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<br /> epplicablo!sw may spccify Cur reinst,atemcnt) bsfore sale of tho Propeny puiausnt w su�y power of sala contninod�in thi�
<br /> S�curIty[nsirument:oe(b)entry of a jud�merit enfareing this Sc,�;ur�ty Instrument 'Y'uose c�anct[ttonn rue that Eorro�cer. (a)
<br /> ga,ys Lender all sunts wh{ch then would be due under thia Stecurlty Instrume,nt.wnd the Nofe as If no accetatatian hod i
<br /> oceur�d;(b)cures pny dcfault of aay�fher covenaats or agceemonta;(c)paya all expenscs Incurnd�i enforcing thia Security ;
<br /> InRtnir�at, includi��g,but not Umite3 to.reASOnable suarueys°fees;aud(dj tuices such sction as Lender may reasanably �
<br /> reyuiro w asaure ihAt the lisn of thls Secariry Insuwrient,I.ender's rights lu the Property aad Borrower's obligadon to pay the �
<br /> sums eecured by thia Secudty insu�umd►t sholl condnue unchenged. Upon re�tstatement by Bomnwer. thtc Securiry :
<br /> In�trument and the obllgatlons secured hereby shall remain fully effce6ve as if ao ucceleraUon had occwr�ed. Fiowever,this ;
<br /> riy�4 to seitutite rhrll y in.the caso af acceleradon�rtder paragraph i7.
<br /> g�•����o�La�&rvker. '1Le Note a a pardal lnterest in the Note(Wgether with thls Securlty
<br /> Ina nt) t��sold��or raore ti�ms wlthout prior aodce to Earrawer. A sale may result 1n a change in the entity
<br /> �imo � aY the 6etvlSer")tl�at c�ollecta rannthly payments due uader tha Note and tt�Soc�ulty InativmenL Thexe niso
<br /> � �,
<br /> pi'�y be one or moro c6aages af tho Loan Servicer unrelaud w a aste of the Note. If�here!s a chnnge of the Loan Servtcer,
<br /> Borrower wjll be given wrllten noHce of tda change In accarda�ce with parag�'aph 14 abuve su�d applicable law. 1he aotice
<br /> will atate the naA►e aud addness of the new Loan ServIcer aad the addnss w which payments should be ma.de. The aotice wW
<br /> also contain any other infoima�on required by appllcable law.
<br /> Zp Hazardow 3ubstanees. Bomower shall not cause or permit tho presence.use.disposal.atorage,or release of any
<br /> Hazardoua Substances ote or in tha Propecty. Bonnwer shaU not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting d►a
<br /> Praperty that ia in violatlon of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pn�sence,use.or
<br /> storage on the PropertY of s�naU quaut3�'es of Hazardous Substances that are genernlly recognized to be approprtate to norraal
<br /> nesldendal wzes and to maintenance of the Proporty.
<br /> Boaower shaU promptly give Lender wrltten aodce of aay iavestlgation,clsim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br /> gavei�ttuental ar rcgulaiary�geucy oz private ParlY involving the Pro�eery aad any Ha7ardous Substance or Envlmnmental
<br /> , Law of which Borrower has actual Imowledge. If Bomower learqs, or is aatlfted by aay goveramental or regulatory
<br /> suthorlry,that any removal oz other reraediadon of nny Hazandous Substeace a�'ecting the Ptoperty is aecessary,Borrower
<br /> shall prnmptly take ttll necess�ry remedlal aedons in accordance with Environmontal Law.
<br /> As used in this paragmgh Z0,'Eiazardous Substeaees"are those substancos defined as to�cle or hezacdous substances by
<br /> Envlronmentel Law and thB follow[ng substauces: gesolIae,kerosene.other flammable or toxlc petmleum products.toxic
<br /> pesdcides and&erbicides,volatlte solvents,materials conteia�ing asb�sWs or formaldehyde, and radIoacdve materiais. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."Bnvlronmental Law"means federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> that rlate to health.safety or eavlronrnentel pmtertion.
<br /> NON-UI�IIFORM GOVENANTS. Botrower and Lender fuRher covenant and a�ree as foAowe:
<br /> 2l. Accsleratton; Remedies. Lender sh�l! g[ve notic�to Borrower prior W aece�eratton following Borrower's
<br /> breac6 of eny covenant or sgc+eement in this Security Inctrument(but not pr[or to aaxleratton under parag�aph 17
<br /> unless appltcable!aw prnvides oWer�riise). The notice shall spectiy: (a)the default;(b)tl�e actton required to cure the
<br /> detault,(c)a dote,not iess thnn 3ii dfaya ia,om i�ue dnia i�e iiof��e i�gl�e�to Barrosver,by�ilsc�eefan!!ms�!ba
<br /> c�;ond(d)thAt fWlure to cure tLe det�ult on or before the date specitled In the noUce may re.srult in acceleratlon of
<br /> the sums secw�ed by tbls 5ec�trity Ingtrument and sale ot the Property. The noHce shall tbrther infor�Borrower of
<br /> the rigitt to reinstate after acce]eretlon oud the rlght W brlstg a court action to assert the non�cadstence of a detanit or
<br /> any other detense of Borrower to aocelecation and sale. If the default is Aot cured on or 6efore the date specifled in
<br /> the noflae,Lender at its optlon rnay req�ire lmmedlate Payment in t1il1 of all sums secured by tl�fs Securtty Iastrument
<br /> wItttout NrWer demand and may Invoke th@ power ot sale and eny other remedtes permttted by applicable!aw
<br /> Leader shaU be entitled to collect eU expenses Incurred�n pursuing We �+emedtes prnWded in tliis paregraPh 21,
<br /> including,but not Iimlted to,reasonable ettoraeys'fees and costs of tttle evideace.
<br /> It tbe powe�ot sale is invoked,'ilrustee shall record a notice of default in eacb county in which eny part of We �.-
<br /> property ts locnted ond shall raall copiea of such nottce Un the msnner prescr[bed by eppllcable law to Borrower und to
<br /> the other persous prescrlbed by appHatble law Atter the timr.required by appitceble law,'Itustee shaU glve public
<br /> aotice of sale to the persons and in the maaner prescdbed by applicable taw 7tustee,wtthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> shall seil the Properly at pnbllc auc8on to tke higt�est bidder at We dme aad piace and under the terms designated in
<br /> the notice oi asle tn one or more paroels ead in any order'i�ustce determines. 7tustce may postpone sale of all or euy
<br /> panel oi the Property by publk eaaoewcemeat at the time ond place of any previously schedvled sate. I.ender or[ts
<br /> desigaee a�y purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt oi payanent of the pdce bid,ltustee sLall deliver to the purchaser ltustee's de�d conveytng the
<br /> pe,uperq, The r�c[tals in the'lYnstee's deed shaU be prima fsde evidence of the truth of the statements made t6eretn.
<br /> e 7lnustee shell apply We proceeds oP the sale in the following order: (a)to all costs aad exper�ses of exerctsing the power
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