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<br /> ° ca��ci�uu�:niuu o►'utit_i•1,!t�.iug c.if��ay�r.�it of the I':npaiy,o�f�s;ccinvcyaiicc in licii oP cnuif��iun.uiun.a���h�v�:uy;<ti,i��u;.:i.wA
<br /> slia�l b::Er.ii�l to L��iidc•r.
<br /> .{,���_��:.�ri;:_���rn; 6i tlie event of a tmal tnking o6' tl�� Pruperty, tlie proceeds shall Izc a��plied w oi�e su�ics secured by tiiis Se.u�•ity _.�ti
<br /> '� "°`�'' Instrument,whether oj•not Uicn duc,with .�ny excess gaid tn Qorro�ver. In thc event of a pinial talcin�;of tlie Frnpetty in __._.
<br /> °"`�`�'y- a{r.s.� which tl�c fair murkct valuc of'tiic Vru�crty immcdintcly br.fora thc tuking is cyual to or gr,_atcr Ihan thc umount of tlic s��ms �-
<br /> �..:_--
<br /> — sccured by this Sccurity Insirumcnt immcdiatcly bet'ore thc tuking,unless Borrowcr and Lcndcr otl►erwisc ugrcc in writing,
<br /> ` "� _�� �he sums sccure�l by this Szcur�ty[nstrumem shall b�reduced kry thc ,imaunt of�he proeccds multiplied hy�he following
<br /> „�.,
<br />- - ----- frnction: (a)the tatnl amount ot'thc st�ms secured iuimediately bcfore thc tukiub.tlivicled T�y(b)l�i+: fair r��a�kes valuc uf'►lie __
<br /> - _ Property imnicdiately befo�c Qic taking. Any balunce sl�xlt be paid to Borruwer. In the cvcnt of a partial taking of ihc
<br /> -_�����,�o� Pruperty in �vhich thc inir market value of ihe Pro}x:rty immcdiately bcfore.thc taking is Icss than tiie umaunt of Ihc sums -_
<br /> _--=--_---- securcd immediatcly beforc the tnking,unlcss Borrowcr .incl LcnJcr athcnvise agrce in writin� or unless appltcabie law
<br /> -��-==��=��� othcrwisc provides,thc proce�ds shall 6c applicd to thc sums sccured by this Security Inst��umcnt whether or not thc surns nre ___
<br /> -_�:�?f;��.� thcnduc. °- -
<br /> "`�--��� If the Property is abandoncd by Borrowcr,or if,nfter noticc by Lendcr to Borrowcr that the condemnor oi'fcrs ta makc _
<br /> ----- un uaard�r scttte a claim for damages,Qarrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after Ihc�laie lhe notiCC is givcn. __--
<br /> �►�.y��'"" Lcnder is audiorized to collcct and aE�ply tnc�rocecds,at its option,either to n:storation or rcpair of the Nroperty or to Q�e `.�
<br /> 4�f,��r�- ��`� �
<br /> _-__ �j�:r_�: sums secured by this Security In struinent,whether or not then due. �„__
<br /> �'y�v��%;�1.`;+:,�,'' Untess Lender and Borrower othcnvise ugrce in writing, uny application of procccds ro principal shall not extend or '`^ _
<br />:'��;•;�,1,,,;f:::�..°•b postponc the duc date of the munthly payments rcferred ta in pangraphs I and 2 or ch;uigc the amowit of such paymcnts. v��•,.
<br /> -�"`�� il. I�orrower Not Releused; Torb�rAnce By Lender Not a Witiver. Exccnsion of the [ime for payment or �
<br /> �=�-A°-�'"'X'`� modifieation of:unortization uf the sums secared by this Securiry Instrument gramed by l..ender to:uiy successor in intemst �••.-
<br /> w P�!+f;� �' �,
<br /> , , �, '�; ui Bo��owcr shaQ not op�rate ta release thc leabi!'sty of ihe ori�inal Rorroevcr or Borrowsr's successors in interest. Lendcr .,
<br />__,��ri r,,;�_��..,��:.p shall not be requircd to commence proceedings against nny successor in interest or refuse� extend time for payment or ��� .�
<br /> _ othenvise madify amoni�ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcason of an dcm:u�d made by the original f...�.;__
<br /> � :_. � Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisin� any right or remedy shall not be a I ` +;.
