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<br /> OSi�t�-19Sd �� tJEED 0�'iRUBT ���
<br /> t�o�tra'�tw (Cantinued� a6!y�.� 9��°•�:�
<br /> �
<br /> . s,.:.: . ava�eDis�whfchw�r K Mu.
<br /> Appiicalion oY Proaisd�. Truata shzN PromPW notfry I,anrl�r ot any ta�or damaA�tc 1h�ProAsrty. L�ndw rrry mik�p�ao1 of tc�1 if Tnntot
<br /> tWr to do s�wqidn ti�n(t&)6ayr�1 ti�r,�sw�ttr. WheShrr a rrot L�nd�h aewttyla tmpatr�d.4nd�r n�sY�at 11�eluaibn�reo�iw tM M�n
<br /> Ih�procMds W I�ny in�tranw and apply lh�procMds to the r�duation Of lh�tnd�bt�dnea.ptyrtNnl of tny Il�n s(Nclinp th�PrapMM.or th�
<br /> ta�tGraiton�nd np�r o1 th�Prap�rry. If I.Mtda M�cb fo�OPb t!w procs�d�to rastondOn and nP�►� 7�utor shwq rep�q o►npi�o� th�
<br /> darrwp�!a dwtroy�!improwrt»nb in�mac►rnr atlshctay to L�ndw. L�ndN ttiall.upon atlqaatary P►oot d wch�r�.peY a
<br /> rqmbu�Tiusta bom th�prnowds fa tM n�sonabk cost otrop�k a rsslaatton if 7nuta k not in defauM unde this 01�d s�t Ynst. Ilr►Y
<br /> p�oo�Oo which haw od bMn dbbu�d wkht�/80 d�yi afqr th�fr aoeipt snd wNich Lw�dw ha�not eoMmtttcd to ttt���.�!r or rpfere".en ot
<br /> fA��r�pMfy�hoA b�uad tkat to PaY�►�Y emouM awinp to Unoiw und�r this W�d of Trust�IMn!o paY��Ir�nt�ob Ih�r�k�.N
<br /> ,. any,th�N b��ppN�d tp fh�pde�clpai b�tana ot 11»Ind�bt�dn�ss.If L�ndK hotds any proo�sds aftM paymrni In tuM of tt»Ud�bt�dn�,auch
<br /> . i • �t � proeMd��h�N b�p�fd to Tn�ta as Trutta's int�ruts msY aPP��
<br /> �,�;v,.,,��•,;�,•: LL�ss�yt:red Is�aufds�e e!BeM. Arry uns�hed[nwrenca ahell In�re to the trenoM ot,and p�ss to�tta purehss�►of 1M Prop�Ay aovlr�d by thi�
<br /> � ���, _,_,.�, :,�. �;�. DMd of Tn�st at u►y Qvstee e cala or athsr ew hNd undor the proNstons a}thb Ooed o!Trust,a at any taectosure sat�ot suah PropM�.
<br /> >�;�t"�iq����,�:;d�. .
<br /> � Tru�ta s R�port an Inwpnct. Upon roqwst ot tsnder.howavx oot mom thtn once�year,Tnistar ahoti tixnbA to L�ndor a npoA on t�+cb
<br /> t'S�,'�L'�,�i-,�.�., p�tln0 Poliq►of ira�xana showirp: (a)the rtam�of ltie insurer; (b)the riske instaed; (o)the amount of the PollaY: (d)tfM ptopedy kaured.
<br /> �' ;:"'':;,a''�•..,- th�tlNn aurrent reptaeemen!v�lu�01 sueh prope�ty�and tha m�nner o!dete�miNnp th4t vatue;and (e)the expkatlon daM d Ih�poliay.
