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<br /> . ,+�'�!!hL`{��K -� . 4�..� t I�Oala.n� _,� � iA�:y 1�.i'. '} .
<br /> . � r4,+.v� �l�tc.: _. .�.-.,.H .-p-�..-,. . F�Ny1�NM�MW9�f"r'M�p�1!""' _ T_-.
<br /> - , . ,.. -'_T'..�x�..�y�� �.q.: .. ,� . NN!14���*`�^". . .. y.
<br /> ..�.- .:.;��:�z_ ✓..,,rYt.'"�C:.tP. ... �..'-'--
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<br /> � �,,.�S�?r,kCa.a�— --_ -�.1_��..__—
<br />- w.,�,_... __._ _,._ ---�1YR�.+:��rs � - --- ss:�x,r_�w��r�err�:r�,=�.+�
<br />__-.-�i....,.+t�w� � .- i no 44'+.lr�'T`�' l.:y.:.:-':_
<br /> �( 'i� ,/ /.' .r,-� f.,)�ro � ��l � . �-.I�� ,-
<br /> ,�z.��. �,�1��.-;�)l��,.co !G..�,��� � .�_.,
<br /> -'-=�=�„"'; •►UCiI;'i'i1k?}t Wia��all tt�c Imt�rovcmcnt!i itc�w oz iicr�aPt�r c;'�ctcd a�;�tlt;;��iu�s;ai��,�d ailI c�sc;;i��its.�;�;��t�►tcn:=rcGC_� ���s-�:_
<br /> nnd tixtUrc9 now o.r herc:after a part nt thc pr�pcb�y All repin�cmcnis nttd ndditions shell also He covercd by ih�s Scc:nriry
<br /> - IIiSiClil'.iCllf. ,!yU�f t9�c forego'sn�is rCferrcd to ln Ihla Sccur�ty b�stn�mcut ns liic"P:opcny."
<br /> anRROW�R COVENf�,N'fS�hat Borrowtr is lawfully seisad af thc cstate l�ereby conveyed and has the dght t4 gi�ant
<br /> - ,�slr�r�o��vey vlie Pmvxny nnd tliat the Pcaperty is unencumlx:rcd,except f�r encumbmnccs of record. Borro�ver wattants nnd —
<br /> ��! will defend generolly tha ude to the f'raperty agal�r�t All claims and dcmands,subject to any encumbruuc�ea u��ec��r�i.
<br /> TEIYS SECURiTY [NSTRUMEN'f cambines uniform Govenants for national use und non-uniform cavennnts wlth
<br /> limited variations by Jur�sdiction to constitute a uniform security instnamcr►t covcrin�rsul properiy.
<br /> UPIIFQRM COVENANTS. Horrower And L.endcr covennnt and agree as follows:
<br /> --• 1. 1'�yment ot Peinc[pxl and�nterest;Frepayment and LAte ChArgev. Borrower shall promptly pay when dus the
<br /> =— prir.cipal af And intezest on the debt evidensed by the Nute and any prepayment and lote charges due under the Note. _
<br /> --
<br /> 2. Funds Cox�'lhxes and Ynsu�nce. Subject to npplicable!aw or to a written��aiver by Lender. BuROwer sh11i nay to ---
<br /> Lender on the day monthly puyments nre due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,n sum("Flmds")for.(u)yeazly
<br /> wxes and assessments which mny attain prioriry over thls Secariry Insuument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly le�.sehold
<br /> payments or �sound reilts on tlte F'[opercy, if F►nY: (c) yearly hazard or pr+aperty insur,snce premiums; (d) yenriy �lood
<br /> insurance premiums,if any; (e) yearly mortgnge insurance premiums, if any; and (� nny sums payable by Borrowcc tu
<br /> � I.ender, in nccordance wif►4he�rovisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the p�yment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. Thzse
<br /> items are ec►lled"Escrow[tems." Lender may,at any ti�ne,collect and hold Funds in an a�nount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> --- _-_-- aanount a lender f�r a federally related mortgage loan may require for Bocrower's escrow aa:ount under the federal Real
<br /> - Estate SetQement Procedures Act of 1974 as emended from eime to ume, 12 U.S.C.q 2601 et seq.("RESP�1").uriless a,tiaQ�e: _
<br /> � law that applies to the F�nds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender m�y,ut uny time,collect and hold Funds in 1n umount not to
<br /> -°--
<br />