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<br /> of Ihem,ehali�e pntitlod to antorce thls Trust Oeed nnd eny oth8r seCUrlty naw or hereatten c��ld by Beneticlary or Trustee in such orQ nd mannsr
<br /> u thsy a elther o}them mey in thefr ahsoluto discrotlon determine.No remaly harein wnierred upon a raserv�d to 7ru�te�or 8rr+oiklpry t6 nii�nd�tl
<br /> to b�excluaiv�ot eny oiher.remedy heretn or by taw p�uvidea n�permitted,hut each ahdl be cumutatlw�nd�dl b�in additlon to ewry olMr rwn�dy
<br /> pwn h�rwnd�r a now a hereafter existing at taw a in equfry a by statuta.Evary power or remedy provid�d unde►thla Ttuat De�d toTrutiee a BensNciuy
<br /> a ro xvhkh Nthsr ot th�m miy Ge olhervri=s entllisd,may 6�ex�rcipd,coneurrently o�Independrntty,lrom dms to tlm�and u ofta�o may be dNm�d
<br /> sxpedi�nt by Trustee or Beneliclary Bnd either of them may pu►sue Inebnalatent remedles. Nothing hnretn shall be Conatrued ea prohiblltng Bmerici�ry
<br /> hom sMkfny a de0ciency ludpmant'apatnst the T�uator to the extent such ectton Io pamltted by iaw.
<br /> 11. TRAN9FTeR OP THE PROPERTY:ASSLIMPTION.it all or any pan ot the Properry or intereat therein ia said,tranaterred a othuwlte conwy�d
<br /> by Tr�aator wlthout Benef�lary's prlor written consent,exciuding(e)the areatlon ot e tien or encumbranee subordinate to thia Truat QeW,(b)a tnnttsr
<br /> by opanticin of law upon the death ot a Truator who Is u Jolnt tenani or(o)the grant�f any leasehold tntxest ot three(3)yeara a Ieoa whlch doei�ot
<br /> contain an ogtiort to purchase,such actton Is a breach ot thts agruoment,and Beneliclary may,at Beneficlary's opilon,declars aii lhe eums 6�auted tsy
<br /> this Truat Deed to be immedlateiy due and payabte,provlded,turtl�er,thia Truat Oesd may,at Benetlelary's option,be dxiared ImmedlAtaly due and
<br /> pg�ebte,if(1)Trustor Is e partnership and any interest in the partnershfp ta sold or assigned by any n�eans whatcoaver,or(�If the Trustor le e cotpoation
<br /> and c�transier ot the maJariry etxk ownerahip interest in the corporaUon occure,or the Trusta corporedon merges in any torm wilh another eaporaUOn
<br /> or entiry.Bonet[clary shall have waived euch option to acceierate if,prlo�to th9 sala,trensfer or conveyance,Beneflciary and the petean to whom the
<br /> Properry is to be sold or uanaferred reach agreeme�t in writing that the credlt:�f such person Is satisfactary w BeneHclary and thet the Intetest payAble
<br /> on the sums secured by thla Trust Oeed ohatl be at auch rate as Beneficlary shall request.
<br /> 12.ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;RHINHDtE3;8ALE.The faiiure by the Trusror.to make any payment or to peKarm any af the terms and conditlons
<br /> of Ihia Trust Deed,or the terme and condltlons of the Note,or any renewals,modifications or extensions the►eof,or the taliure to make paymOnt a}any
<br /> oMa�indebtedness,prfor or subsequent to this 7rust Oeed.and seaured by this properly,or the death of one or more Truators shall be e breach and
<br /> d8lauft of this Trust Oeed and the 8eneficiary may declare a default and may declare all sums secured hareby Immediat8ty duo and payable and the
<br /> same ehail thereupon become due and payabia without presentment,demand,proteat ar�otice of any kind,provided,Trustor shail have eny statutory
<br /> Nght to cvre tho defauit before any no@ce of default and demand tor sale may be delivered to tho Trustee.Thereafter,Beneticiery may deQver m Tn►etee
<br /> a written declaration ot default and demand tor sale.Trustor agrees and hereby granta that the Trustee shatl heve the power of sele of the Properry and
<br /> it 8eneflciary decldes the Properly Is t�be so�d it shall deposit wfth Trustee this Trust Qeed end the Note or notes and eny other documente evldencing
<br /> expenditures securesf hereby,end shail deNver to Trustee a written notice ot defauit and etection to eause the properly to ba eotd,and Truatee,in turn,
<br /> shali prepare a similar notice in the torm requlred by law,which shall be duly flied tor record by Trustee.