<br /> �= k������.:;•:-,_ Tnista eh�N.upon reques!of Lender,Mvs�tn independent�pprelssr aallsfactory to Lender determine the cash vatw repUarrw�ooat of tM
<br /> r_.`"'•::� ...; r...r:
<br /> �';�;'t'r.:.. . ,6- P�p�fl�y,
<br /> `,t'i'�;"� . . ''`:'� TAX AND INSURAHCE RE8EFiVEB. SubJect to eny Amitations se1 bY apPUcabte taw.4ender may�equire Tnistot to mtirdaln wnh i.endlr�vq
<br /> �- �i1,•:. -:asl.:;�3�
<br /> �•:fs�,�,.,y,:,;:�;;.,,,; ta puymmt ot annual hx�s,assessmenta,artd Uauranae premiums,which reserves shali be aeated by sdvanca payment a mo�hyr paYe►enb af a
<br /> 1.::�..,,.c.,.�.+,..�,;, sum estimated by LmdK to be autNCiel►t to produce,�t teest flfteen (16)daya before due,amonMs et terist eqwl to 1M t�z�s,ass�ssm�r►b.and
<br /> ki •.�°,•� � � '•�� imtxano�p»miums to bs pud. If Rttean(tb days betor�payment is due the reservR funds ere insufflclent,TniSta shaN upon domtnd p�y any .
<br /> .��r. . : -..�' '. deAcionay to Le�der. lAe reserve lunds s�bs rield by Lender as a 0onaal doPosH from Trusta,whi�h lender may sa1hNY bY Payment ot ih� ,,
<br /> • � + t�ws,assas3menb,and tresurance premiums required to be paid by Trustor a9 thay become due. Lender s1+ai1 hnve th�ripht to draw upon th� ti.�
<br /> '=�:` . • . ',��� r�snw tunds to pay sucA items.and lender shaq�W be tequlred ta determine the valid8y or acaureay ol amr item beforo poyirq N. NolNnp In th� f'•'
<br /> ' pood o}Tnnt shaN bo construed as reqWdnp�-ender to advance other monies for sueb purposas.and lsnder ehall oot Incur any NabAiiy tor at�ytt�inp .°
<br /> �° ., ,�,, ,;, it may do or omit to dt►witb respect to the rosenre aacount. Aq amounts tn the �erve accourd are hereby pied�d to turther tscun tla
<br /> '�s• , • , ind�btedn�as,and lsnder b hereby authalxed lo w�lhdraw and appty such amouMs on the Indebtedness upan th�oaourrance of m Ewn1 of �.k�i
<br /> DofauiG I.ondx ah�N not be required to pey eny ieterest or eaminps an the reservo tunds uniess requtred by taw a apreed to by Lsnder in wrtGop.
<br /> . Lender does no!hotd lhe re�ve funds In trust tor Trusttx,and Lender b nol Trustors egent fa payment ot the lanes and e�essmenb requked!o �
<br /> • � .. bo pe►d by Tiustor. .•,' 1
<br /> � � FxPENDITt�iEB BY L.�IDER. If Trustor fells to comply wlth any proNSion af this Oeed of Trust.or If any eoUOn a proceedinp b comminced that �•
<br /> would met�aHect L�nders fnterests in the Ptoperty.Lender on Tntstor's behelf may,but shall not be required to,talce noy ecUon Ihat lender
<br /> � ' deems appr te. My amount that Lender e�ends In so doinp witt 6ear Interest at the rate chareed under the Note hOm the dtte Irwtmed a paid Y,�°
<br /> • ' by Lender to tha dBte ot repayment by Trustor. A!I such expenses,at Lender's option,witl (a)be payabie on demand, (b)be added to tha bWance ,
<br /> - 01 dw Nota and bo�ppatloiwd amonp and be payabte wtth any InsteMmeM payments to become due dudng efther p)the term of any appl�abie �7
<br /> �..,,�ss��p�y p� tyj}hg�l�ntes�temt flt ths 14t�te,pr (o?t�a trewtad as a bauoon Qaymsnt which wiU be due and pay8ble at ihs Noteh mfltudry.
