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<br /> !iGCUri4y Inxln�rixsil;irr(b}rntry eE u f uciy�nertt tnii>nir�g thiti Sra:wyty Yn�uwnr.nt. '1h«,r c�n�aci��is o�s �h;� t3�r.uw+:: tu�
<br /> psy!;I_trufer �1! sumq whfct�,then wcwid hc due urxicr�hls Secudty (natnur�t �►nel ttre N� � if nu ecceLeratia► t�ad
<br /> uccurred:(b)ctores�ny dei'ault uf ur�ather roveaents r�r�µ+de�mcm5:(c)�x►Ys;ili enpenses irr�urred in�nf�rcing thia�w:yrity
<br /> � Instrumertt, inclusii�ng, i�ut rac limited ta,rea+omt+k attorneye'fea� �e�d{d)tsres utch action iu I.eieder meY �
<br />----__----.._ c:,.,a:r:.t.;:-.�:.L eh,c et'-1%-��'''�h��s�r�c:���1ty In�uumene.Lrnder's riRrits in the P�nrperty�n�Hamuwex4 nbti�tia+�o psy tRe --
<br /> sur�u securo6 by..thir Secnriry In�etun�t �hall.ca►tim�e un�hw�ed. up� cdnuat�tnmc by rsarnrwa, u�r �..��,•� .
<br /> . Insw�tticnt�ncl the�t+ligatkms sex�rrA hereby sh�ll ttmain fully ef[xtive�if no accekratis�n hNd acrurrcd. Iierwevrr.�
<br /> rig3�t ta rsinstat�st�all ncx apply in tF�ca�e of acceler:+tian undec p�rngrapi�l7. W���a���
<br /> 19. SNk o�t�e;G�e.oC La�S�rrloar. The Vote or�p�rtial intercat in tht Nc�ce(t�ga.Mt�er Y
<br /> lnsttument) mug bc a�o1d oae b�'ma�a tim�s v�ithout prior nartico to Borrower. A aak may resuat in e change in the eaNity
<br /> (known as the"Lo�n Servicer"y dwt callaees mos�UnlY ps+Ymen�s due under the NcNe suxllhis Sxurity Instrument. '[l�err al�
<br /> - �u�p t,;a-�;,a��mcrc czi:nga a!tM 4.0!►!!��xviGer��nrcfated to a sale of the Noto. lf thtre is n chm�e pf the Lorn Scxvi�er. --
<br /> BoROwa will bo given written notice of the change in acaxdaoxx with Q�ragraph 14 above and applicabk taw. 't ne ncaice
<br /> wil!state the t►eme er►d address of�he new Loan Servicee�and the�ctd�ssg to whtch S►nyments stx�uld be made. The notice will
<br /> ulso coirtain any u►her info�mation cequirod by upPllcable law.
<br /> 20, Haxatyloue SubetanCts. Burmwer shaU not cause or permit the presence,ust,clisposal,storage,ar nle�se of aay
<br /> Haranlous Substanc�s on or in�he Pmperty porrower shall not do,anr allow anyone else to RJo.anyehing affeciing tha
<br /> f►mpetty that is in violation of any�nvimnmental Law. The pceceding twu senteRCes shull not�pply to the{xcsenee,use.or
<br /> � starage on the Propercy of small quantides nf Hazardous 5ubstances lhat a��genernlly recognixed to be appro�riato to namal
<br /> residential uses and to mainten;ic�ce of t?ne Fru�,�►iy.
<br /> Botrower shall Qromptly givc Lender written notice of:uiy invcstigation,clairn,demand,lawsuit or other�;tion by aay
<br /> govc��emenia➢or regulatory agency or private parey involving the Pcopsrty and uny Ha�.azdous Substance or�:nvimnmental
<br /> Law of which Botrower has actual knowLedge. If Borrower Icams, or is notiFed hy nny govemmental or regutatory
<br /> nudwrity,that any removal or other reanediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting t�e�operty is necessary,l3orco�ler
<br /> shall p�omptiv take ull necessary remedeal actions in accordance with Environm.°,nu►1 Law.
<br /> As used in this para�saph 20,"Hazerdous Substanr,�.,'uc<<�"�as�su6stances det�ned as toxic or hazanlous substances by
<br /> Envimnmental Law and the following subs�ances: �asoline,k�:nsca�e.other flamma6le or toaic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> pesdcides and herbicidcs. volatlle solvents. materinls containing v'hestos or fannaldchyde. and radioactive materials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Bnvironmental Law"meaus fedenl laws�nd laws of the jurisdiction wher�the Propet�y is located
<br /> that rclate to bealth,safety or environmentsil protecrion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVL'NANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and s�gece as foAows:
<br /> 21_ AcMlrentinn;Rcme�lles. L,ender sh�U glve notioe to Borrower prior to acaleratian iollowin�I3errower's __
<br /> J"_ ""..__��L 1
<br /> � bnach of ae�y rnvenant or agre��ent in thLv Security Ingti'unxnt(oaz noi prior fo s�ceK�aiwn ui:�r t+�+��r�.=7
<br /> apkss applic�ble law prov{des M.6erwise). The noHoe stw11 specit�: (A)the det'ault;(b)the action reyuired to curc the
<br /> deYiWt;(c)a date,not kss thAn 30 dAys irom the date the notke is given to Borrnwer,by vrhEch the default must Ix
<br /> c�+eYd;�nd(d)tdpt failun to curc!he defs►ult on or Oxfore the dAte spec[tied in We notke may result in�scelerxtlon ot
<br /> the sum9 securea by thts Security Instrument and sale of the Property. Th�nodce shxll furlher fni'an�a Barmwer of
<br /> the right to reiastate olter�cceleration and the ri�ht to bring a rourt acHon to assert the aon•e�dstenrk o�s dei�ult or
<br /> -- nny ot6er de[ense ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. U the de[ault�v aot cured on or before the d�te specit�ed Sn
<br /> the notke,Lend�r et its option may nequ[re tmmediate pay�ent in full of all su�s securetl by this Security Instrume�t
<br /> -n:"-�; wiWout twKher demand end may invoke the pow'er of sale sund any other remedtes per�ilted b;+upplicsble la�.
<br /> ��� 1,eQder s6a11 be enSiUed to collect all ex�,eases incurred in pursuing the remedles prnvided In tltls paragrapb Zl,
<br />- �� (ncluding,6ut not limlted to,res�sona6le attomeys'fees and costs at title evidence.
<br /> U tLe power a!sAlc is invoked,'[Fustee shull record a notice of defauDt in cach wunty In which any part of tEie
<br /> Property is located and shall ma[I coples of such notice 6n lhe mnnner prescr[bed by apnllcable law to Borrower end to
<br /> - tbe ather persons prescribed by nppflcabfe law Mter the time requimd by nppllca6le Iaw.'[lrustee shs�ll give publk _
<br /> �=��� n�tice ot sale to the persons and fn the manner prescribed by applicable law 'Ifustee,wtthout den�and on Borrowcr,
<br /> sh�ll sefl Qhe Pruperty a�t pubUc auctton to the h9ghrst bidder nt tt►e time and place and under the terms dest�:.-3 In 4
<br /> -----= the notke dsalc in one or morc parcels and[n s�n;•wrder 1lrustc�determin�s. '11�ustee may postpoue sa:e of all or ony
<br /> ____ parcel o[the Pruperty by pu[�lle�aan�ement at Yhe time and place ot any previously scheduled sale. Lender or fts
<br />_ ---�� designoe�y purc6ase th2 P�mperty nt man}�sale.
<br />