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<br /> 37. Tr�ansfee of the Pm�rty or e Bex►eticial Itttenat in Borm�u. !f a11 a`�r�part of the Pmpecty or any inte�+est in it
<br /> is sold or trnnsfenal(or if a bene�siaf Interest in&�rrawey�fa snld or trn�i�fened tutiJ�on�wcx ia nut a natural pert�m)wlthuut
<br /> Lendei s prlor written consent, Lendcr may. at its optian, �rqulre immedlato payment in full of all suniti secur�d by Ihls
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument.However.thts nption cl�all nat be exerclsul by I.ender if exercise is prahibite�d by fc�lcrni luw es of tha date
<br /> o!this ScYVrity instrament.
<br /> If I.endcr o+cercisea this optto�,i.ender ehni!give Borrawer notice of ucceleration.Tho natica shall pmvide a p�edod of rrot
<br /> Icss than 30 days from t6s clate tha notice is ddivered nr muited withia which Borrower must �wy ull sums e,�curod by this
<br /> Secudty instrument.lf Bonawer failR to pay th�e sunss prior t�thc cxplrutlun of thls periad.Lender miy inve�kc�ny remndles
<br /> perrtttttesi hy thts Security Instn�ment wlthout further naticc or demnnd on Borrawer.
<br /> 18.Barrower's ItigNt to Reinstale. IP Borrower moetR cettain can�itivns, 8c�rrower shat� hava tho tight to hrve
<br /> cnforcement of this Securiry In§�Q�coMjn���t'a�{tAe peiar to the earlter af: (a)S dayR (or such nt1►er pedod+is
<br /> uppl�cable law may speaify Fot r�nstA e q�t'bc o� s�tte t�f t�e Property pursuent to any poa+er of sala contai�nat in this
<br /> Secudty I�trum�ent:or(b)entry af�jqd�tpent e�}orcjng this$eeurlry Instnunent.Thuse canditions c�re that 8arrower.(�)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then waul�!be due.undelr.tbta Securlty ipstn�m¢nt urxi the Noie As if no accekratian harJ ocsurred; (h)
<br /> cures nay defauit of uny othe�covenants ar agreements;(c)pa s�Il expenses incurc�d in enfarcing this Secudry Insttument,
<br /> includin�,hut not limjted to. eeusanable attome�re' fees;and(d�wkes such action as L�ender muy rea3onably requin to assura
<br /> that the lien of this Securiry I�nstn�ment, Lender s rights in t!►e Property and Borrower's obllgetion to pay tht sums securrd by
<br /> this Securlty Insttument ahall contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securtry Instrument e�nd the
<br /> obligutiom sccwc�d hereby shall remaln fully effective as if no nccelerntion had occurnd. Howcver,tbia right to reinstato sh�ll
<br /> not apply In the case of accelerntion under parugraph t7.
<br /> 19.Sale of Note� Change of Loan Servicer. The Notc or a pnrtial lnterest in the Note (together with'.hiR Securiry •
<br /> Instrumenq may be sold onc or mora umes withaut prior natice to 13orrower. A sale anay result In u chnnge in the eqtity(known
<br /> as the"I.oan Sen+icer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.'Chere also may be one
<br /> or morc changcs of the Leau Servker unrelated to a sale af the Note.if there is a cbenge nf the i.,oan Serviar.Hortuwer wifl be
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance wtth psirap�uph 14 above and applicable inw.The aotice wjll state the naaie�and
<br /> address ot the new Loai�Servicer und the addtess to which payments should be made.The not�ce will also oontain any ather
<br /> lnfomwtion required by applicable taw.
<br /> 20.Hazardous Su6stnnces. Borrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence, use.disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subswncxs on or in the Pcnperty. 8orrower shal! rtot do, nor ,iilow anyone else w do. annything affccting the
<br /> Progerty that is in violaYion of any Environmentel Law. The preceding two sentences shail notapply to the presenoe. use. or
<br /> storage oe tl�c Praperty of sma11 quantitles of HAZardous Substnnces that ure gene��lly neoognized to be uppropr�ate to nnimai
<br /> msidentiol uses and to rtwinter�anre of the Property.
