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<br /> /19i nYticc toswF;�iu;;ia i.fcrrc��ro in d�l�;�'��u.yty In�;xur��ni a,�it�"t�oe,::.,?y.° ,.
<br /> �;�scu�� Ili:(iiliit:7li. 4.•._^...
<br />�-"=-°" `°°°"-` l]Ol2EtOWLR COVENAPS'!'S tliat B�riower is lnwful�y�ei:cd of th�ostate hc.�by c,oi�vcyed nnd ha:ti�e rlglee to gr;�nt --_
<br /> -----�-°-- --- c��id cAnvey tr.e I'rop..rty a���that the{'rop�ity is ariencumGcr�,except for er.si���il�r;�nccs of recorai. t�on�e��cer w�rr,.nts and �._.
<br /> wiU defend general{y thc ti�lc to the Pn�perty ugninsZ all cleims and demands.sut+lect to any encambra«ccs af rrcorA. _
<br /> '�"�"�'°"� 1'�!!S SI?ClERf7'Y IIVSTitUMECVT comhincs unifattn covenants far aatirmal u:,s: cuid non-uaiForm cnvenants �vith =__-
<br /> limited variations by jurisdictiun to constiwte n uniform security enstct�nent covering real property. `
<br /> ____ _____ _
<br /> LIN!FOfiM CUVENANTS. �orrower and Lender cavenant and agm,e as Sollows:
<br /> 1. Psyment ot�'rincipal and Ynterest;Pr�p�yrmnt wtd LRte Ch�r�. Aorrower shall promptly pay whcn dac thc _
<br /> prirtcipal of and iitterest un the debt evidenced by tha Notc nnd eny prepayment and lute chttrges du�undcr the Note.
<br /> 2. �nds for'Ihzes wnd Irsuranca Suhject to applica6le!aw or to a written wniver by Lender.panou�cr shsili pay ta
<br /> ---- L.cnder on thz day monthly payments are duc under�hc Notc,until ttie Note is p�id in full,a su�n("Funds")For. {ui yearly
<br /> - "`'__-' t:ixes wu1 nssessr,ients which may attain�riariigr over this Secur�ty Instci�ment as a lien on ths Prageny:(b)ye�rly Fe�schold
<br /> payments or sco�n� �ents on the Propej�ey, if ony; (c) yearty liazard or property insur.�nce pr�emiums; (d) yearly ilood =
<br /> ���'� insurance preminms. if ur:y; (e) ycarfy mortgage insurance premiun�s, if any; nnd (� any sums paynble by Bonowcr to
<br /> - __= i.ender.in accordanze wiih the pmvisions of paragraph 8.in licu of the payment of morts�ge insursnce pcemiums. Tliese -
<br /> �,a,� items�re called"Escrow Items." Lendcr may,at any tiine,collcct nnd hold Funds in n�amoniit nat to exceed tho muximum __
<br /> "�� amount a lender for a focleralty �luted�nortgage loan may require fur Eorrower's escraw accouni under the federal Real —.
<br /> Estate Sel.ilement Pcoccdures Act of 1974 as amended fram 2imc to tiime, 12 U.S.C.§2601 et.seq.("RESPA"),unless anothcr
<br /> ___ _ l�w that upplies to the E'unds sets a lesser amounG Ilf so.Lender may.at any tune,collect and hold Funds in an amonnt not to
<br /> �,,,�,,,,a,�, exceed the lesser s�enouat. I.ender may esumate the amount of hunds due on the basis of cuRe�t datu and reasonable `--
<br /> estimates of cxpenditures of fature Escmw Items or otherwise in accordanse with applicable lAw. `"
<br /> _.�:�.�.;�i;=�! The Funds shall be held in an institudon whose dcposits are insured by a federal agency. inswmenwliry. or entity - -_-
<br /> '��_;�'�.�}L's:u'_� (including L.caedee,if l.ender is such an insutu6on)or in an Federal Home Laan Bank. Lender shall a I the Funds to a "
<br /> _ Y PP Y P Y �::�.>-
<br /> �'__—== the Escrow Items. i.ender may noi churge 8orrower for holding and applying the Funds,aimually analyzing thc escrow Y
<br />-;����- -�'�'��' aceount,or vzrifying the Esc�ow Iten�s, unless l.ender pays Borcower interest on the Funds and applicnble law petmits ��`
<br /> ..x...���_�__
<br /> ---- - Lender to muke such a cha�e. However.C.ender may requim Borrower to pay a one-dme charge for an indep�ndent real --_
<br /> �'"�'=1=��� estntE tax reporting scrvice used by Lender in connection with this loun,unlcss applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an
<br /> -_,c,r�7��;^•,;��n� a�rcemcnt is made or�ppGcuble law requires intcrest to be paid. Lender shall not be requimd to pay Butrower any interest or
<br /> -_-"-"'n�k��_ camings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,howrver,that interest shal!be paid on the Funds. Qlender r,;.
