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Tn the event of los�,�i��rrnwer tihnll give�rani(v.t notiet to thC insuranc�car�icr anc! <br /> _'�`_' <br /> - <br /> -- _ __ _-.-.--' fi..tiili�.�. �iA��ii�:li�..j+lil..::d�+.i:S:Og jw:{:'S1Q:Fil»w::i;:;iil`:I�> >j u07i0:::.i. .. -- <br /> UnlcsK I.ender and Aorrowcr othcrwise ugrcc in writing,insurnnce practeds shall lx applIeci to rcstoration a rep►ir bf - <br /> Ihe Pra�x�ty damafied, if the restoration or rcpair is �conomically feasiblr,anJ l.cndcr's sccurity ix not lcsscned. If the <br /> restoratlan or r�pair ie not eeonomirallv feasiblc or I.enderi; security wou�d be i�ssened,the insurunce procee�is shall k�e <br /> npE�lied to thc sumt securcd by this Security Insuvmcnt, whcther or nat then due, wilh any excess�Said to aon�wer. If <br /> 8mrower abandons ihe Propeny,or does nat aoswr.�within 30 days a notice from I.cndcr that thc insursnce carrier has <br /> offered to�etde a cyi�im.then I.ender muy colicct►he insurance peoceeds. Lender muy use rha prceeeds to repaic or resta�� — <br /> ` -" thc Prope�ty or to puy su�u5 secured i�y this Security Iiistru�i►e;tt,wheti►er ar uot the;�due. The 3(Miay pe.�iod will b�:�;ii whcn - - <br /> the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lsnder and Borrower otherwise ag�ce in writing, any application of praceeds to�rincip�l shall not extend or <br /> postpone tlre due dnte of the mo�ithly payments�ferred to in para�r.�phs 1 and 2 or change thc amaunt af�he paym�nts. If <br /> - imder pangroph 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender, Borco��er� right to nny insurance policies and proceesls resulting <br /> --� - from damnge to�he PrupeRy prior to the acquisitlon shall pass to L,ender to the axtPnt of the sums secured by this a�ecurity <br /> Instrmnent immedi�ttely prior to Ihe acquisition. — <br /> ___ __ _____— 6. OccupAney, Preservatlon, Mefntenance and Arotectton a►P the Prnperly; Rorrowe�'s A.aan Application; <br />. Leaseholds. Bortower shafl occupy,establish,nnd use the Pcoperty ns Bonower's prineipal residence wittiin sixty days aCter <br /> w°-° the execution of ihis Security instrument and shnll continue to occupy the Property nc It3orrower�principal resIdence for at <br />_-__ =,==;f;;�"�� least ane yenr nftcr the date of occupancy, unless Lender vthcrwise A�'R:C9 in writing, which consent shall not bc <br />'�'h'--'-�==z=='`�'�j unrensonably withheld,or unless er.tenuating circumstv�ces exist wtiiich are beyond Borrowcr's contml. Horroaver shall not <br /> _...���� destroy,damasc or impuir the Property,allo►v the Aroperty to deteriorate,or commit wasce on the?rone�ty. Barrower shall <br /> _-�,�-yti�3;�� 6e in default if any forFeiture nctton or proceeding, �vhether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender�s good fnitl�Judgment <br /> __-= could resul�t in forfeiture of the Property or o:herwise materinlly impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br />-���'��� Lender's security ineerest. Borzower may cure such a defnult and roinstate,as provided in paragmph 18,by causing the actian <br />•_;;,,�yx���� or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thAt,in Lender`s good faith detemiination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> "'�'___= interest in the Propeity or other material impairment of th� lien crcated by this Security Instrument or Lender's security <br />;','�:=;:«�lt2i���� interest. Borrower shall also be in defnult if Borcower, during the loan npplication process, guve materia;ly false or <br />-���';��.,M;�.��� inaccunte information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any matenal informntion)in connection with <br />-'.'"•.-�Q.�-��h-=� �A 1� oyl�ng�nri h� tt�r Nntr. i�2rinrlin�, h�R n�t limitr�l tn, rr�recPnt:uinns onnrerninn Rnrtnwrrc rra-nnanr.v �f the <br /> n ?_=O°R�' i�ro�rt as a rinci �I residence. If this Securit Instniment is on a leasehold,Borrower sh�ll com 1 whh nll tlie rovi�ions <br /> ,_.,r.,�,-,.• P� Y P P Y P Y P _ <br /> `:..,e;sx,�, � of the lease. If Borrow�r acquires fce title to thc i'roperty,the leasehold and the fee title shall not mcrgc unless Lender ngrees <br /> �""�""'�'?'