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" ". <br /> � '�� ...r`�ryl�Nq.iM"S'•.M1K'�4i:lY N�!�^•�'-�' ' . . . .- .... • , . _ - _ -� _-�. <br /> ••.Y�'l � <br /> . �... �. � Ii._ y���( .:��.�-_,_.._._ _`5 ....�._�.,..�-..... . � .�ti�L':J�.�..._. ... <br /> ti � '�'���FJC{C.�����}-1.�lliu,iS�ldiit.' .'1ifTPS9�•'fl.M�'.•2_'*}.9.S��n�em..�_- -.-..m��r�....___ <br /> , . �.: �'.�. <br /> I <br /> ..,�v a_��:�:a.- !IR`�RW�1!J5••�"�'•�'I� rtr^vc-vr'+'rs",saa�W�s�RRi�w��wM�w+R�sf�AHTr�r +�na-u��nv�v.t � .�.,.._e.�mo�..._...�.�_.. <br /> r��.ru-. - . ... <br />.__... _ ___�s��r� -- w�l` u��`..q.....J..�.+:LSl_'I....0 <br />".-_..___.,`_-' �Y���1I�RI�� "'"'".___ <br />.�.i�!''J�..ri��'�C�=C:�O- �fL"5...,-_. <br /> . .. . .. i.,t�t: <br /> '�i1i9t:i�96:r�f t'!I"lj�a{1 il�:iiu��1'AYG:IilCills uu�v or i�ci::�ilcr Ci:;C�C(1 Oil L{l:;�iiQj:���y.c���d�11 cc�°cn�.nt�,,r.,,�,�!+tc:=..�tc•��:, <br /> i�it�1 fet;tasc�iioe�or le�rc��'tcr n ��^:fi PP i�tC(1,n���,iv. AU r4����i�n��,z�r�r.dditi�;�s�f��l!nlsu G:l'04'C'l�i�I)� IIII;i�:si��ily I <br />'�.���:s_',=�:.�� ' � �Jtc for� oin i9 eefcercci to in this Sccueity Insm���icnt as thc"i��og,,rry.' `�..�' - <br /> v �,� Atl5lAl1i11Cf71. All f g � - _ <br /> ,,,,, --1?°� 60KltOWF.I�CQV�NAN°i'S tttat Bareo�vice is latvfully scisctE of thc csts�tc hcrct�y convcycd nn�lhas tha d�;ht to grant �•,� <br /> _____ �nd convey tha i�roperty an�ihut the Property is unencuml�ered,exccpt fbr encumbrancey of recard. IlOfl'OWCY�Yti►TilAll9 Qfl(J <br /> _._ ,.._.__li.�_,=� will defend genernlly ehe titl�ta the Pmpeny ugninst nll delms und dc�rtandq,sunJect ta nny encumb�unccs of record. — <br /> - -- '�til5 SFC;iltila`Y Ii�ISTRUVl�NT co��iDir�c� unf�ur��» cu��cnant�� For nauon:il u�c and nnn-rnifnrm mvene:t+y w�tlt �_"' <br /> � limtted vuriatiuns by Zudsdtction to conxtitute m uniform security inse�umeot cuvcring rcaA property. <br /> �--- �-;�.��, UNIFORM COVCNANT�. porrowcr and l.endcr covcnnnt nnd agrcc ns f�llown: �-_ <br /> - 1. Fayenent or P�fe�clpal atsd Interest;Prept►ymend anid i.s�te�hArges. Dorrawcr shall promptly pay when due the _ <br />—=�-_��"'�'� p�incipal of nnrl intcre st on the dcbt evidenccd by th�Notc and any prepnymcnt and Iatc chnrgcs duc under the Notc. _. <br /> :-_��� 2, �'unds[or'Ihxes and Insur�nce. SubJect ro npplicablc sa�,v or to a wducn waiver by I.endcr,Qarrower shall pav co __ <br />���r� Lendcr on�t►e day monthly Qayments ur�due under thc Noie,until thc Noic is paid in full,n sum("Flmds") for. (a)ye.lrly ___ <br /> - - taxes and assessments which may nt�nin priority over this Security lnsuvment ns a licn on the Propeny:(b)ycarly Ieusci�uld _-_ <br /> ���+ paym�cts or sroimd mnts on d�e Property, if nny; (c) yearly h;►znrd or pruperty insumnce prcmiums; (d) yearly tlaod --- <br /> -�--:��:•.� insurarce pmmiums, if any;(e)ycarly mortgage insurancc premiums, if any; and (t� any sums payabtc by Fionowcr to ___ <br />.-==�:�d�-:��a�?�� l.ender,in accordnnce with ihe provisions of paragraph 8,in licu of the payment oF mortguge insurance pmmiums. These -=- <br /> _.,..:�sri3°;,�:°, c"r= <br /> -��m;,�c�f_w[� items ate called"Esceow Itenu." I.�ender mny,ut any timc,collect:uid hold FLnds in an amount not to exczed the mr�ximum �,.;. <br /> ----a.