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<br /> ,. ;,,ppllcnblo la��►�i��y t;�cc�fy for r�h�st�teinc�tx)U�f'cir� F�lc of dir,t�'rop:rly�zui;:t+_�ut eo c��iy pu��rc:nr r.,►.��;o:.t:•ia�•.�1 i!� ���i�,
<br /> .,,.,;,•n�w*„� Sccuii�ty H��strumcnt;ar(b)cntr�J o�'a judgnlctlt cnfnr�cin�thi:�:icci�t�ity I���trz��;�cut. y`iia::s�onc�itl�s;is nE::�l��:t 1,�UinJ°!.';: (a) �y:
<br /> '"�,�:,;;;,;;�;,�;,�„ �ays l,end�r all sums which then n�oulc!be due u�zdeF this Sccnrity dn3trumcx�t a►2d tlie Nc�tc as if no acc,,cratinn had
<br /> -N.:�r`:i�!`��.'="`;�d accurred;(b)cures any defnult of any other covee►ants or ngraemenGs;(c)plyn ali ex�enses incm�i+�c9 in c��faninb this Securi:y
<br /> ---�-�� Inst�►ntent,inclu�ding.but not limited ta,reasonabl� attor�eys'fees;and(d) tnkes such nctlo:i as l.c�dcr rriay r�asos�ably
<br /> -,�,r,-.r:,,;:?:;;:.��;.;� � e;quir�to gssure that the lien of this Secu�ity Instrument.i.cndcr's rights in tlxo Pro�eety nnd 13orrower':�ob!igation to pay the
<br /> � - - --- sums secu�t;d [;y li►is :�ccuii�y� Ia►:,a►w��t�it slsa!! cantinLv !�neh�:+�r.d_ (U��nn reinstntement by Horrower, �his Sccudty
<br /> ���� Instnement and the c�bllgations secured hereby shall remnin fally effc�etive as if nc�uccelerition had occu�red. However,thls .-
<br /> __� cight to reinstate shnil not upply in tt�e case of acceler.ltion under paragraph 17.
<br /> �""=`�'�'� I9. Sak�f Note;Ct�xnge�Y Loan Servicer. Th�Notc or a p�srtial intcrest in ti�c Not�(tugeUicr with Ihis Sccurity
<br /> ���—�� Instrumeny may be sold o7c o�more dut�s without prior noticc to Darrowcr. A snle may result in n change in the entity
<br /> --===:+a--,.sa��. (know��as the"I.oan Scrvicer'�ihat collects monthly payments due�nder the Note an.d this Security Instrument. There utso
<br /> --�--,.�,
<br /> - - --- --- may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unretated to a sale of the Note. [f the�e is a change of the L,oan 5ervucr.
<br /> =.��..._.,_�.�,
<br /> _-�.._.�-=.=-.r.._.
<br /> ---LL�_-� florcower wtll be given written uotice of d�e cF�angc in accordance tlith paraa,taph 14�Fxive and appllcablo I�w. e not ce
<br /> --.��_� wilt stnte the n:►me And address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whicfi pnyments sf►ould be madG. Tt�e c�otice will �
<br /> -�;;�a�4,� also contain any other information reqaired by applicable law.
<br />____.:�;n;,�,.,.�� 10. H�zardous Substances. Bomower shaU not cause or permit the presence,use,dis�osui.storage,or release of any
<br /> ==�=�2�;u��� Hnaardous Substunces on or ic�the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else ta cio,�nythin� �ffetdog the -
<br /> Propeny thut is in vioistion of any Gnvironmental Lnw. 'Il►e preceding two sentenccs shail not npply to thc presencc,use,or
<br /> -- --— storage on the Properey of small quanaaes of Hnzardons Substances that are generally recognized to be appmpriate ro normal
<br /> _-��;;�,�� re.ait�ential uscs and to mttinteaance of thc Property.
<br /> -.-.;-•=-�•s. Borrower sh�ll pro�nptly�ive l.endcr wcitten aodce of any invesagadon,ciaim,llBJpiU1(J,lawsuit ar ot,'�,:..�c�on!sy aey
<br /> ��-'`':`�'��� governmental ur regulatory agency or private parry involving the Property and any Har.ardous Substance or Environmentsil
<br /> `�����'' ' •� -: Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Boaower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> %n„ , authoriry.that any removal or other remediadon of an�Hazardous Subsklnce affecung the Ptoperty is neccssary,B�rrowcr
<br /> -= ;:''^=��� �. shall promptly take all necessary remedial acGons in accordance with Environmental fl.aw.
