.e , � ,,. _ . � .. . . i��� ';�•,:���:t � t'•:
<br /> - . � . . - � ,.Wy,tS�im,';�4;,hr.y+;rr�•.= . . 1 a.>...7;., . . • , -°.55�r^�r,.
<br /> _ . , •..ry��?}.M^+fYd3�J9ny�n.� _ � •� . � ..�=--.'l.a-.. �
<br /> . '�� y�.r �5.. ... . . - 'R
<br /> . r-1 -- ' �� .4 .:•
<br /> _ .i .. �,
<br /> „�.,
<br /> q.��.,�� aEEd OF'fF�0�8Y p�� .
<br /> �a�n t�+q6� �Gar�t4n�,�a) !�e+� �,��9�
<br /> ,�-�.,�a. .M—o--ra:,���.�m�
<br /> �"��;'"� '� p0at3�SQ{lOi�AOND MAINTENANCE OF T0�Pi�OA�RT11. Trusta apr�a thtl Trualore pasn�ss�alon and uso ot tt�Propwly sMW be Qcvx�1 by
<br /> fh�loNOw�np Ora�kxws
<br /> �,� - - towMion Yn0 tN�. UatN IIN ooc�x►rwy ot en�vsnt of Qatau�l�m�ta moy (�)ronuin in poswssion u�v�r�:�t�t���':�.."!p� t�s3�=.
<br /> apaaw ar m�n�p�tPq PropKly.and (o)colMOt�ny Ront�7mn th�PropMy.
<br /> Ouly b MMntlins Truttot MKM rtWnt�ln fhe Prop�ty in t�ntntabw aondiUOn�nd promptly p�rform 1lN np�kl. tlptioMn��M,n�d��os
<br /> - nec�!•�ry te pr�e�er�ib wtw.
<br /> ( �M�fdOY�fl�tMllM. TIM 10ff11�'1NStdW�W�t��"IS�7�f60W YYb81�t10�� 'dKPo�l"'Y�iMW�tfid 1hnNI0Md(MKiF:q YNd kl MI�
<br /> . , r, Owd d Truq�sIW tyw th��tnw mMMn�as�M fath ta fh�Compnh�nslw 8nvkonm�nW RKpona�Comp��tion�u�d W61Aly Aol d
<br /> ���:� ,� � 1910.a anv�d�d,43 U.9.C.S�elbn 96�1.�t fW.f'�RGI►�,tAe 8up�Aund Am�ndrr�nb�nd ii�aulhor:nUoe Aot of 1�,Pub.L.No.
<br /> . 1�� ..` ' 9�4��8M A'�tfr Fl�rdaus M�bA�la Tanspatatlon Aot�49 U.B.C.6eallon IBOt.�t ca�.,th�FNsawa Cons�rv+tion tad Rxawry ACt.
<br /> ..,�. �,�;`;;; , �..,, �19 U.&C.&otlan 6�Ot��t e4..a oitwr apptl�x p t r s4t�a F�d�nl l�w�,nAa.ar npafaUorn a dop te d pwsua�n l to u i y d I h�k^�p°trp. Tt�
<br /> ,.;, , •;..;��.,.. Wms'twyudous wssla'and"h�ardaa substarta"ah�M atso lnctu0o,wllhou!Nmit�tlon,p�Uol�um and p�UOi�um by�produab Or any kacUOn
<br /> ���°���°".�� lh�r�W and�sbrdo�. Yrwlor npr�n b a n d warrt r H S to L m d�t h s t: (�)O u r i n p t h�P a i o d�Trustab awn�t h i p ol lF�PraP�M.thKe Ms
<br /> >"".�,� �_f bMn no ttw,Q�rMtPdwt,minuta0tuta��to�p��trrittmnt,
<br /> ,,.-.,,.: d�SRase�.rekese a thre�t�nsd nMna of�ny Iwardous wetto a su0aano� r anN
<br /> �' � pNSOn c^.und�r�a�b�DU!th� , .(b)Trusta hss no knowNidW ot�ar nnan to MN�w th�t th�r� hn bNn.�P1�.Q��Y
<br /> �:L:�
<br /> � ���;�,'..,:.,-�: daclae�d to tnd�dcnowl�dpM by Lan In wdUrp. m arry u�.pornntion�manuftctw��ttaap��tnatmud.dspoW.��or mrKiwNd
<br /> •,�_..,.._ `j �Y�e�of any h�n►dous wtst�a substar�bY any prlor ow�a aoaupints of tM Rroptrly a tl!)any actwt a 4i�rKtisn�d Mtlp0.lton a
<br /> ,.•�_<• . ,..,:��''�.° cwm1�af anq klra!by any 0���8np to sueh mattrns:tnd (o�t iq PnYoust_y dhclos�A to an�t�cicROw�"�d bU t,.srWa M wriYnp.
