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',y�e.M;� . �';��i.::�,:. <br /> . -.,,M <br /> �� • <br /> .- '1. <br /> i�����"�S�'� <br /> TO RF�OT�CT THE 6ECURITY QF TNIS TRUBY OEED,TRUSTOF,HEH�BY COV�NANTS ANQ AGiREEB A'�FOLLOW8: <br /> t.PAYMBNT 0F PRiMCIPAL AND INTEREST.Truator shall promptry pay when dua the pnncfpal of and i�terest on the indeb2edneas evlcfencsd by <br /> tha Not�,md all other charges a�d tees as�rovtdbti 1n the Note,and the prtnctpal ot and interest an any Future Advanees seeured by thla Trust DaW. <br /> 2.WARRANTY OF T1TLE.Truntor is Iawiutly seized and possessed o}good and indeteealWe title and eatate to the Properry heroby conv�ysd�nd <br /> ha�tho dphL to grtu�t and eonvoy tha Preperty:the Praperty Is tree or.d clear ot all lieno arsd encu�nbrances exeept Ilona now of record:and T�ustor w{tl <br /> wu►�ni and dsfend the titte to the Ptoperty egalnat atl ciaima and demanda. <br /> 3.AIAINTENANCE ANO CCAtPUANCE WITH LAWB.Trusror shutl keep the Property�n good repalr and condlqon and shall not commit waats or permit <br /> impairment or deterlorailon of the Property end ehatl comply wlth the provislons ot any teasa it this Trust Oeed Is on a teasehold. No Improvement now <br /> ar hereafter erected upon the Properry shalt Ce altered,removed ot demoliafied without the prior written consent of Benotfclary.Trustot shall comply wlth <br /> eU laws,adinaneo9,reguiations,covenants.conditfons and restrlctlpns aftectlrtg the PropeRy end not commft,sutfor or permlt any act to be done in or <br /> upon the Ptoperty In vlolatlon ot any�aw,ordlnano9,regulaUan,covenant,condltion or restrlMion.Truato�shall compiete or restae promptly and in good <br /> workmanlllke mannar any improvement on the Property whieh may be damaged or destroyed and pay,whon due,ali c�alme for labar perlarmed and materlata <br /> furnished Iherefor and fqr any aiteratloos thereof. <br /> 4.tN9URANCE.Trustor,at its expense,wlil maintaln with insurors apprcved by Beneflclary,insurance with respect to the fmprovaments and personat <br /> prpperty,consUtuting tha PrapeAy,agafn�toss by tire,iightning,tornado,and olher perlls and hazards covered by standard extended coverage Indorsement, <br /> in an anfaunt equai to at least one hundred percent(t00Wo)ot the tuli replaoement vatue thereot and Insurance a@ainat such other hazardB and In euCh <br /> amounts as is cuetoma►ity carded hy owner9 end operators of simftar praperties or as BeneliCfary may requke for ita protectlon.Trustor wlll comply with <br /> such otherrequlraments as Beneticlary may hom time to time request for the protectlon by insurance of the interests ot Ihe respective parties.Alt insurance <br /> poltcies mai�talned pursuanY tn thia Trust Deed sha��name T�uator and Beneficiary ae insured,as their roapective interests mayappear,and provtde that <br /> there be iro canceliation or modiHcatbn without at least i 6 days prior wdtten�otificanon to Trostee and Beneficiery may pracure such tnsurance In accordaneo <br /> with tl►e provisions of paragraph 6 horeof. Trusta shall detiver to Beneficlary the original policles of Ineurance and renewals theteof or memo copies ot <br /> auch polides and renewais thereot.Fatlu►e to turnish such inaurance by Trustor,or renewals as requlred hefeunder shall,at Ihe optlon of BenetiGary, <br /> constitute a default. <br /> 6.TA%ES,ASSESSIYIEN'f8 AND CHARGES.Trustor shatl pay all taxes,assassments and other charges,induding,without Iimitetlon,ftnes and Impositbna <br /> attributabie to the Prapertyand leasehold payments or ground renta,if any,before the same become delinquent.Trustor shall promptty lurnfsh to beneftWary <br /> all nodce8of amountsdue under thle paragraph,and in the eventTrustor shall make payment directly,Trusta shall promptiy furnish to BeneNalary recelp� <br /> evidencing such payments.Trustor ehali pay atl taxea and assesaments which may be levfed upon 8enefkiary'e Interest hereln or upon thls Trust Osed <br /> without repard to any Iaw that may be enacted Imposing payment of the whola or any part thereof upon the Benefielary. <br /> B.AODITIONAL LIHNS ANO P80THCTION OF BENEFICiARV'3&ECURITY.Trustor shall make ell payments of Interest and princ►pul and paymente <br /> of eny other charges,tees and expense8 contracted to be pald to any existing or subsequent IlenholCer or be�ef�iary,under amr exlsting or eub3equent <br /> mottgag9or truffi deed before the date they are delinquent or in defeutt,and promptty pay and discharge any and aIi other Ilena,ctalms or charges whiah <br /> may jeopardlze the eecurily grented hereln.It(rustor faiis to maku m�y auch paynani ar lall6 ic paKwm yrf ot!he corene►�ts ens!