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.it ' �.`:11'� dr�i. �'�,rr ��ffi�l. - <aA.'/L�eI.� . _....�o-'41rft�L.rsn.�r, f})S'f� .��wq�3i I��� .�.. �l �. , .�r.f... � . ._ <br /> , �Y' � �-�w.-�wwrMySrt"'M�.v.- }f: '1 ,.• ,. . . <br /> � �� i ,, . <br /> ���'� _�— . <br /> , _ - .i.jv _ . . _- <br /> �.� . - - �— <br /> . ' ���,�� ��1� <br /> --�.��- :;s.,. <br />-- ,�; . -- <br /> . ...-_..._�..!;_� �:.:�i!:�':le?.^.1 E..�i:)�,'1'fi:!ylqi'S. ��11?.!ii"d�l:;��S::!':�Eii_i���uC!(`llll�(�C::1il'.!�S�'li<::;.tt?R��I:'.CIEti:�_^P!�:�I Qi13�ltll;;;ti:,P{i�'!:2[J T.:i "� ,.•; k��•-.. <br /> --�' - — � uppsr�v�l w�hicta shall�i�t he unr�aSOnab9y withhcld..(f fiorrow•er�ails to»i.iltltRtil COYCI'."I�i:(�t f.Ci I�Y:(1�UUYC,CA•�icter t�i:xy.i�t -- <br /> ____—� L.rn�kri+optlun,otNaln caversge t�s prr�tect l.ender's eights iu th�C'rc�peety in neco��innce witi�par�g��p1�7. <br /> Aeil ir�swrance p,�!icies aud renewals nhall be acccpta6le ta[.ender ond shall includ�;u ht�i�lard mortgn�e elaucc. I_rn�ter <br /> shxll have the right to hold the pr�licias and rcTkwals. It'I.ender rcqu[res,Borrower shall promptly giva to lLender all�xeip�it <br /> - of p�uc!gren�.9ums�nd renewal noiice.s. In Ihe evejic�f loss,Borrower sl�ull BiWS prompt noticu tn th�insurnnce can:eP n�zd <br /> - ----- <br /> l.ender. L,ertdec rnay make pr�f of loss�fnot madc promptly by iiorrower. ` <br /> Untess[.cnder and Aorcov�tr atherwise wgres in wricing,insur.+n�e proceeds shall be appiicd to restoration or iepair nf <br /> ----- the Property da�naged, if thc restorntion or nepair is economlcnlly f€asiblP ctnd L,�nder�s security is not lessened, if tho <br /> restorati�►n or repair ls not ecunon�ically feasibJe or Lender's security would bc lessened,tl�e insur.vice Proceeds shall be - <br /> npplied ta ttue cums secured t�y this Secudty Instruir�ent, �vhedier or not then due,with any excess paicf to Bormwer. If - <br /> � Bonower abandons the Property, or daes not nnswer within 30 days u nutice from Lender that the insucance carrier I�as <br /> _ _ � offend to setQe a claim.[hen Lender may cullect the insumnce proceecls. Lender may usc the proceeds to repair or c�estoro _ <br /> the Property ar to pay sums secured by this Security Insmiment,whether or nat then due. 'Iha 3Q-day period will begin when <br /> thc noticc is given. <br /> Untess Lender nnd Bormwer othecwise agree in writing,nny application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone tha due dwtc of the manthly payments refcrred to in parsgruphs 1 and 2 a�•change the amoun[of the payments. If <br /> undey parngrapl� 21 the Property is acquired by Lcnder, Botrower�s right to any insurance poiicies and proc�eeds resulting <br /> from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Y.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> [nstrument immed�.s�tely p�ior to the acquisition. <br /> -= 6. ��a��, ��u:�, tl�4«fMcaar.r� �n� Praletttom of the Prar rty; L�rrotver's d�sn ,���!Ical�o�; . <br /> _ Geaseholds. @orrowcr shall a:cupy,establish,and use thc Property ns Borrower�principa!residence within sixry days after <br /> the execution of this Securiry Instrument und shall continue to occupy the Propeny as�omo�verS principa!residence for at <br /> ---=�_�s�'� least one yeaz after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writ�ng, �vl�ich consent shall not be <br /> unreasunubly withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Bonawer shall not <br /> desvoy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Property to detcriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrc�wer shall <br /> -'�"�`�'"�i°� b�in default if uny forfeiture action or pra;eeding,wliether civil or criminal, is begun that in I ender!s good faith judgment - <br /> - ---- could result in €arfciture af thc Property or othenvise materially impair the lien created by this Securiry Instr.ument or <br /> --_-- Lender�security interest. Horrnwer may cure such a default nnd rcinstate,us provided in p.�+ragraph 1 S,by causing the action <br /> - _ --- or procce�ing ta bc dismissed with a ruling that,in Lendert good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> _..._.,i,.�,;,,�.�� interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Y.cnderS securiry _- <br />_ -�oq�� interest. Bo�rower shall also be in default if Borcower, during the loan application process, gave mutecially false or �� <br /> �.,.;;�.