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<br /> payn�nts may nc�Inngcr baccequired,at the optfivn of Lrnder,if�rx�hgage iteei:rar�e cavtrago(in t!w arr�►nt snd fc�"the perio� ..
<br /> that I.�zsctcr rcqu[res)pravicicd by an ie�ss�rer approvecl P,y 1,enAcr�again hec�mes c►vnif,►blc�nd!s ohtai►�cf. &:n�wsr:shell pNr
<br /> � d�c prcmiums reqnirexl ta maintain�nort�eg�insuranca in effirs�,as•to providc a lo.rs re�crve.undl thc rpqulrcment C�r nxmq�qr
<br /> insurautre ax4a u�a�cardarxo with any wdtten agrcemGnt betwan Borrower u�d l.ender or applicable 14w.
<br /> 9. lnspectlon. L.cndzt ar its agcnt may make rauon�Mle rnt�ieu upon utd inxpectio�ss ot the Prnperty. i�r sFu11 xive
<br /> Barnower noticr xt�time of or prior eo�inspection spxifyin�rcrsan�ble cawse for tha aeupestlan.
<br /> 10. Gondnnnatlon. The proceeds of any awstt+d or ciaim for dame}�as� diroct or cansequenUal. in connoction with +ny .
<br /> condemnadon ar odxe taicing of x��y pbut ui dw l��u};;,ity.ar for cunvcyanc�in il�u of aratRsr.an�tivn.nre hrtrt►y a��i_v.n�!a�
<br /> shall bc pQtd to lxnder.
<br /> In the event of n tatai teking of the Prope�ty,the pm�xeds ahall be appltod ta the sums securod by this Secudty Inetmq�ent,
<br /> whether or not then dao, with any exces.9 paid to Burrovver.ln the event of a�artiel tsfci►sd�f the Property in whkh the E�ir
<br /> market value of'the Property i�lately before the taking iA oqua!to ar greater�han tF�e amount of the suan secun+d by tbJs
<br /> Sea�rlty Instrument imtnediately before thc ta�ing,uNes.g Borrower eRd Lsndet otherwise agrx in wdting,tht�m.s securod by�
<br /> this Sccvrity Instcument sfiall bB rc�lueed by the atnount of the procuds �nuldglied by tke WAawing f�action; (�) the totA!• .
<br /> nmount of ehe sums securtd immcdiateiy 6efatn the taking. dlvided b�+(b)the feir maiket value of th�Ptapaty immadiatdy .
<br /> Gcfon We tuking. My butance sbull he paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partial taldng Qf the Froperty in wMch the fiur „
<br /> merket valuo of the Property immaiiately before the takiog is tess tuan the amcwnt.of sha sums aecured Emrnedi�teiy betore the
<br /> toking. unless Rorrower and I.ender othetwise agt�e In wrldng or unless applicable law othecwrise provides. the praceods sludl
<br /> be applicd to the swns sccured by this Saurity instruroent whcther or not the sums are thaA due.
<br /> If the Property is al�andoned by Borrower,or if.after nodce by Lendar to Eormwer tt�at t6e cotidemnor affers to msica an
<br /> award ar seute a ctatm fur J�u�wges, 3"oor.ower fails to respond to Lender wtthla 30 days sfter the e�ate th!�uaaa_iirits�is g�ven.,,
<br /> l.ender is suthorizcd to ooltect and apply the proceeds,at its up�on.either to restaradoa or repair of the Property or to tbe suma
<br /> secured by thls Security Insuument.whetheror not then due.
<br /> Untess Lender aud Borrower othetwise agree ia wrtting. aaY aPPlicatlon of peocc�ds to principal sl�sll not extcnd or
<br /> postpoa$the due date of the monthly payra�nts referred to in paragraphs 1 And 2 oi change the amount of such paymeuts. .
<br /> 11.Bon+ower Not 8el�ased;ForbeAr�nce By Lender Not a Waiver.Extenslon of the time for payment or nwdUicatton
<br /> of amortizadon of the sums secu�ac!by thts Securlty Instrument gr�►ted by Lender to an�r succeswr in inter�st of Borrower shtll
<br /> not operate to releuse the Ilabiliry of the original Bormwer or Borrower's successors in intemst.Lender shaU not bo requirod to
<br /> oommence proceedings n�ainst any successor in interest�r refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise mctdlfy suwA�don
<br /> of ttie surns secure� by this Secudty lnstrument by reason of aay demand made by the original Bomower or Boaower's
<br /> succes:�rs jn interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any �3ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude ttie
<br /> exerclse of ar►y right or reme,dy.
<br /> 12.Suocessors aad Assigns Bowsd;Juint and Several Liobil[ty; Co-s[gners. 1'he covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Se�cutity Instmm$nt shell bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provtsions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's rnvenanu and agretments shull be juhit und s�verel. Any Borrower who co-signs this S�ty
<br /> Insuument but does not eaecnte the Note: (a) is rn•signing this SecurIty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey thnt
<br /> }iorrower's Intenest in the Property under the ternis of this Security Inshument;(b)is not personaUy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> I secured by this Security Instn�ment;and(c)egrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. modify.forbear or
<br /> ..�. ._r,,.,.. , make e�y�c«�mmc�dacior�s with reg�rd to ttte terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's rnnsent.
<br /> ' 13.Lean Charges. If the loan secure�by this Secudty Instniment is subje►.�t to n law whlch seta rnauimum loan charges,
<br /> and that luw is finally interpreteii so tt�at the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coilecte�l ia oonnectton with the
<br /> loan exoced the permitted limits,then: (u) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessacy to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted (tmlt:and(b)any surns already collecte�from Borrower whlch exceeded permltted Iimits wIll be refwtded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender muy choose to make t�is refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by making u dicect
<br /> � ,_ .,�.. '_ payment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated ati a partial prepayment without any
<br /> "y �� prepuyment charge under the Note.
<br /> .,v-. �
<br /> �,,�.:_a�'c: 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in dtis Securlty Instniment shall be given by delivedng it or by mailing
<br /> '`�•�'�`�'� � �� � It by first class mail unless applicnble law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Froperty Address
<br /> ^a.:•:_.;_�..:::°. �
<br /> '='' � � i or any other address Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l..ender shall be gtven by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ., • ;;";.." Secudty Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pmvtde�In this paragruph.
<br /> , � IS.Governfng Lew; Severnbllity. This Security Instn►ment shall be �ovemed by federai law and the law of the
<br /> •� �-- jurisdiction in whtch the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Setur[ty Instrument or the Note
<br /> •� �'°""' � ,,:.� conflicts with applicable law,such rnnflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security instn�ment or the Note which can be
<br /> ��t •�r ' >+' iven effect witliout the conflPctin rovision. To this end the rovisions of this Socurl Instrument artd the Note nr+e declered
<br /> �� . . h.�;• g gP P tY r'e
<br /> ;- -;.� •• • to be severable.
<br /> `������ � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shnll be given one conformed copy of the Note and of cfiis Se�:urity Instmment.
<br /> .�;,, . . .
<br /> ',;;:i1i•� Form 3028 9190
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