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<br />�.,5.��.:�n7L!Gjy'r��:L�� . , I ,° ,�,i*�i,/�(� --_'—--`� �-
<br /> i'. F�J�ECi�fi�Of'J �? �Ciif�C�'O�@{�r�rJ I:� f�t� fr'Jes�3C�u�. fi flarn...r f�i'3 fa p�;;�,,:�E��i�r!��.,:�.:AR1JY"'j'�':'�e°�"L,•9 F.� ,J,�,s�.'
<br /> ;� `'_.. ;:�(r:��ti r.��r, G::::,:_,,::� (.�
<br /> . fh .._:.urCy la�Lvr�:�;�t, ct G.�.� ta Q I__,_I G;cc��s�'��� N�:1 c-,y c!;;a:::��1)f ct:�ct�f1��i 0 Pi��13 G�t�.� ('�t;:� �
<br /> � � k::t!t(L;::3Y�f)P��:''.��LCi C^R�:`oi1:�:�fi C7�IIfi_::liJ Oi lQ C�fIIii.�i��:3 fi7 fC$l1I^,l�Ci70���iT^.il LCJt��I Cc::�p�i0 G'1f�G1�1�:.7 l'i�"":,:.:7�]f.:'::�:"°%�1
<br /> �4• _ . ; _ � .., . ta protect tt��value of th�Froperty�nd Lend�f� rWhts L� Ahe Properly. Lendei's scllane may Yaolub�payinp 4ny surr.a ��curoA by a Eirn :,,.::;..„?
<br /> ,� whfoh h�e prbrRy ovM thti 6scurRy Inatrument,t��arin8 In court,peyin0 reu�anebb tttom�y't/�aea�nd 1nt�rie�p un lha Pra�4y ln malw �",�"�"�,,''.�-�,.
<br /> ��t� ��,t��'7;��'� nWln. 1lMhouqh UndK rn�y tak�aullon und�t thk ParWraP�7, Un�Nt daa�not havo to da eo. �''•:�"� •
<br /> _"�.:.:'�<4�� _—_�..
<br /> . My emounts disburssd by Len�er unde►this psmpraph 7 ehaM b�oms addftional debt of BorrawK taCUrsd by this S�curlty IrntrunwnL
<br /> ',. U(IIYlO BOtfOIYM OfIC1 Lltidit�fs8 i(!Olha t�rtns of peyment�th68O 6f�1011iiB 6{lai��7:if L'ilo:::�ua;�,i7� e:.� or a,5��c=�,:'��C!�F�9(ltF3 �--.-_-_.
<br /> ��?i�..?.�,`t�::kc�i�'Z� '
<br /> •;,.,�j _, rate�nd shtN bs p�ya6ts,wkh Int�est�upon notlas hom Un�fer to Borrower rpw�thp paymK►l. v_._
<br /> d. MOPl�SQ9 I�iUPB�iCC. 11 Lendsr �qulred mortyops hturMCO ae a aondltlon ol makhp RM foan siCUnd by thfs S�curltY ���_
<br /> =-�`" . . Insuummt,Borrovrw ehaM p�y the pnmfums requked to mahtatn the mortpa�hsuranc�b�MacG 11,for any reaaon,th�mortpW� haunr�c� _ ----
<br /> � cowr�p� nqulnd by I.�nda Iapses or aas�s to be in eff�ct, Bortox� shaN pty iho praniums nquirrd to obtain cov�np��uhtwriMiy �-�„,�.__
<br /> � -� equNrimt to tM mortpaq�Insuru�c�provbuay h ettoct,at e cost eubatantfa►y equlvalent to th�ccat to 6arower o1 the mom hsunnce ��r"��`
<br /> WG� �k?�tm�
<br /> • provbuay h �Nect, from ui aa�rnats mortpaps hsurer epproved Gy Lond�r. It substcntlatty cqutvakx�t mortne:�c lnsurence coverw� b nat t'-'�`�
<br /> ' � avalkbb, Borcovwr shall pay to LandK e�ah month s sum equal to onstweMfh of ths yeery mort�ps fnsuranae premium bo4�8 pa�d by ;L � :
<br /> '���.
<br /> j Bartowu whsn th� haunnc� cowrape Mpa�d or esased to be In a4teet. Lender wW e.eCept, uae and rotain tbese paymantf as � bsa t�:,.ks,
<br /> � reserw in li�u of moRpap�Insurance. loae reswve paymsnte may no bnQer be requfred, at tt�o optbn o! Londor, tl mortpapo hsurmca "��°''•
<br /> ..'�r;s•,�.
<br /> � • coveraq�(h th�unount and for the peNod lhtt Lender requYes) provlded by en Insurer approwd by lsnd�r apain �aaorr�a avaVabM��nd b f.'''
<br />- obt�had. BorrowK �haN pay th• pnmluma rsqulnd to rtwhtah rt►aApap� hsunnc� in �fNct. a to provid� a bs� nsKw. untY th� ,'".'