<br /> -''�'�''•�1�� shall givo to Borcower,without chazge,an annual accounting of the Funds,sho�ving credits and debits to ih� FLnds and the
<br />--'--"•i�''•�f'�i Ni.f�'`4 ��;'i
<br />:s:�j.���. ;,;:.•��� . pwpose for which each debit ro t6�e Funds was made. The t�unds are pledged as addirional securiry for all sums secumd by
<br /> :,�.�:.'_ " � ' !f'»SC�r.,Lriwj�ctn�mrnt �._':.
<br />.-_:.il;'L,_;�f'A� If thc Nlmds held by Lender exceed the amounts pernutted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to
<br /> �:-.
<br />=��"K�+*_>�+;g;��� Boirower for die excess Funds in accordance with the requirertzents of applicable law. !f the amaunt of the �unds held by �`s
<br />:" �•»,""'•`�"�:�' I.ender at any time is not sut�icient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notify Boirower in wridng,and.in .�;;,
<br />:�'' . '�:: r,,,•
<br /> �'�,-�R � such case Bonower shall pay to Lender the amount necessacy ro make up the deficiency. Horro�ver shall make up thc :�-;
<br />--' 'i++��-�� �"' deficiency in no�or�e than twelve monthly payments,at Lender s sole discreuon. "'�
<br />�..,,-RZ�,:<..,-. �. �,;
<br />="'.�'-�� Upon payment in full of all sums secu[�ed by this Securiry Insuument, Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower any ,k-..
<br /> ,�.,�;.+u:;.
<br />��=s.�' - �""` Funds held by I.ender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquine or sell the Properry,Lender,prior to the acquisiuon or
<br /> �.__+;,:.:�__�.�.,,__ e
<br />_��=�:`_�f"�T�� sale of the Prope�ty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cmdit against the sums • ,
<br /> � �-^''•`°:""-'j' ' sccured by diis Securiry Insavment.
<br /> -�---::.._:....
<br /> _ 3. Appliqtton ot Paymcnts. Unless applicable law provides othernise, all payments cr.ceived by Lender under �� •
<br />'-`=.'`` f'�h�p"v`� ara hs 1 and 2 shall Ue a lied:first,to an re a ment char es due under the Note:second,to amounts a able under
<br />_=�V'::;f4;;,$;,�;;,r� P b'�P PP Y P P Y S P Y
<br />- �v�,:;u,:.;;,2w�� paM,graAh 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and las4 to any late charges dae under the Note.
<br />-�.-__.. _ ----� 4. �harges; Ltens. Romnwer shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attnibutable to the
<br />=��k."n':�� _`_� Property which ma�r attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehald payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower
<br /> -=- " �"".__l shall pay these obligauons in the manncr provided in para�raph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonower sh:ill pay them on
<br /> �=r'~��'��"• time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender:ill rtotir_es of amounts to be paid under
<br /> --:,�;.-....
<br />_°;;r��::j .. this paragraph. If Borrower makes thcse payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.endcr receipts evidencing
<br />° -'.,.��,�.'`�s`,: the ayments.
<br /> - , .� p
<br /> _� Borrower shall pro:np�dy dischucge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Inswment unless Borro�ver:(a)agrees
<br />-�-�'�� �•� ��• in wridn�to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br />�����"'"'�`~ '•°•~ lien my,ar defends against enfarcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lenders opinion operete to prevent the
<br />__c;; .•.�.,; . ._.�..
<br /> -= --�'•r��:.��`:•���;�� enforcement of tt�e lien;or(c)s�cuTes from the holder of the lien an age�eement satisfactory to Lender subordinacing the lien �
<br /> _ ,_;�..,�•...:. ,,:,,.
<br />-�`���`."•' - to this Security Instrumen� if�..�nJer detcrmines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may att3in priority
<br />-- ' 'i��t��� over this Security Instrumen�Lender may give Borrowcr a noiice idcntifying the lien. Bonowcr shall satisfy the licn or take
<br />��=m:�,_� one or more of the actions set forth above witPinm]0 days of the�iving of norice.
<br /> ;"� � 5. Ha7urd or Property Insurance. Barrowcr shall keep Ihe improvements now existing or hereafter crccted mi the
<br /> �;,:�.,;.,�,, .. :
<br /> � .:;; ProFerty insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coversge"nnd any other hazards,including
<br /> -._.- . " floocls or flooding, for which Lender nequines insurance. 'Ihis insurance shall be maintained in the amounu and for the
<br />.- ' K
<br /> � Form 3028 F/90 (page 2 nj6 pagesl
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