<br /> ,• • . Borrower shull p�mptly give I.ender wdtten notice af any investisation,cleim.demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � govemmental or regulatory agency or private parcy inv�lving the Property artd eny Hezardous Subsutnce or Bnvlmnmentel Law
<br /> �'�'' � of which Bc�rrower hus uctual knowledge. If�orrower tearns.or is nutified by any sovernmental or reguletory authoriry. tuat
<br /> a
<br /> ',�cf:�����;..� .
<br /> : �;.,_;�. �� � any reinaval or other remedtation of any Nezardous Subsuince affecdng the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptly wke
<br /> ` uit r.�s�ry rancdia!actiu� in�ccord�ssce selth Esiviror.mente!L.aw.
<br /> ' �,;;- �t: k As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined ns toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> �� t''"�;�=3 Y��#�.. , Envimnmental Law and ihe following substances: gesoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroieum products, toa�c
<br /> ,�y�,r`'~,.� +' `'�',�� ' (�pQ ticides and herbictdes,voladle solvents. materials contuining asb�stos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiels.As used in
<br /> �)•A4!'�''.�'..�. ��i�;:� .. 7'�'. N
<br /> , ;�•. � .., this paragraph 20, Environmental I.aw" means federal laws and taws of the judsdiction where the Property is locatcxt thut
<br /> �'���-'G ,.4� �•_ � ��` relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ���• NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.Borrower end I.ender further covenant and agree as foltows:
<br /> ��'" `""��� ' ' � ��� 21.Acceleratton;Remedles.Lender shall g[ve nottce to Barrower pr[or to aoceleratlon fallowtng Borcower's bresch
<br /> `""�`;'��"' `.'.•"'`" of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (bat noi prior to acceleradon nnder paragraph 17 ualess
<br /> '�'"�`�``-' � � ''-""` appliu►i�le ia�v provldes ot8erwise).Tl��aotEce shnil specify: ;a)tl�e default; @) the aciion ra�utt�d to cure the default;
<br /> �•��""`'"°"' '""�";�` . (c)a date, nat less than 30 duys from the dete the notice is given Co Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> "�t"-� ��''�� �.�'., . (d) t4at tnilure to cure the default on or before the dt�te specified in the notice may result 1n soceleratlon of the suinc
<br /> ���:�'�:`:. ' secut�ed by this Security Instwnent and sate of the Property. The notfce shall further intorm Sorrower of the e�lght to
<br /> •�;�w��^*n� "-��±� refnstate sfter sacelecadon and the right to bri� a wurt ection to essert the non-existence of u default or any other
<br /> "� '�'�" " defense af Borro�ver to accelexatton and sele. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the noHce,
<br /> ` Lender,at its opilon, mey require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by th(s Securtty Instntment without
<br /> � � •� y ' further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies petmftted by appl[cable law.Lendec shalt be
<br /> :. ` entitled ro collect all expenses incun�ed tn pwsuini;the remedies provided in this�arngraph Zl�incWdtng,but not Itmited
<br /> `"`'i: � ` tu.reasonable attarneys'feea end costs of tttle evidence.
<br /> ''����'�' If thepower of sstle ts(nvoked, Trustee shall record a nottce of default in each county in wh(ch any part of the
<br /> � ",,',� Property ts lacated and shs�ll mail rnpies of such nottce M the munner prescribed by appltcabte Iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> ^:� . '•�:� � the ather persons preseribed by applicable law.A�ter the time required by appltcuble law,Tra►st�r shall give publtc nottce
<br /> -•� ,>: oP sale to the persons and b the manner prnscribed bv appltcuble luw.Trustee, without demon�l on Borrower,shell seiC
<br /> � „ the Property at public auctton to the highest bidder at the time und place and under the terms desigaated in the nott�ee of
<br /> ' �•'�,� sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trus�tee determines. Trustee muy postpone sale of a!1 or any parcel of the
<br /> • property by public announcement at the time and place of eny previousty scheduled sale. Lender or its deslgnee may
<br /> ,r�'� .. U purchasethe Property at any sale. .s-,s.
<br /> ., .. ;:�
<br /> � . .• .. '' .. "'Y'`.
<br /> Form 3028 8180 f'•�'�`'
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