�:cu�s��wSa;y l4i.r_-_. <br /> _-�,. nmount a lender for a federatly ralated mortgage laan may mc�uirc for Oorrower's escro�v account under the federal Fu;al �- <br /> _ �~LL� Fatnte Settlement Procedures l�ct of 1474 as nmended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.§2601 er se�.("RFSPA"),unless unother =: = <br /> .,�.�w:w��� la�v that applics to th^.Ponds se.s a lesset umoun4 lf so,Lc�der may, timc,eotlect and l�old�ds in an amount not to -� <br /> =`��'=��y�_�'� exceed the lesset amount. Lender ma estimate the Amount of Ftmds due on the basis of current duta and reasonable t''':�: <br /> Y ["�.`�•.�:. <br />:`^�.,.w;;���:,�;° estimates of expenditums of future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with Applicable law. -+t-_ <br /> � • The [�unds shal�bc hcld in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrument:�lity,or cntiry � � <br /> �. tv�� (including Lender,if Lender is such an insptution)or in any Federal Homc Loan Bank. Lender shall apply tl�e Nlmds to pay , <br /> � "�`'`` �`'L� the Escrow Items. Lcndcr m�y not chargc Horrower for holding und applying the Funds, annually analyzing thc escrow �i` _: <br />"�=�-}�;;�;�;{r account, or verifying die Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrotiver intercst on the FLnds and applicable la�v pennits <br />""'���r Lender to make suct�n chargc. However,Lender may rcquire Bono�ver to p�y a one-time charge for an in�lependent rcal •�=»4 <br />���"�:lv=�:.::;�.i;�i` estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an ^ �• <br /> .� ;:�.; <br /> „ .,; ���• ag�ement is mado or appticable law reyuircs interest to bc paid,Lendcr shall not be required to pay Hormwcr any intcrest or <br /> r:•'aI.!1^�C. y �. <br /> �.. +. '� ry• camings on the�nds. Borrowcr and Lender may agree in wdting,ho�vcver,that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lcnder <br />'>'��;;��� '���� �'�` shall give to Borrower,withou�t charge,an annual accounpng of the FUnds,showing cmdit5 and debits to tNe FLnds and d�e <br /> ''%�`°i" � ' '-� purpose for which each debit ta the Funds was made. The Fl�nds are pledged as udditional security for all sums secured by <br /> n.,.r.4=,,4 >F�.- this Securiry answment. � •: <br /> `'*` •` 1f the FLnds held by Lender exceecf the amounGs pemtitted to b� held by npplicable law, Lender shsll uccount to <br /> `�`:�''`'���" ` ., Boimwer for the exeess Funds in accordance with the requirements of appticable law. If the amount of the ELnds held by �,:.; <br /> �t�;`�:`.�": '. • Lender at any time is not su�cicnt to pay the Escrow Itcros when due,Lcndcr may so notify Bortowcr in writing, :md,in <br />;�_�:�•�;� `-��.: ' ` such case Boaower shall pay ro Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shali make up the <br />- � �'���``�'t� deficiency in no more than hvelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sole discretion. <br /> '� �rYy....•..:.�� �� <br /> '-�• : iJpon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccurity Inswment, Lender shall prompdy mfand to Borrower any . <br /> - �..r�;,r Funds he(d by L.ender. If,undec paragraph 21,Lender sh.111 acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or . <br />'•'' . �-..-� �::.••„ sale of the Property. shall apply any Funds hcid by Lender at thN time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> :..:_:_,:�m�:: secu�ed by this Securiry Inswmen� <br /> -- ne <br /> _ .. . ,.