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<br /> . y, �yyZ�e�� ��' @eeo��.pdy Ypp�eulaC�. I�orro:��cr al�all lteep thc ir��psovcraents noi�ouioting on c�rca�¢er orected on ', "
<br /> . 4ho�'ra�a:;,By iiu,urc�3 ci;,�aivat lis��i i�y Pir..,h�mrct�� inclucleti�vithin tho tc;��i "c�ct�n�le4 c�viceer�"ns�A any o4hcr hnzneds,
<br /> � includin�&lao����r Glandin„Qne which l,cnc3ce rcquir:a in�t►sanco.'fhia inr,urrnne�ahnll i}o raain¢�inF.:1j 1!) tll�Ofil[1lliltfl
<br /> and for tho porindo thmt I.enda�r requiec�. 'Th�in�uranco coreier providing tho in�usnnc� ehUll be chQ��n Uy I3arraEVCr
<br /> '. � , subJcct to i..end�r'a npprav�l which ohall not bFi unrceEOnably withliold.Ye�3orrowe�fnilo to maintain covernge described ;_r.,,_
<br /> �' �
<br /> �_�����;.,.;,:,,,�.:s above, L.endec mBy,at I.end�r'e optian,obtr�in covaraga to protect l.ender's rights in tlte Pevperty in nccordance with
<br /> paragraph 7. •,� .',�;�--'>,-
<br /> , ,�K.-;;�; ,,
<br /> ' „ . All insurnnce policies nnd reno�vets eheU be ucceptnble to I.�ndec nnd ehnll includo n etandnrd mortga�e clausa.
<br />_t;. ,.:,;.,�, . ., ...,,.
<br /> ��...,: ..,,_;,. ��;:r�:- l.endor shaU have tha rlght to hold the policles ancl renewals. If I.endcr reyuires, llorrower ehell promptly givc� to ., •.•.� ..� •-
<br /> , , '•' Lender eU recoipte a t pai d prem iume an d rano w a l n o t i c e s.I n t h e ovent oi loss,Aosrower ehel!give prompt notico to tho � �,.::''.�t-.;;:,-::�.
<br /> insuranca cerrier and I,ender.d.,endar may mnke proof of loav if not made promptly by�orrower.
<br /> Unless Lender encl Aurrower atherwisa agrea in�writing,insuranco proceeda shall be applied to restoration ur rapair ^, .� .:
<br /> � 04 tha PrapErty damoged,if the reatoration or repuir ie economicetly feus�ble end Lender's security ie not lessened.If the
<br /> restnration or r�pair is not economically teasibla or I.ender's security would bo lessened.tho inaurance proceeds ehall be ,.
<br /> ; applied to tha sume secured by thie Security Inotrument,�vhether or not then due,rrith any excess pa�d to Dorrower.If ,
<br /> Horrower abandone tha Property,or does not enawor within 30 dnye a notica erom L.ender thnt tha�neuranco carrter hos
<br /> oifered to sattle e claim, then I,ender may colleot the ineuranco praceeds. L,endar may use the proceede to r iod a ll �•
<br /> „ restora the Property or to pay sume secured by thie Security Inatrument,whether or not then due.The 3d'day pe .
<br /> be�in when tha notica ie given. �
<br /> " Unless Lender end nonower otherwisa agree in writing,any application of praceeds to principal ehnll not axtend or �.
<br /> � � postpono tha due dato 04 tha monttily paymente refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango the amount of the pu�ments. ,;. -
<br />: , IF undar paragraph 21 ttia Property iF acquired by Lender, Borrower's ri�ht to any ineurance policies and proceeds n�""
<br /> •� resulting from damage ta the Property prior to tha ncqui6ition shall pass to Lender to the extont oi tha aume secured by ;;
<br /> thie Security Instrument immediately pnnr to the acquisitton. ��•�=
<br />' 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Maintennnce and Protection of the Property;Borrorser's Loan Applicstioa; � '�^
<br /> � Leasoholda.Borrower shell accupy,establieh,and use the Property ea Bonower's pnncipal residence within sixty days _,
<br /> •� efter thes execution of thie Security Inetrument end ehall continu� to occupy the Pcoperty es Borroiver s principal . '".
<br /> � residence for at least ane year after the dnte of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent ehnll .4
<br /> � not be unretisonably withheld,or unles.g extenuating circumstences exist which are beyond BoiYOV�er's control.Borrower ._
<br /> ehall not destroy,dmm�ge or impair the Praperty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or coYnmit waate on the Property. _;,:
<br /> " Borrower sliall be in default if any forPeiture nction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun that in I.ender's .� ,_
<br /> " �� good faith judgment could result in Porfeiture of the Property or otherwise materielly impair ttta lien created by this
<br /> ' Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinatate, ae provided in ,Y
<br /> pacagrap h T a, oy ceiiinii�b t tio v.IBT. o; p f��....°'�'�•T.e *.o � di�m��� Nith e ruling th8i, iR Lender's �ood faith _
<br /> determination,precludes forfeiture of thv Bonower's interest in the Property or other rnnterial impairment uf the lien -� �
<br /> � created by this Security Inotrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during - :' v�
<br /> the laan application process, gave materielly false or inaccurate information or atatemente to Lender (or failed to ,�, =
<br /> • " provide Lender with any materiel information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the IJote, including,but not � '§•
<br /> limited to,representatione concerning Boirawer's occupnncy of the Property as a principal residence.If thie Security �•�_
<br /> � Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provicions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to R
<br /> the Property,the leasehold and tha fee title shall�ot merge unlesa Lender agree,s ta the merger in writing. �;
<br /> � 7. Prot�ction of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrorver faile to perform tha covennnts and ngreementa (
<br /> wntained in thie Security Inatrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may si�nificently affect I.ender's ri�hts in the ;
<br /> , Property (such as a procseding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or ;
<br /> regulations),then Lender may do and puy for whetaver is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's
<br /> rights in the Property. I.ender s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this ?
<br /> �� Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to mako repairs. ;�.
<br /> " Althougli Lender m�y take action under this paragruph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> ' ' Any nmounts diebursed by Lender under thie paragraph 7 sh�ll become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �
<br /> • Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounta shall bear interest .
<br /> from the date of diobursamant at the Note ruto and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from I.ender to Bonower
<br /> requesting payment. ``
<br /> ' 8. Mortgage Insurance.If Len�der required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> . Security Inetrument,Bonower ahnll pay the premiums required to maintnin the mortgage insurance in effect.If,for any
<br /> reason, tha mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrowsr shall pay the „
<br /> ' premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effec*.,at a wst
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an elternate . „
<br />� � mortga�e insurer approved by Lender. If aubstantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availablo,
<br /> Borrower ahall pay to L,Pnder each month a sum equal to one'twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein�
<br /> " paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these
<br /> . � puymenta ne a losa reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,
<br /> �
<br /> ' � Form 302d 9/9
<br />- _ ' �-dV�N�ro7t27 a�p 3 or o Initlale�
<br /> ' I
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