<br />= Y nquirarMnt tor RARO�p�haunnc��nds h nccorduice wilh any writlon �pr�rwnt b�twwn Bartow�w md Und�r or appYcabM Itw•
<br /> � • 9. Inspeatton. Lsndsr or ks agwit may m�ico raesonebla entries upon and hapaotbne ot the �rroparty. I.�ntiM QhQq E1r�GBrmw�
<br />-��� � notics nt tha tkna of or prbr to an hspectbn spsaHyhy rswsonebb cause for the hspeatbn. :�-�
<br /> 10. Condemnatloro. The proceeds oi any award or clnim for damapes, dkeot or consequontlai, In conneatbn wRh eny �'i'��•=,
<br /> -� ' ,•j:;;+., condemnatfon or othar Gkinp ot any part of the Proporry, or for convsyance In I�eu ot condemnQtinn,are hKeby asswnod and ehaA be pald .
<br /> �,
<br /> •. '�".' lo Lend6r. ,
<br /> ,,�,����,� In lt+u mver+t ot a totai taicinp of tho Propwty,the proceeds shnll bo epplied to the sums secured by thls Sacurlly InsUUmExit,whather or
<br /> �',,�.,. .
<br /> •,�_ ,. nut thYn tk:s,:skh�ny 9xcasa peid to 8onower. In the uvent ol a paRtat takhp of the Property h whbh th�faM rtwrlcN valu� ol th�Pro�ty
<br /> . . � Ynrt�edlttoy beSor�th�Wkinq fs equai to ot preater thnn tha omount of the sums securad by this SsCUrity Inshument hxn�dfaUly bMor�the
<br /> tekhp,unkas BoROwer and Lsnde►otherwise epree ir+ wrlllnq,the sums secured by thls SeourNy InsUUment ehell be reduced by tM �nount
<br />'` ' of the proceeds mukipAed by the tolbwinq hactbn:(n)the total amount the ot sums secured Mnmedintay be(ore the tnkinfl, dkided by(�)the ;
<br />'�"�, ' fuY market value of ths Property ImenedSntey betore the takinp.My baiance shall be peld to 8orrower.In tho evAnt ot�pvtiYl taking of th� �
<br /> ',,�,:
<br /> Property in whbh the feY mailcet value of the Property immedlatey betore the takinfl is lesa than the emount of tle dume 6eCUred immedhtey .,�F,.
<br /> - .. -.-`---= bB10f9�hY tAkkiQ�UfIf�S9 fiOROWBf fi�lfj �B(ifj9f Oln6twiso nytnu i� Yriniry'i'it iiR�oub:�'�S�°.�:° :`� C�II�.^.`!ks�rny�tlmt. th� ofOCBY[I!ShtY b�
<br /> ppplied to tha eums seCUrod by thfs S�curity InsWment whether or not tho eums are then due. .;�,:�.����';
<br /> If the PropeRy i8 nbandoned by Bortowet,or R,after not�e by Lender to Borrower that the condernnor oNere to maka �n �ward or sattN .',�.,
<br /> a claM for dameQes,Bormwer falNs to respond to Lender wkhfn 30 days atter tha date the notke is pNen.Lendor ts authorixed to coNeot and
<br /> � .. appty the proceeds, at ko optbn, ekher to restoretbn or repelr of tho PropeAy or to the sums secured by thfs Security Instrument, whKh�r
<br /> or nat then due. • '
<br /> Unkss LandK �nd 8onower othetwise eyree h wrRing, any epplicatbn of proceeds ro prirtclpai shaN not extend or postpon� thc du�
<br /> date of th�monthy paxm-ente rofeired to In puaprophs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releaaed: Forbearence By Lender Not e Welver. Exlensbn of the time for p�yman4 0�rnadYiCatSon
<br /> ot o►nortlutlon o1 th�sum�sacurod by thb SecurNy Instrument prunted by Lender to nny euccessor h hteras4 of BortowK shtl not opfnu
<br /> to roMaa�the IkbfAty at th� orlpinal 8ortower or Borrowers euccessoro h htorost. Lender shaN not be roqutrod to comm�nc�proce�dkW� •
<br /> against any eucc�ssor h hbr�st ar nfua�to extend tYne(or paym�nt ar otharwtse modNy amorttratbn of the suma B�cursd by lhN S�curky
<br /> InsWmw►t by rnfon of �ny dartwnd crad� by ti�o oripinal Bortower or Borrowers auccesso►a In htsrest. My lorbwanc�by UndK N
<br /> exqroiging u►y ripht or nrtNdy shtN not be�watver of or proCbd�th�ex�rCiss ot�ny ripht or rxnsdy.
