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I r � � I - - . ---- <br /> �'' —�-------- <br /> . � .. <br /> .. `-_ .. . ,_ _ . _- , ..._._�.--�_ . . . -- _ . <br /> .� - ._. . ._. � --- - <br /> �� <br /> , . . . - _���--. .. - -- -- -— <br /> _��r_.� --- ---- --- - - -- --- — - ---..��.. <br />....-----,�, ���►`:'�'"°�'°'� �_. _� <br />�,_.,.!a��.,.�::A C4�i:[}.:i:iii:ll:.'J(,.Y�IQ{:::��::1`.i:il���i'i1�'fi,-i�f i�'.i::t.:lti.'fi��(f�{�is;1;G•il'Z�::s;G:111I1.�i101C4�il(�.".i�ill"'tl:hlsi�C�;�:'.•'i�j i... �� .i; •::t • •• - - <br /> M�y__ __ <br /> s}tull tre�aiii tu l.en+ier. <br /> — - In �Ye cvent c�f u totatl cakin�, of thr.P��►eny, �c� pra:eecjs Khttll l� u}t�,�lied t� U►ep wus secur�d l�y Ih(s �y�ty <br /> lnstnimer�t,:'whe.ther or nut tha�due,with ue: LX►.CSS alc�u� �ux•rowc:r. i►a dte cvc�u of a artixl takin uf ehc 0'r� n in _ <br /> which tfie fair mark�t vblua uf�I�e P m p G�y i� befnrc:ihe tak'rng is cqual to or grceter tha��the amount of the sunSS <br /> _ _ _ .__ur•_c3 6y!hi�4•>�'e�rity h��tr+;�r�ent hnn�edicUcly lx�fore tGc r,ikin�,uni�:ss;[3oriawcr nn:1(�d�r otherwise�gree in writinn> <br /> the sumv se,cured by�hts Sa:urity �nstrumcnt Rhal1 bo reJuced by Ihe s:mount nf ihe proceeeis muf+ipi�e::Ly t+�::f:�'vJi��� <br /> f'ractia�r (s)ihc twol amnunt vf thc sums srcurcd immed3arely before the ts�king,divI�ed by(b}the fuir murlcet value oi tho <br /> Propeity immediatr,ty befUec ohc takin�. Any nalancc shutl tse paid tu Barrower. (n Ihe event of�parti�! taking nf'tl�e <br /> Qmperty in which the fair rnurk�t value of the Praperty immediately befune the taking is Icss than thc nmount oi the Aums <br /> securr�d immediately bcfore�hc taking, untess Borrowar and Lendcr otherwIse agree in wdting or unless appllcsible law <br /> otherwise providcs,thc procccds sh..l!�c apptied ro thc sums securcd by Ihis Security Instrumene whether or not thc sums are <br /> - --- ° thcn dua. <br /> If t!�Property is ubandoncd by Borrowcr,or if,after notice by i..endr.r ro Bo►rower that the cnndemnor ofien tu muk� <br /> un award or settle a claim for damages,Borcower faila to respond to I.c:ndtr within 30 dnys after the date the notice is given, <br /> — Lender is uuthorized to cullcct and appty the proc¢eds,at its option,eithcr to restor�timi or repair of the I�ope�Yy ar to the <br /> — sums securcd by this Security I��strument,whether or not then due. <br /> ---- Unless L,ender and Dorcower otherwisa�gree ia�vriting.any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> — postpone the due dute of the monthly payments refen�ed to in paragraphs l and?,or change the amount of such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Reteascd; Forbearwnce Fly Lender Not a W�iver. Extcnsion af the time for pnyment or <br /> ' modificatian of amorti7ation of the�unis se+.ura.�6y this Sccuritg•inst:ument granted by Ix.nder ta nny successor in int�rest <br /> of Honower sliall not operate to nelctise tl�e liabi➢ity of thc original BoRawer or Horrowcrs successors in inte�st.I.,ender <br /> - shal!not be required to commence procecdings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend ti�ne for payment ar <br /> —_— othe�wvise modify amortizltion of the sums secured by this Securiey lnstrument by reasan of any demcnd made by the original �,___ <br /> - Bonowrr or Horrower's successors in interest. Any fort+earance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shnl� not be a <br /> waiver of ar preclude tha exercise of nny riglit or remedy. - <br /> � 12. Successors and Assigns Iiound;Joint�nd Seve��nl LRability;Ca-signers. The covenants aiid agrcements of this �_ <br /> Security Instrument shall bind und benetit ehe successors and nssigns of Lendcr nnd Barrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> p;uagraph 17. Dorrower',s covenlnu and ngreemenGS shall bc-j�int aud several. Any Borrower who co•signs this Security <br /> Instrument but docs not execute the Note: (a)is cu-signing this Security lnstrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thnt <br /> Borcowcr's interest in the Propeny under the terms of thi�Security lnstrumenr, (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums _ <br /> --— secured by this Security Instrument;artd(c)agrees that Lcnder and any other Borrower may agree to extend,ntodify,forbcur —_ <br /> ---_----— or make anv accommodations with regatd to the terms of this Sccunry Instrument or the Note withnut that Borrowers �.^_ <br /> —__ consent. —- <br /> -- 13. Loun Charges. If the loan secured b,y this Secu�iry Instrument is subject to n law which sets mnximum loan <br /> =- -- charbes,and thnt law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in cannection _ <br />��'!� with the loan exceed the�rtnitt�d limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shuU be eeduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br />�-_--- the charge to the permittcd limit;and(b)any sums ulma�y collected from Horrower which excecded permicted limits will be _ <br /> --�� refunded to aorrower. Lender may�hoose to make this refund by rcducing the princip3l owed under the Note or by making a ��.,. <br /> -.._.� dircct payme�t to Borrower. If a�efund reduces principal,the reductaon will be trcated as a Rartial p�puyment without nny �, <br /> _____._�. prepayment chiuge under the Note. ��'�� <br /> _,����:�.�.� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided fc�r in this Security Instrument shal! be given by delivcrin�it or by �, <br />___�..._� mailing it by first cluss mail untess npplicable law requirrs use of:tnother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property ��T__: <br />--_°� -�-:-�+ AdJress or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lendcr shall be givcn by first class . <br /> = =— mail to Lender�s lddress statcd herein or any ather address Lcnder dcsignates by noticr,to eorcower. Any notice provided for <br /> ___-�""'" in this 5ecuriry insuument shnll be deemed to havc bcen �iven to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this . <br /> ._.=uz,� P•'�rab'mPh• •j <br /> �=�_;r•,�� 15. Governin� Laav;Severubility. 1'his Security Instrument shull be governed by federal Inw and the law oi th,. <br /> _--�__,.,ti jurisdiction in which the Property is loeated. In the event thnt eny provision or cluuse of this Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> -_ _ <br />