ts generally as they become due, then Beneficiary,at Beneft�lory's opilon aid without notice to or demand upon Srusta ond =--
<br /> • without refeosing Trostor from any obligation hereunder,may moke such oppearances,dls6u�se suth su�s,ar�.�9 tace suth attion as is rzrsessQry � -- -
<br /> to protect Beneficiary's enterest including,but not limited to,disbursement of reasonoble attaney's feas,payment,purchase,c�r►test er com-
<br /> promiso af any encumbrance, chnrgo or lien, ond entry upon ihe Property fo make repoirs.Ir�the evenT that Trusta�hall foil to procae in-
<br /> surance or to pny toxes, ossessmen4s,or any other charges or to make any payments to existing prior lien hol�±srs or benaiiciai�s,Bzneficiory
<br /> may praure such insuronce and make such payment.Any amounts disbursec)by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragraph b shall become Qdditional __
<br /> �''� indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed af Trust.Svch omounts stwll ba payoble upon notice from Berraficiory to Yrusta reyuestirq pby-
<br /> ment thereaf,and shall 6ear interest fPOm the dote of disbursement at the rate poyable from time to time on outstanding�rir�cipal urtder the
<br /> � �lote unless payment af interest at such rate wauld be contrary to apQlicuble law,in which event sucb amounts sha116ear interest ot the i est '
<br /> - --
<br /> rato permissible under a�plicoble law.Nothing contoined in this Paragraph 6 shall require BEnefitiary to incur ony expense or toke ony ation
<br /> hereundur. ��"'
<br /> 7. A:siynixent of R�rrls.Beneficiory sholl have the right, power and authority durirsg the continunace of this Dted af Trust to collect the ��`-
<br /> ' rents,issues and profits of the Property and of any pzrsonal property totuted thereon with or without takirtg possessian of tho prope►ty aHected -•-�-��:-_,:
<br /> � hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally ossigns all such rents,issues and protits to Benefitiary.Beneficiary,however,hereby �'�''`m'`���
<br /> cansents to the Trustor's collection anA retention of such rents,issues and profits os they�ccrue and become payable so long as Trustw is not, k:;;�::-
<br /> ot such tima,in defoult with respect to payment of ony indebtedness secured hereby,or in tho performance of any agreerneot hereunder.Upon �-�
<br /> •� any such default,Beneficiary may at any time,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appointed by o court,witi�out notite and without ��'��°=__
<br /> ,� regard to the adequa:y of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, (a)enter upan and tuke possession of the Propertyr or any port
<br /> thereof,and in its own nama sue for or otherwise collect such rents,issues and profits,including thoso past due ond unpaid,and apply the wrr�e, .� ''�'
<br /> - - -__-_-_--- - n an indebtedRess securea i�ereo ,orro in sum ��;`a`��r,
<br /> less costs and expenses of operation and collection,including reosonable attomeys fees, upo y Y �►
<br /> order as Beneficiary moy determine;(b)perform suth acts of repair or protection os moy be necessary or proper to tonserve the value of the -.� r�~
<br /> Properry;(c)leose the some or ony part thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions os its judgment may dictate or terminate or ad- �L;�
<br /> . just the terms and conditions of nny existing lense or leases.tlnless Trustor and Benefitiary agree otherwise in writing,a�y applieation of rerrts, ;:���,:
<br /> � � issues or profits to any indabtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone 4he dus date of tho instollment payments ns provided in svid ;� r`���'�
<br /> promissory note or change the amount of such instullments.The enterinp upon and toking possession of the Property, the callection of such a�. �
<br /> • vents, issues and profits, and the opplication thereof as oforesaid, shall not waive or cure any defuult or notite of dofault hereunder,or i�- .
<br /> • volidate uny act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiary, as further security for the performance ot the obligations
<br /> � setured hereby,all prepaid rents and oll monies whith may have been or moy hereaher be depusited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro• �, •.�;,�.
<br /> perty,to secure the poyment of any rent or damages,ar�d upon default in tho performance of uny of the provisions hereof,Trustor ugrees to . •,*w
<br /> deliver such rents ond deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights granted herein,to ony tenunt oc- , "
<br /> eupying said premises sholl be sufficient to require said tenant to pay snid rent to the Beneficiary until further notice. '�•.;�'�!^'„A�
<br /> 8.Cond�n�n�tion.It Yitle to ony part of the Property shall be taken in condemnation proceedings,by right o�eminent domuin or similar attion, � •�"
<br /> �� � or shall be sold under threat of condemnation,all awards,domages and proceeds ore hereby ossigned and sholl be paid to Beneficiary who shall �•;���..� �
<br /> •��'�' apply such awards,damages and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if ony,paid.to Trustor.If Trustor reteives . y
<br /> any notice or other information regarding such actions or proceadings, Trustor sha{I give prompt written notite thereof to benefitiary. �`
<br /> 6eoefitiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appeor in and prosecute in its own name any such attion or proceedings Qnd shall be en• � �
<br /> . titled to moke any compromise or settlement in connection with any such action or pruceedings.
<br /> 9. Remsdies Not Ere{u:ive.Beneficiary shull be entitled to enforce payment and performance af any indebtedness or obligations secured -
<br /> ' hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other agreement executed in tonnettion herewith or any laws ';"'•
<br /> now or hereofter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the sucli indebtedness und obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be other-
<br /> wise secured,whether 6y mortgage,deed of trust,pledge, lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its �
<br /> � enforcement whether by court oction or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contuined,shall prejudice or in ony manner offect i
<br /> ��' Beneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary,it being agreed thut Beneficiary sholl be
<br /> I
<br /> entitled to enforce this Oeed of Trust and any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it moy in its ab-
<br /> salute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferced upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any othe�remedy herein ,
<br /> � or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative ond shall be in addition to e iery other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> existing at law or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy pravided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiory or to which it moy be
<br /> `� otherwiss entitled,may be exercised. concurrently or independently,from time to time and as often as may be de2med expedient Beneficiary
<br /> ' ond it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein sholl be construed as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficienty judgment opainst
<br /> the Trustor to the extent such uction is permitted by law.
<br /> � 10. T►�n�f�r of Praperry;Asswhp4ion.If all or ony part of the property or ony interest therein is sold,transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> � without Beneficiary's prior written consent,excluding(a)the creation of a lien or encumbronce subordinate to this Deed of Trust, �b)the creo•
<br /> tion of a nurchase monev seturity interest for household opplionces, (t)a transfer by devise,destent or by operation ot low upon the death of o ,
<br /> T• � joint tenont or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, Beneficiary mny, ar
<br /> Qoneficiary's option,detlare all the sums secured by this Deed af Trust ta be immediately due and payable,or cuuse the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> � of default. Beneficiary shall have woived such option!:,accelerote if,�rior to the sale, tronsfer or conveyunce, Beneficiory and the person to
<br /> whom the propeny is to be sald ar transferced reach agreement in vrriting that the credit of such person is sotisfoctory to 8eneficiary ond that
<br /> the interest poyoble on the s�vns secur�d by this Deed of Trust shofl be ot such rote as Beneficiory shull request.
<br /> s Y/���i� Y�I
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