`:� to thc mergcr in writing. <br />_-;�:;,'"E�'<�.;::;�,": e <br />,.�,:s,,,� ,;�� 7. Protectlon of Lender s Rights In the Property. If Borrower fails to perfomt the covenants and agreements • <br />�:,<b���'¢a-�'�..,y;�, contained in this Security dnstrument, or there is a Icgal procceding that may significantly affect Lender's cights in the <br />::�1:,,�;,;:i,��.``;.' Proper¢y(such as a procceding in bankrupuy,probate,for condemnation or forfeituce or to enforce laws or regulations),then <br />_ ,. ,Llv�• Lender may do and pay for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Properry and Lendcr'.s rights in thc Property. <br />���"�"�''""`` '`° Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lIen which has priority over this Security Inspument,�ppearing <br />- `"''''""``"'"' in court,payins reasonable attomeys'fces and cntcring on the Property to makc repairs. Although Lender may ta.l•e action <br /> _ ��� �'°"�"'"'� uncler this parngrapt�7,Lender does not hmve to do so. <br /> '�,«,-;��� �:;-:���. Any amouNS disbutsed by Lender under this paragruph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _ <br /> _^;�, : ...�•::..��, Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree to other terms of pnyment.these amounts shall bcar interest from thc <br />-�,�L.-;•;,`t'"��'- datc of disbursement at the Note rate and shnll be paynble,with intemst, upon notice from Lendcr to Bormwer requcsting <br />�-:.-��w„�°�r± Payment. --- <br /> - "','`��'�''" � ' 8. Mort a e Insurance. If Lender re: uired mort�t e insurance as a condition of mukin the loan secured b this �r- <br /> - - ,�,�.,,. fi B 9 � b�B S Y <br /> --�•:',;;�;��•`% Security Instrumeni,Borrower shnll pay the prcmiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insurance in cffect. If. for any <br />: i:='=''�'�` "' `" reason, the mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shnfl pay the =— <br /> ' : �} prcmiums requircd to obtuin coverage substnntiully cyuivnlent to the mortgage insurance prcviously in cffect. at a cost =- <br /> substantially cyuivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mottguge insurance previously in effect,from un altemnte mortgagc �;_-= <br /> • � insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is nat availnble,Borrower shaU pay to �>:°�, <br /> . Lender each month a sum equal to onc-twelRh of rthe ycarly mortgage insurance prcmium being paid by Borrowcr when thc <br />'"fi ., : � ' insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in r_ffect. Lender will:�ccept,use and retain these pnyments as a loss reserve in lieu � <br /> _ ' of mortgage insurance. Loss rcscrve payments may no longer be rcyuircd,at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance . <br /> � coverage(in the amount:md for che period that Lettder requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> '�'�' available and is obt.�ined.Bormwer shall pay the premiums maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> .r.•. <br />„-.- loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordancc with any written agmemcnt between Borrower <br /> ,_ ,, and Lender or applicable law. , <br /> ',;,.. .:'• 9. Inspectlon. Lcnder or its agent may make reasonaible entries upon and inspections of thc Property. Lender shall <br /> . ' give Bortower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying masonable cause for the inspection. • <br /> 10. Candemnatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct nr conseyuential,in connection with uny <br /> Sinale Family••Funnle Mac/lYcddle Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMfNT-•Uniform Covcnnnrs 4/90 (puge 9 nln P�+xesl ? • <br />: - Crcm lakp Bmmess Fomu.Inc.0 - <br /> ��:� � . . To OrAri i:oll:1-0OUCa3Pf1:iD3 O�AI(0147961131 <br />� .�. � .._.... . . - •. _ r.n�—.--.��w-T+..----•�.�--.r... .. ...'-v .�.:f.= ._ --'----.--•--_•....-•--- <br /> , " . �. .. .� • - �. <br /> .� i „�' , ., .. . <br /> � ` <br /> , , <br /> . _.�1_ , . __._ _ =-- ____ <br />