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<br /> TYUSLo� shai�, pay ali taxms and a�s�sa�td�n�a whic�h��aa� `� �.svia�l
<br /> upon e�n�tiaiary�s inta�est harei.z� or upon thi,� Oa� o! 'firu�t
<br /> wi�h�ut rsgar� to �ny laa that �1ay ba ��tac�t�d impasing payia�nt of �
<br /> thn whole or eny �axt th�xeo! upon th� H�n�tiaiary.
<br /> 6. a��tional Lians and„p,�o�,�atio_n o! B�n�tiaiart���
<br /> ����,y. Txustor sha�.i maka oil peya�nts o! inter�st and
<br /> pririaipsl end psyn4nts oi any othor ahASg�s, lees anc4 oxpon►��s
<br /> aontraated to bo pAid �o a►r�y existinq lienholders bafora th4-date
<br /> �Eh�y ara doliaquent and prnmptly pay and d�.�aharqe any and all
<br /> othar lieng, alaims or che�rges v�hich x�tay i eopardizte t�e seCUrity
<br /> grantafl harein. it Truator laiis to make ar►y auah paysent or
<br /> faile to perForaa a�y of the acvenants and ag�ceementa aontained in
<br /> this Deed oF T�uat, or in any prior mortgaqe or deed o! trust, or
<br /> if a�ay aation or proceedinq is caamenaed which materialiy a£teata
<br /> Heneficfary's intere�t in the Property, inaludinq, but not
<br /> limi.tad to, eaainent domain prACeedinqs, or proceedinqs� �rnolvinq
<br /> a deaedent, or if Tru�k:o� faila to pay Trutstor•s dabts genera].].y
<br /> as they be�ome due, �hhen Senefiaiary, at Henef3.oiary's option and
<br /> w�thout natic� to or demend upon Tx�uatox au�d without releasing
<br /> Trusto� fzom any obl.igation hereunder, may make suah appearances,
<br /> di�b�s� such sume, and take suah action as ie necessary to
<br /> proteat Benef�aiary�'s 3.nt�erest, i.ncluding, but not limited to,
<br /> diebursetaent oY reaeonabla attorszey's fees, payment, pu��hase,
<br /> aAntest or compromise of any encumbrance, aharg�s or 13bn, and
<br /> entry upon the Praperty to ntake repairs. In the event that
<br /> 1�� ��: Trustor shall Pail to pay taxes, assessments, or any other
<br /> � `�``�� r� charqea ox to make any payments to existinq pxior lienholdera or
<br /> " � � Y�-�e�ia3artas, Bsrzsfia3sr,� n�� s3� sQ. Ans ���nta clisbursed by
<br /> � _ �:.'� ti Henefiaiary pur�uant to tlais Paraqraph 6 shall beaome additional
<br /> : ��� ����,» indeF�teclaess of Trustor ssaured by this Deed of Truat. Sucb ,
<br /> �'�-````� '`"�" amounts ehall be payable upon notice from Benofiaiary to Truetor ����
<br /> c S S�:'2<..�_ �.
<br /> � ��:e�, 5�txy Jv' t'.�1�
<br /> .:y�,-�.;,v"�;,-;t�.:.-� requ�estir►g payment thereoE, and shall bear interest from the date
<br /> . N. ��..-�i.64� of disburaement at the rate payabie from time to tiine on `'�'�
<br /> �f�'��`��'�"��r� � outstanding prinaipal under the Note. Nothinq aontained in this .��
<br /> '{"�'"��' Paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to 3naur any expense or -•'.
<br /> ,.,�w:x:-:...�,i�
<br /> ,� .�.. '°,�. take any action hereunder. .�`
<br /> '•�A1�r�sxr�;?�i
<br /> .tx'.�'.' �. 7. 8�ssiqpntent of Re�nts. Beneficiary shall have the
<br /> `}`����' riqht, power and authority during the continuance of this Deed of „"
<br /> ;��:x�k;;�' Trust to collect the rents, issuea ar�d profite of the Property
<br /> and of any personal property located therson with ar without
<br /> ��I°�'��J� taking possession of the property affeated hereby, an� Trustor
<br /> '� ����"���•�```�� � hereby absolutely and unconditionally assjgns all such rents,
<br /> � �'�"'X�"�`"'��'�� issues and pzofita to Beneficiazy. Henefiaiary, however, hereby
<br /> . � . �(1���;;" ,,:
<br /> L ,:°"�-° ��-,'^��r.:•.�_, aonsents to the Trustm�'s collection and retentfo�n of suah rents,
<br /> '� � �.:;;� issues and pro�fts as they accrae and beavme payable so lonq as
<br /> '�`--��� ==� Trustor is not, at such t ime, in default with respeat to payment
<br /> '�� '"��``�• � of any indebtedness secured hereby, or in the performance of any
<br /> ��`� "� � aqreement hereunder. Upon any such default, Heneficiary may at
<br /> , ,�.�`.:; �° ��� any tim�, e3ther in person, by agent, or by a zeaeiver to be
<br /> �� ��.�� • appointed by a court, without notiae and without regard to the
<br /> . .s
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