$gree�+e�t9���telned <br /> In this Tmst Deed,or the Note reterred to herein,or in any prlor or subsequent truet deed,ar If any action a prxeeding Ia commanced which materlalty <br /> aftocts Beneflclary'e Interest in the Property,includmg,but not Iimited to,eminent domain proceedfngs,praceedings involving a decedent,notice of sate <br /> by Trustee,noUce of detauit by Truatee,martgage foreclosure action,or It Trustor feis to pay Trustor's debts generalty ae they beeome due,then Beneflclary, <br /> at genefidary'eoptbn and without notice ro or demand upon Truslor and without reteasing Trustor hom any obtigation hereunder,may make such appearanees, ,�; � <br /> a.';c,f <br /> , .,.� � Ctsbursesuch aums and take such actfon as Is necessary to protect BeneNelery's interesi,tnctuding,but not Iknited to,dlsbursame�ot reasonabie attorney'e ' . <br /> fees,payment,purchaso,contest or compromise of any encumbrance,charge or 11en,entry upon the Property to make repaire,or decfaratlon ot detaull ��'r; K <br /> under thlsTrust Deed.ln the event that Truatw shetl tall to procure Insurance or to pay taxea,assessments,a any other chargesor to make any payments eti i�, <br /> to any exloting or eubsequent Ilenhotders or existing or subsequent beneflclerfes,8eneficfery may proaure euch inaura�ce and make such payment,bu1 ." <br /> shatl not be obligated to do so.Any amounts disbursed by 8eneflciary pursuant to thla Paragraph 8 shall becane additlonal Indebtedness of Trustar secured ';ti.;� <br /> by this Trust Oeed.Such amounts shall be payabie upon notiee trom 9enefielary to Trustor requesting payment thereot,and shatl bear interest from the = <br /> - date of disbursement at the rafe payabte from time to dme on outstanding prinelpal under the Note unless payment of Interest at euch rate would be eonvery ,��.,. <br /> to appticabtelaw,ln which 5vent such amounts shall bear interest at the htgheat�ate permisslble under applicabte law.Nothing contalned In thls Paragraph <br /> 8 shali require BeneHclary to Incur any expense or taka any action hereunder. '�`.:,; <br /> 7.ASSIGNMENT OF RENTB.8eneliciary ahell have the right,power and autho�ity during tha continuanee oi this Trust Deedto eolleCt the rents,issue9 r°"'� <br /> and prolNa of ihe Property and of any personat property Iocated thereon with or wlthout taking possession of ihe property aHected hereby,and Trustor t <br /> hereby ebsolutety and unconditionalty assigns all sueh renta.Issues and profits to Beneficlary.SeneQclary, however, hereby eonsents to tho T�ustor's �_. <br /> collectioo and retentlon of such rents,issues and profits as they accrue and become payable so long as trustor Is not,at such tNne,ln detsutt with respeCC -• <br /> ..,,.,,,,.,. to payment o}any Indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any agreement hereunde►.Upon any auoh default.Beneficlary mny nt any tkne, <br /> � ��'��" �+� either inperaon,by agent,or by a receiver tobe appolnted by a eourt,without notice and wlthout regard to theadequacy of any securiry for the Indebtedness <br /> 'n`.�"�x,;;:: hereby secured,(a)eMer upon and teke possession of tho Property or any part thereof,and u�Ita own name sue for a otherwisecottect such rents,issues . <br /> . ���' and profite,inciuding those past due and unpald.and apply the same.