<br /> a..-.. , :� -
<br /> :y • „ . p)nMtt�Trusta nor any Nnant,contmcta.apmt a other�ut ua�r ot tlw Properiy fholl us�.Wn�tts�1n�RtAactun,ston� ,;
<br /> dbpan��a rWas�u�Y hwrdous wast�a tubsUw�on, undw.a�bout the aod (8)any wch aatlN�►eh�l bs eonduaqtl in ,�.;jG�.
<br /> ';:��.�., , Uur P����without Nmltslbn that�kws,tpu6ttlons.�nd
<br /> opmpN�riw wHh�N apPlicabh Md�ral,state,�nd local kwa.teQutntlons tnd adlnances, �'+�+
<br /> , :`.�;' adiran�s d�Spib�d aboy�, Trustpr tuShodxes I.�nd�r and ib agenb to onter upon the Proporty to m�hw wch Insp�tom a�nd 1�sb,dt ��a ••
<br /> . .. TmstoTs+�ns���s Lofldw rwy d�m aGP►oPdata to dotarml�o cumPllance af the Pr�erty wlth this saetlon of tlw Ds�!of Tn�tt. Aefl ���
<br /> i�a�OCtlorta a tasls enad�by Lender ehtit b�for LAndei's purpo,es oniy and ehall not he comhued to croab any nisponsibWAl or N a b i l l y on thi �,�';'r
<br /> • p�rt of L�ndor to Tnntor a to amr othw peraon. Ths rpresenutlo�and wuranties ao�alned herein 4re ba�d on Tnntors dw�na tn �;.�
<br /> invsstqttinp Ma Property fa f�amrdoua weste. Trusla hereby (a)relea3es aed waives eny future ctalms apstmt i.er►de►fa Ind�mniy or
<br /> s•' � contdbu@on In th�event TnRtov becomes Ilabte tor cieanup or other aosla under any suah lawa,and (b)ep►eas to tndomrdy and hold twrm�ss ,� !
<br /> . ., Lmdtr a�l�t any�nd aM eWrta�lossos.Ilabilitie��damayes�Penattles�a�d expenses which Lender may direetl!►a IndiqCUy dtatatn a euf(� �..�i
<br /> ' � nsultlnp hom a breach of this section ot the Oeed of Trust a as a conse4uence ot any use,qeneraHon,mamifadu�e,ttor�.di3pos��nNas� �`�"•�
<br /> or tf�r�atoned reksss pxurrinp pdor to Tnistpr's ownershlp or Interest ln lhe PropeASr,whether ornot ihe seme was a shoWd have beea
<br /> •� •� knowe to Tn�stor. YBs prodsicns of this secdon ot the Deed of Trus1,lnctuding the obNgation to Indemniy. ahaU siNVlw tbs p�ymmt of tA� �:
<br /> indobUdrwss and ttw satistaetlon and reeonveyanca of the Ilen ot this Daed of Trust and shal�not be attecte0 by Lendafa ocquisitlon of any
<br /> � „ . Inte►est tn tM Properly.wAether by toreci�ssure or othorwise. , �
<br /> ,' c•> ' Nulsmce.Woste. Tnista shelt not cause,eonduct a permit any nuisence nor eommit,permit.or suHer any skippinp o!a waata on or to tlw ;
<br /> ;. Aph��remova.iny dmb t miner�ats�(inctudinp oU and�yes)esgoil,p etvtycl a�odc pr�od�ocets w1 hout he pdor wrNten�or�nt of t,s dw. p�t� .
<br /> • R�movY ot Isnprovement�. Tnutar shaii not demoiish a remova any ir�zpravemer�irarn ths fisa!Pra�sl�r witl��t tlee p+l�►werttw�consont
<br /> d Under. Aa a condlBOn to tha romoval ot any Improvements,Lender mey requlre Trustor to make arrengemenb eatlsfactory to LendK to
<br /> �-- nplaps duoh ImprovemoMs wtth Improvemenb of at Wast equal value.
