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<br /> -'r ' • cotl�cl and hotd f'und� h an e�rsaunt nm ro wtisscl Inr Mfe�r�.mount. I,macSar nxy esPUnate the�mour�4 al tundf dus cn t�e baaM of • � "_
<br />_,�. curr�nl dito�nd coasonabb ertkrala�of�xpw�dkureg o1 Arture t':torow It�me or olhsnv6so h xccorduica wRl� appKcal�b taw. �.''
<br /> ;Y:�'�� ^,�.r�'"'y�` TM fun01 4h�E1 ba Mld h en h�4Mutksn whow dr¢a�N� v� knuntl by M hdKtl �qancY� In�WeMnuNty�ot Mftky lYwIU4M►p lAn6M� M ''r�a.�R='�-
<br />— . L¢ndor la ivan un IrutNu�lon)or In�ny FeNx�! Numd Loeo BanN. la;nda 6haN appt�the Fund9 ts�RSY�hs Eecrow Itanie, Le�id�r may not '� `�'�
<br /> _:�.�.r. �,•;, '` �.� uhivpr �arpwer la hof�hp �nd �ppylny ths FTUnOa,tnnuely �n�h�:fng lh� �tcrow accounf, ar �rffyfnp th�6rcraw IUm�,uniM�Lwid� ��,,^k
<br /> , - . �� � pay�Bnaowaa ht�n�t on th�Fund�and�ppNCabM yw pKmke Landor to m�k��uch w charQ�. Mowr.w,I.�nder mr►y nquln Barow�r to ;`�;�wr��-�r
<br /> ,' � ' pay a on�tkn�chrr�tor en indop�ndont nal oetote hx nportlnp R�rvi��utsd by Lendv h conn�ctbn wkh thb loan, unlasl YppYCtbM�w • ' .
<br /> � . . . provtd� othuwiw, 6lnbtr �n ��rartNnt I� rt►zd� a �ppllcabM i[w requMss htK�st to ba pab, Undoc ehaN not b� rputnd to pay •�i::'" :
<br /> - , „ Borroswr�ny IntK�al or�uninq� cn th�Fund�. Barrowx�nd Unde a�y�pr�h wrRtnp,how�vs�,lhat ht�re�t a�tN b�pald cn th�Fund�. ;
<br /> I.�nde�heN plv�tfl BorrowK,wRhoul ohu�, on annu�t accounth�of fhs Fanda, ehow7np crodRs �nd dobks to tM Funds Nd tM purpoio • ••
<br /> • (a whbh Mch d�bk to th�Funds wu rmde. Yho Funda�a pt�dy�d�t��ddRbnal s�curUy for�N suma socund by thb 8�cur�y IntUummt. .
<br /> �� If th� Funds h�sld by LmdK nccNd the u►�aunts psrmkted to be hild by appNcibis I�w, Under shnN�r.00unt to Bortow�r for th�
<br /> ' oxca� Fund�h accordenc�viRh M�roqutKn�ntt o}apptbtbfs kw. If th�amount of th�Fundo hokl by Londdsrr al any tYrw h not tuBtclant �
<br /> t� pay th� Escrow iiems wh�n du�,L�ndK may so notNy Bonow�r h wrklnp, end,b euch caa� BortowK ehtN pty to I.ondw lh�amount '�..
<br /> ;r _ n�c�ssary to maka up th� d�fialenoy. Borrowar shaA make up the datblenay In no morY th�n twaNe monthty p�ymenlo. �t l.,�ndel's sob '
<br /> � dlscntfon. ;
<br /> i ' Upen pnyrnesil In h!N of eH sums secured by thls Securlry Insuument, Lender sha� prompty ratund to BoROw�► ufy Fundf hsld by
<br /> i Le��def. If, unaler para9reph 21,Londer shell acqulra or selt the Property,Lender, Prbr to the acqulsRlon or sak of the Propwty. ehaM eppy ;
<br /> - any Funds h�ld by Lender at the tlme o}ecquMkbn or sale as a crodk agalnst the sums socured by thls Security IntWmmt. .
