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. . .._;.'_,. -,M1 a:,:jn . . . ,.t:.��;..:., . . .. <br /> �y� . '`u». �- • .�. . •f,al�-�.�ai� <br /> t� 'i <br /> ' �1•j�r. .. Ci�'!�S!�' . <br /> 4�. '�. ..,r '' �K.,..... i, .. -..� � ' .. _.___R...— . i1 •�__'"'......__.�_--�_—• .• �':iw��. . + ' . . <br /> _"' �.w�rrr��w.u+�YwW�Ywi�i ir.f.r.u,.r.......a�..�_...�....__�.�__....._.....____'_'___.'_ _"_'""—" �. <br /> . '.._ �.,�-.,.�..:,r...� <br /> � _. <br /> �.y: -dr -� � ,�'4'��O/✓�r� `Y`.. <br /> � <br /> . condcmnation or olhcr takin�of any part uf�hc Pruperty,or fnr c�,nvcyun�c in licu uf cundcmu�ition.,ir.hrrchy:lhhl�tncd and <br /> sht�ll he p:id lo I.Gndrr. <br /> In tt�e cvcnt of a loial tahin�: of Ilic Niuprny, thc prucccd� tihall Ivr ;y;plicd tu ihc tiumti ,rcui�d hy Ihiti ticruriry <br /> .' Instruntcnt, whcthcr or not thcn duc,with :nry cxcc+� paid tu Borcowcr. M �hc cvcnt nf a rani�d �:ikinl,uf thr. Nroperty in <br /> ' �vhich Utc fair mcnrket vnluc nf thc 1'ropcily im�ncdintcly hcfnrc Ihc taking iti ci�ual w nr grratcr diun ihc�imuunt oP Ihc�unts <br /> _:;.,,.;t . . ...y sccurcd by this Srcuriry Instrumcnt inunc�iiately U;:fnrc thc ti�kiub. unl�ss[�orro�vcr:ind L.cndrr iuhrnvitir ngrcc in�vriting. <br />• • , die sums sccurcc� by this Sccurity Inslruntrnt �h:d) hc rcduccd hy thc amoum ut' Ihc procccds ntulliplicd b�� Ihc follnwiug <br /> frnr!inn: (i+) thc totnl .�mottnt of�hr�um�.rcurcd inuncdiatrly hcfo2 thc ti�kinE.dividcd hy (b)�hc Giir msirkct valuc of Ilic �� <br /> '�;�L�iA' .�'`:.�rfa:4i Nropertp im�t►cdiatcly bcfun�hc t.iking. Any balmicc shall he� paid w f3onowcr. In thc cvcnl of a pactial tak�ng ot thc <br />= ... Proper�y in which thc fair markct v;duc of thc I'roperty immrdiatcly bcfor�thc taking is Ic�s than Ihc umount of thc �un�s <br /> . ' s�cured inuncdi;�tcly bcfo��:thc uiking. unlc4ti Borro�scr and L.rndcr othcnvisc .igrcc in �v�ilin�; ��T u��i��� ��n�r<<�nt� luw <br />�`; othcrwisc pruvides,thc procceds sliall bc applicd w the suntti ticcurcd by�his Scrurity In+trument�vhctlter or nol Ihc�umti cin= <br /> ' �'; then duc. <br /> ..� � If thc Propeny i,abanJoncd by Borroa•cr,or if,aftcr notice Uy Lendcr to Rurmwcr that thc cottidemnor offers to m�dtc <br /> . ' an award o:sctdc a cluim fur damages,Borrowcr f.iils ro respand ro L:ndcr wit6in 3U days aftcr the datc thc noticc is givcn. <br /> . ' Lendcr is nuthoriud to collcct and apply thc procecds,af its option,eithcr to rcstora¢ion or repair of Nie Property or to ihe • <br />_ • ,, sums secured hy this Security Instrumcnt,whcther or not then duc. '���� <br /> � Un(ess Lender and t3onvwer othenvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to princip.►I sh.ill not extend ar �':t-- <br />- � postponc the due date of thc monthly paymentti referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments. - <br /> ' ll. Borru�vcr Not Released; E'orbctirance 13y Lender Not a Wafver. Ex[ension of the timc for payment or ': <br /> modification af amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument gr.tnted by Lender to any successor in interest 'u'�� <br /> -,_. <br /> � � of Borrower shall not operate ta release the liability of the originul Borrower or Borro�ver's Successon m intemst.Lcnuer ..,.= <br /> shall not be requircd to commence proceedings ugain,t uny ,uccessor in intenst or mfuse to extend time for payment or !'r4=. <br /> � ' otheRVise modify a�nortization of the sums secured by this Security Instnimen[by rcason of:uiy demand made by the original �n.:, <br /> • � Borrower or Borrawerti successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a — <br /> waiver of or preclude the excrcise of any right or remedy. ��� � <br /> �: � . 12. S�ccessars and Assigns Buund;Joint urtd Several Liability;Co-signers. Th�covenants:uid agrcemcnts of this �,``` <br />� � , Security lnstn�ment shall bind and benefit the succes�on and assigns of Lender and Borro�ver,subject to the p►uvisions of <br /> • , � paragraph 17.Borrower'.s covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevcr.d. Any sorrower who co-signs this Security ��+" <br /> � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Sccuriry Imtniment only to rnonga�e.�rant;u►d convey that <br /> • ' � Borrower'.s inrerest in thc Propeny under thc terms of'this Security Instrumenr. (b) is not personally oUligated to pay the sums <br /> , � secured by this 5ecurity Instniment;and(c)agrccs thut Lcnder nnd:uiy other Borrower may agnee to extend,modify,forbe:�r - <br /> ;.