�ess costs and expenses of aperatlon and coltection,Including reasonabte attorney'e <br /> fees,upon any indebtedness eecured hereby,and in such order as Benefieiary may determfne:(b)perform such acta of repak or protectlon as may be �? • <br /> :..,i;)l��� necessery or proper to conserve the value of the Property;(c)tease the same or any part thereot tor auch rentat,term,and upon such conditlona as its � <br /> �'`�;r'�f!:�;; judgmeMmaydictete.orterminateoradJustthetermsandcondttlonsofexispngleases.UnleseTrustorandBeneNcfarythereofegreeothe�wiselnwdti�g, <br /> }F"��� an tlon of rents.lssues or profits to any fndebtedness seeured hereby shell not extend or postpone the due�ate ot the insteilment payments a1 <br /> �w��:��` YBPP� <br /> ptovided In sald pramissory note ar change the amaunt ot sueh instalimenta. The entering upon and taking possession ot the Praperty,the eollecti0n <br /> �""��-. of such rents,t8sues and profits.and the applicatlon thereof as atoreseld,shali not watve or cure any default a notice ai default hereunder or invatidate <br /> -. ,Sr^!�:=.'�.;.:�s g <br /> ,,, ,�,.; any act done pursuent to such notMS.Trustor also ass� ns to Beneflciary,as further seeurity for the perfarmance W the obligatlons secured hereby. aA , <br /> ..:y{`AF°�'r.�;r�� <br /> �{:a'Y, prepafd tentB and 8�1 monies which may have been or may hereatter be deposited wlth said Trustar hy any lesse9 of lhe Properly,to secure the paymenc <br /> ��r�ts of any rent or damages,or upon detauit In tt�e performance ot eny ot the provlsiona hereof,Trustor agrees todeilver euch rents and deposits to Benefic�ary. <br /> ��y;•,.�.`�; <br /> , �� Oellvery of wrilten notiCe of Benel�lary's exercise of the rights grantod hereln,to any tenant xaupying seld premises shall be suNicient to requlre stild <br /> y�4���'�-�A��,�'� tenan4 ro pay rent to Me Beneficlery until further�otice. <br /> r''' 8.CONOEAANATION.If titie�o any part of the Property shall be taken in condemnation prxeedings,by��ght of emfnent damein or simdar actfan,or <br /> . � shali be sotd under threat ot eondemnation,all awards.damagea and proceede sre hereby assigned and shell be paid to Beneficfary who shali apply <br /> such awarde,damages and proceetls to the sum secured by this Trust Deed,with the excess,if any,pald to Trustor. If Truator rece►ves any notice a <br /> � �` + oth�r(nbrmt►tion regarding suCh actions or prceeedfngs.Trustor shetl gwe prompt written natice thereof to 8eneficlery.Beneliciary shatl be entitted,a1 <br /> "�?�`��``"�`'" �' ' It6opt[on,toCOmmence,appear in end prosecute fn its own name any such actlon or proceedings and sha��be enntled to make anycompromise ot setttement <br /> !�',.. . <br /> svc...�..�.�•^�.;':, <br /> „4,��,. In e0nnecttan with any SuCh aCtion or proceedings. <br /> �:�.R r" r <br /> .�. ��.......e....m�..�r..��t�,. awnaNciarv at 8eneficisrv's outlon.prfor to reCOnveyenCe of the Property to Trustor.may make <br /> . ..,•. , v. ivi vnc nr•n..w+...�...�....���_._' _'_ <br /> y�`�'; �°��`� � future adv8nces to Trustar.Such luture advances,wfth interest thereon,shali be secured by this Trust Deed when evldenced by promissory notas statinp <br /> 4:c.: . <br /> ' '� ��'�' '' that sald noteS ere secured hereby;provided that at no tlme shali the secured prinCfpal end future advences,not mCluding sums advanCed lo protecl <br /> .��'r� � r the secur►ty.exeeed two hundred pertent(2000.b)of the orfginai princfpa�amounts secured hereby. <br /> 2':ytr':;.,;:_¢'`i�':`. <br /> ..�,': � `�•� <br /> ;,�,,,.:,�:;;.•;,;:.•;• 10.REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Benefictary,and each of them.shall be entitled to enlorce payment and pertormanee ot any mdebtedne5s <br /> !�`�?7� ;"Y Ot Obligatlonesetured hweby end to exerGis9£J�rights and powers under this Ttu8t Oeed or undor any olher agr@ement ext�cuted m connectton herewilh <br /> , �,��`��� Or eny Iaws now or uereafter�n taee,notwithstanding sorne or atl ot the such Indebted�ess and obiigariona gecured hereby may now or hereafter be <br /> � � b6 9µ <br /> � ~ �R • othervvlce seeured.whether by mortgage,trust deed.pledge.lien,assfgnment or otherwise.Ne�ther Ihe atceptenCe o�thia Trust Deed nor fts enforcemeM <br /> �rf�;��:�.`���:�'" whetherby court ectlon or pursuant to the power of sate or other powers herem contelned,shall pre�udfce w in any manner aNect Trustea'e or Benefic�ary's <br /> ����`�:�; ' �'` right to realtze upOn or eniorce any othet Secunty now or hereafter held by Truslee or Benehaury,d bemg egreed that Trustee and 86not�Cfary�and eaeh <br /> i�.; <br /> :4;�. <br /> ~... tr . �:.r <br /> :t�.., <br /> ., <br /> „ z �� <br /> ?t�''�-- •:�+z <br />