<br /> 3. Ap�JIICat10I1 0}PayI11E0ta. Unbss nppllcubl8 law provldos otherwtso,all peyments roCeNad by Lendet under puflprgphs 1 and
<br /> � 2 shaN b� appN�d: firat, to any prepayment aharpas due under the Note; ss�ond, to amounts payable undor pa�ap�h 2;ihYd to ht�rast —
<br /> dua;touRh, to prEnctpal due; end last, to eny late aharpes duo undor the Note.
<br /> � � .' 4. ChBfQE�; LIEIIb. Borrower ahau pay aH texes,assessments,oharpes,flnes and knpoaKtons ettr�utabb to tha Property whkh may ,
<br /> attaln prbrky over Zhb 3�curHy Instrument, and leasehold paymenta or qround ronts, M any. Bartower sTa1 pay theae oblipatbns In tho
<br /> -° , manner provlded in puapraph 2, or H not pald h that mnnner, Barrower shaB pay them on ttma dlrecth� to the person Owecl peYmont. .,;,
<br /> . ' •.�; Bonower shiq prompty 1umish tn Lender aN notkes of emounta to be peld under thfs parapreph. If Borrower rtukes theao pnyments
<br /> ' •� dirocty, Borrower shall promptry(umtsh to Lender recolpta ovldenChB the payments.
<br /> .{
<br /> — �� ,� dorrower anap promp[ty d�scnarpe flny('iea wniah nas prioriip ovnr ini9 Sni;uiny iiwu`u�Timit u��ioSb o'v��v::a. Z i a�"'�:=-"�~C !0!!!_ "
<br /> ��"� payment of th9 obNyatbn aecured by the lien In n mmner eccopffible to Londer, (b)contests h pood(efth the Ilen by,or d�hnds �palnat F
<br /> � ,
<br /> � enforCement of the ilen h,Iapnl procesdhps wh�h in tho lender9 ophlan oporate to p►event the enlorcern�x�t ot tha Nen;ot(C)Securs8 ham
<br /> tho hnlder ol the Ik,n on ogreoment satlsfeCtory to Lender subordhetlnp the Den to thls Security InsWment. II Lendor daterminea that nny
<br /> par¢ o}the Property fs Sub}ect to a Ik�n wAbh may etteh prbrity over thts Security Instrument, Lender may phre BoROwer c�noHce Identlyinp -
<br /> � the Ken. Bortower ahaM s�tisty ihe lien or take ono or more�f the ectbns eet forth above wkhtn 10 days of tho pF+hp of notlCe. ;•;';;• �
<br />_ ' • � b. Hezard or Property Insurence. Bortowe� shaH keep the Irnprovements �ow e��sch� or nere�tcer ereoted on th� ProRerey
<br /> Insund �ainst bas by Hrv. h�rEs InCktdid wkhln tho tetm "extended Coverepe'and ony other herards, Nclud„p fbods or fbodfnp,tw •
<br /> wh�h Lender requlrre Insunnce. TAb bsuranca shaA be mahtalned in the amounts tnd far thv perbds that Lenda�r requMas. Tha�suranco
<br /> •5
<br /> carti�r providh� th� Insur�nce sh�A be chos�n by BoROwer sub}ect to Lender'e approval whlch shall not bs urtroasoneby wRhheld. If
<br /> � Bortow�r laik to mahuln covenQe descrDed above, Lender may, at Lendere optbn, obtaln caveraye to protsat Lendofe �fphts fn the
<br /> Propwry h �cCOrdanc�wkh paraqraph 7. :-
<br /> . AM haunnc�policlK�nd nnewals shiW be acceptable to Lender end shall hc►ude a standard mcRyape clause. Lendu shal haw the _
<br /> �� ripht to hold the poACiss u►d renewats. If Lender requlres,Bortower sheN prompty plve lo Londer aN�ecepts o1 pokl pnmbms �nd rorHVral
<br /> � noticss. In th�a+r�nt ot bsl,Bortowor shaM pke prompt notke to the Insurance cerrbr flnd Lencler. Lender may make proof of bss�Y not
<br /> . made Frompty by 9orrotiwr.
