.. ,..(r, t�,r�'.inni} 1� :i' y� r'�;r;�9�:r�._ . . . . ..... . � �,':a;�r�e�'" ��
<br /> ��i�:�,�e„
<br /> - r�K+ "�J�'qyN;c++'r+r4C�°:: �em-- .� , . -
<br /> - -- .. . r,ir,-"�� ... -,-
<br /> .�. 1 ,
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<br /> —'---� —l.�rl�i�R af L�tiR�f i Ht�Iti�it% {'`I t ��..j• If OOtTOw11r Rlwi ia j7wnnrn a�vv:.nwn+s..�.��'�^'"�"-°-!��!��"
<br /> thl� &curl�j ImWmmt. a then N b 1�1 proc�ng the!mry�IOnMicmtN����a��� �� P�'°�y(��h iu r ppcMdYq(rt
<br /> iolnkruptoy,probnt�,tor aond�nx�atbn ar toArkun a to antorc�kws ot r�quktlonr),thsn tAnd�r rtu�y do and p�y tor whatw�r a n���ry
<br /> to prot�ct Ih�wlus ot th�Prupeity�nd Undw'a rk�hi�In tho Prcpirty. Landa�e Qatbne rtay irtolu�R�Y�O Q�Y auma aqs►�r+d hy e(lac�
<br /> whbh hae prlofilyr ov�r thit S�cuAty Iottrum�Plt,�ppwdn0 in eouR� ppyinp n�sonaby attomsje ifee�nd�ntKhp on th�Propwty to mtics
<br /> npaks. Abhouqh I.�nd�r mry tdc��otbn unciK thb pan�aph 7,I.�nd�r don aot haw to do to.
<br /> My �mount� dl�bun�d by I.�nd�r unda tht�pinpnpb 7 f1u�N b�oom�addltWnd d�bt nf BorrowK swund py thM &our�r Insbummt.
<br /> lJnl�s @ortoww�nd i.md�r�pw to otMr t�rms of p�ymmt,th��mounta shaN bMir Int�nat hcm th�d�i�of OkbunKn�nt at th�Not�
<br /> nt��nd ehtM 0�payabM,wRh ht�net,upon notfas tram L«td�t ta�orra�w�r nrqunetin�p�ymtnt
<br /> g� �y�,�y�a {�1r.�,iY��Qg� !t Lcridcr �agutrcci nwfi��tnrur�nao p� D oondkton of mlktng thn loan eenured by tht� S�cuHtY
<br /> imbum�nf,8orrowrr�haN pay Gh�pr�m{umi rpuind to m�hWn th�moRp�p�btunrte�b�M�ot.If�Ibr any nnfon�th� naRp�pr Insunna�
<br /> cownp� nqulrM by Und�r Mps�a or ceas�s to M In NMat.BortnrrK �h�N pay th� pnmlums roquMrd to obtatn oownao a�bttantkM�r
<br /> �qutwlmt to th�mortptp�hennnc�pnvbusy b�fNat,at R aoot aubsuntMy put�nbnt to th�aodt to 8orrowar of th�mortpxp�hwranc�
<br /> prwtousy h �tbot,iram �uo alumsh mo�tpag�InsurK�pprowd by Und�r. If eubshntYNy �quhrWnt mortp�� h�urano�aowr� M not
<br /> avali�hM. Borrowsr ehaN pay to I.andK Noh month • eum squt) to on�4wslRh of th�y�ary moRp��t hsurano�pr�mlum b�hp Wb bl
<br /> 8orrowK wAen tha inturar►c�aownp� Mps�d or au�d to b� in Nhat. L�nder wNi eca+Pt, ua� �nd ntah th�s� paymYnb as � bs�
<br /> rn� In N�u of mortp�p� hwrar►c�. Loas nsave payrtMnb nsay no bnyar b� nqulnd, at th� optba of I.�ndK. M mori� lnsuranea
<br /> uovan9a(h th�amouot and tor M�pKiod that I.�nd�►rkWfns)prortd�d by an bsunr�pprovsd by tandu oQah b�cort�av�IMbM and b
<br /> abtahod. Bortowet shaN pay th� pre�rdums requt�d to mltinmin mortq�p� hsunncs h etl�ot, or to provids a bss naervr, undi th�
<br /> , cy�t�, , rputamnt tor mortpap�inaurance ends h acoordancs wkb any writtan iqrNrnent b�Mreen 8ortowar and I.snder or�ppliarbN law.