<br /> � -�.���_:�r-�.�s::�fi waiver uf or prccludc the cxeecise of any right or remedy. -.�
<br />:�'."� Y2. Successors and A�Sfgns Bound;Joint and Severnl fl.iabtlity;Co-si�nen. The covenants and agreemen[s of this .�
<br />� r.�,��;,�7;..,,.,�;;,;.' Security instrument shall bind and be►iefit the�ucccs�ors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions af
<br /> s:�'�,;':` _• - � paragraph l7. Barrower's• cowenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security `;;`
<br /> �����•"�� .� Instn►ment but dces nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only[o mongage,grant and convey that
<br /> . ;';k;,;
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the ternis of this Securiry Instn�menr, (b)is not per�onally obligated to pay the sums _
<br /> ,'^��'` "� � • secumd by this Security Instrumcnt;and(c)agrces that I.endcr and any othcr Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> �::'��
<br />�:;� : . . or make any accommodations �vith regard tu the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note withouc that Borrower:s .,,,
<br /> :�,::
<br /> '" consent. . =`..:
<br />°`'=^•�``^ •; . . - 13. l.aan Lnarges. [f ine ioan sccurcu by ii�i� ar�uiiiy Iiwiiutt��:i.iS :;::�j�::3 �!»:'•• "•'ti'•^h `^!c m�ximum lo�n _�:.-.
<br /> ' , charges,and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chcuges collected or to be coUected in connection r���
<br /> � with the loan exeeed the permiued limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount nccessary to reduce �...•.
<br /> ,� � � . the charge to the permitted Icmit;and (b)any sums already collected from Borro�ver which exceeded permitted limits will be si�
<br /> `Y` � • refunded to Borro�ver. Lender may choose to make this rcfund by rrcducing the principal owed«nder the Note or by making a ��.��
<br /> •• direct payment to Borzower. If a refund n�duces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any ��„-
<br /> �_ prepayment charge under Q�e Note. °t"
<br /> ,�:�..:r.:... . -,.. -,;� 14. Nutiees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />_ ., ,r • mailing it by first class mail unIess applicable law reyuires use of another method.Thc noticc+hall be directed to Ihe Property
<br /> .;'�r-�,.. ,.•..•�,.,,:. Address or any uther address Borrower dcsignates by notice to Lender. Any noticc to Lendcr shall be:given by fint class
<br /> �K����• • -R� • mail to Lendcr's adclmss stated hercin or any othcr��ddress Lendcr design:ucs by notice to Borrower. Any noticc provided for �"'•, •
<br />''"• •` � � in this Security Instrument shall bc dcemcd to i�ave becn given to Borrower or Lendcr when given us provided in this _
<br />-�-��e�-;-•.�•- ;.�.;,H: paragraph. :-°
<br />=�,Q;�'.'.�r°'�:::= �s�: I5. Governing Law; Severabiltty. This Securiry In.trumcnt shall bc govemed by feeler.il faw and the law of the
<br /> -r:�
<br /> ��x�:::r�•+^ - jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is located. ln the e��ent th�t any provision or clause of this Sewrity Instrument or the Note _.
<br /> •=�'t�•�•�~"�• • cont�icts with applicable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisium of this Security Instrument or the ivote which can _.
<br /> +.,�• .. . • be given effect �vithout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions c►f thix Serurity Instrument and the Note are •`t�
<br /> -- �� declared to be sevarable. `:
<br /> �z"�'� " •� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed ropy of the No[e and of this Securiry[nstrument. ���
<br /> w � 17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneflcial Interest in FJ�rrower. lf all or any pan uf thc Property or any intcresi in �
<br /> _,{ ,_ ` it is sold or transferred(or :f a bcneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfem:d and Borrower is not a natural penon)
<br /> ::�x'_ " ° vvithout Lender i prior�critten consent,Lender may,at its optiun,reyuire 6mvnediate payment in full of all surns secured by
<br />...::_r.-�.-
<br />:=�'s�ts' ' this Security Instrument. Ho�vever,this option shall not be exerciscd by Lender if excrci�c is prohibited by federal la�v as af
<br />;��9�; the date of this Sccurity(nstrurnent.
<br />: ,�.�..�,�n If Lender exercises this option, l.ender shall give Bormwer notice ot'xcceleration. Thr noticc shall provide a period of
<br /> _'�'"==" ' not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivercd or mailed within�vhich Borcower must pay all sums secured by dtis
<br /> .,:;._ ' � Security Instrument. If Botrower fails to pay diese sums prim•to the expir.jtion of this period, Lender may invake any
<br />:,-i; . remedies ncrmitted by thisSecuriry insttument without furthe�notice ordemaa�d on Borrower.
<br />,� 18. I3orrower's Right to l�einstate. If Borrower meets cenain conclitions, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> - , enforccment of this Securiry Instrument disrnntinued at;uiy time prior to the carlicr of: (al 5 days(ur auch other period as
<br /> " � Singlc Fatnily-•fann(c 111adPrcddic titnc UN140Rht ly�'I'RUAIGNT••Umfomi Corcnantti 9/9Q <<��ig�J�.J6/�t1�CS)
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