<br /> Unbss Ur.der �nd Borrower otherwlse aproe In writhp, InSUrance proceed� ehall be applied to restoretlon or repalr of th� Property
<br /> � demeQed, M ths rastoratbn or repalr fs economicaly texslble end Lender's 3ecuriry fs not lessened. If the restorttbn or repoY !s not
<br /> „ " ocpnomfctUy(easbie or Lendefs security woukl ba lessened, the hsurenrA proceeds shall be nppNed to the sums secunrd by this Securky
<br /> 1�5tNf116I1t� whether or not then �ue, wkh any excess pald to Bortower. If Bortower eCendons the Prope�ty,or does not nnswer wRhln 30
<br /> � deys a notico from Londer Shat tAo hsurance curtier hns otfered to settle a c1eFn,the��Lander may collect the Insurance proceeda. Lendor '
<br /> mey use the proceBda to repaM or restore the Propaly or to pay sums secured by thb Security Instrumsnt,whether or not then due.The I .
<br /> ' 30-c�sy gerbd tntHl bepin wht+n the notk:�Is�lven.
<br /> } Unfass I.ender �nd Borrowor othenvlse aLtttee h writhg, nny epplicatbn of proceeds to princlpal shall not exlend or postpone the due �
<br /> date o!tha monthy payments rolorted to In paragruphs t end 2 or Change the amount of the payments. If under peragraph 21 the Proporty i
<br /> is Bcqulred by Lonc9er.8orraweT's rfpht to eny Insurance poliCfes and proceods rosulUn�hom demaQe to the Property prlor to the Qcqulskbn
<br /> ` shaN pass to Lender to the e�ctent of the sums secured by thls Securily Instrument Mmodlatey prbr to tha acqutsttbn.
<br /> � 6. Occupancy, Preaervattnn, Malntenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loa�n Appllc��la�; �I
<br /> Lcas.clwlds. sarroK�ar chan occupy.cstnbfbh,nrtd uso th� Property as 8orrowe�s prnclpal restdence wRhtn sbAy dey8 after the executbn I
<br /> o!thls Socurlry Inatrumwit�nd shsl conthue to xcupy tha Property as Bwrowers princlpal resldence tor et fe�st ons yeaf tRer tha date ot i
<br /> occuptnCy�unlsss Le�dlr OtMrwis�a�rees W writinp,wh�h conse�t shpN not be unreasonaby withhetd,or un7as5�ctenuati�p Ckcumsterces �
<br /> exfst whfch ue G�yond Borrower's conVOl. Borrower shaN not destroy,dunepe or h�►palr the Propaty,allow the Property to deteriorate, or �
<br /> j �� cammk warn en th�PropeRy. Borcower shall be h defauR if eny forPeiture aclbn or procesding,whether ckN or CrMnha4 b be0un thnt h � �
<br /> =--'---., - _ ---_-_ Lendrws nood hRtf Eudnment could resuk In torfekure ol the Property or otherwtse matarinlry frnpaM the Ibn created by thls Secun"ty �
<br /> -- — - --- _,_.,.
<br /> * ° InsWment or LunU�e s�CUn'ty htaest. Borcower msy cure such a tletauR and refnstato,as provfded in paregmph 18,by ciusinp the ectbn �
<br /> � � or proceecti�p to ba dfsmissod �ri1h u Nlmp that, In Londer's pood teith detertnhntbn,precludos torfsiture ot lhe Bortowefs htaiest h the
<br /> Property or Other materi4l Mnpairtnent o}the lien croatod by thH Security Inswment or londer's sec��rity hterest. Borrowor chall nlso bn h
<br /> deMuk M Bartawa�r. du�inp the toan epplicatEon process, esve materlafy taMe ar Iner,curete htormatbn or statements to Lender (or failed to
<br />� provld�Lender wRh�ny matorlal hlortnatbn) h connectbn wkh the ioan evldenced by tho Note, Includhg,but not limited to,representatbns
<br /> y � ConCOmhp �OnUwef6 oCCUptnCy of the Property e3 e prinClpfll resldence. 11 tAb SeCUfidy InsWment IS on e baseAofd, Bortower shflll
<br /> compy wEth ad tAa prov�EonS o!tho �.::A. It 8arroti�:,r acqu�cs f'� titb to tho Properiy, ttse leasehold end tP�e ioo tdfe sh�u not merBo
<br /> � Z• unte5s Lertder a{�rrees to the mer�er h vrritin�.
<br /> Fo�m 30"•E 0/DO
<br /> � . FlOOAlM4(S/QI) P�p�2 OI 6
<br /> _ � �
<br /> w+=.+ .. '" I 4/ .._..".. -- ---
<br />