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. .ttl vy . ..` �.: � • i��� riY•.. :.- :i1,�Yii _:�; �• 'j'j:r " '• ''i'},5iti�. <br />. :�'f�f.• . V . . •/.Y. .L.:. � ,}�.{, j, r� � ��<:'f ���.•. � • <br /> ., -.•y�^r �'�,;` ,t>i . ��c,. ':a�,1��(�, ',' !• . <br /> .. �� . � . '�;t;�. ,`��.: .. .�.. � . •.. .. � _ <br /> .�. YryM��- .. '� . . �. .� .. ... . . '_ <br />- _, " .. Id�Ybr - .ws�-....,-.i��...........__.,__.�_�� - _ _ .�_.__.—�.��_._._..__._.�-�.^__�__... __�-� ,. <br />- � ;. �� .�r f��= �o�9z� �: � - <br /> - ° applicable law maey.prcify fnr rcintitatcmcnl) h�forc tialc of ihc Propercy pursuant tu any power of sale cu�ttained in this �� <br /> � Sccurity instnmicriL ur(h) cnlry uf a judgmcnt ridurcin� ihiti 5ecurity Instrununt. Thu,c ronditiun� arc that l3orcuwrr: (�U . <br /> pays Lendcr �dl sums �tihech thcn would bc duc uudcr this Sccurity Instrumciu and Ihc Nut� ��+ if nu �icccicrutiun had <br /> • ' occurred;(U)cu�e.r•uny def'.►ult of aiy other coven�mty or agreements; (c)pays all expenses inrurced in enfoning this Security <br /> InstrumCnt, including. but not limitcd to, rc�isonablc attorncys' fccs: nnd(dy takc.r• such action as Lcndcr muy rcusonnbly <br /> requin�to ussuro thal tl�c licn of thiti Sccuri�y Instnmicni,Lcndcr's n�;hts in the Property cuid Ban•owcr'.s obligatic�n to pay the <br /> �> sums securcd by this Securiiy Instnmunt shiill continuc unchan�ed. Upun reinst�tement by Eiorrower, this Securny ���' � <br /> (nsuumcnt and dir obligations xccumd hcrcf�y sh.dl nrmair.fuily cf(ective m if m�acce•Icrntirni h:id�xcurred. Hmvever,this �• <br /> right to rcinstatc shall not upply in thc rusc uf cic�:cicration undcr para�raph 17. . <br /> - " , 19. Smlc of Note;Changc of I.�nn�ervtcer. 7'i�c Nutc or a p;utiul interest in thc Notc (togcthcr with this Security <br /> Instn�mcnt)may bc sold onc or murc times without prior natice io Borrower. A salc may result in u change in the cntity , ' . <br />� (knawn ns thc"l.oan Scrvircr")thut collccts monthly paymcntsduc undcr Ihc Notc and this Security Instrumcnt. Thcrc ulso „ <br /> muy bc anc or morc�han�es of thc I.oan Scrviccr unrclntcd to a salc of thc Notc. If thcrc is a changc of thc Loan Scrviccr. � , ° <br /> '' Barrower will Ue givcn written notice of ihe change in acco�rdanee with parngraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice • <br /> will titaic Qte namc and addmss of the new Laan Scrvicer and the addmss to which payments tihould be made. The notice will ' . <br /> akn contuin any otlmr information rcquircd Nry applicablc law. ' <br /> 20. Hazardous SubsUtnces. Borrower shall nat causc or permit thc presence,usc,dispos:il,storage,or release of any ,,. „ � <br /> Natsrdous Substanccs on or in thc F'ropc�ty. Borrowcr shsll no�do,nor alloa anyone else to do, anything affecting the „ • ' , <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc prcccding twa sentences shall not uppty to the prescnce,use,or � - <br /> storage on thc Praperty of small quantitics af Hazasrdous Substanccs that arc gencrally recogniud to be appropriate to normal . ' ""5�,xu <br /> n;sidcntial uses and ro maintenance of thc Properry. , _:;::'���'. <br /> . Borrower shu11 promgtty give Lender written noiice of�sny investigation,claim,demand,luwsuit or other acdan by:iny �'���--� <br /> .:,,�_�..._-- <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private parq•involving�he Property and any H:iuudous Substance or�nvironment�l �=�-"= <br />