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,�t:c,_: li+,��.r.,r�. S-.^,..r �"`,3:;r'�Y•.T;._, f���-�rY 54, .�::"'r'"' .+. . .. .. <br /> .� . ., " `}�j... P� � v � + ,(d��c•�.'�r,' • - _. <br /> � -Wwla w....�� �� f�t it�l . �Y+un.!�f�t/iJ�' . 1fr1.M+� __ ._, <br /> . - .. " � 4. ... <br /> � .�. ` S --- . ,. _. <br /> • � •:' .r--'�1�'�.:.f81/�1.242Fi;G"�flCY2E1IM,:"- . '._.._�cui_�r .�-�me����----.— <br /> , . � . . --- � ---- -- . _--'�_.. - <br /> �.Yt..�r].n tpr;�. - . . _ . _ -_ As.---- -`-- _ <br /> . .:•., -.�-� ----- -- ` <br /> �:a" — <br /> - ' _ �c,':,��---- - <br /> .+s��t�-.-�-���m...�e��.�aa�.��a.���.�.����..�e.�..,..�. - <br /> . _--._ ---...- - ----- <br /> _. . .-c��_..:__.---��-�----�,_'.'_----`-�� ----- � -- --...------_ . __ _ __._.._.T-------..___-_.—_. .. <br /> _ „ .g 4�.�.)�2 � ' � _ <br /> _.::;";.M�:,.�:a-:� _.:_:-:. <br /> - '� h i! -,A6." I:�';�l!�i;f�(i :I�ii;.�;«ui.-ei?� 4�.�,7(_: � .i -S�.f I-�:':t �c^i is;.r�l�.-,�iiy.� '1 f•�e(. ,� , ii ;,,.• ' � . . <br /> ----�_ --.� �,�ui fa..E,����: �:.s:s c1i It_�::t�i:, :f:.:,i ui fi1';�:.5ij;:�iy, 1111 i,.��y. .:;ai.•,il� t�it�'s •'�?i�iii�..i.; �;iu�ll;,.s►I.:t�c;� i./t'.'..:{ �.. f � -- <br /> lr,�tnoment. All of[�ic 1'nregul�ig is r.esrra�:d t�f i���his Szciirlty Ci�stsun►cnt as thc"t'�'�1�x�:ty.'' � <br /> �_— l3URltqWEilt COV�NAN"!'S tliat 13oyruwcr i�I.sw•fnlly scive�!of tiie estute licreby convcy:.d nnd hay th�riqht tn gr:wnt <br /> and con��ey tt�e i'roperty ancl that�he 1'ro}xrty iq uncncr�mbercd,oxce�st•for encumbrances uf recorcl. K�►rruu•c�wn�r�nts und , <br /> - _ - �eill clefcnd g;.�ir,rnlly thc tiUc ta�hc Properiy ag,�inst nEl claims nnd dcmajuls,suhject to nuy a�cumbruncrs��f recorct. <br /> � '�HIS SSCURTTY INSTltUM[3NT canbines unfform covenants far nati�onai use nre�1 e.U�l-Ultliu�ul t;UV��iaiii� �:�u -_ - <br /> lirnitsd varintians by iuris�tleti�n to constitute a uniform security instiument c.uvering real property. <br /> UIVIFORlN C()VL�NANTS. Iiarrower and Lendsr cov�cnant und a�ree as follows: <br /> 1. Paymenl:of Pri�ecipof and Interest=Prepayrnent and Late Chatg�ts. Bnrrower sh�ll promptly pay when due tha <br /> principal of and interest on tha debt cvidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment nud late ch•rrges due under the Note. <br /> 2. Fundq for 71�xes and IniurAnce. Subject to applicablc Inw or to a written wniver by I,ender,Honower shall pay to <br /> - Lcndcr on tt�e d�y monthly payments are due undcr tho Natc,ontil the Note is paid iu full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly _ <br /> tw:cs and assessments�wt►ich may Attain priority over this Sccudry Instrum�nt ns a li�n an ths Property;(b)yearly lensehold <br /> payrr�ents ot ground nent, on the Pcuperiy, if anp; (c) yearly h�aatd or praperty insur,ince premiums; (d)yeusly flood <br /> insurance premiums, iff any; (e) ycauly mortgag� insurance premiums,If eny; and (t� .my sums payable by Borrower to <br /> _-____ accordnnce wid�the provistos�s of parzgraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance pn:miums. These <br /> items at+e called"Escruw Items." L.ender may,at any time,eollect and ho?d Funds in an amoa�nt not to exceed the maximum <br /> amount a lender for a federally relatcd mortga�e loan may require for aorrowcr's escrow account rndcr the federal Real <br /> Est�te Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless u�other <br /> - -- --' inw that applles ro the Trlmds sets a lesser amount. if so,Lender may,at a��y tiii�e,collect and hoid 1`�tmds in�n amount noi to <br /> � exceed the lesser amount. C.ender may esdmate the umount of Puuds due on the basis of current data and reasonable <br /> -""�=,-:.c�,;L;j,r��,- estimates of expenditures of ft►turc Escrow Items orothenvise in nceordance with applicable law. __. <br /> _�_-=s"� The Funds shall be held in an tnsdtuqon whos�deposits u�•e insured by a fcderai agency. instrumentality.or enrity <br /> .__ -- (including Lcnder,if Lender is such an insdtutioa)or in any Feder�al Home Loan Hank. 1Lender shall apply the Funds to pay <br /> ---_--"'•"""�''t''� the Escrow items. Lender may not charge Banower for holdin� and applying the �nds, lnnually analyzin� the escruw <br /> d'����r�r�nit si <br /> - ____ account,or verifying the Escrow Iteins, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds und applicabte law permiu <br /> ---- - - - Lendcr to make such a charge. Ho�vever,Lender may reguire!8anower to pay a one-time charge for an�ndcpcndent e��l <br /> _,,,.,._��y� estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecrion with th+s taan.unless applicable law provIdes othcrwise. Unless an <br /> - ---��;, agYCement is made ot upplicable law requi�s interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowsr uny interest or <br /> -_��=.,� eamin};s on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wridng,however,that intemst shall be paid on the FLnds. Lender <br />-v�-����'��*�- shall ive to Borrower.without cha�• c an annual accountin of the Funds,showing credits and debi�s to the Fttnds and ttic <br /> --_--_ :.ei.�}��a; � � . B <br /> - gumose for which cach debit to the Funds was made_ The Funds ate pledgcd as addirion�l security for all sums securcd by <br /> _-- '•=='����`-::- diis Security Instcument. <br />- --��'��'� If the Funds held by Lender exGCrd the amounts pennitted to be held by applicuble law. Lender shall account to — <br /> �.-r��r�;� <br />_„�F��2�,;.� � Barrower fot the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Eunds heid by <br />-;;�'�°::����I,,��:` I,ender ut any time is not suffictent to pay the Escrow Items�vhen due,Lender may so notify I3orrower in�vriting,and, in <br /> - '°-r such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amaunt necessfuy to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> ; <br />