<br /> �� As used in lhis paragraph?A."Hazardous Sabstances"are thuse subst.�nces defined as to�tic or hazardous substances by
<br /> '�::-�''�"?4;,.�: :�: �Envfmnmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline. kemsene. other flaiwnable or toxle petroleum products, eoxic
<br /> '� '� :•.• -':�i��'� pesticides and hert►icides, volatile solvents, materials contnining asbestos or formaldehyde, and r.idioacUve m:�terials. As
<br /> ' � �� r �" � ` �'`' used in this paragruph 20,"Environmental Law"mcans fcdcral laws and laws of thc jnrisdicdon where the Property is locuted
<br />- .. '. ' _ that relate to healih,safety or environmental pmtccuon.
<br /> " •• NUN-UIVIFORM COdENANTS. Bo�rower und[.ender funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 2II. Accelerution; Remedies. Leader shnll g(ve notice to Dorrower prior to accefer�tfion fo!lowtng I3ore�wer's
<br /> " " u����a�.�....o..o..+..r��.+����i�rhtA cncurity Icstru�ent(but not[�rior to aeceleration nnder paragcaph 17
<br /> '. � ' 1. ua1P.,s epplica�te law provides otherwise). The notice shail specity: (a)the default;(b)tde actioc�requir�to cure tne
<br /> default;(c)a dete,not Icss than 3Q dag-�from the date the notfce Lg givcn to BorroRer,by whicti the detaWt must be
<br /> ,5�,�, cured;�nd id)that fatlure to cure the deCault on or before the date specified in the notice may result tn aceelees►don oi
<br /> .;�.:;;. We sums seew�d by th9s Security Iastrument anti snle of the Property. ThQ notice shaU tLrther inform Borrower of
<br /> '�<;�,' the rlght to reinstxte afYer accelemtion and the right to bring a court actlon to tissert the non�ea�stence of a default or
<br /> • ; �}; any otiier defense of Borrower w acceleratton and sale. If the defaul.:s not cured on or brforc the date spec[fied in
<br /> ;�.,�y., the notice,Lender at its option moy require(mmediate p�yment[u full of all sun�s secured by this Sec.urity Instrument
<br /> _ ��.��.,f w[Wout further demand und moy Invoke the power of sale s►nd sny other remedies perm��tted by ePplkable law
<br /> Lender st►ali be entiUed to collect�11 expenses tncurr�d in pursuing the remedtes provided In this paragragh 21,
<br /> " ' � ' �` 'c'"'� induding,but not limiter�to,resisonable nttorneys'fees end costs of Ntle ev(dence.
<br /> - :-�-- If the power of salc is invoked,'Ilrustee shall r�card a notIcc of default in each couaty in which any Dsrt ot the
<br /> , '�.�+ Praperty Is located end sh�mail copies of such notfcc in the manner prescribed by applicahle law to Borrower and to _
<br /> '"" `�''' ''�'`''`` the ather persons prescr3bc:�1 by anplia►ble law After the time required by applicable law,Trustec sha11 give publ�c
<br /> . . :,t.:.;:::.,,�
<br /> • .. , • ,,;{�:. �otice of sale to the perso:�s and in the munner prescribed by applicable law 'Ilrustee,withuut dema►ed on orrower,
<br /> ,�,<<�,:�... . shall sell the Properiy at�u'bllc auction to the highest bldder at the dme und place and under the tern�s des(gnxted in �
<br /> �.�::;�• thc nottce of sale In one mr Mnorc parcels und in any order 7Yustee determlitp.s. 'ilrustce may postpone sAle of all or Any
<br /> �.;�r;t.�'' � parcel of the Property by pu6lic announcement at the dnie end place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or�ts
<br /> '.� designee msy purchase tl�e Property at c�y sule.
<br /> , �°'�;�• Upoo receipt of Payment of the pr[ce bid,'ilrustec shall de�iver to the purchs�ser�lra�stee's deed wnveyGng the
<br /> � �'`:c;,�;' Property. The recitals in the 1lrustee's deed shall be pr[ma fucie evidence of the trutli of 4�h�sls�tements made thtrefn. __
<br /> 'I1rus[ee shall apply the procec�Ls of the sale in the followin�order: (a)to nll costs and expenses of exercising the power
<br /> „ ��
<br /> „ d,,
<br /> _ �
<br /> : • �ii:
<br /> ��j.
<br /> . . ��_
<br /> � .. e
<br /> .
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