�;�.;.' +:-- innccurate information ar statements to Le�ider(or failed to provide Lcnder with any material information)in connection with <br /> _,�����,Y,���,.9 the loan evidenced by the Note, inclu�ing. but not iimitea co, represen[adons conceminb Borrowcr's �xxupyuy ui titc <br /> _ •�T.P=���,�� Property as a principal residence. lf this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borro�ver shall comply with all the provisions <br /> v-•:_Uv <br /> =_._;;�'�;;..��;�; uf the lease. If Barrower acquires fee title to the Property,the lcasehold and the fcc title shnll not mergc unless Lender agrees <br />.-;:����txl;?;,_;;r� to the merger in writinS• -- <br />""=��=7`r��f't�•.Y 7. 1Protectlon of Lender's Rlghts in the Prmperty. if Borrower fails to perform the covenants and ugreements _ <br />�i=`�'�"`�''"^�" contained in this Security Instrument, or there is n legal proceeding that may signi�cantly affect Lenders rights in tha - <br /> �.....-.,•r:�r _ <br />-;°�;,.r�„r:.:;: Prnperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,prnbate,for condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce luws or regulutions),then <br />�'��� �iri;,,�."'• Lender ma do und a for whatever is necess to rotect the value of the Pro en and l.enders ri hts in the Pro rt <br /> n� � Y P Y �'Y P P Y S I� Y• <br /> _�r..,:,,rti„r Lenderk actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Secttriry Instrument,appearing --_ <br />•- -- �:;.�,,.�;,; in couYt,puying reasonublc attomcys'fees and cntcring on the Property to make repain.Although Lender may take action .-= <br /> �.~��'.���•����r under this paragraph 7.Lendcr dces nut ht�ve to do sn. - <br />;�;s:,:', ��;y. - <br /> �w, •...: ,�,_ . Any nmounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall 6ecome ndditional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> -r__;.:, - <br /> -- ��=�::;�.'�` Securty Instrument. Unless Borrower nnd Lender agree to ather terms of puyment,these umounts shaU bear interest from the <br /> '��=r��'�'�. date of disbursement at the Notc rutc and shall be payablc, with interest, upon noti�e from Lender to Aorrower requcsting _-- <br />_ _-.:=;y�•.�=rA�� payment. �.:� <br /> ���;�M�r-���±�° B. Mortgage Insurance. [f Lender required mortgage insurance as a rondition uf muking the loan secured by this '!�=" <br /> � �=��+ � � : Security [nstniment,Bocrower shall pay the premiums required to muintain the morlgage insurance in effect. If,for any �_ <br />-'..��.. . •.�. <br /> reason, the mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by L.ender lapse� or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall puy the <br /> - "_ " premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost •� <br /> � • ,, substantially equivalent to dte cost to Bonower of the mortgnge insurence previcusly in effect,from an altemate mortgage �'- <br /> �::_ <br /> insurer approved by Lender. (f substantially equivalent mo�lguge insurnnce coverage is not availablc.Borrower shall pay to �•�__ <br /> �.,.. <br /> _ �. Lendcr each inunth a sum eyuul to onc-twelfth of thc yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrowcr when thc �.?-: <br />--" insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use�ind retain these payments as a loss mserve in lieu - <br />--~�~ of mortgage insurance. Loss resenre payments may no longcr be reyuired,at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurancc <br />":=�r coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)providcd by an insurer approvcd by Lcnder again becomes : <br />-��'� available and is obtained.Borcowcr shall pay the pmmiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in ef'fect,or to provide a <br />-, -- ' ,_ loss reserve,until the requircment for mortga�e insuranre ends in nccordance with any written agmement between Borrower <br /> � •, and Lender or applicable law. <br /> , . . 9. Inspectton. Lender or its agcnt may mAkc rcasonable cntries upon und inspections of thc Propeny. Lender shall <br /> • give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnetion. rhe proceeds of any aw,�rd or claim for damages,dircct or conseyuential, in connection with:u�y <br /> ., :'�; <br /> Sin�le Runily--IY�nnle M17acJI•Ycddte Mac UNII�ORM IIVSTRUMENT•-Uni(ortn Covcnants 9/90 (paRr 3 nf 6 puge.q <br /> . - . �- Grcat Iaita Bue!ncae Fomu.Inc� <br /> . � To Onttr Ca�:1�800ta0�B37d O FAX 6147014131 <br />- - -. -�.. f <br />-<�: . . ,�,.�.-.. . ,. .-�--,�,-.•�----^�,�*-:r-�-�.-•�.-� . . .�..-., T-----,�-_..._ .._ .. <br /> -- -- - - -_ -= - _ _ <br />