<br /> � T�b paed of Trust tlso wiU secure payment of these amounb. The�EgMe proNded for U thls paragraph shalt be In addldon to arry other Aphis or any �
<br /> � remedies to whiah Lander mey be entltlsd on account ot the deteuN. Any such actlon by Lender�hatl not be construed as ourine the detsdt 6o as to '%•
<br /> �.. Der Londor hom eny remedy tAat it otherwise would have had. 4. '
<br /> � ' WARRANTY=DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fotowing provtsloms:etatlng to ownershlp of the Property are a part of this Qeed of 7rus� �' �
<br /> ' ' Tttk. Tnutar wartants 1haC (a)Trusla hotds qood and marketabte tllle of record to the Property in fee simpte,hee and dear of t�iiera eed
<br /> • encumbrences other tlwn t�ose set forlh in the Real Property desaiption a in eny Utle insurance polby.fltle repat,cx ftnal title opiNon issued in
<br /> fava of.tnd axepted by.Lender in conneClfon with this Oeed of Tnnt,and (b)Tnrstor has the fuA dght,power,and authaity to etcecute and
<br /> � dslive►this Oeed of Tiust to lender.
<br /> ' ' pehn,M of TiUe. SubJeot to the excepdon In the paragtaph ebove,Trustor warcsnta end wiD twever defend the tilie to the PropsAytgainst th0
<br /> ' • . taw(W datms of all peiaotu. ►n the eveM any eotlon ar praaeding Is commenced that queslions Trustor's dtle ot the inlecest of Trustae or
<br /> • l.ender under this Deed ot Trust,Trusta shaU defend the acdon at Trustor's e�pensa. Truetor may be the nominal party In such proaedinp.bul
<br /> ' Landor eAati b�enUUed to partidpate in the proceedirre and to be rapresented In ihe proceeding by coun5ei of Lendei's own cAdoe,and
<br /> '° ., ' , �� Tnistar wUl deitvar,or ceuse to be delivered,to Lender suoh instruments as l.ender may request nom tlme to tlme to permft suah paAbtpatlon.
<br /> ;. •' ComRfi�Witb i.aw�. Trusta warcanb that the Properly end Trustors use o}the Property compYes with su exisUng applkabb tawa,
<br /> • , ordfnanoes.and repulatbra ot govemmenfat authorlt►es.
<br /> CONDBfANATION.lfre tottowing proNsions relaHng to condemnalb�proceedings are a paA otlhis Deed of Tntst.
<br /> , ApplleaUon of Net Proceeds. It eil or any paA ot the Praperly is condemned by ominent domaln proceedfnps or by any procaedinp a
<br /> �.' purCtwas In Neu of eoedemna8on,lsnd�may st its elecUon requlre that atl a any porNOn of the net proceeds ot the awerd be apDiled to fhe
<br /> �� � , �ndebtedn�s or ths�ep�i►a restoraUOn of the PropeAy. The nel prcceeds ot tha award ehall mean the award atter payment of 8q reasonaDle
<br /> ' �psts,exper�ses,and eiiKneys'fees inaurred by Ttustee or Lender M conneotlon veMh the eondemnadon.
<br /> '��t, °. PtoCeedUl�t. M any proceeding in condemnallon is filed,tnista SheM promptly nolty Lender in wdting,and Ttustor shaQ prompihr teke suCh
<br /> stops ns may bo�Y to detend the actlon and obtaln iha award. Trusfa may be the nominal partlr tn suoh proceedlnp.but lende�sheM
<br /> -' bs e�titled to parUcfpate tn the proceeding and to be represented In Ihe proceeding by counsel ot Its owo aho�e.and Trostor wm deNver a
<br /> d
<br /> "�v . .,o cavss to be delhrered to Lender suah Instrumeots as may be requested by it from dme to Nme to permit such parttclpatlon. °�
<br /> °��" ' IMFO$ITION OF TAXEB.FEES AND CFIARGES 6Y GOVERNMHNTAL AUTHOAITIES. T1re fopowing proWSlons reladng to govemmentai taxes,
<br /> # �r ' tees and eharpers aro e part of this oeed ot Trusr
<br /> a ^ � Curte�t Taxls„Fees r►d Charpes. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shait exec�te sucA doouments in eddHion tp this Oeed of Ttust 8nd take
<br /> i whatevet other ectlon is requestcd by Lender to perfect and contlnue Lenders Ilen on the Real Property. Tnistor shali retmDurce lender tor ali
<br /> • taxes, as desalbed bebw,topether with all expenses Inc�vred In recording,peAeoting o�conNnuing this Peed at Trust, indudlnp without
<br /> �� � ,��, Hmitatlon a11 far�s,fe�,dooumentary etamps,and other ehtuges for recading or registerfne thls peed of Trusf.