<br /> " Under'�Ripht W EMet. Lcnder end its agerds and�epr�entaNves may enter upo�the Reat P�operly at aU reasonable Umes to ntte�d to
<br /> �,, • � l�nd�8 interesb and ta irapect fAe Properfy for purposes ot Trustor'e compNance wlth ihe terms and condWOm ot thb Deed ot Trust
<br /> WmptUnce w{tti Goverementat Requlremente.Trustar shall prompty compty wilb all taws,ordinar�es,and repulauon�,now or t�ereatter 1�
<br /> . , elfgot,of el ppvemrtwMe�authaKfes applksble to the use or accupenoy of the Properly,includU�p witliout Umltetbn,the lunarictns Wlth
<br /> • � plsebtYtles Act. Tnutor may contest in yood tailh any such law,ordinance,or repuiauon and withhold complianoe d�lnp any prooeedinp,
<br /> �H " yqtudt�p app,apriata appeats.eo long as Trusta ha9 nod8ed Lender in wdUng pdor to tloing so and so tag aa,In Lendars sob opinion,
<br /> . Lender's tntoresb in the Properly are not jeopardlzed. Lender may require Trosta to posf adequate securiry or a aurety bond.roosonabfy
<br /> ;�,. " setisiaatory to Lender,to ptotect Londere Intere.st
<br /> puty to ptotect.Trustor aprees neithe�to ebandon na teave unattended the Prop�ty.Trustor ahalt do aU other acb,in addidon to those scb
<br /> . '�� set torth above in this 6ecHan,whiah trom the characte�and use of the PropeAy are reasonably necessary to p►dect end praserve lhe Property
<br /> � �",�{y� pi�ON BALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender mey.et ib opNon,declare immediately due end payabie all eu�ns seoured by thb Daed of Ttust
<br /> upon Ihe eWe a Nanster,wilhout tha Lenders prior written consent,ot ali a any pa�t af the Real ProPerty.or a�y hterest in the Reol PropeAy. A
<br /> "aola a transter means ihe oanveyarae of Reat PropeAy a any dght,Gtla a Interest thereln;whether tegat,baneACial or equltabte:whether vot�u�rli ,
<br /> a InvduMsry;wtiett�by�ublpht sele,deed,Insfalim�nt saie aontraot,land aontract,conhact tor deed.Ieasehotd Uderest w8h e tam pnater than
<br /> thrie(3)yeera.�eR'�-MUon contraot,or by sale,asslpnment,or transter of any beneflctal interest!n or to amr isnd tr�t hWdinp Utle to the Real .
<br /> .. Propaly.a by tny other method of eomreyance ot Reat Properry Inte�est. It any Trustor is a caporatlon,paAnenhtp a Ilrrdled Itablllty oompan ,
<br /> • • connp�n�e�s,qs tt�e case may be,ot Tnntor.mN weve�,thls opdo aN�a 1 eot�be�e�xerdsed by�lend�lt s�uch exa'rcpbet s p ohlblted by teder�
<br /> .. � I�w a by Neb r a s k a I ew.
<br /> ..d4�•
<br /> -. �� • < TAXES AND LIEHS.The toltov+ing provlsia�s telatlng t0 the taxes and Nens on the Properly are a PaA of this Deed d Tnut.
<br /> ; Ph►meM. Trustor sheil pay when due(and In sM events prio�to delinquency)ad texes,speciat taxes.essessmenb,aharpes Qnclud�rty water
<br /> �. .�' ;'`� ' tnd sewer),8nes and impositio�Ievied apainst or on account of the PropeAy,and snalt pay when due atl datms tor woAc done on a for
<br /> c{��'. cervloes�endered a materla!tumlahe0 to the Properly. Trustor ohall maintein the Property hee ot ell�fem ha�lne pibr8y over or equa�to the
<br /> �'•.'� � . irrterost ot Lender under tNs�eed of Trust,except for the Ilen at tazes and assessments not due and except as othonrlse provlded In thls Oeed �
<br /> . �� ot Tnut.