<br /> (a) After the lapse oi such time as may be required by law tollowing the recordaUon ot Notice of DeSault,and Notice of Detault and Notice of
<br /> Seie having been given as requfred by taw,Trustee,withaut demand on Ttuslor,shall seU the P►operty,if not redeemed.in one or rteore
<br /> parceta and In such order as Trustee may determine on the date and the time end ptace deslgnated In eafd Notiee of Sale,at publie auction
<br /> according ta law.
<br /> (b) When Trustee selts pursuant to the powers herein,Truetee ahall apply the prxseda of the sate to payment of the coste and expenees of
<br /> exr�clslr�ttsa powar af sate and ot ihs sata,:nstuding,withaut SfmRailaa,attamoy's fc�and!he payment uf Tr�sste!�'s Fess Incurred.wh�ch
<br /> Trostee's Feea shell not in the aggregate exeeed the following amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and remald�ig unpatd at
<br /> the time scheduled fa sate:5 percentum on the baiance thereoh,a�d then to the items In subparagraph(a)in the order there atated.
<br /> (c) Arier paying tAe items specified In subparagreph(b),If the sale fa by Trustee,or if the eale Is pursusnt to judicia�forectosure,the proceeds
<br /> ot sale shaii be appl�ed In the following order:
<br /> (1)Cost of eny evldence of title praured In connectlon wfih sueh sale and at any revenue transfer tee required to be paid;
<br /> (2)Ail obitgatbn8 seCUted by this Trust Oeed:
<br /> (3)Junlor Uust deeds,mortgages,or othar Ilenholdere:
<br /> (4)The remalnder,If any,to the person legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 13,APppINTIHENT OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Beneficiary may,irom dme to time.by a written inatrument executed and acknowledged by Beneflciary.
<br /> mailed to Trustor and reeor0ed In the county or countles in which the Properly Is tocated and by otherwise compiying with the proNaiona of the appilcabie
<br /> laws ot the State of Nebraska substltute a succeasor or sucr.essors to the Truetee nemed hereln or acting�ereunder.
<br /> 14.INSPECTIQN3.Beneticfary,w ua agonts,representatives or employees,are authorized to enter at any reasonabte time upon or In any part of the
<br /> Property tar the purpose of InspeCting the same and for the purpose of pe�torming any of the ects It Is authorized to peAorm under the terms of the Tn,�st Oeed.
<br /> ib.OPTION TO FORECLOSUHE.Upon the accurtence of any breach and upon the declaratlon ot detsult hereunder,Beneficiary shall have the optfon
<br /> to forciclose this Trust Deed fn the manner providetl by law for the torecbsure of mortgagea on reat property.
<br /> 16.FOREBEARANIIH BY BENEFICIARY OA tRUSTEE N07 A Y/AIVER.Any fwebeara�ee by Beneflclary or Trustee in exercising eny�ight or�emedy
<br /> haeunder,or otherwiBe aHorded by applicable law,shall not be a wafver of or preciude the exercise of any such right or remedy. UkewlBe,the waiver
<br /> by Beneficlery or Truatee of any defautt of Truator under this Trust Deed ahall not be deemed to be e waiver of any other w simiter defautts subsequentty
<br /> occurring.
