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<br /> ddl4Qll$O�/ O� any s�aurxty =or tria �n�abt�dn��s h+areby� g�s�ur�d. (a?
<br /> �nt�r u�aon snd tak� poss��sion o! th� �cp�rtiy or any p�rt
<br /> t,tA�r�ol, an� in l.t� own naa�a suti Yor ox o�2���rie� aoilnct rndh
<br /> r�nt�, i�su�s and protits, inaluainq tJtno�� past da� and unp���, ��
<br /> �� ����,y t�e ea�ee, lead ao�t,s end sx��n��s o! opsre►tioh and
<br /> aolisotion, inoluding ressonabi� atitornsys t�ds, upon sny
<br /> �.ndobt�drte�s s�aur�d h�z�by, ar�d in such ord�r a� Banstfaiary may
<br /> d�tsr�in�t (�) p�rlorm sueh aat� o! rspair or prol:�ation as may
<br /> bd nsas�saxy or prmpar Co aonsmrv� th� valu� o! th� Propsrty: (a�
<br /> leasR th� sai� or any part th�rao! !or suah rantal, t�ra, and
<br /> upon such aa�nditians as its iudgm�nt mry diatate or tareaina�� or
<br /> adjust ths t�r�s and candition� o! any axir�ing loasa ar lenses.
<br /> valo�s Tnu�or and eenati�iary ag�c�e otherwise in wr�,ting, eny
<br /> appliaation o! reate, issues or prolits ta any iadeb�adnass
<br /> saaured heraby shall not extend or paatpone the dute date o! the
<br /> installmsnt gayments as prrnrided in said proAiseory note or
<br /> ahr�nge the aunount a! such i�s�allments. �'he enterinq upon and
<br /> taking pasa�aaion of the Proper�y, �he �o�,leation of auch ren�s,
<br /> issues and profits, and the appliaation thereoP as aforeeaid,
<br /> shall not waive or aure a�ny default or notiae ot default
<br /> '���•`� �'" hereunder, or inva.lidate any aat done pureuant ico auah notiae.
<br /> Truator also aesigns to Henefiaiary, as fmrtFser se�urity for the
<br /> • ���.F"`���'-'r`;a perfpratartce of the obl iqationa seaured hereb�, all prepaid r�nta
<br /> and a�ll monie� which may have been or nay hereaftez be depas�ited
<br /> �� f;�� - i with snid Trustor by any leseee of the Property, to secure the
<br /> '� ' " ' payment of any rent or damaqes, and upon default fn tha ,�':�:
<br /> j��`��3��; erformanae of any of ttie provisions hereof, Trus�or agreea to ,
<br /> , ,��'����"�"�' deliver suah rents and deposits to Benefiaiary. Delivery oP ;'"k
<br /> °��� '��� �+ "'�`" ���.tAn �ot ice at Beneficiary•g exercise of the rights granted ': -<
<br /> h�;'a : o:;:
<br /> ;,;y�:�;..; herein, ta any tenant ocaupying said premiaes shal l be
<br /> : �A.�`�' ��.4 auffiaient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the �
<br /> .�����;,��..,:
<br /> � ,:�A_��.��. Benefiatary uratil further noti.ce. r�
<br /> � •'``'``°.`1�"'� 8. Co�ndemnation. If tit2e to any part oF the Property :�;�
<br /> x:-,�.:,�.: ;�:•�...:>.: ��
<br /> �,�,�'"�"�•'k�'�'°�°`� shall be ta3cen in aondemna�ion proaeedings, by right oP eminent
<br /> �.!�"''`"��j9�j�.� �, -. domatn or similar aation, or shall be sold unde�r threat of .�f'_
<br /> �'''��'"�''`'�''' aon�emnation, all awarda, damages and proceeds are hereby �����
<br /> �";�"��;; assiqned and shall be paid to Beneficiary who shall apply such �•��
<br /> ;y '�:';�;��" awards, damages and proceeds to the aum seaured by this Deed of
<br /> ` '"` ';: Trust, with the excess, if any, paid to Truator. If Truator � �
<br /> �� receives any nctice or other information regarding such actions `'"`
<br /> "°""'`°'� or proceedinqs, Trustor ehali qive prompt written notiae thereof
<br /> �-�•�•=��'� to Benefieiary. Beneffafary shall be entitledo at its option, to
<br /> `��` �F•�°� ` aammence a ear in and roseautie in its own na�me any suab action
<br /> '� '� :,.;:�.;�:: '� . PP P
<br /> ,,.� ...:•�.� -�•';. or proaeedings and shall be entitled to make any compromise cr
<br /> �����"`' ' settlement in aonnection with any such sation or proceedinqs.
<br /> .,_. ,
<br /> �_�-.�-__�,.:. -
<br /> -� ,.* -
<br /> _. . � g. Remedies Not Exa us ve. Trustee and Boneficiary, and
<br /> • �� , eacb oP thom, shall bs entitled to enforae paya�ent and
<br /> � � "' performance of any indebtedness or obliqations seeured hereby and
<br /> ��r: to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Truat or
<br /> , •,�:��i;�;`�� �� under any other aqreement executed in connection herewith or any
<br /> , , . �
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