<br /> � ' 12. Succes�ars end Asal�n� Bound; Jotnt end Several l.tebllfty; Co-algners. rn� COVMt�(1t6 Nd�Nff1M1t! 0}
<br /> this Sacurity Inatn�ment shdM bind and benetit the succesaore and assqns of Le�der and Bortower,euSJect to the provkbne ot puepraph
<br /> 17. Borrower'a cownants and aprart�ents ahail 6e Joht end several. MY Borrower who ca•sipns thls Securiry InaUum�nt but dwa not
<br /> aiwcute th�Note: (a)Is caaipnhp thls Sacurky Instrument ony to mortyepe,prant, end convey that Borrowers hSOrest l� th�Proy�rty undw
<br /> Me tartns ot thb Security InsWment;(b)Is not personalry oblipatod to pay the sums secured by thfs 3ecurfty Instrument; �nd(a) �ws thtt
<br /> Lender and any other Bo�row�r maY epree to extend, modNy, forbaar or make any accommodatbns wkh regud to tertns of tt�b SecurRy �
<br /> ' InsUument or the Note wk�out that Borrowars consent. �
<br /> ? � 13. LOSLI CltefQCS. It the b&n SeCUred by this SeCUrity Instrume+�t Is sub}eCt to a IBw whfCh sete m9ulmum bSn Chupes, ond thet
<br /> �, taw Is meAy hterpreted so that the Nterest or other ban charpes calbcted or to be colfected In cannectbn wRh the ban exceed tM
<br /> _ • permkted limks,lhen; (o)ony 6uch ban charpes shall bo reducod by the amount necessery to reduce the charge to the permitted Nmk;snd
<br /> _ � (b)Qny sums atendy colNctod trom Bortower whiah exceeded pem�kted timits wiit be retunded to Bonower. Lender may chao�o io Rw�co
<br /> - thls retund by reduchp the prfnc(pa� owed under the Note or by makhp a direct payment to Bortower. I� a retund reduces principab the
<br /> reductbn ww Ea trantod as a parti�l prep�Yment wRhcut eny prepayment charpe under the Note.
<br /> � 14. NOt1Ce8. My notice to Bortower provlded for in thb Security Instrumunt shaA be�ken by doWerinD k or by mtWrip k by tirst
<br /> • .. class maN uniess appficabte faw requiros use of uiother method. The notfce shail be directed to the Property Addeess or any ottier addrass f
<br /> Boaowr,r desfpnetes by notfes to Lender. My nottce to Lender ahaN be ghron by first class maW to Lenders address stated hertin or�ny
<br /> � otAer addrsss Lender doslpnates by notice to Borcowa. Any not►ce proviCcd for h thls Securtiy Instrument shaN be daemed to have been i
<br /> ` � yhren to Borrow�r a Lend�r whsn Olven as provlded In thls para9�eDh.
<br /> � � 16. Governinp I.mw; Severabllity. This SeCUrity Instrument sheH bo govemed by Eederfll few and the law o}tIN IudsdiCtion In ;
<br /> whlah the PropNry Is Wcatad. In tha event that�ny provFsbn or cleuse of thls Security Instrument or the Nots confi+cts wRh apyRcebb mw, j
<br /> ' such conHict shaY noi efteot other provkbns ot this Security Inswmont or the Note which can be piven ofioct wkhout Ihe ConfNCtinp
<br /> i
<br /> �-- __.�� T_..�_....��...,..,..�w�a a�n�soc�,•rv Inswmmt end the Note are doctared to ba severahle. �
<br /> _-�-�.� _ -- . -- __ - M�v►w.v... .v •....�-.�..._r_'��... _' ' ' "'. ' " r- _
<br /> 1G. Bor�ower'a Copy. Borrowor shaN be pken one confomx�d capy ot 4he Note end of this S�urity InsWmenf.
<br /> � 17.Trensi�r of Uie Property or e Beneficlal Int�erest In BoPrower. If ah or any part ot tho Property or any�n�eres�h
<br /> it Is 5otd or trenslercad (or M a benetictal hterest In Bortower is sold or uanstorrod and Borrower fs not a nsNtHl p�xson) wkhout Lenders
<br /> .. ,i � �rior vrriRtan Consent, Lander may, at ks optbn, ret9uVo irmedlate paymet►t h tutl +�f eli sums seCUred by thks Security �nstrumonG Howcrver,
<br /> thfs opiion 6haM not be axarctsod by Lender B exerci�a Is prohibitod by federal IaN as o1 the dnte of this Socurity Instrument.
<br /> �i • �f�pndet exercises thG4 optbn, Ltnder st�aH glve Borrawer no:tce of accolaratbn.The notice shall provide a perlod o! not bss than 30
<br /> i � days trom tne dac�tha not�e Is dslivered or mafad wAhin which 4he Borrowor mwt pay aQ sums securod by thw Securily Instrument. It
<br /> Borrower fai� to pay�:�959 sums prior to the o�►irat�an of this poriod,Lendor may fnvoko any rertiedbs perm�ted by thts Security tnsWment
<br /> wRhout Nrther notico or dartsend un 3orrower.
<br /> , Fo�m aoxa eroo
<br /> Ft000.LM0(6/W) Pay�9 of 6 �
<br /> �R . 41
<br /> . � �se�=-
<br />