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<br /> _"""°"` a�rl����val v,i�.�Sti t;ltall ttni t'� ttur:,atir:iaiily wl��ih.•ld. Cf Ha�r�►w•�i'4'.;il;t�i�:t ii�uaii�rtrve�u�;�ctc�:c►iL:�2 t;�„t�::�l.,c,:;'�����ay,,:i �`���,.:>
<br /> _�� I.r.�ut�r a c��►tion�nbtefn cnveraKe tu a�n�tect Lc:iider�i�iglits 4�ttie 1�-olx:�ty in n�con.�:uicc�vith�,zr;�a�a��l�7. �
<br /> , All insaranc��tulic?cg anci rcncwalN�li;�l1 lsc,scr.ept;+hlr fa Gci�dcr;�nd r,hall includc a r�tandaY�.f rr�rnteago clausc. I.endcr
<br /> shnJl havo tt►C right to hold ihe�x�licier aud rer*wuly. �f I.sn�ke requircs,Borrower shall prc>mptly give ta l.ender ali ra:�ipt:c
<br /> _ __ of patct prcui�uiuv;+nd r�:uc�.vat notdccs. In thc cvcnt af toss, �lorra�vcr shall SivE nron�p:nnticc to Ihc ii4�un+�tcx carsier and
<br /> Lende�•. t.e:tder may make proof of loss if not made prom�tly'ny isur�uwer.
<br /> tlnles9 L.cnder a;x!B�nuwer alxrvr•ise agra in writing,insurance procads shall b�applicd to restoration or repair of
<br /> � tha Property damAged, if the restorntion or rcpair is econcrmicn�ly fe�sible and LertdcrA sccurity is �iot lessened. If the
<br /> rcstaratiun or repair is nt►t eeanomicali,y feasible or Ler.der's•sccurity wauld he lessened, the inyurance procceds shall bo
<br /> applieet to the sums secur¢d by this 3ecurity Instniment, whethcr af�ot tticn duc, aith any excess pald to Dorn�wer. If
<br /> Bo:rower abnn<lons the Prape�ty,or dces rot answer within 30 duys n notice from I.ender ihat�he insurnnce carrier has
<br /> offered to settlo a clnim,then Lender muy collect the insucance proceeds. L�nder may usc the procecds to repair or restare
<br /> � the Propeny or to pay sums se�urcd by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt,whether or not then d��e. The 30-day period will begi��wiie�� �- °
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Horro�ver otheiwise agree in writing,a��y applicution of proc:eeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly payments referred tn in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or change thc amaunx of the payrt�cuts. IF
<br /> under parngnph 21 che P�operty es acquired by Lender,Borrowerk rigiu to ciny insur�nce polecies and proceeds resulting
<br /> Gom damage ta the�'roperty prior to thc acquisition shall pass ta Lender to tfie extznt ot the sums sccurc�!by this Secarity
<br /> Instrument immcdfately pri�r ta the acquisition.
<br /> - �. QsS!!t�!�s:Yy Freser�+atlen, M9intenAnce and Prnte�tton af thc Propert�; Borrower's Loan Applicet[on;
<br /> L�aseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principa!residence witliin sixty duys nfter
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and shatl continue to occupy the Property as Borro�ver'.s principal residence for nt
<br /> --- least une year after the clate of occupancy, unless [.ender othenvise lgsees in writins, which eonsent shall not be
<br /> - unrensonably wiUil�eld,or unless extenuating cic�cumstances exist which are beyund Bonower?s eontroi. Borrower shall not -
<br /> dest�oy,damage or impair the Prot�crty,allow the Propeny to dctcrioratc,or commit waste on the Property. Fiorrowcr shall
<br /> �2 in default if any fozfeiture actian or procceding, whether civil or�riminal,is begun that in Lender's guod fnith judgment �
<br /> �ould resu(r in forfeiture of the Iproperty or otherwise mnt�rially impair the lien created by this Security Insuument or
<br /> -- Lender�s security intcrest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstute,as provided in paragraph 18,6y enusin�the action
<br /> � or proceeding to b�dismissed with a ruling d�1t,in I..cndcr'.s goad fnith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> — interest in the Property ot other material impaiRnent of the lien cmated by this Securi�y Instrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> intemst. Horrowe� shall also be in default if Bonower, durin� the loan application process, �ave materiully false or ---
<br />--- - inaccurate informadon or statemcnts to Lcnder(or failcd to provide Lender with any material information)in connectian widi -
<br /> �.-�:-- �.. ' a�`v M n orv nf r+
<br /> UtC Foaft eviticn�cu uy ii�c :Suic, it�i.iuu���b. vat i�vi =i�iia:a'� tv. �a.�rs:.r.tatiGAS CC:2�.:^:it$ �^::8::'..... C!lr3.._� t�1_
<br /> _.__�_-� Property As a principal residence. If this Security instn►mcnt is on a leasehold,Bo•rrower shall comply with all the provisians
<br /> __� of the lease. If Borrower ucqnires fee title to thc Property,the leasehold and the See title shall not merge unless L�endcr agrees
<br /> --___ to the merger in writing. ____
<br /> = 7. Protectton uf Lender's Rtghts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements -
<br /> ""'�'� contained in this Security Instnurnent. or there is a legnl proceeding that muy significanNy affect LenderS rights in the =-_=
<br /> "y'� Property(such as a proceeding tn bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regularions),then �`�=
<br /> ---- Lender muy do and pt►y for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender:s rights in the Property. �
<br /> -�� ---- Lender's actions may inelude paying any sums secured by a lien which hati priority over this Security lnstrument,appearin�
<br />��=�"� in court,paying reasonablc attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lcnder may take action �'
<br />=j������ under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. ��,.
<br />���-=_-= Any nmounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becomt additionnl debt of Borrower secured by this •
<br /> -
<br />