<br /> > � T�xes. Ths toUOwinp shait CO�tltute fa�ces to whleh thls sedlon appYes: (a)e SpeclBO tex upon lhis typ9 Ot Deed of Tnul a upon atl a eny
<br /> 0
<br /> { .. paA of ths Indebt�dness secureC by thla Oeed of Trost; (b)a speclHO tex on Trustor wh�ch Trusta is suthortsed or requked to deduct trom
<br /> paymenb on ihe Indebtedness seaured by this lype ot Deod ot Trust; (a)a tax on thls type of Deed of Trust chargeab�e agalnst the lender a
<br /> ' �,v ths hWdor of the Note;and (d)a spedflo tax on aA or eny pation of she Indebtedness or on payments of pdndpal and Interest mede by �
<br /> Trusta.
<br /> I � • SuOaaquent 7utes. I}any tax to whkh this seadon eppties Is enacted subsequent to the date ot thls Deed of Trust,thts eve�shall heve the
<br /> ' �� same eitect as en EveM ot Deffiult(as�eflned betow),and Lendor may ezerclse any or aIi ot tts available remedles tar an Event of Default ss
<br /> ptovlded beiow untess Tnator elthet (a)pays the tau betore n becomes delinquent,ot (b)contesb the tex as provlded above In the Texes end I
<br /> � Ueaa sectlon and deposita with lendsr cash or a suHident caporate surefy bond or other securlty satlsfactory to Lender. I
<br /> l_
<br /> . • SECURITY AtiR�EMENT=FINANCINO STATEMENTS. The topowinp provlslons retaUng to this Deed of Ttust as a seCUriry agraement are a part ot F—
<br /> „ thts Deed of Ttus�
<br /> �.'�•., � .�� , • gECUrlty pQreement, This tnstrume� sMlt eonsdtute e seaudly apreement to tho exlent any ot the Property co�titutes flztwes or otha� t
<br /> . personai properly,artd Lende�shali have ali ot the dehffi ot a secured psrfy under t�e Unitorm Commerclal Cade as a�nded 1rom tlme to �
<br /> `�' ame. .
<br /> , SaCUttty interest. Upon request by lender,Tntstor ahatl execute Hnandng slatements and take whatever other aetlon Is requested by Lender '
<br /> .���. • ' to perfeCt and conNnue Lenders secwity IMorest in ihe Renls and Personat Property. In addltion to re¢ordin8 thb Deed of T�usl in the reat �
<br /> �aKs.. (..
<br /> properly recads,Lender may.At any tlme end without fudher aulhorl�adon from Trustor,flte executed counterparts,copies or reproducNons of ;
<br /> ,�,�,•�� this OAed of Trust as o flnartclnp statemeM. Trustor shall relmburse Lender for eli expenses Inourted in perfecting or coMfnuing this 6eeur8y
<br /> � ^ Interest. Upon detautt,Trustor shait ass�mble tAe Personet Property In a manner and at a place reasonabry convenlent to Tnistot a�d lender ;
<br /> • and make it avai�eb�a to Lender wBhU three(3)deys after receipt ot wriflen damand trom Lender. I
<br /> Add►�s�es. The mtiiNng nddre�.�ses of TNStor(debtor)end Lender(secured party),hom whloh Inf on conc6thing the secu�ly Interest i
<br /> 8
<br /> , �, � ' ; pranted by this Oeed of Trust may be obtelned(each es requl+ed by the Unitann Commerctal Code),are aS IaMd ne tAe Rrat page of thls Oeed
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> *�'� ' . -�---- -- - ------ -
<br />