<br /> �y `�~ 9. Inq�eaUon. Lander or its apait may mako reaeonabt�enuks upon and hspeotbns o!the PropeAy. lsndar shaN pNe Borrairar
<br /> eodcs at ths time of or prbr to an hsp�atlon apsairyhp►asonabM caus�for th�hap�otion.
<br /> � 10. Condemnatton. Tha procoeds of any award or cMUm tor damapas. direot or oonsequenttal� h aonn�otfon wRh tny .T
<br /> .�.-��.yC,;:r�,°�.ds oondvmnatb»ar othor tekhp of any part of tha ProPerh�.or for oonvey�r►ae{n Ileu af aondsmnatEon, aro hercby assEpned end ehali be patd �,#�.
<br /> ' �n;�,��' to l ende► •,r��.
<br /> . Y ~ �n the event of a total takhp of the Ptoperly.the praceeds ehaU be applbd to tha sums secured by this Sa¢urity insWment,whethor ot .:_�
<br /> � ,s ... '.; ... .
<br /> +..• � not thwf due,w�h any excess pafd to Bortower. In the event of a paRtal tekhg of the Property h whbh the fak merket value ot the Prop�rty .
<br /> `•'�•''+`�'*. immsdYdey betore the taktng Is equal to or greata�than the emount of Me sums seoured by thls Seeurky Inspument Mmediatery bstore th� :�jr
<br /> • j' y � tekinp,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise apree in wridng, tha sums secured by this SecurHy tnsbrument shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> �''��'-`t " '� =. of th�proceeda mu�iplted by the btlowing haatbn:(a)the total amouet of the sums seoured immedtstery batore the takhp,divided by{b)the :..-,
<br /> 't'•,��. fair nwAcet value of the Property knmedlatey betore the taking. Any baience afiaA be patd to BoROwer.In tha event of a pertial tnkhp of the +•��
<br /> '� '' � • � Property h whbh the taM merket vatue of the Property (mmedlatey betore the tekh8 Is tess than the emount of the sums secured Ynmedlatsh► ;�1, �'
<br /> �'rY".' beta»the takhp. uniess Borrowet and Lender otherwise agme h v�rtithg or unlesa epp(fcabie Iaw othervrise proWdes. the proceeda shail be '
<br /> i•
<br /> • eppipd to!he eums secured 6y thfa Seauriry Ustrum0nt whether or not the suma ere then dua
<br /> "' If the Prope�ty ts abandoned?�y 8onower,or H,after�otice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otfers to make an award or settla
<br /> .�'.,� a ai�tn for dartiapes�6orrower fa�s to respond to i.�+�iet'withLi 30�ay6 aitsr l:sa dstc ihc ria!!ce!s gA�en,lendst�euthorb?!i to couect snd
<br /> • ,� appy the procesds,at tts opUon.eRher to restoraUon or repair of the Property or to the eums secured by this 8ecurity Instruument.whether
<br /> or not thon due.
<br /> ' Untesa tsnder and Bonower othe�wise agrea h writhg, any epplkatbn of proceeds to prinoipal ahap not mdend or postpone the due
<br /> _� - „ ..... • ..- �o!!ne snonthy payrt�anls reterted to h parepraphs t end 2 ot ohengg the amount of suoh payments.
<br /> �<i� 11.Borrower Not Redeaaed:Forbearance 8y Lender t�tot a Walver. �ension ot tne �me ror yayment or
<br /> • � "k4 modiRcedbn o}amoRiratbn of the sums secured by thb Seourfty Instrument granted by Lender to eny succesaor h hterest of Borrowet shatl
<br /> •• .. �•�f•`,� not operate to rebase the itabUity of the original BoROwer a� BoROwera successors In htereat. Lende►ehali not be requfred to aommenee
<br /> � proceedings agahst any succassor In hterest or retuse to wdend time 1or payment or otharwise modiy amoRiratton of the sums seoured by
<br /> ' � .. ' " lhis SecurHy instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrovrere successo►s h interest. My Porbearence by
<br /> . : Landx in e�mroist�p any ripht or remedy shail not be a waMer of or preolude the areroise ot any right or remedy.