•........... 3, A�plication of Paymcnl5. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, all payments received by Lender under <br /> �`'_`�'�""%'�= '1` ` ara hs 1 and 2 shall be a Led:first,to an re .� ment char e�due under uhc Note:scwnd,to vnoun��payable undcr <br /> �-�L���.�,�,;::•.�:;.' P P�P PP� Y P P'Y B . <br />---�-��.__�_,�LL . pam�rap:�2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />_ "'�r.�-�. <br /> :'.* 4. Charges; Uens. Bortowcr shall pay all taxcs. xssessments, charges, fines and imposidons attributable ro Uic <br /> -��°���v��•��`����� Pcope�ty which may attain priority over this Security Inswment,and lcasehotd paymcnts or greund rcnts,if:uiy. Barrower <br />_�`':s�y;;:� �."•.... shall pay these obligadons in the manner pn�vided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonower shall pay them on . <br /> _=';s''r.,;�:d�•..• ume direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to[.ender all nouces of amounts to be pud under <br /> �`- =t � 'x'.��..-: this paragaph. If Botrower makes these payments direcQy,Borro�ver shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br />-=:fiJ o;c:.^::..w.Z�_. <br /> .;;•;4." , thc payments. <br /> _ Borro�ver shall prompdy discharge any lien which h�s priority over this Security Insteument unless Bocro�ver:(a)agrees <br /> -�',:_�,,� � ,. _ in wridng to the paysnent of the obligauon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> ___ lien by,or defends ftguinst enforcement of the lien in,legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> -----� ` • enforcement of the lien;or(c) secures from the holder uf thc lie.n an agreement satisfactory to L.ender subordinating the lien <br /> -. . ��,;: <br />;�;s,_-:: ';.: � to this Security insdrument IF Lender determines that any part of the Property is subaect to a lien which may attain priority <br /> -'�'''°`� over this Securiry Irnstrument, Lender may�ive Boaower a nodce idenufying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> �.°i',���,f; one or more of the acdons set forth above�vithia 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �. 5. Ns�zard or Yroperty Insuranca Borrower shall keep the improvert►ents no�v exisung or hereafter erected on the <br />'-'`'" �`�f � Pro�erry insured against loss l9y fre,hazards induded within the term"extended cove�gc"and any ather hazards,including i <br /> ..': � � '- floocls or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintaiued in the amounts and for the , <br /> ,. . j <br /> ' , Fortn 39E8 9/90 (pnRe 2 uJ6�:ag�s) � <br /> '� : . . . . `.. •. i <br /> -:'�ZR�_�; �.:r..� r� <br /> '- i <br />-':- ._..,.... °� � . <br /> `w � <br /> -.- .- - � ����- '^—_ �. - ------- ^ ;p"y'��P.i.7i� . . .__._-.. ._�_�.---'-.. <br /> - -... ..,. _(�).. _TF�.�'- '-n...__....._._:a.a...__..,..__ . .._.. --- -... _.. . .. '-i�. .v' � C,... _ �. _ . . . <br /> .. . ' . . . , � . . r . . . <br /> -. : __� . . , ., <br /> �'. <br /> _ __-___- -___ ._.__._.. -_-__._._._._-_-___._ _. _._ ..__ . __ __- - __._`__ -___.__ ..-.__-_�u_ _ __ ____ - _ <br /> , .. <br /> _ . r , - . <br /> � ...dv�::M'.�,-' <br />. . r' .� ' _. .� ,. . ... _ _ . __ .. <br />, ewi'.� .a . . .• " . . - . .. � `:i�.f��`)i,:i;�.��'.r� �, <br /> _ . e . `� .. .. . .. ..•i:': , .. <br /> ,� <br /> � <br />. � � � .. . . _ ._e <br />