�r,,, or make any accommodationti with regard to the ter-ms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's <br /> .. consent. <br /> � S3. Loan Chnr�es. ff the loan secured by this Securiry Instniment is subjcct to a law which scts maximum loan =_ <br /> charges,and that law is finally interpreted so t�at the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be coiiecced in cun«cciioii <br /> •• with the loan excecd the pertnitted limits,then: la1 any such loan charge shull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> the charge to the pemtitted limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> ' ` ���i�' °� refunded to Borrotver. Lender may rhoose to rnake this rcfund by reducing the principal o�ved under the Note or by making a <br /> �.;,.:� <br /> direct pnyment to Borrower. If n refund reduces principal,the rcduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> , prepaymen[charac undcr the Note. � <br /> 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borrower provided for in thi�Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or by = <br /> � �� muiling it by fint class muil unless applicable law reyuires use of another m�thod.The notice shall be Aireeted to the Property <br /> Address or any other address Borcower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class - <br /> r',i,;;, mail to Lcnder's address stated herein or sny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pravided for �_- <br /> ;;�.ti•; in this Security Instrument shall be dcemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given as providcd in this �-- <br /> • paragraph. _� <br /> . • . . iS. Governing Law;Severability. This Securiry Instrument shall bc govemed by fcderal law and thc law of the :° <br /> � � � " jurisdiction in which the Property is loc:atcd. In the cvcnt that any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or the Notc �-°-- <br /> � conflicts with applicablc law,such conflirt xhall not affcct other provisions of this Security Instrument or tlte Note which cmi F-=' <br /> ' '`'�°�' be given effect without the conflicting prrnision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are �_-'' <br /> �•;>< �`_ <br />• . � declared to be severable. �:_- <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. @orrower shall be given une canfurn�ed copy of the Note,tnd of this Securiry Inst�ument. �._ <br /> 17. '[lransfer of the Property or a BeneSicinl Interest in Borro�ver. If:dl or any pan of thc Property or any interest in - - <br /> � it is sold or trar►sferred(or if a bencficial interest in Borrowcr is sold or smansfe�ted and Borrower is not a natural person) <br /> • �� �vithout Lender's prior written consent.Lender may,at its optiun,require immediatc payment in full of all sums sccured by `�_ <br /> - -• this Security Instrument. However,this option shail not be excrcitied by Lender if exenise i�prohibitecl by fedenl law as of � _, <br />; � , the date of this Security Insirument. �"-� <br /> � ��" If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice uf uceeleration. 7'tie notice shull provide a period of •' <br /> z�,:X not les�than 30 ciays froni the d�ite the notice is delivend or ntuiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> ti� Security lnstniment. lf Borrower fails ro puy the,e sums prior ro the expir.�tion of this period, Leader may invoke any .. <br /> �, � remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without futther notice or demand on Borrower. •. <br /> ' 18. Borro�ver's Ri�ht to Reinstute. If�orrowcr meets renain conditions. 8orrosvcr shall h�vc the right to hnvc <br />"`� „ . enfo:ecment of this Securiry instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlicr ot: (a) 5 days i�r .uch other period as <br /> Singlc familY--[�nnnle flfue/I�rcdd@�tac UNIFOR11!tiS'�'RU\fEN7'•-Uniforni Cnvenan� 9�90 q+age 4 0�n�,�Ae.,) <br /> [ : <br /> � t'. <br /> s ---- .�--------------�-------� <br /> �_ ,�� .� ,r _ _--- -------r--- . :; <br /> ,� . �� . . <br /> _ - - - - - - -- -- <br /> -- - _ - - --- -- - - _ _ = _- ---_ --- - - -- _-_ - - — -- - <br /> �� �� � ��� � <br /> � . . <br /> .. <br /> . �; „ „ �. . <br /> � . � � . .. ., . , , <br /> _ ., �- . .. . , .. <br /> y . . " .. '- � .. <br /> . ,i �� , �� � . <br /> ., <br /> ��. . .. . .. _ .. _... .. .... <br />