<br /> .�•�
<br /> i�.�,,:-� � RIpM To C�ltest. T�usta may withhad payment of eny tex.assessment,a clalm in eonnecUon wilh a poad Iaith dlspute over the obitpetlon
<br /> b pay.so Io�aa Len�lere Interes!tn the Propedy is not Jeopardl:ed. It a Nen adsss a is fded as a resull of nonpayme��Tn�stor shntt wtthtn "
<br /> � ,. �teen(76)dey�after the Uen erises or,M a Ilen b�led,wlthin lifteen(t6)days aRar Tnistor has nodce of the fi9ng.secure lhe c�schar�e of lhe
<br /> �en.a i!teqttested by O.ender,deposit wilh Lender cash or a suffident capo�ate surety bond ar other sscurlty eaUsiadory to Lender In an
<br /> • an�our�suNlcient to discherQe the Iten ptus any costs and adomeys'fees or other cha�ges that eould accrue es a resutt ot a toredosure a sale
<br /> �' r ,,. .. ,,� Property. Tiusta shail name�lsnde�r es a addtbnat�ab�gee under anY e�eh bo dllfu�rnished�inv the cont�t pr bocaedhgafacement apalnst the I .
<br /> '•�� E�ridence of Pqeter►t. Trustor shad upon demand tumish to Lender sattslaatory evidence of payment ot the taxea or assessmenb and shaA �
<br /> � ,' . ' wlhpi7s Iha apptoprlatg 9overnmentaf otAclai to deAver to Lender at any tlme a w►Itten sfetement of the taxes and assessmems apainst the
<br /> � S f�� ��• fr
<br /> �.`�,;;:••:� NotN�ot Co»ttnictlon. Trusta shall notHy Lender at least fifteen(16)deys betore any wo�c is commencad. any seMces are tumiahod.a a^Y I
<br /> ��c'a•- matedats�re supplied to the Property, It any meohen�'s Iien,mate�etmen's Ilen,or otMer Iten aoWd be asse�ted on account of the work, I
<br /> � soevlo�.ar metarteis. Trostor wib uDOn re�uest ot lender furnbh to Lender advarx�essurences satlsfectay to Lender that Trustor can and wiq
<br /> "�_�, pay the cost o!euch improvements. r
<br /> 4{ PROP�RTY DAMAGB INSIiRANCE.The foUOwing provislons relating to inwring the Property are a part ot thls Oeed o!Trust. �
<br /> S,- •� � Mdntareance ot insurMee. Trustar shaU procure and mafntaln polEdes ot flre insurance with standard extended coveragu andorsemenb on a �
<br /> �� rgplacement 0asb fa the tuil Insurabie value coverinp atl�mprovsmeMS o�the Reat Property in an amouM su(6deM to avoid epplkaHon of any (
<br /> ° � cotraurance ciause,end with a standerd mortgagee dause 1n tavor of Lender. Cirantor ehaY also proaure and mairdaln comprehenslve�enerel �
<br /> � Babuiry Inwrance ln such covere8e amouMS as Lendar may request wilh trustse end�ender being named as addiUonat insureds In sueh IIabIUry
<br /> � I�utance polk�as. Additlonatty,Qrantor shall mafntain suCh other Insurence,Indudfng bul not�Imited W �rd,buslness IntertupHOn,8nd
<br /> boiter Insurenoe,es lender may reasonably require. Polides shatl be written In}orm.emounb,ccvereges and basb teaaonabty acoePtable to
<br /> � I,endgr and issued by 8 eompany or compantes reasonaby acceptable to lender. Trustor,upon request of tander,wlq de'.�vsr to Lender from
<br /> �• ��. � tlme to Ume the polkies a cettlAcates of U+surance In form saUstactory to Lende•.Inatuding stlpWations that coverages wiq�ot be ca�ce0ed a �
<br /> ' � dfminished witnout at teast f�n(10)deys'pdor written nottce to Lender. Eech insurertce poUCy elso ahaU Inctude an endorcernent providing that
<br /> o se
<br /> ., covxapv In tava ot Landar wlil�ot be tmpatred In any wey by any aet, omfsslon or detsutl ot Qrantor a any other person. 8houid th0 Real
<br /> ° � ° Piropeety at any tlme becane�ocated�n an erea deslgnated by tt�e Dlreetor of the Federat Emtugenoy Mana9emant Agenoy es a speda�flood
<br /> � � , .� '. t hamrd area.Trusta aprees to obfain and maintatn Faderal Flood Insurance to the extent ouoh Insurance Is requlred by lender and is a
<br /> ��+ " becomes avallabie.tar the term c!the loan and fu fho IWI unpaid p�ncipel belance ot the Ioan,or the rneufmum timft of cove�ape that b
<br /> .. , �
<br />