<br /> 17.BE7�l6fICIARY'S POWHRS.Without aflecttng or releasing the Ifabllity ot the Truetor or any other person Ilable tor the payment of arry obllgation "�;tt
<br /> herefn mentloned,end without aReoting the uen or charge of thls Trust Deed upon any portbn of the Property,Beneflciary may,from dme W time and
<br /> without rtotlee at the fequest of one or more Trustors.(i)releaae any person Ila6te,(ti)extend or renew the maturlly or aiter any ot the tetma at any such T:
<br /> pptigatlons,(III)grant other induigences.(Iv)release or rseonvey,or cause to be reieased a reconveyed at any tfine at Ben�ficlery's option any parcet ;°',;
<br /> or ell of the Property.(v)take or release any other ar addillonal security tor any obllgation herein menUoned,(vf)make settlemente ot other errangements
<br /> with Trustor In retation Ihereto.All Trustore shall be�ointly and severally obligated and bound by the actions of the Beneticlary or any ono or more Trustar
<br /> es stated In Ihfs paragraph.
<br /> :;:
<br /> 18.ATYORNEK FEES.COSTS AND EXPENS�S.The Beneficlary ot this Trust Deed la entitled to the payment of attomey's fees,eoste and expenses
<br /> as provlded In this Truat Deed,except ea othenvise prohfblted ny la�v.
<br /> 19.FECONVEYANCH BY TRUSTEE.Upon wntten request of 8eneticlary and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees,Trustee ahall reconvey to
<br /> Trusta,or the pmson ar persons legally entitled thereto,without warranty,any porlion otthe Property then hetd hereunder.Recitals in suoh reconveyanca
<br /> ota�y matters or tacts shall be conclus�ve proot oi the truthtuinesa thereol.7he grantee In eny reconveyance mey be descnbed ae the person or persona
<br /> lepalry entlUed thereto"
<br /> 20.NOTICEB.Except tor nottces,demands,requests or other communications required under applicabte�aw to be given tn another manner,whenever ,
<br /> Bertefkiary,Trustor or Trustee gfvea or sAroes any notice(Inetuding,without limitatlon,�otice ot defauit and nodce of sate),demanda,requests or other
<br /> tommuntCedon wfth respect to this Truet Oeed,each suCh notice,demand,tequeat or other communtcaUon shall be In wriHng and shall be eMecttve only
<br /> �.�I��J�W
<br /> (tti16 501YtBi3 tl81N@�OO by p@t$OBBI S@N�CB Ot IS T8It8tl Oy C@ttltl@O rt19t1,postege prepa�d.HQCni538a[O Ifie HVOres�nd ooi ivwa�a�tiw`voy�����.••y..••••�.
<br /> �t,� Trust Oeed.Any party may at any time change its address for such notices by delivering or maiting to the other party hereto,as aforesald.a�otice at
<br /> +�; such change.Any nobCe hereunder shail be deemed to have been given to Trustor a Beneficlary,when given In the manner deslgnated hereln.
<br /> 21.R�UEST FOR NOTlCH.Trustor and Benefkiary hereby requeut a copy o}a�y eotke ot default.end a copy ot eny nottce ot saie thereunder,be
<br /> matted to each person who+s a party hereto at the address tor such person set tarth In the first paragraph of this Trust Deod.
<br /> 22.QOYEHNINO LAW.Thfs T�ust Deed shatl be governed by the�aw8 of the Stete of Nebraska.
<br /> 23.SYCCESSORS APin ASSIGNS.This Trust Deod,and all torms,conditions end obllgfltions herein,appty to and inure to th�benefit of and binde
<br /> afl partl�s hereto,thetr heirs,iegatees.dev�sees,personat rapresentatives,suceessore and assigns.The term BeneHelery"shall mean the Ownet and
<br /> holder of the Note.whether or not nemod ns Benof�clary herefn.
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