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�'i v 'r '<r,'," ., �. .-. tiu; :,... . . . �� r!i . <br /> r • '+,�wk.rY+a�rUr �m'� - _ .�:�}r;�F..'+'i �/qe `. , b f�'N; �� , <br /> -.:r,.�,,;�t�, . a...<.ew..-... . ., . ..;5 ...,_�i._'_+,- <br /> �`i� -- --- - - ---`—=_- — <br /> . }"�reW�";.:"LL:1.T:_-::'�:(i:�Gt_�:L:.-,z.......;�- - .{S��IP.'i1S`�It'�2FE'll���.=�=°.���.;_�-. <br />.^____T..-__ . ____.____._._ ._... .. <br /> _._--.- '_ . ___.-_. _�-. . <br /> ' 1-���' ��.�� <br /> 'CtXi['CI-1�,[t Wi'1'FiI a!l tiic iu�J�r�vcmcnts an�v or hrse:xftcr crcciceJ�t�tiic p�•o�n.�ty,nn.d nll c:isemc;a�s,n�purtN.7�I1CC5, ;u�it <br /> fixti�rc�� nuvi �sr Lca•,::i(le�• n �a►t of �lic ��si�l���zy. Ali �-�j�lc,cci�icnts ait�1 t:cicli¢iun�3 sl�aU alsu L•� ca�cy.:d i�y iiii•; S'.:!��;�ty i:�__=; <br /> hu'.4i�n� �II�it tic::f'u�ci;�vir;i�;i�cS::rr,:+l ta in ti�i�:::cr.+►ticy�u.iitmt°�ii ir;tiia"C'::upz►iy," �^. <br /> 1�4112t�G�'Jlitl Q:UVbiNP+N 1':;tit�ti L'u7i•i�r;cr is i:taf'ully�::i;:ci1 of tita E:.Ycite ltcr��;�convcycd iu�d ii;��u�t;►i�;lit tu l;�.ttt r�,�l �s.,,,. <br /> canv�y the PraYsc�ty and th2t �hc k'r.�perty is uncncumbcrc:l, exccpt for cnciniib►.unccs af n.cozil. l�orraw�r tiv�erants uncl �vill <br /> IICPGIO�'G1Ci,Ily�I�e tiQe ta thc;Prop::ty againr•t all claim�aitd demands.su6jcct to nny encuitibra��ccs of r:cn�d. --- <br /> THIS SCCURI'i'Y 1NSTRUMENT cumbinGS uniform covcnants far aatfonal usc auvl noirunifc�nn covenunts witb ilinited <br /> vaeia�iur�s Up juricdictzun to com,+itut�a unifocm r.ccurit�•instruntcnt covcring rcal��rup.,rty. —__ <br /> UNlF�R�u!CCIVENANTS. Rarrower und Lencler covcnant and agr�;c as folluws; <br /> 1. Payntent of Prfnci�t and InteR+est; Prelrayment at�d &ate Charges. Qarcau�cr shall prarrptly pay when due the <br /> principal of and interest on tlie deht evidenced by ihe Note antl any prepny�nent and Inte chnrges dae under the Note. M— <br /> Z. Funds[or Tux�and Inswrunce. Subject to applicabte law or to u written waivee by I.endcr, Borrotiver�hait pay eo — <br /> I.cnder on tha day munthly payments nr�duc undcr tl�e Nc�te,until the Note is paid in full,n su�n("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxcs <br /> and nssessments whicf�may atEnin prioriry over this Security Instnam�nt as � licn oa�the Praperty; tb)yearly Icaschold payments <br /> or ground renis on the Froperty,iF any;(c)ye��rly ha7�lyd ar property insurance premiums;(d)yearty tioai insUr..nce premiums, <br /> if urry; (e) yearly martgage insurance premiums, if any; :►nd(�any sams �ayable by Borro�ver to l.ender, in accordance with <br /> the provisions of patz�graph S,in lieu oF the payment of mortgage insurance pren►itims. Tti�se itemy are called "Escrow Items." <br /> I..ender m3y, at any tim�,collect nnci hi�id Funds in an amoant not to�xceed the maximum arnount;► Iender for a fe�ferally <br /> rclated mortgagc IoAn may rcquire far Ror►�nwer's cscrow account under the federal Ra�l �statr, Settlement t'roccdures Act of <br /> 1974 as amcnded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RE5PA'), unless nnathcr Inw thut:.pplics to the Funds <br /> sets a les�e�•a�nQUnt. IF so, Len�er inay, at any time, collect nnd holcf.Funds in an amo�mt not to cxcce�thc Icsser amount. _ <br /> L.cnder may estimate the amo�nt of Funds due on the basis of currcnt dat� and reasonablc cstimatcs af expenditures of future _ <br /> Escrow Items or otherwisc in accordance�vith npplic.ble law. � <br /> The Funds shall bc held in nn inst9tutiun whosc dcposits arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity ����_` <br /> (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home l.oan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Itcros. L.ender may not chatge Borrower for haldin�and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or R�� <br /> verifying the Bscrow Items,unless Lender pays Bono�ve.r interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to make such _ <br /> u charge. Hnwevcr. Lcnder may require Borro�ver to pay a one-tim�char�e fnr nn indepcndcnt real e�tate tax rcporting scrvicc �.__ <br /> used by i.ender in w�snection with this loan, unless applica�ble law provid�s atherwisc. Unlcss un agn:cment is mnde or E�x:� <br /> applicabic law requires interest to bc paid, Lcnder shall not bc required to pay Borrotiver any ittterest or carnings on thc Funds. _ <br /> Borrowcr and Lender may a�eee in�vriting, howevcr, that interest shal!be pAid an the Funds. L.cnder shaU give to Borrower, - <br /> �yithnnt rharpr, nn nnm��l�rrnuntin�of the Fundc. showinc credits and debits ta the Funds and the purpose for which each ___. <br /> debit to the Funds wns rt�ade. The Funds are pl;dged as additional security for nll sums secured by this Security[nstrument. Q <br /> If the Nunds held by[.ender exce,ed the umounts permittu!to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Rorrower _ <br /> fur thG excess Funils in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the anzount of the Funds leeld h� �.ender at nny — <br />