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i�l • rr�.t� -'"�rV�l�'�'��Qq����� ,�M�'�i�� S � � ''' j't{� 'i` '`�t�� �)k: J�{;�������t�t{ t <br /> u (� i��`� <br /> .,4 �... <br /> il G ` - �f�t <br /> �. � <br /> , '� -- --- - <br /> _�V,.:.-- - _ __ ----_-- <br /> - _ _ __ --_ _ . �-..-._. ._� <br /> _ _ ----- -- - r- <br /> _ _ ------ .. _- .- , .' � .� n . ' " ' .,.--- <br /> � .. <br /> . . ' �.. �,. ., . ., �� _ <br /> ��.� �+ <br /> � �r � . <br /> , . .. � �"„_:. <br />.__.. , '_°-- ` . � _ ��''�?'3 � - - --- <br />-- ...1..�,1;'i''' .�- _ . +� r.!! i.. . ...1 �� ..��.1 ..� .. • ' . - . � _. ' r:.:":__. <br /> .�+. � . s <br /> . • <br />___" _"'` C!�i�!Z�f.�.�'.I ..!i�(: ��i���`:fii�,�:IS i.n�`.s:t'1����'�:s..i�. .,1�� `J , � <br /> �1iN{l t+r pri�i!o J.r�x4tr. •' <br /> Qn t�e rvent of a t�.dal takin� ��!'she N►�►Exrty, the ►�eeda thsll be apRlecd ia tix sur�►s secue�cnl by �his Securi�y • <br /> Inutrt�rxat,wi�ether ur nd thcn duC,with Nny Cxc�cri pak�tu t3tvtuwer. lu tt�c r�•an►of u p�utiA tal.u�uf'tbe 1'kx�p�tty in <br /> whkh�hc tair mark�t vwtue ot'the'i'n►perty immedlntcly brfure tt�txkin�is cqwl to�x q�redrer th�t�the a�o�d Ih�+w� . <br /> . �.••••.•..•1 bJ•r Ghi�C••.���i�1�y�•t•ln!wne��rf�nwilut��Y Fvfiad 1�'tAIii11V,UplCtil:HUPIOWCC{LhfJ�iSIIGt c)lI1CM15t yyrte iw writing. <br /> _ _ - __•_.._- , <br /> the numr�ocurcct by trii�5ecur�tg�n�trumrnt nh�ll be roducrocl by the iu�ount uf�he praceafs multlpG�eA oy tne trw�owa� <br /> frnr:tkx�: (�)the t�otal�rnounc of the suma�cocumd immafirsely bcfan the ttkint,divideA hy(b)�he fidr mnrke�t v�h�e ot d�e <br /> Prapcny immedistely ixC�re che taking. Any I+alsnce siiill t,c }+rid tu Horcawer. In the a�•ent uf a prtia3 t�kin�of the <br /> R�npeny in which the f�ir inarket vnlut of tha Prrroerty immaiiAtely befaa the tahing i�Ietu Uun tht ui�uat d`th��e�ms <br /> sccuml immedfetely hefate 1:ir, twlcing. unless&xrowcr pnd �.ender oth�rwise agren in wdtin� or uriks�Rpplic�ble taw -- <br /> cKF�erwise prcweckq,the proceeds shill be appfircl ta the Sums securcd by this 5ea:urity lmtru►rorrot wtxiher or na�he s�ms or�e <br /> �-_-— tt�.:a du;.. -- <br /> iC the Prapzrty is abandaxd by liormwer,or if,after ne►tice by l.errder to H�xraN�cr thu the co�emncx oticrs la mike <br /> an sward or settla a claim 6'or damag�s,parower�'ails to re�pcx►d to I.G�tder wi�hin aU days aiter ttte date the naiee is givefl, � <br /> Lender is autharized to collect ond appiy the praceeds,at its option,cither to:sstoration or rGpair of the�'ro�tty or to the <br /> sun��securrd by this Security Insuument,whetheror not the�i duc. <br /> —_ Unle.cs Lender and Borrower o�hexwise agree in writing,any app�ieatian o�'pnxeeds ta p�incipn.l shall not� <br /> postpo+�the due daRe of the momhly paymcnts referrecl tu in gsragraphs 1 and 2 0�chanRe Uk amount af such payments... <br /> xl. Borrower Not Rekssed; �'orbavancc By Lender NM � Wi►iver. Ex�ensi�.of the time for psyment a• <br /> moditiCation ot antojtization of the sums secu�ed by fiiis Scai�iiy Dnst�a;�►cr�. ��:�tc�'�y Lc^de:t3 nay ss.��!�r�rrcr <br /> of Borrower shall not operat�c to release tha liability of the origint+l Borrower or BormwerS ruccessora in inte�est.l,�;nrler _ <br /> sholl not be required to commcno�proceedings ngn.inst w�y successor in intzrcst cx rtfuse to extcnd time for paym�eat or <br /> othenvisc modify amor'ti7.�tion of the sums secured by this Sacurity Instniment by riea.,on caf any dem�nd made by the original <br /> Borrower or Borrower's succe.ssors i�interest. Any forbearance by Le�der in exercising any fight or rtmedy shall not be a <br /> waiver of or prGClude the exercise of any right or rcmcdy. <br /> 12. 5ucce�wrs And Assig�Boued,doint+�nd Several Liability;Ca�Igaer9. 'Il�c covenants arA agrecments of this <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and beriefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowes,subjeca ro the pmvisions otF <br /> p:vagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agnements shall be j�int and Several. My Bormwer wBo casi�s this Security <br /> Instiument but dces not exec:ute the Nnte: (a)is co-signing this Security lnstrumer.t only to mongage,Srant and con�e:y�l�at <br /> Sonower�interest in die Property undar tUe tertns of this Sosurity Inswment; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br />--__�— secured�y this Security instrument;and(c)agrces that I.cnder and any uther Borrowet may agrc,e to extend,madify,forbcar <br /> -- or make anv accommodatians with regard to the tertns of this Securiry instrument or the Note aid�out that Borro�ver's <br /> consent. <br /> -- 13. Les:s Charges. If the loan sec¢rcd by this Securiry (nstniment is subject to a law which seis maxianum loan <br /> charges,and that law is fin�ally inte�preted so that d�e intemst or other loan charges collected or to be coll�ted in connecti�n <br />- __� with the loan exeeed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such loac�cfiarge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce � . �=��•- <br /> the ch:uge to the�x:rmitted li►rit;and(b)any sums alread.y collected from 8oirower which cxcec;ded pem►etted limits will be <br /> -- -- rcfunded to Borr�»•er. Lender may choose to make this refund by ned��cing the principal owed urtder the Note or by making a <br /> � T� � direct payment to Borcuwer. lf a refund m.rluces principal,the ceduction wiU be tmated as a panial prepayment wzthuut any <br /> _�_ p�paymcnt chnrge under the Nov:. <br /> __ _ �-� 14. Riotices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security [nstrumertt shall be given by delivering it or by <br />�=` �"""_'"� mailin�it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.71ic notice shall be directed to dte Property <br />------�-= Addr�ess or any othcr nddress Botsower desi�nates by notice ro Lender. Any notice to Lender siiall be given by first class <br /> _=_----- mail to LenderS address stated herein ar a�ry other addrass L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any Rotice provided for <br /> in this Security Inswment shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borcowcr or Lcnder�vhen given as provided in this <br /> -- p��Ph• -- <br /> =,,,;a�,-,�� 15. Governing Law; Severability. "This Sccurity Instrument shall be govemed by fedeml la�v and the law of the � <br /> _�, _ _ jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry(nstrument or the Note _ <br /> --- <br />