<br /> . 12.Suaceasors and Aeetgna Bound;Jaint and Severai Llabillty; Co-atgnera. Tne aovenen�s ana careemems ot
<br /> `. ,., '."t.� . th(s Securky Instrument shail bad end beneflt the succossors and assmns of Lender and 8ortower. subjeot to the provisbns ot peragraph
<br /> •- ' 17. 8ortower's eovenants end a9reements shaY be Joht end severa�Any Borrower who eo-sipns thts Security Instrument but do�s not
<br /> •• � � mcecute ths Note: (a)ts co-stgnhp this Seourity instrument on7y to mortg�ge,A►ent,and convey that Borrowers hterest fn the Properly under
<br /> " th�te�ma of thts Secun'ty(nstrument;(b)b not peraonaliy obll8sted ta pay the eums eecured by this Security tnsWment;end (o)agrees th6t
<br /> • • Lendx and any cther 8orrower may agree to�d,modiy. torbeet or make any acoommodations wkh regard to temis of thls Seourity
<br /> ° Instrament or the Note wkhout that Bomowers consent
<br /> ' �� � 13.L0811 Ch8r9ES. If tha ben seaured by this Secu�y InsCument ts subjsot to a law whbh sots maximum toan oharges,and that
<br /> --'h � law b fhatly interpreted so that the hterest or other Ioan eherges eoitected or to be oolteated tn eonrteotion wEth the toan exceed the
<br /> •"�"`� �' permtted ItmRe,then; (a)any suoh loan oherges shaU be reduced by the amount necessary ro reduce the oharge to the perm�ted 1lmi�and
<br /> �`; ,?';� •. (b) eny suma already cotleoted irom Bortower whbh e�xeeded pc�mkted Ilmks will be retunded to Bormwer. Lender may choose to make
<br /> ,',��,�' � this rolUnd by reduchg the prnopai owed under the Note�r by makhg a dlreot payment to Borrower. I}a refund reducas prinaipat,the
<br /> 1:a' ��'�';,%;'• reduation wfU be treated as a paRk�l prepayn�►t wkhout any prepayment cherge under the Note.
<br /> i1yt:�4' 14.NOtICEO. My �otl�e to 8ortower provlded tor fn this Security Insbument shap be glven by delNarhg k or by maBhp k by Nrst
<br /> ;Y.S;�t'�'�� olass man unless applir.ebie law requires use ot another method. The notke ahall be dkectnd to the Property Addres3 or any other address
<br /> :�r.,4?;i�
<br /> �;l,;;:� Bortower desigr►atos by notice to Lender.My noGce to Lender shaq be gNen by flrst clsas maU to Lendors address stated hereh or eny
<br /> � other ad�ess Lender desipnates Ay notbe to Bortower. My nctice pro�ided tor In thb Seourtiy Instrument shaN be deemed to have been
<br /> - pMen to 8omow�or Lender whsn glven as provfded h thb paregraph.
<br /> -� ' „ 15.Qoverning �aw;SeverebUtty. This SeCUtily InsUUment shaq be govemed by tedetfll 19w end the!Qw ot the Ju►isdbdon in
<br /> . whioh Me Propsrty�tocatsd. tn tho event tAat+u.Y Drovision or alauee of MI�Seourity tnsdument or the Note confllcts wkh applicabte Iaw.
<br /> � suaA eonflict shail nM affeat other proWstona of thls Seeurity lnstrument or the Note whbh aen be gNen eHeat wtthout the eontibting
<br /> provlsbn. To thts end the provbbna of thts Secur9y Instrument end tAe Note are declared to be severabte.
<br /> �' 16.BOROWEi'd COpy. B6ROwer sAaU be given one contortned copy oi Me Note end ot this Securhy (natrument
<br /> 17.Tr�nater of the i�roperty or a Bonaflctat Intereat in 8on+ower. It eli or any part ot the PropeAy or any hterest in
<br /> @ is sotd or transterte� (or (f a benetialal Interest h 8ortower is sob or trensterred and Borrower Is not e naturei person)wkhaut lender's �
<br /> `, prior wrHten consent,Lender may.et ks aptbn.require fmmedlate paym�t in Nn ot an suma securea oy m�s a�ecusity insaumeni. efowever, �
<br /> this optton s�atl not be exerctsed by Lender If exeroise is prolbked by tederel taw es of the date ot thls Security Instrument.
<br /> �� „ If Lende►wcerolses thb option.Lender shatl gMe Borrower notice of acceleraHon. The eotice shap provide a pertod ot nat tess than 30 �
<br /> ' ' days irom the date the notke ts delkered or matied wkhh whbh the eortow�must pay aV sums secured by this Securtty InstrumenL �t �
<br /> .. • t, Bortower tafta to pay tAese sums prtor M the e�latton af this period,Lender may Invoko sny remedles permitted Dy thts Sacurfty Inshument �
<br /> " without tunhar notice or demar►d on Borrower. �
<br /> i
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